La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 12, 1909, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    sight r.M-us.
eVK.Mrw ns.isvn:. t. on woe, oiht.on, nun.vY. makoi is
T.c.r. Fine.
liOCAL items.
J. I. Woodard of Surnmervllle, re
turned to hln home this mornlnjf.
R. Hamilton hu returnod from
Portland, where ho wan called to tes
tify before the srrand Jury.
Murdo McDonald has returned to
his home In "Walla Wnll.iafter a horse
nuylnjc tour of the vullcy.,
Harold Craily. who has been vlult
ying In Walla Wallif for anveral days.
returned this momlnff.; ;
U V. McKennon and W. n. Hamll-
ton were among those who appeared
before the Portland federal grand Jury
. and who returned this morning.
Miu. Fred Sheets, now of Baker City
and formerly living here, la vlnlting at
the home of her parents In North La
Nils Holverson of Hllgard, is one
of those who pay taxes while the re
hate clause Is In effect. He came
down on the morning train. .
Engineer Fred Sehllkc Is home from
Portland, where he attended the fune
ral of a niece who died a few days
ago. ;
Miss Nell Morton left '.his morning
for College Place," near tValla Walla,
.to visit her mother, who Is located
John Mlnnlch drove over from Union
today to deposit his percentage with
the tax collector to help run the coun
ty and state. , ' '
J. R. Smith, the Jeweler, expects to
leave soon for Los Angeles, where his
parents are located. Ho expects to
make his home In California.
Lowry Holla way of Walla- Walla,
passed through the city this morning
en route to Elgin on business matters
Ho returned again this afternoon.
- L. C. Smith returned this morning
from Portland, where he has been for
.several days on business connected
with automobiles and a guest at the
auto show.
B. B. Boyd of Enterprise, who has
been In the city the past few days
treating with osteopathy for a severe
attack of quinsy, returned "home this
morning. ' " . .
Marshal-elect Rayburn returnd this
morning from a visit to Portland. The
.law requires that new offllcals take
oath of office within five 'days "after
the election, and the chief fulfilled
that requirement this morning.
Tall Olenn was In the city several
llourR touay irom nm mrm iiem duiu
- mervllle, stating that the roads were
quite muddy, but later qualified the
remark that "That was the awy they
should be at this season of the year."
Another of the splendid new elec
trically lighted dining cars passed
through La Grande today en route to
Portland, where the company Is as
sembling equipment for the new trains
promised for May.
N. K. West, S. N. Polton, H. C. Rine
hart, Ouy Mcfully, J. H. Thorson and
ci. nowicr reiurneu 11113 uiuimue
from Portland, where they were sum
moned to appear before the federal
grand Jury. , ,
S. K. Rlnehart arrived from Walla
Walla this morning with Mr. Morri
son,, who Is looking over the valley
with a view of locating. Mr. Rlne
hart Is engaged In business In Walla
.JK Walla, but he formerly lived at Island
Elder Bird of Caldwell, Idaho, will
hold services In the Seventh Day Ad
ventist's church tomorrow at II
o'clock. It is the Intention to have
Elder Bird hold a series of meetings,
which if he does, will commence the
first of next week.
Fred Scott Is In La Grande visiting
his relatives. Mr. Scott was formerly
secretary of the Consolidated Lum
ber concern, which had offices here
about two years ago, but now he holds
a responsible position with a Twin
Falls lumber company. He will re
main In La Grande a few days.
The supyme keeper of records and
seal of the order of the ' Maccabees
'phoned from Portland last evening,
that he would arrive on the evening
train. The local members of the or-
der desire to keep him over tomor
row If they can. It Is not often that
one of the supreme officers visits this
coast. Port Huron, Mich., Is the home
of the supreme officer who arrives to
night. Many Officials Coming Went.
Washington. March 12. To inspect
the anvy yards on the Pacific coast.
Secretary of the Navy Meyer has In
formally announced today he is plan
riing to visit the Pacific slope.
Dr. VJ. D. McMillan
Painless Denistry
La Grande National Bank Bldg
Both Phones
f-f t 444
A musical recital will be given by i Mm'hnl of' Venice" at Steward' op
some of the voice find 'piano pupils of jera houe n Monday, Murch 22, prom-
Miss Jean MticDonald and Mrs. Har
riet MacDonald, also, the violin pupils
of MIks Bertha Young, at the home of
the former, 1(16 Sixth street, tomor
row afternoon at 30. All pupils and
their parents, are cordially Invited.
Selections from Grieg, Dvorak, Con
cone, Pellinl., LeHphetltsky, Purkr,
Geibi!, Horvnskl. Wolrninnn, Chopin.
etc.. will be given by the following!
Miss Little, Jourl Lewis, Hilda An
thony, Cecllo Lilley, Nellie Monk.
Nora Arbuckle, Annie Neiderer, Annie
Roesch, Naomi Kirtley, Aleck Robert
son, Bert Davis, Hut tie Ferguson, Lei
la Sampson, Fern Sampson, naze)
Young, Frances Hill," Mary Penlngton,
Helen MeJntyrc.
WltncHso Before the SiTlnrr FVderul
.Grand iirr. Rave . Returned Willi
Few Exceptions. .
Ijite yesterday afternoon all of the
witnesses summoned to Portlan ! ' to
appear before the federal grand jury
In. the Scrlber case, were excused with
the exception of County Judge Henry,
who late In the -afternoon was sum
moned to appear before the body for
the second time today. It has been a
matter of considerable comment as to
what the' federal grand jury would do
and what its scope would cover.
The government cannot prosecute
for forgery, the reason that all of
these witnesses have been subpoenaed
before the federal jury, whose names
were forged, being to establish the fact
of falsifying the records. It is under
stood that very little time, was -required
to obtain this Information; the
witnesses were simply handed a note
bearing their signature and, as was
naturally expected, upon being Baked
If that was their signature, replied in
the negative.
New Forged Paper Seen.
There were a number of surprises,
however, some witnesses found that
their names had been more extensive
ly used than they were aware of.
There is much speculation as to
what the grand jury will do, or what
course Mr. Scrlber will take. Since
Banker Neal of the defunct bank of
Boise city, was discharged by a jury
a few days ago, Scrlber may think he
can escape. Again, it Is predicted that
Scrlber and his friends are doing all
In their power to have thri federal
grand Jury bunch all of the counts
Into one Indictment, and that he will
plead guilty through his attorney, who
will at the same time make a strong
lico. to 'Cuts cuuii. iy clemency, uitil
take his sentence with the hopes of
either securing: Immediate parole or,
after serving a few years, be pardoned.
There Is another element of specula
tion In the above program, and that Is,
what will District Attorney John Mc
Court do? Will he sit silently by and
make, no reply at the conclusion of
the appeal for clemency, or. will he
op'posc clemency and go into the cas
and ask that the usual sentence, V. 3
passed ? '
There Is no question but what the
government has unlimited evidence,
and what will be the policy Of the
prosecution will not be known until
the grand jury brings in Its report and
how many Indictments. Some think
that the Jury cannot help but bring In
two; one for falsifying the records and
for embezzlement, covering the short
age of cash, which amounted to 112.
000 on the last day the bank was in
Bld Wanted. .
Sealed bids will be received by the
board of directors of the Joseph w are
hnM Co.. of Jost'Dh. Oregon, up to
Saturday, March 20th, 1909. fit 10 a.
m., for the construction of a ware
house at the City of Joseph. Said
warehouse to be completed on or be
fore Tuesday, May 2.'., 1909. Bidders
to furnish a g?"d and sufficient bond
to be approved by the board of direc
tors of the Joseph Warehouse Co. The
right to T-ir any and all bids re
served. Plans and specifications can
be seen at the office of Cavlness ".
Wurzweiler, Joseph, Oregon.
Dated at Joseph. Orege- '
Board of Directors o Job-', - Vrt
boii Company.
raiu: attoactiov.
The Hanford production of "The
Ises to lq an event of rare Interest.
The production Is one ot the most
beautiful that this player and pro
ducer has ever assembled. f Portia Will'
be played by Miss Maria Drof nub,
whose suceess In delineating the high
est feminine types of the legitimate
drama hag awakened a popular. inter
est second only -to that felt In the star
. "Camlllo" Tonight.
The great five-net,- adaptation of
Alexander Dumas' famous novel, "Ca
mllle," will be the offering at Stew
ard's opera house tonight by the pop
ular Curtlss Comedy company. This
well known drama will be appropriate
ly staged and the production tonight
will equal any theatrical production
of whatever kind ever seen In . La
Grande. Miss Leota Howard, as Ca
mille, will be seen in what many of
her admirers 'consider her strongest
role. Miss Howard will wear tonight
some of the most elegant Parisian
gowns to be seen anywhere, she having
received many flattering comments
upon her artistic costuming ", of the
part. ' Her supporting cast will be up
to all requirements demanded by this
great French drama. ' ; , '4 " '
The house was crowded with admir
ers of thlsclever company last night
when'a strong play, "Lynwood," was
admirably presented. Tomorrow after
noon a matinee will be given at 2:15
o'clock. . ' ' . '
'Remember, the same prices prevail
10c, 20c and 30c no higher.' '
Past linn Change Tonight.
Ben Beno will be seen In his best
ivork tonight, as he will do his Illus
ive wire act. .This act Is not like the
ordinary tight or slack wire acts and
Is something that only Beno pretends
to do.
Matt & iVrlght will put on their
choice act tonight in "The Hunrgy Ac
tor." In this sketch Mr. Matt Intro
duces a burleques on magic, which a
former manaeer of his said today is
exceptionally good. They also Intro
duee music, songs and Jokes.
Mr. Matt will be heard again in
monologue, different to anything pre
vlously given.-
Auto Dwilw
l ining With
rind Port lu ml
Machine. :'
Thoroughly convinced that ho had
never seen quite as many high grade
machines in one place before, L. C.
Smith, the local garage man, is home
from the auto show in Portland. He
affirms the array of cho-choo cars was
enormous and that the city of Port
land is filling up with machines at an
Incredulous rate. Hales during the
show were rapid, too.
Timber Lands
Orchard Lands
"W heat Land
City Property
See us Before Buying or
Glothing Gleaned,
Pressed, Dyed and
Repai-ed. Your work
Solicited and satis
faction guaranteed.
Join our suit club
Gall and ta!k jt over.
H. L. Winn, j
In rear G G Pennington's
Phone Black 851
! The Latest, The Nobbiest, The
.. .... '
A ri W bluri.ct
laoa boot, wi lb
pairs! Ica Han
and heel foxtna
welled asla, mile
lary keel sad
patrul tip.
Toe . .
Was; a,
We also have the Krippendors-Dittman and other specialty
lines. And last but not least-A Boy's Shoe guaranteed not to rip
i Opera House Block
Notice. .
Toil will .find a 'full lino of the old
reliable Singer and Wheeler & Wilson
sewing machines at Frank Harris' Art
store. . Machines sold on terms to suit:
Payments Received by Mr, Harris.
3tf A. H. STONE,
The "Wily Chink"
wash houses are having
their troubles with con-
tagious diseases,
Ours is a
Not quite so cheap of
course. We can't live on J
rice and rats. But our
work is better; bestof all,
clean and sweet smelling.
Both Phones
The Cough Syrup that
rids the system of a cold
by acting as a cathartic on the
Be b the original laxative coogb tjnp,
eoouins no opiates, peatly moves tn
broelt, carrying die cold oil through the
MtnraJ channels. Guaranteed to gv
niii&cUofi or ttiooey reloaded.
I or Sal? m PUrQiorn'js.
bowels is
' f
aftc, The Best
- All the nifty, natty things in
Ladies' Oxfords--20 kinds, as wolf
as the new things in Ladies' Boots
Men's In Every Style
Made by such manufacturers as
The Hamilton Brown Shoe Go.
who turn out more shoes from
their combined factories than any
other concern in the world. 100,
000 ';' pairs ' every working day.
- - - -
I .:Bcif . Opens
Tif Constantly
' .You can quickly heat and keep ;
S&yi . cozy the dranoMy Hall or cold room
ggjg&gsg no matter w! tne weather conditions
j . arc S'.icl il yo'J only knew how much '
I X- real comlort you can have from a
u iIl II
you wouldn't be without one cnotlicr hour. Turn the tvick as high
or as low as you please lliere's no danger no smohe no smell
just direc t intense heal that's because o( the smokeless device.
Beautifully finished in nkkel and japan -orna-
. I I rri 1 ( .1 11 A ...
mental anywhere. 1 ne brass loni noias .1 quarts, giv
ing lirat lor 9 hours. It is lifllil i:t weight easily
carried from room to room. ' l.vtty heater warranted.
The JJXXjTS Vr. meets the need olilie
steady light ideal to read or
study by. Made of brass nickel plated, latest im
proved central draft burner. Every lamp warranted.
11 your dealer does not carry I
and Rayo Lamp write our nearest
HTAMUttn Oil. C(H"ANV .
S. S. S. is tlie best treatment for Catarrh because it ta a perfect tlocxl
purifier. It u the only medicine that is able to get down into the circula
tion and entirely remove the catarrhal matter atlJ impurities which produce
the trouble. As long 03 the mucous membranes and tissues are k,q;t iuflamed
and irritated by this impure and infected condition of the blood CatatTh will
remain. I U disagreeable and dangerous symptoms, of ringing noises in the
ears, mucus dropping back into the throat, headaches, watery eyes, difficult
breathing, and even etomach disorders and weakened health, cannot be perma
nently relieved until the blood is purified. Nothing etjuali S. S. S. fur this
purpose. It goes down to the very root ot the trouble, and removes every
particle of the catarrhal matter from the blood and enriches this vital fluid so
that all the mucous surfaces are 6upplied With nutritive, healthful qualities, in
stead of being constantly irritated and inflamed by impurities ia the circula
tion. Then the sj-mptoms begin to pass away and when S. && has entirely
purified the blood. Catarrh is permanently cured and the general healt 1
greatly built tip. Book cn Catarrh and any medical advice desired sent frtj
to all who write
most Service-
La Grande, Ore.
(C;u!ppt4 w'Ui fmokekss Device)
eriecuon Uu Heater