La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 16, 1909, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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v:i. rrrr..
- . j. A
H1iui left today for Portland,
.. aOdUl
t De 8 .t,unnitiA in
eanoau "l
ieph train thl. afternoon,
ptotrkt Superintendent J. D
. Mot Lake.
1 s Huff, who hag been here for
,ooathlo treatment. tou..u this morning.
to r-'6'" . . . - ... -,,
fam" ayior ,ieii , "
n-u. where he'wili spend a few
dais visiting fnenua. . ,
.u. Margaret rn i
voting her aunt. Mrs. A. T. Hill,
and uncle, Dr. J. .
, Martn Larsen, the auctioneer, who
fcas been In South Dakota for the past
lx months, has returned home,
Walter M. Pierce returned this
morning from a visit in" Salem, Cor
vallls and Portland..
F. H. Tatman, who has been In
Portland for several days, has re
If ' - . .
turned home.
Ex-Chief of Police John waioen
leaves this evening for Portlund to be
away for a few days. .
Mrs. Minnie Brae, the professional
nurse, who has been In Cove on pro
fessional business, has returned to the
George Kretger leaves tonight tor
yard, which he contemplates running
In the very near future.'
B. F. Bell of Cove, drove over to
day. He says the growers of that fa
mous fruit section are expecting an
other large crop this year.
James Andrlst of Minnesota, ar
rived in La Grande today from Santa
Ana, where he spent the winter, and
for a few days will be a guest with
his daughter, Mrs. D. C. Stephen.
Mr. and Mrs. sjay Van Buret) are
home from Portland, where they were
attendants at the automobile show,
which attracted many to the metropo
lis last week.
Xlcht Operator Warren leaves to-
tight for Victoria, B. C, where he has
a position as telegraph operator. Ills
position here as night man will be oc
cupied by D. MMes.
Chief of Police Raybura looks per
fectly natural, wearing the uniform of
"One of the Finest." He Is no Eovlce,
however, having served this city faith
fully an3 credltaWy for two terms.
Ernest Vehrs, who- was operated tm
fur auneniltcitis hiBt week, ha-a recov
ered to the extent that Tie was able to
h taken home from the hospital to
day. It will be several weks, hw
ever, before he will be afcle to re
mime his school work. . .
Last evening ended the period of
rebates issued from the tax. collecting
department of the county. As mailed
checks will continue to arrive for sev
eral days It Is Tiard to estfcnate tbia to
tal amount of taxes that have beu col
lected under the rebate system.
T. H. Crawford, Georsfo Stoddard
F. L. Lilly, John Collier, J- L. Cavi
ness, Fred B. Curryy, T. A. Rlwshart,
Walter M. Pierce said George T. Coch
ran ipo nm A.T1 ir thrtse w ho . went to
Imbier to sltend the miass meeting
mere touay. .
No ttiarae Attach.! to Appearance In
La GranAe of Noted Travtlrr
Dr. Royal Sye has spent several
years Ir, the heart of Africa. He omes
to La Grande fresh from that eunfl
nent. Wednesday evening at 7 ":lock
In the Christian church, "he will relate
thrilling expert rices of h-is travels and
flrk antong the Ethiopians. People
will pay 50 cents to 19 to hear a
lecture on travels through Africa; you
havt the privilege 'of listening U an
Afrlvm lecture free of charge,
Millie Laborers Balk . Allowing
tireek in Picture ith Tliem.
ORrtoB. Utah, March 16. A bloody
riot Involving scores ef Americans and
Creek laborers, resulted today when a
Creek attempted to join with a group
t American structural Iron workers
who were having their picture taken,
"hen thrown aside a fight followed.
Thirty were slightly Injured before the
Police interfered.
WANTED Experienced man wants
Position as gardner. SpadlDg. seed
'"S gardens and repairing lawns a
pecialty. Address "A," Observer.
r0R RENT Five-room house, hot
and cold water, good lawn. Corner
Madison and Fir. 'Phone Black 12J1.
tr t i
Letters explaining the plans of the
Oregon club women who will act as
hosti'HMes at the Oregon bulliling at the
A.-Y.-P. In Pealtle. have -been sent out
to those chosen to represent each city.
Mrs. Turner Oliver of this city, will be
Joint representative of the Neighbor
hood and Tuesday Musical clubs. The
letter to her follows:. '
' , Th" general piiin' is to have every
dub In (hi- stare act as horft.esa oil some
day, or perhaps days. .The date for
each town we cannot now give, as It
will somewhat depend upon what date
the commissioners set for the county
days, as we believe It will be more
pleasant to have them come together.
This date we will Inform you of at
the earliest opportunity. If you have
a preference let us know, and If possi
ble It will be arrange, though we can
not make, any definite promises.
Your duty, as chairman for your
club, will be first, to arouse the inter
est and enthusiasm of your club, and
show them what a Tine opportunity it
Is, not only to go to Seattle together
as many as can and to be hostess, but
the wonderful chance It will be to ad
vertise your home town.
Each club can arrange first what it
wants In a social way, as, for In
stance, U can send out Invitations in
the name of your club to the Seattle
club women, or to any one you please,
and serve tea, or any kind of light re
freshments, or give a program, or any
thing you please that Is'orlginal,. ami
we hope that every "club will have
some unique manner of entertaining
its guests.
Every chib should have some souve
nir of Its town for free, distribution,
but also In some way marked as com
ing fwi the club. A friendly rivalry
should exist among the clubs in get
ting up this souvenir.
The commissioners, will pay for the
transportation of anything any club
w'fll send to Seattle to help make the
social side of the Oregon building a
success, or that will be distributed as
gifts or srouvenlr. They will also pay
all the expenses in the way of extend
ing hospitality at the fair, such as
light lnnches, t-eas, etc, that the club
may need to make Its tntertalnment a
success: Mush- will aso be furnished
In the afternoons by the commission
ers, but if you wish 'to have music of
your own It will not Interfere.
I would fiuggeat that you at once
form an executive rommttte In your
club, formulate your plan3 and get to
wfrrk. As 'fasj as your plans ere form
ed please Rend them to me that they
may be submitted to the executive
cimmlttie as evervHiIng must be ap
proved by the executive committee,
s-nd the "board of comm.RFloners.
Miss Nora Fritts will entertain the
Good Fellowship league of the M. E.
church tomorrow evening. All mem
bers are urgently requested to be
A large delegation of Lyle Tuesday
??!!! Tr.tT&:72 UstcptS to K a
cellent program rendered at the club
parlors this afternoon. "
The C K. society of the Presbyter
Ian church will give a social at the
TTome rf R. E. Smith Wednesday eve
ning, to which all the young people
of the church are welcome. A' spe
rlnl Invitation Is extended to the
members of the Phllathea and Baraca
Dr. W. D. McMillan
Painless Denislry
La Grande National Bank BIdg
Both Phones
Ranch Sold.
J. T. Hoblw, with his two sons and
families, have moved to the Golithan
ranch on Clowr creek, which he pur
chased recently from Mrs. Christina
Golithan. The ranch constats of 160
acres. Including the northwest quar
ter of the northwest quarter, the south
half of the southwest quarter, and the
southwest quarter of the northwest
quarter of section 8, township 5 south.
In range 39, east. The consideration
wag J3S00. North Powder News.
Potioe Report Skvs Only One Aire
Iurimj February.
The police records by the monthly
report filed last night, shows that only
one arrest was made during the month
of February. If there Is another city
In the northwest with a population of
(000 that can make as good a showing
for sobriety and good behavior, we will
give them, special mention on the
t Amusement
Charles B. Hanford's present tour
has been made the occasion of the
most brilliant series of, . productions
with which he has ever .been associat
ed. This Is saying much, for Mr. Han
ford Is recognized today as a leader In
his profession; one who preserves'" Its
most worthy traditions and yet who
believes In providing every accessory
that modern stagecraft can devise.
Only the best pluys that have graced
Only W bt-wt play tharhave graced
thn English language engage Mr. Han
ford's interest. This season he will
present a series of resplendant pro
ductions of "The Merchant of Venice,"
"Othello," "The Taming of the
Shrew;1 "Much. Ado About Nothing"
and "The Winter's Tale." Not only
does this tour present In Mr. Han ford
a star whoso popularity might unaid
ed be relied upon to win public ap
probation, but the supporting com
pany presents a most distinguished
list of players, including that now
celebrated portrayer of classic femin
ine roles. Miss Marie Drofnah. ' The
stage settings and costumes have been
designed and are executed on a scale
commensurate with the determination
to make this season a pre-eminent one
In Mr. Hanford's career. Neither
scholarship, artistry nor expense has
been spared In securing historic ac
curacy, beauty and richness. The date
of Mr. Hanford's engagement at Stew
ard's opera house Is Monday, March
22, on -which occasion he will pre
sent "The Merchant of Venice." .
' Furnishes Exwllent Program.
Angela ' May scored a big hit last
night in every number at the Pastime
theatef. She delighted her audiences
with her beautiful, voice, which re
sulted In encore after encore. Her
Impersonation of Anna Held In the
song.' "I Just Can't Make My Eyes
Behave," made the hit of the eve
nifig. In the opera skit, "A Baby
Grand." Mr. MacEvoy proved to his
audiences that he Is an old hand in
the business and is equal to his part
alongside the famous young contralto.
To hear these artists is certainly a real
"Kippy," the cartoonist comedian,
kept the audience roaring all through
his act and proved to the people be
yond any possibility of a doubt that
he Is an artist In his line. If you don't
luugh at Klppy It Is because you can't
laugh. Doors open at 7 p. m. Come
early. Matinee tomorrow, Wednesday
afternoon. Doors open at 2:30 p, m.
(Continue.! from page 1.)
sounded the joyous note of contin
ous thrift along man uf during lines
like the receipt of the above telegram
from David Eccles, the wizard of the
sugar world, by Fred G. Taylor, late
this afternoon. It sets at rest the feel
ing of doubt and uncertainty that has
been rife among commercial circles
iur mourns, iu mose wno are tainll
lar with Inside facts the decision of
Eccles is especially surprising. Eccles
has always been anxious to leave the
factory here, but conditions have been
such that profits were always low and
last year a deficit stared the manage
ment In the face. That the factory
was to go was an assured .fact, but
those who knew it were reticent in
saying so.
One presure or another was brought
to bear until the above telegram re
sulted. But the factory stays not always un
less Irrigation is secured. It is a phys
ical Impossibility to grow beets year
after year on the same land without ir
rigation. Will Sre-d Beets at Once.
The Amalgamated Sugar company
recently purchased enough alfalfa seed
to seed Its entire beet field holdings.
The message today reverses plans and
every possible energy will be exerted
to prepare the fields for the beets as In
other years. The factory will run,
the Industry secured after hard labor
will remain through the generosity of
David Eccles In allowing another ten
tative year's life and now It Is only
right and proper that Individuals of
the county raise beets according to
their conveniences and ability.
Had the factory been removed an
Industry with a payroll of considera
bly over 1100,000 yearly," would have
been snatched from the commercial
t directory of La Grande
A --
r -re. Meeting Tonight.
ReLue Hose Co. No. 1 will hold a
meeting tonight at the hose house.
All member should attend.
C. JACKSON, Foreman.
Columbia double disc records, i5e,
at Newlin Bodk Stationery Co.
4 I! .
The Latest, The Nobbiest, The
Style 6003
Uca boot, with
paw Ira Uy
and heel iuins
Wtod tola, "t
Urr hl
mini! tip,
We also have the Krippendors-Dittman and other specialty
lines. And-last but not least-A Boy's Shpe guaranteed pot to rip
I Opera House Block - - - -
(Continued from page 1.)
possible to cover the Sandridge. with
pipe lines and, learning such was feas
ible, discontinued further survey. Now
the farmers are anxious to know Just
where the main canal and principal
laterals are to be located and are
willing to meet the expense them
selves. At the mass meeting held
here today, such steps were generally
discussed and accepted as opportune.
The many farmers present outnumber
ing the attendance at Allcel, united
agreed to meet this assessment and to
transfer promise Into cash . next Sat
urday. forestall OutMldc lTorits.
The feeling prevalent here today Is
that In the near future, some outside
promoter Is going to carry out the
project on the Sandrldge, and unless
the farmers care to be held up for
higher prices and throw profits to out
side capitalists, they had best get In
the band wagon with he co-operative
scheme now being worked out.
Brooks Chairman. n
S. L. Brooks of Imbler, was chair
man of the meeting. J. K. Wright of
La Grande was made secretary. Those
who spoke today Included Walter M.
Pierce, George Stoddard, T. A. Ulne
hart, T. H. Crawford. J. L. Cavlness,
all of La Grande, and P. A. Larsen,
Harvey Roylanee and Mr. Scott, Im
bler farmers. They were . united In
their opinions that consummation of
the Sandridge project will be speedy.
The farmers present agreed to come
to I Grande next Saturday and ex
pressed themsves as willing to sub
scribe liberally to the project.
He-reafti-r Disinterested Persons
Fix Blame for Wrre-ks.
That a board of disinterested
shall place the blame of all wrecks
and derailments or injuries occurring
on the O. R. & N. Is the new order
of things In and about La Grande.
Last night two cars of the Palmer
logging train were derailed at Island
City and today a board of adjusters
went out tc Ir.iand ".'5ty -In company
with local railroad officials. This Is
the second time such a board has been
called together since Superintendent
of Maintenance Krutschnltt ordered
such rule enforced.
We have Just recelveC a complete
line of Columbia double disc records,
t5c Newlin Book & Stationery Co.
j iiIiIMr
able, The Best
All the nifty natty things , in
Ladies' Oxfords 20 kinds, as well
as the hew things in Ladies' Boots
Men's In Every Style
Made by such "manufacturers as
The Hamilton Brown Shoe Go.
who turn out more shoes from
their combined factories than any
other concern in the world. 1 00,
000'(pairs every working day.
- ' ' . S
Alfalfa, Red and Alsike
Clover, Timothy
and all Kinds of Garden Seed and
Lawn Grasses
A Plnaeant Physic.
WJien you want a pleasant physic
give Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets a trial. The yare mild and
gentle Jn their action and always pro
duce a pleasant cathartic effect. Call
at all good dealers for a free sample.
Not a Blood DJswe Cured by Oil of
Wlnurgrera Compound.
For many years ecrema was sup
posed to be a blood disease and was
erroneously treated as such, but now
the best authorities agree that eczema
Is only a skin disease and must be
cured through the skin. The eminent
skin specialist, Dr. D. D. .Dennis, first,
most Service-
La Grande, Ore.
Garden Lawn
discovered the eciema germ and hie'
discovery was quickly taken up la'
both Geracany and France.
To kill the eczema germ and at the
same time heal the skin, Dr. Dennla
compounded oil of wlntergreen, thy.
mol, glycerine, etc. The remedy la a
liquid, not a mere salve, hence It ?lnk.
right Into the ores of the tkirv
Washing with this oil of wintergreea
compound seems to take the Itch away
at once; soon the scales drop away and
the disease disappears. The prescript
tlon has now been used so long as to
have proven Its absolute merit and we
do not hesitate to express our confi
dence In D. D. D. Prescription. New
lin Drug Co.
1 i:
front page.