evk.m: hs:kvfk. t.. kaxie. oiu:go. tii:siy. makcii t, ibob. ncrrr packs. F.'.t.E FCl'K. U Grande Evening Observer t'ublihlietl Dally Except Sunday. . CrilKEY BKOTIIEKS, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. 'nlMxl Prut IVU'BTupli Borvlie. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Dally, single copy 6c Dally, per month Daily, six months In advance., Dally, one year In advance.... Weekly, six months, In advance. Weekly, one year, In aJvance.. . 65c .13.50 .$6. SO . 76c .J1.00 ntred at the pw.T.',ffU" Ai L Gruvc! j &s econd-cla.-'S matter. This paper will not publish any arti cle appearing over a nom de plume. Bigned articles will be received "ob ject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign your articles and nave dls avppolntmnnt. Advertising Rates. Display ad. rates furnished upon application. Local reading notices 10c per line lam Insertion; tc per line for each subsequent insertion. Resolutions of condolence, 6c a Iln-s. Card of thanks, Ic a line. CCIiTIVATE THE SPIRIT. If there Is one thing which every small town needs, it Is the cultivation of a broader spirit a spirit which will be animated by something more than self-interest; a spirit which will look upon the affairs of a town as the concern of al! I to citizens; a civic spirit which believes that the growth of cities can be controlled, that civic spirit which cun, look at things from the standpoint of a community; that will not allow money which should be spent. at home to be sent away to mip- - ... t.i Ar..n i I . . . port H7 innnojioiirtiii; .imui vrni-i bouses, . . . AI.t every city or town has Its? ' business men's organizations, cornmer-1 rial club, chamber of commerce or uuuril oi untie, me iiiifiii'mn ui an which are to promote closer business, telatlorts, to obtain the lowest freight rates, encourage and Induce manufac turers to locate, and such things as directly relate to the general business welfare of a town or city. But the civic spirit the interests and co-operation of the ordinary cltl gen has not been cultivated, and until It has been, no great progress can be made In a town's welfare. Cultivate, therefore, the civic spirit; arouse civic spirit and work harmoni ously for your own community's good, and your reward will be a busy, pros perous, flourishing' community.' Kx. . "WOMEN THE WOICMVS Ill YI'.ltS, Did you ever realize that women are the world's purchasing agents? They are the court, of last resort for the butcher, the baker, the clothier. ,the Jeweler, the grocer, the house builder and the dry goods merchant. All the roodsturts, nine-tenths ot trie clothes, half the fuel, seven-eighths of ' the light, nearly nil tho precious stones end Jewelry are bought by women. Tiie oniy liiiiiK liiai men purchase to greater :J?tlt than women -are to-, baeco and splrltous liquors, ,j Merchants In writing their adver tisements should remember this and make their appeals directly to . the women. The wise and successful mer chant always does this. It would be simply another freak In Oi'tgon politics to have a case at Is sue whi te the presiding Judge would be Senator Fluton, the- prisoner nl the bar, lion. Hinder Hermann, and the Drosectitine attorney Franeln J lbtiey, Any one who heard Turn I U.i -hard son last eveidns: can easily see win be luiiiKs things to pass. tuldres also g.ive an inslxht us to how hrgc tliliiKS are brought about In Portland. Cheer up! Spring will soon Vie here. The luillis In your flower g.irdMi are lieutnnim: t.. tMhk- their appeai-ane. Tom Kiel:. n d-.. ladies of the I'.u !tai!i,y uavi the of cheer. Ox'pcr Tri ll rinKlii-d s(Mii. Nashville. Mar b .'--t;.i-vv Colonel f'oop. r. and li' t.in. v for son. nd John" l. Sharp. . l.etin; "i. d for the murder f former Senator far mat k, announced today that after ln-t-oduclng three witnesses, tho defense !'! r k' lis (.;,- TV.- V,;T..rs '' . .: lvij a.i oVvo;.--) vo it fi iij.tr, s ; n . i IV. Thompson. bo testified regarding Curmack's movements prior to the hooting. A creamery at Baker City seems as - jured RATE REDUCTIONS (Continued from page 1.) between CO and 28 cents per 100 piiuntlH. This Is a firm reduction on first -cIush articles, and second on fifth- The reductions on other classes, ranife between thene figures. ' Spokune complained of huving to pay, In a majority of cades, the rate to tho Pacific count, plus the local rate h'Jn " '1 back. .(. hi..kiiiT which tin? railroad u-iiii -vas -necessary &c- I cause of water competition. The Washington decision holds that the rates charged from eastern points to Spokane are unjust and unreason able. Clans rates from frit. 'Paul to Spokane are reduced 16 2-3 per tent, and a substantial reduction was made In rates from Chicago to Spokane. Ittaes from points east of Chicago were not considered. The commission sustained the rail roads In connection with complaint by Spokane that rates from eastern pities to Seattle and other more distant points are less than they are to Spo kane. The decision holds that rates from the east to points on the Pacific coast controlled by water competition and that higher rates to Interior points like Spokane, are not necessarily un lawful. ' A striking victory for the shipper In the Spokane rate case bsing with It promise of prompt reduction of freight rales in La Grande. The chl-f complaint registered by La Grande shippers and consumers has been that transcontinental freight rates to Port land have been charged and local rates from Portland back to La Grande added to It. According to the decision of the commission these double charges are unjust and wrong. This. Is not to be construed as inean ing the local rates between La Grande and Spokane are reduced. Spokane distributors will have less charges to pay. In shipment of goods to them from the east and can- therefore sell cheaper to La Grande and other In land points. The Spokane instance "was taken as a; test case and Is as applicable to La Grande as to Spokane. i : LOCAL oi"i ion;sts IX WASHINGTON SWEPT AWAY. Iy lccr Kuso Wets Succeeded In Scoring Another lfc'cNIve Victory In House irt Olvmpia (iiestlon Will Come l'p as in Original I'ttunty 1'iiK Measure. .'. Olympia, March !!.- In the local op tion light, resumed In (he house this morning, thf wets gained a complete victory, wiping the drys off the boards. Tim wets victory was so complete that probably the whole fixht will be takon up again, staring out with the county unit plan, as originally contemplate!' in the .MiMaster's bill. The wel sjirung a surprise the first thing when Slaydeti moved the adoption of the dry majority report of the house pub lic morals committee. The report made cities of the first, second and third class, units by themselves, Tho -i nati' went ot'ille house to witness the 'local option flybt. Tho committee report required a population in' I TiuO In order to be n unit. l:y agreement fteaeh reduced It to loan. This was the first compro mise. The UeNt came In an amend tm tit ff.iui the drys. providing fourth class cities with a pop illation of T!' should he the titiit. This was defeat ed. The third eooipiooiie wis of- fi red bv (he dtys, n duclns the pnpt, 1 itlon to rtiVft. T'lls also defeat- l.d. When the last t uniproni'se was offered. .la' lison announced that if It lost, tie wi ul l bring up the old local ..pto.n fight "n the county unit basis. Hoilc.l to leitli. Nev.. Vanh :. Mrs. A. M V . . -. , ! i e.' S.:.'.I . ?s . f . J.Mr.".r. v.. .... -art "vt i in.il. i s months old. b ib d alive in a tub of hot wa ter In which it had f Allen. . The infant bj pta. tu a.'y Oi iJ when taken out. 1 A -' app orchard 1 to b.? WETS OUTVIT Mft ENEMIES j P'r-ted nar Cvrvailts. START I W WAREHOUSE Oroiind was broken for the Wool growers' warehouse " Wednesday by Contractor E. H. Knapp, who says. : o;uTlt.u lyi'-wei.u ln. . a prfi(o)(vtl I stretch of Vr bad weuthe', the build ing will be done in contract time, June 1 m-xt, says the Enterprise News-Uec-ord. A half dozen scrapers and fresnos nro rapidly schooplng out the big ex cavation required for the basement, and hill rock is being hauled for the foundation. The big hole Impresses one with the Immense size the building will be, 50 xl50, besides 12 foot covered plat forms. The directors of the company re ceive congratulations on the choice of material, as concrete has been proved to be fireproof. Concrete structures in the midst of burning blocks of other buildings are unhurt by the flames or heat, except for discolora tion. It 'means absolute safety from fire for all goods stored In them. , , Lewis-Adams. Henry W. Lewis and Mrs. Josle Ad ams were united In marriage In the pastorlum of the Baptist church at 6 o'clock last evening. Rev. W. H. Gib son officiating. The happy young people will make home at the resi dence of Mr. Lewis on Cove avenue, In this city. Their many friends wish them great happiness. I. R. Rhodes, secretary of the Y. M. I". A. of Oregon and Idaho. Is here to day meeting a numher of leading citi zens with a view of sowing additional seed that will later result in a move ment to secure one of these great In stitutions in La Grande. Mr. Rhodes has Just returned from Poise, where he assisted In a campaign to sell the present Y. M. C. A. quarters, built eight years ago but which Is now en tirely too small, ami also at Nampa, building is shortly to be launched, hulldln gls shortly to be launched. Payette, Idaho, has Just completed a building which cost, furnished, about $L'0.000, and her citizens have every reason to be proud of their achieve ment. . , For expert piano tuning, see Thomas Druce. l-28tf Pirates of the Air They come like thieves in the night, dropping hundreds of feet Irom high up In the sky, catch themselves, circle once or twice, then come at the owl like a thunderbolt." A quotation from the unusual end interesting ttory of decoying hawks, wlwh but one ol llie many olrniKuly illustrated articles which appear in thft b'n Moii.li issue o RECREATIOiN 8J This numljet is the Krt of a series of double r.unlx-rs at ths regular price, and is the most su-p--.!j istue of on ont.ioor tnaeaine ever published, it contains magnificent lull-page plates worthy of fiemhg, tepro!ucerl from photogrsnhs of thlilling .noments in ouidoor e reattoru Nimlvrre ! e v :i! - u Sad sikh helpful, en'ertain ing arte In i'fi . atcJ enrlusncly ly tl most ex pert photi.a; 'ic:j. RLCRF.ATION is fmiu Itom the !. t! lint the men who write for its yirt hae " i?- en There" and can start you planning your ouldjoj carrpain. YA'e want you to become acquainted villi the majjaiine and all its hettjfulns. BUY THn HARCII NL'.IBER AT ANY NI-WSDUALER'S. IF lit; CANNOT Sl'PPLY YOU, 5ENU L'S 25 CENTS AND WE WILL StEND OU A COPY BY RETURN MAIL, .v U tI i-.t d e -m r. -iiti x. imh.ni tAr.tr and address ol the dcJet who cannot supply jrou wl'.h the magaiine, we will send you the beautiful RECREATION Calendar frr. RrrDen.ber RECRE.ATION is d.eonlr magazine thai wjl start you nght and kelp you to make thi most of the outdoor season. Addicts ( RECREATION. 2A M ost 39th St, New York. RHODES (in Afl LEVY'S OREGON GRAPE Guaranteed under the National Pure Food and Drug Act NATURE' REMEDY The Greatest Restorative and Vitalizar for all Diseases of the SKIN AND BLOOD as well as diseases aris from an inaotiYe condit ion of the Kidneys and Liver NOTE- This is a medicine com primising the curative rop&rties of the Oregon Grape, which grow wild on our hills, combined with other valuable in gredients and the finished product is without a doubt, the most excellent prepar ation we know of for the treatment of Blood Dis eases as well as for ton-in-? up of the Kidneys and Ltver. A Trial will Convince You of its Merits Sold and Guar anteed by all leading drug gists. $1.00 per Bottle -6 for $5.00 All Druggists W 11. B0HNENKAMP CO v , i Hardware, Stoves and Furnituie, Building Material v , Sswing Machine .Needles " - and Shuttles Special Sale on Sewing Machine Oil 5c Per Bittle ' Pimm Nicissin IVHEiV IT COMES TO DRUGS We Guarantee the Purity of all Drugs v sold here , : : : HILL'5 DRUQ JT0RE LA GRANDE, OREGON Gomplete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry lfitittjt lj ijl lA) i J Ji ij if "l Jl J li sjl li HOT DRINKS Just the kind of t weather. CLM BROTH rurrni n tc iirii. ISELDER, ' siitrs a yi'EKx: smrs a sihexs Is an expre-s--'on that is always hoard at sight ot a well ik'Vf -d woman. If you are flat-chested, villi IH i:ru!vplipf!l, a srawny neck, thin, lead arm remark will never be applied to you. "SI I' ' w fifers will make you beautiful, bewitch- Int. They DEVELOP THE BUST In a week from 3 to 6 inches and produce a fine, firm, voluptuous bosom. They fill out the hollow places, make th arms handsome and well modeled and the neck and shoulders shapely and of perfect contour. Send for a bottle today and you'll be pleased and grateful. "SI REN" wafers are absolutely harmless, pleasant to take, and convenient to carry around. They are sold under guarantee to do all we claim or MONET BACK. Price II GO per bottle. Inquire at good drug storea r. tend .DI-. RECTTO l'i FRKC During the next SO day only we will send you a sam ple bottle of these beautifying wafers on receipt of 10c to pay cost of paoking and postage if you mention that you aaw the advertisement In this paper. Te sample alone may be sufficient if the defects are triflsng. DESK 4. ESTHETIC CHEMICAL CO.. II W. 125th ST., NEW YORK. H1 laa. ihlAAllsiAAAAA t fl ) JJ"l" JujnJ''' 'fuj' J' 4 4 '""f t ! t drinks for cold BEEF TEA eijl: r t M. CANDY MAN DEVELOP THE BUST