PAGH SIX, evening onsmvEn. k precox, hiiday, march if. ! e t (J) I "I 3 CD) f The Leading Jeweler Will for the next 60 days dispose of the stock of jewelcry carried by J. R. Smith, which he bought from the Trustee in Bankruptcy. You can get a $2.00 Alarm Clock for from - 50c to $1.50 $2.50 to $37. Fancy Clock from $l. to $20.00 and Silverware, Cut Glass, Fancy Toilet Articles, Hand Painted China as well as a selection from a fine assortment of first quality rings, pins, bracelets, chains, lockets or anything carried in a first-class ewelery store. Call early and have the first choice. Opposite the United States Land Office. ) ' - t roor c overina-Mew esighs Rugs OUR RUG Department was never more complete. Many of the designs are true copies of the gen uine oricntial rugs. We have them in the following size: 9x12, 10 1-2x13 1-2, 12x15 Axminister and extra Axmmister. In Bros sel, 9x11 and 9x12; Kashmirs, 9x12; Ingrains 9x12, 9x101-2, 12x12 and 12x15. Prices are as low as the quality of the goods will RUGS AND CARPETS IIS J1JI1 1. 1 . them to be. j i i allow CARPETS THE VERY Latest designs and the largest assortment f 4 (MM from which to make your selection. The : most extensive carpet stock in Union county J r:? ,Mq In this department will be found a lareand t . complete line of Linoleum and . matting. X Come and See. : I HENRY' CA THE HOUSE FURNISHERS RRI , DKXV CHARGES. Olio of Three at IVikIIoIou Seeing JInvo Misstated. Phieules are for backache and bring soon. Legitimate reason for wanting to sell. OWNER. Box 705, La Grande, Oregon. Pendleton. March 11. That they can show bills and receipts for shoes, clothing and other things which they purchased during the time they are charged wllh having stolen everything In that line that they needed, are the statements made by Charles Ely, transcontinental freight Inspector, and William Edwards, former truckman In the O. It. & N. freight warehouse. On the witness-stand yesterday Charles Pickens declared that neither of the men could show where they had ever bought a pair of shoes since the, two men hud been working In the ware house. . Both men today declare-they can snow dims ai tsona jirotners wnerei the ypurchased their shoes and that they can show where Ely purchased shoes there regularly during the time he has been In the city. Edwards says he bought his coal from Ben Bur roughs, despite the fact that Dickens tried to force stolen coal upon him. He also maintains that he can show receipts from the Walters'' mill for purchases of wheat for chicken feed which he Is accused- by lflckens of having stolen. quick relief to lumbago, rheumatism, fatigue and all other symptoms of kid ney diseases. They are a tonle to the entire system and build up strength and health. Price 50c and $1. For sale at Sllvertorn's Family drug store. Looking for a Nice Home? One of the handsomest and best 80 acve wheat and fruit farms In Oregon for sale. Very reasonable If taken A guaranteed Cough remedy is Bees Laxative Cough syrup. For coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, hoarse ness and all bronchial affections. Best for children because it Is quick to re lieve and tastes good. r Gently laxa tive. Sold at Sllvertorn's Family drug store. ' ' r "Tastes LiKe Maple' Said .WMt IIUI. irirl who triad Hod bnt ciikM. It tutea like maple on all kind, ot bread and cakae. Towle's CIRCUS Brand -Table Syrup la a dellrlna blend of Suirar Cane Srrup, Corn Syrup, Houejr and School Plslrict llond KUm'Ooii Xolitv. Notice is hereby given that at - a school meeting of school district No. One, of Union county, Oregon, to be' held at High School building In said district, on the 27th day of Murch. ISO!, -Jheie will tie submitted to the legal voters ot said district the ques tion of contracting a bonded dht of twenty-five thousand dollars for the purpose of erecting and equipping a high school building, th vote to be by ballot, upon which shall be the words. "Bonds Tea," and the words, Bonds No." Polls to be opened at 1 o'clock p. m. and remain open until 4 o'clock p. m. By order of the, board of directors j .f sehoe.1 district No. One. of Union j Maple Syrup . Yonr (Torer turn Ir wk blm tmla. itiii- ... I.... iit ..... ii . i -. i . The Towle Maple Syrup Co. WHT NOT TRT Popham's ASTHMA REMEDTT Gives prompt and positive relief I evry case. Sold by druggists, Price $1.00. Trial package by mail 10 cents. Williams Mfg. Co., Props. Cleveland For sal.- by A. T. HILL. lrugr!sL 4 -4Minty; Oregon. jT Dated this 6th day of March. A. I. j 1S09. ARTHUR C. WILLIAMS, DAVID BAT. Clerk, i Chairman. ! Bl'SSEY'S HACK LINE. Best of service, Day and Night Hacks furnished for funerals and private parties. Baggage transferred -Day and Ladies, the very latest thing ir I Night and Sundays. belting and lace collar lust arrived at THE VAN DUTX CO. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. McCully arrived this morning from Portland, and pro ceded on their, way home in Joseph. Stand at Paul's Cigar Store. Phone Red 141 Night !Phoner-Ms.a U. E. I BrsSEY. Changed His Location. All parties wishing a first-class workman to repair their watches and Jewelry, will find O, M. Heacock lo cated with Carl Bros., at Huelat's olJ stand. Repairing done promptly, tf eeee9ee4e)eAaesat) DO YOU KNOW FOR CERTAIN? that your title is gocd? An abstract will tell you all about it and it may be to your advantage to haye one made. You cannot afford to take chances. - i. R. OLIVER: La Grande National Bank Building an ED STRIXGILVSL AUCTIOVKTTR Sale cried on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed.' No extra charge for distance. LA GRANDE ... OREGON Route No. t 'Phone No. ISfxt