volume vm. LA GRANDE, t'NIO.V COUNTY, OREGON, THCRSDAY, MARCH 11, 1909. NlMIllJt 123. CHASTLY T a i'OCXG BOY CRCSIIED TO DEATH UNDEH WAGON WHEEL . fioven-Year-Old Boy Idly Bitting; on h hog Watching Preparatlona for Moving Household Goods Team Bolted, Striking Boy Head Crushed to Pulp Cudcr Wheel Funeral Held This Afternoon Entire Community Shocked. North Powder, March 11. (Spe-'lai.)---One' of the most ghastly acci dent recorded in the history of North Powder, occurred here late yesterday afternoon, when Warren Lulls, aged l years, was Instantly killed by a run away team. The boys head was crush ed to a pulp and the body badly torn. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lu tls, who have lived here for eight or Tilne years, were preparing to move out In the country and had backed a lieavy wagon against the sidewalk, while loading the vehicle with arti cles which they wished to move with -them. A team was hitched to the wagon. Warren, their oldest child, was sit ting on a log nearby, Idly watching the -preparations for moving. Suddenly, and without the least warning, the team became frightened and bolted In the direction of the log. So sudden -was the start and so quickly was the (Continued on page S.) "i ' "mm mm ' fW Tf NORTH POWDER We are ready to show you the very best to be had parel. For Style, quality Clothing The best-clothing man ufacturer supply us '.- with our stock. Just J' Recieved li $U0 to 25.00 if Shoes 1 Shoes that please is J - the inducement that y I' we offer you for your money.- Nothing but t standard makes $2.50 to $5.00 i Hats-Caps $ GET VNDER Ollt HAT! I All the very bestshapes in the very.best shades - Shirts WEAR MY SHIRTS and you will be up-to- ? date. See - window disp'ay for samples of ; dress shirts. Work shirts just.insids - 53c to $1.50 For I Quality HOUSE SHOW AT SAIJIM. Salem Board of Trade Booots Show Sot for April Firth. , Salem, March 11. The second an nual horse show will be held here April S. Plans are developing rapidly. The board of trade last night voted $500 for the use of the show commit tee. ' , Prosecute Milkman. ' ' Seattle, March 11. Because the ba by does not thrive nn milk supplied by the milkman, W. O. Reward has sworn to a complaint charging E. J. Ross, a North Creek dairy farm, with putting formaldehyde into his milk. Thlfcls the first time such a complaint has over been made. A STDRBI CEHTER ONE AMERICAN AND FIVE MEXICANS ARE DEA1. Southern Country la Suffcriihr From Severe Storms That Have Lasted Several Days One Anierkan Foeu . To Death Shecpherders Lost In the HillH. Albuquerque, N. M., March 11. One American and five Mexicans are dead and reports of other fatalities are expected as a result of a storm sweeping the southwest today. An (Continued on' page 4.) '. ' ' mm Ff "' ffC ALBUQUERQUE eme and economy you need go no farther. urn I,, i V V"- K- v" if '"TV J. - 'A 11 - ' i , ! T c COfMUGHT. I908.BY THE FAIR T KEYS IS NOTED INVENTOR BACK FROM THREE YEARS STAY. Engineer at Canal Zone Home and Tells Friends I iilercsllng Tales of Lire at Hie Zone Has Given I'p All Hocs or AkhIii Tuklng to Flying Mui-hliies His Stories of Zone Ufe Are Interesting In the Estrone ' May Return Again. Back rrom the canal tone, where he spent three years as a locomotive en gineer, Grant Keys, the originator of the aeroplane, though he does not hold the patent, is in La Grande today shaking hands with his old-time friends and has decided to stay in the Grande Ronde valley "for a day or .two." anyway. Grant has been taken up during tne any saying neuo to hjs friends, but between handshakes he has found time to explain a few of the matters of general interew. In con nection w ith the digging , of the big canal In the xone. His life there was not marked by any great characteris tic except work, for a hospital excuse is the only thing that keeps govern ment employes from working every working day in the year. He is de iichind with the sone as a place to make money, provided the -seeker af ter fortune Is an employe of the ca nal commission. Otherwise life comes (Continued on page 5.; 5 in all men's wearing ap- i -.jcwVV ft V,'."i:' s..t: Iff' f! 1 if Fot Style m IE I ' ' V - ,-;) 5 ! .U . i ACT Oil NORMAL IT III IffllS CltFAT EFFORT BFIXG MADE TO EFFECT ACTION. When Special Session Sita at Sulcnl Great Effort Will Be Exerted to Have IiCgltilnture Act In Behalf of ShiKl McArtfmr Saya the tjues tlou Will Be Decided in Caucus Pre red I n )j KeHlon Regents Will Favor Keliools. ; ' , Salem, March 11. Apparently great effort will be made to urge the special session to adopt some measure for the aid of the Normal schools. Ashland people will send a big lobby to Port land and Salem. , , The governor still stands In the way of any ;, Normal school legislation, as he has been as sured the special session willconsider no new business. According to Speaker McArthur the Normal school matter Is expected to come up, but It will be threshed out in : caucus, preceding the special ses sion. If it reaches floor of either the senate or heuse, It will be in such a shape as to receive Immediate atten tlon. If action ,s not agreed upon In caucus nothing will be done for the Normal schools. V , Tomorrow Is the last day upon which the Normal schools may remit nub scrlpttona to the board of regents con ducting the Normal schools to the end of the year. No money has been re ceived antde from tuition, fiom either Weston or. Ashland, but J1000 has been reeolved friwn' MonVnoulH, ,It Is likely the time for remitting may be extended by the regents. JEFFRIES DRIVES ALLD0U8TAVVAY WILL MEET NO OTHER MAN THAN JOHNSON. iitirr)iiK tn I'Iijmk-hI Miiiih to .Meet Hie (liiunpioii Would Fight No Other -Man Tlmn Ncjsto JoIiiinoii an Confident an Ever leaves for "Chi." New York. March 11. Jim Jeffries came nearer making a direct Btntfi ment of his Intention to fight John son today than ever before. .There Is no further doubt but that he In doing his best to get Into condition. The question of Kuecesx In thiH direction is the only barrier in the way of a chiil lenK'"'. He k.i Id: "if . ever fight fiKiiin, It will be a negro, and then only to win back the championship to the 'white, race. I do not care what offer Is ma.le. It would not tempt me to re-enter the ring for any other purpose. 1 will not fight KHufman or any other white itian. I will never think "f righting HKaln If ntirnw had whipped Johnson, whose victory inspired ins to see If I could get into condition HKfiin," JohiiHOii Rcndy to l.e:ic. Vancouver, 13. C, March 1 1. John son, the colored . heavyweight, h aves this afternoon for Chicago, nnl then to Galveston, Texas, to visit hi par ents. Johnxon t-)io( no eff'1' ts from litu fnt ly-rfilin.! hont With Vlrt.-.r ilcI.!i(jK n, the .Taeonn' heavywel!ii. j last nlKht. Johnson almost c '. .1 the! fiifht in the. first round slashing! opponent in th - r':;""'-. . H; says he will fight .f 1 . P' r to the wlnn'-r a'i.1 4n lo the loser. Johnson npp-ars to be anxious for a fight with J-rfiies. II said: "I fought Jeffiies' brother, his own flesh and Mood, then v.h;- should lef rrles not naht me? ITe Is no hiter than I." Johnson declares he is will ing to agree to any conditions to get a fight. . . BIG RACK SWIXIH.K It4kgn Hoo Raeit Take Mratcy From Ey Vk-tlni fjiilck. Los Angeles, March 11. Accused ol swindling W. G. Mitchell, a wealthy rancher 1f Sprague, Wash., out of 110,240 by a fake horse rare, Jamet D. Ward, known as J. D. Giiswold, was' arrested here today. According to the police Mitchell was Induced to bet money on two home In a "pasture race," near Arcadia, Monday night The horse upon which the rancher bet stumbled, and the jockey fell and was apparently hurt. A red aubstance on the face of the Jockey supposed to have been blood, la believed to have been red Ink. The stakeholder ran for a doctor and as yet has not -re- turned. , COMPETITION If! JOSEPH LIKELY APPARENT THAT TWO LIGHT COMPANIES WILL BE ALLOWED. Mayor McCully ' Vetoes Franchise in New . Light and Power Comiwny Remedied lit Part and Will Pass Tonight Old Company to Get Nov Franchise, Too. Joseph, March 11. (Special.) Mayor Fred McCully last night used his vet powers on the 30-year fran chise for an electric light 'and power plant that wba unanimously voted to the Wallowa Lake Light & Power company by the council a few nights ago. The reasons ' assigned by the executive were that ktho Instrument, which was drawn in LftyCffande, s.was Illegal in that It had no enacting clause, and because restrictions which the mayor deemed proper, were not Included. The council unanimously sustained the veto and another ordl nance was Immediately . Introduced, which partially met the demands of the mayor. : At' the same time an ordinance ex tending the present franchise to F. V. McCully for the same length of time, granted to the new company, was In troduced. Both were referred, to the light committee and the. council ad journed to meet again tonight, Both were read twlco and referred to the light committee.. i. . It is thought that, both ordinances will be reported favorably tonight and passed by the councll.,7 In their pres ent shape the franchises will be passed and If the mayor uses the veto ax again, the council "will pass them over his head. Tn the event this becomes a reality, Joseph will have two light and power companies, giving sharp competition In that inspect, and Insuring cheap lights for consumers. SAVE YOUR TEETH Nature provides us with two sets of teeth and it pays to look carefully after the second set. - Proper care of teeth requires ; proper tooth brushes add dentrifices. We have them, the very finest grades of imported brushes and all the reliable tooth, powders, soaps, etc. We aim t) pro vide the people of La Grande with the best of everything that Druggist sell a;d it pays to come to us not alone for drugs out for these oth er items of sundries and toilet goods like tooth brushes, hair brushes, etc. tlEWUN DRUG STORE LA QRAHDl, DISS JEETIB 0 ID MONDAY AND TUESDAY AT ALICEL AND IMBLER CHOSEN. The Suitdrldge Mass Mcetfujts JMunuedl for SMiulridgo Country Are .Set for Early Next Week Many Prominent Speakers Will Attend targe Dele, gallon of Business Men Will Go From I a Grande and Other Point lu the Valley. On Monday and Tuesday of next week the widely discussed SanUrldge mass meeting will be held at Allcet and Imbler, respectively. The meeting at Alice! will be called at 11 o'clock and will be attended by leading Com- . merclal club men, members of the ir rigation subscription committee, prom- . Inent farmers from the La Grande slds of the valley, and leading business men who have the Interest of the valley at heart. They will leave hi Grande on , the-mot-nlng train, attend and take active part in the program, returning the same evening. The same rule will govern the Imbler meeting set for Tuesday. . . , '' , Personal Invitations. As many as possible of the Sand ridge farmers will be asked to attend this meeting through personal letters. All the platform talent In the county will be on hand to diffuse enthusiasm, and those who know the details will explain them to the farmers of the-eml-arld country. , . , The meetings are the ones which Sundridge people have asked for. and . no effort will be snared to s v r2i--f T every detail and secure as much a possible of the required 5000 acres. The La Grande end of the valley. feela that the Sandrldge people rhould be given another fair opportunity to get on the plan before 'the following Saturday closes subscriptions- at the extremely low rae of ?20 per n"',- i . '-',-' .""? . Probing Lumber Steal, riolde, March 11. Attorneys' for the government and defense In the case of the United States vs. the Barber Lumber company. In. which effort wn made to conceal the entry of 40,000 aeres of timber land In the BolBe Bit-, sin, valued at $1,000,000, have left for Seattle today to take testimony befor a referee, They will also go to Port land, San-- Francisco, "Los Angeles, Minneapolis and St. Paul. . Impetus for Woman Suffrage. Sacremton, March 11. If Collier' bill Is passed by the senate and signed by the governor, woman's suffrage In California will be given a decided Im petus. , The bill prohibits weurlng of plumage, the skin or body of any bird not a game bird or hawk. - OREGON . v t