La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 10, 1909, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ; 5
evi.m. n-iutvi ri. i x nu.uv onr.f.-s,.xrr.rivns!Y, maiuii jo, ;o.
i !
uw Kagsdale went to. Walla Walla
I Vi, morning on business matters.
Miss Hawl Landrum or HaKer v ity,
a guest at the U. R. Landrum home.
Mm. J. dnngloff took hvr departure
, . .t for Portland to visit
HfUS ...ri - -
friends for a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. U M. Jensen have re
Armed to Ihetr homo In' Imbler after
visit with friends In 'this city.
Mrs. F. O. Wilson and children of
Ofker t'iiy. arrived today to visit nl
. , T T T TTn n
home ot air. nu . v.
ritv Attorney Joseph F. Bakep re-
rned from a business trip , to Fpo-
Jjane. -
Cnuntv School Superintendent E. E.
tyragg left this morning to visit the
hoots at Union and Cove.
Miss Ruth Goram of North Pow-
, r passed through La Grande this
liornlng en route to Elgin to visit
Al Long, the prominent Cricket Flat
lincher, Is here taking osteopathic
leatment. He will return to hlB
ome Saturday. -. ,
Marshal-elect L. Rayburn left for
Portland this morning to transact bus
iness a few days. He will return late
IRthe week.
C. E. Zurcher of Enterprise, return
Id home yesterday after a day spent
kith his family, which Is here for the
lurpose of having the bnby boy treat-
,1 by osteopathy.
James Peach has Just returned from
not her one' of .those business trips to
is. noise 'is a mighty fine city, all
ight, and Jim seems to have a hank-
ring after thrise paved streets, or
imethlng. - . '
Miss Harriot Young has returned
lorn Walla Walla, where she went
fir a rehearsal with tho Walla Walla
mnhony orchestra. The orchestra
ft ill give a concei t in Walla Wallaonext
Friday evening. Pendleton Tribune.
Frank Turner, who left here three
ninths ago for Gold Beach, Curry
ounty, returned this morning on a
rlcf business trip. Frank thinks he
as discovered a coal mine that will
ike care of him when he desires to
.tire, from active life.
ir 'Piirreir lu Axnpr.t.ed to return
V La Grande tonight or tomorrow
ithout the remains of his brother, R.
A. Plduork, who died In' the Salem
-iylum two days ago. It was decided
pon that the remains should be
uried in Salem.
J. Frank Evans, at one time em-
loyed In the Bed Cross drug store, but
n- located at Welser, Is In the city
.day visiting friends. He will re-
lain here a few days before return-
ng to his home. Of late he has dis-
velod his hair, sharpened a soft pen-
1 and rustled news and advertising
mtter for the Weiser Signal.
Joy raiHTO Issued.
County Clerk Wright has issued a
arriuge license to John -Py burn and
I'ttie Bellmer.
1 VTiMt v Tir v t', i n m nv
ton of .Japanese to Marry Archdea
con's Oaiighlcr In .Near Future.
San Francisco, March 10. While the
higagement of Miss Helen Gladys
mery, daughter of Rev. John A. Em-
iy. archdeacon of the Episcopal dio-
se of California, to wed Ginguro
jwkl. son of the late General Aokl of
;tpan, was rumored some time,' the
ist Intimated of the" engagement
imc today from the Emery home at
oitemadera. No date Is set.
Bartender Killed.
Gillette, Wyo., March 10. Edward
irnith, the one-armed marshal ut
.Innrernft. tod.iv shot and killed Her-
han Holcomb, 'a bartender, during- a
-arreL J'.'ll!
milliter or Mr. ami Mrs. Tube Ker
Sll at Cove Last Wght.
f h Cove, March . 10.- (Special.) Miss
fellas Rtt.ii,. aged 12 years daugnier
f Mr", and Mrs. Tobe Rees, died last
Ight after a painful illness of several
veeks. The funeral will be held to
norrow afternoon.
Tvn Tliotifaod for Seattle.
In a letter received yesterday by
JPecretary Jack Huston of the Com-
erctal association, that body Is asked
o Mipport a movement to request the
ounty coyrt to appropriate $10,000
1th which to prepare and exhibit at
he Alaska-Yukon-Partfte exposition.
'he letter Is from the Milton Progres
sive association, which organization
. ,uin tho ennrt for the
Appropriation. Pendleton Tribune.
(Contlnue.1 from page 1.)
land office department cognizant of!
this fact, that the resignation was ac
cepted without the least question.
- AiMiiutineii,i Now.
If press dispatches ar correct. Pres
ident Taft will recommend no appoint
ments In Oregon untlj attMa Ihe special
session of congress, March lSf Then,
Aft.r aHleitlon of h hnlf-doKpn who
ir! eekltiP. the olflce Im made, It will'
renal re several days al leant to procure I
the proper bonds. So, It may be some '
time, in April before Mr. Roberts s
relieved from dutyand agnln. It may
be much sooner thun that.
' Many After Job,
The list of applicants for the re
ceivership Is both large and varied,
Including several competent men from
La Grande, some of Baker City, and,
some of Pendleton. Wires will be set
to work at once and the anxious seat
will be crowded- until Taft speaks the
JtotK'rtH Retires.
Prior to entering the public office
Mr. Roberts was a skilled realty man,
and It Is that field which will attract
his attentions as soon as he Is relieved
here. It will not be In La Grande,
but no doubt In other parts of Oregon
that he will open a real estate office.
His early training was along that line
and he will soon be able to build up
a lucrative private business.
While In La Grande Mr. Roberts
has been Identified with political, so
cial and fraternal affairs, always en
joying the utmost confidence of all
who know him. It was the Portland
dallies that gave wide publicity to a
request Interpreted by them to mean
confession of sins, when Mr.' Roberts
asked for an expert to straighten .out
hlB bopks. Because the honest request
was wrongfully Interpreted, Mr. Rob
erts Integrity was questioned by those
who knew him least, but the action of
the land' office department, which i
no respecter of persons, fully exoner
ates the receiver and he will continue
to hold prior respects from friends
and acquaintances both in La Grande
and the state at large.
'The following dispatch throws addi
tional light on the matter from a
Washington point of view:
Washlngtong. March 8. Represen
tative Ellis today placed in the hands
of Secretary of the Interior BalHnger
the resignation of A. A. Roberts, re
ceiver of the La Granne land office,
and It was Immediately accepted.
Mr. Roberts' resignation was volun
tary. The Investigation that had been
under way for three months disclosed
that the books of the office were In
bad shape, but there was no evidence
of wrongdoing on the part of Mr.
Roberts, though his administrative
methods had been lax. Mr. Roberts
tendered his resignation several weeks
ago, but Mr. Ellis thought It Inadvis
able to present It until after the change
of administration. It Is expected that
his successor will be appointed soon
after congress convenes.
A very pleasant time Is In store for
members of the Christian church and
a large group of friends of that or
ganization tonight, when the member
ship will give a public reception In
honor of the new pastor. Ford El.
The young man Is a stranger In La
Grande, and this will be an excellent
opportunity for churchgoers to meet
the man.
The basket eoeial given last evening
In the basement of the Christian
church by the Indies of the W. R. C.
was well attended. The baskets
brought remunerative prices, a pleas
ing program wan rendered, and a most
enjoyable evening was the result.
Dr. IV. D. McMillan
Painless Denislry
La Grande National Bank Bldg
Both Phones
Tmipln Sulowu Itoblird.
Carson. Nev.. March 10. Two mask
ed men entered the famous Toupla sa
loon today, robbed the occupants and
escaped with $700. They lined up Uie
faro and roulette dealer and everal
patrons with revolvers.
Lynwood la Great.
Interest In the'approaching engage
ment of the'well known Curtiss Com
edy comyanjr at Steward' opera bow
Increased dally.
Judging from pre
notices from i
other cities Manager Curtis has made
a wise election In Uhlng the play,
"Lynwood" for tho opening night.
The play Is une that appeals to all
classes und the atmosphere from the
rise of the first curtuin until the final
drop, falls takes one through the bitter
struggle of the north and south. In
tho part of Luclll'o Carlyle the talent
ed leading lady. of the company. Miss
Leota Howard, has ample, scope for
her histrionic Ability as the part runs
the gamut from jthe laughing, light
hearted girl, to the fcmtiii.uiml strug
gle of a woman who must ehoone
between -duty to her rather and coun
try und love for a northern loldler,
The cleverness of the author is fully
appreciated In acts three and four,
when the scenes and situations lead up
to the thrilling climaxes, The sup
porting cast Is a largo one and will be
found especially adapted lo all the
characters portrayed.
Scats oil Sale
Through an erroj-, It was announced
that the ticket board was. put out yes
terday morning. The tlckea went on
sale this morning.
llanfonl as "Sliyhit'k."
Charles B. Hanford's production of
"The Merchant of Venice" la one of
his most brilliant and important
achievements. His study, of the role
of Shylock has been thorough and
profound and has retulted in a vivid
and life-like portraiture, that stands
forth as one of the artistic periha
nencles of the present era. Mr. Han
ford will appear as Shylock at Stew
ard's opera house on Monday,' March
The Marvelous Beno, who appears
at the Popular Pastime Theater to
night. It Is promised that the scenic Inves
titure will be complete and every ad
vantage has been taken of the excep
tional opportunities that the Venetian
plays afford for elaborate costuming.
The supporting company contains the
names of many prominent actors and
actresses. Mi.s Maiie Drofnah, who
has so successfully played the leading
feminine roles in Mr. Hanford's com
panies tho past four years, will appear
as Portia.
Pastime Theater.
The Marvelous Heno will give a free
exhibition tonigt at 7 p. m. In front
of the Pastime theater. Beno is book
ed with the big carnival company that
will be here next May, at a princely
The gentleman is here who took a
moving picture of Hen's act In San
Francisco three years ugo, ami says
he Is the best In his line that he ever
saw. Beno adds much to his act In
appearance by dressing It elaborately.
He will do his balancing trapeze act
Those who saw Matt Wright Jat
night are convinced that they are real
comedians. Their Jokes are clean,
new and laugh-producing. Mr. Matt's
monologue is a treat from atart to fin
ish. Their ct tonight will be entirely
new. The d"t pictures are also wor
thy of special .mention.
. tt f- - a ,
( f
1. 1 . .
The Latest, The Nobbiest, The most Service-
v able, The Best
, I
Style 6003
A d kid Uudxr
lac boot, with
ptltal bet tort
and keel Kami
Wetted tolf, mJe
Uir heel
potest Bp.
I We also have the Krippendors-Dittman and other specialty
I lines. And-Jast but not least-A Boy's Shoe guaranteed not to rip.
- - ; ;
." '
Opera House Block
r .The Cough ' Syrop that
hr iias the system of a cold
by acting as a cathartic on the
bowels is ' '
Beet is the original lycativa congh arrtp,
contains no opiates, gently moves tho
bowels, carrying the cold off through tha
natural channels, Guaranteed to giva
satisfaction or money refunded.
' For Sale at Sllvertliorh's.
Ladles, . the very latest thing In
belting and lace collars lust arrived
I v T. J..GRAY. Prop. v
Board by the week
$5.00 and up
t One block from depot. .
Timber Lands
Orchard Lands
Wheat Land
City Property
See us Before Buying or
'2 ui23 1
I 4
All the nifty, natty things in
Ladies' Oxfords 20 kinds, as well
as the new things in Ladies' Boots
Men's In Every Style
Made by such manufacturers as
The Hamilton Brown Shoe Go.
who turn out more shoes from
their combined factories than any
other concern in the world. 100,-
000 ' pairs every working day.
... ... ..
- - - -
The "Wily Ghink"
wash houses are having
their troubles with con
tagious diseases, etc.
Ours is a
Not quite so cheap of
course. We can't live on
rice and rats. .But our
,Art, J U-ii--. I - - - e "
nvinm uukliQI f UOOli Ut Hilly
clean and sweet smelling.
Both Phones
Nice smoked Finn and Hoddy Bloaters.
Extra nice God Fish, Mackeral. All kinds
of canned Fish.
Fresh vegatables are arriving. Spinach, As
paragus, Cauliflower, Lettuce, Radishes, Gel
ery, Rhubard and Green Onions.
City Grocery and Bakery, :
t PCLACK, Prop
Bell P.ione Main 75 Independent '241
La Grande, Ore.
There are several kinds
of drilling but the kind
the kind tnat makes the
J farm pay is the drilling
which makes water avail
able. There is no need
of a dry farm. The task
is not so great as you
iU! !- ' T . ' l.
...ujr vAtiiin. 1 MckVO IldiQ
years of experience and
understand the well busi
ness thoroughly.
- '