La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 27, 1909, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    pack rivu.
tcn:to nsEitvi n, la ghanoE. OUtf;m, s.n :;ivv. fi.hiuaky 57, moa.
f, J. Taylor, representing the I. C.
,,-liouls, is in the city today. ,
Mi Shaffer returned to her home
n Wallowa this morning.
Attorney Eugene I Aahwelt Is In
2It;li today on Icgul busino.
Mis. Press Lenin luft this morning
(.r Kmei prlo. whcro she, will vlalt a
cw Jayn.
Mr. Stearns and son, Millard, of
:,ni an, are visiting at the home of B.
;3. Hancock for a few -days. V
George Chadwlck, Jne of Cove'a eft
uprising farmers, -was a La Grande
visitor toiiay.
Mrs. Press Harrison returned this
.ifternoon from 'visit with friends In
SIkIm. ' .
.Mrs. A. M. Fanl, who has been quite
U tli past three weeks, la reported
nutii bettor today.
Charles L Button Has sufficiently
recovered 'to be able to leave the hoj
;Ual. Mr. ad Mrs. F. J. Holmea left this
Morning for a short business trip to
Tracy Newman 'came up from La
Jrande last evening and will go to
Canyon City on timber business.
Mrs. Hannah Rogers, who has been
(topping in Union for several months,
eturned home this morning to re
It begin to look like spring. The
downtown atrevts were crowded tody
vith farmers, who were arranging fur
i heir spring work.
Fred Kiddle returned this morning
from Idaho points, where has 'been
transacting business connected with
the Kiddle Bros, flouring mills.
Mrs. L. nemillard lias returned
from ninn, ivhere she was called y
the death of Vier father, Thomas Jom-n,
the well known pioneer.
Harold Warner and Cress Sturis,
I'endleton delegates to the Eutfcern
Oregon Athletic conference, will Wve
or Chelr homo In city this eve-
r-lng. . '" """""
All yintng atopic's societies af thu
lty win meet tomorrow evening with
".he Epwoith League at 6:15. Thefl
meeting will 'be dlrmissl in 'Sine t'
.lt'-nd church services.
Joe King Wt this morning tr Pen
dleton, from -where- he pies on to Kv-
rett, Wash, to Jiiin hlr 'parous. Tf
was accompanied .as fax as F'Tidletisjt
l.y .Marbel Green.
Tti.. renn't thu thtire wui a cn.e
i.f scarlet ever In the -Gewrtfe lii'Si
hoarding housif, proved to toe false.
The house is tit unocr qusrantlr.
nor will It le.
IVvs. RaJey of E'liyettm, Idalco; How-
i'rth of Josehp, rnd Bradley f Elgir,
who attended the BrTherb!od bnt-
tint last -evenlnr, .returned to their
i'lmi-a thld morning.
Irrino FLnench 3wft linday or hi
Mime In Enterprise a.ftor tending
vie oonferoace lure. Jie repwts that
'.'nterpiise will have a .track .ttvam this
-tiring in preference to liasebcJl. Tills
atroauces a. new spoil In Wallowa
J. M. McPonalA, secretary if the
liners" union of Emrne, Is in Che city
)day visiting friends. M.r. McDonald'
lys.thfre is tout otts mint; In the dls-'
'let nfv working, and tonseifcoently
'.ie caraji Is n&t ovetly active.
Assessor T. A. Rli chart left this
corning for Walla' Walla to spraid a
t w days with 1ils wile, wlvj Is sme-
liat betttr slncit she vent there. The
'tiUide bring c, msldfr'ably lower. It
ns thought the iinngo would do lier
' od.
V. E. Gentry, a young man of Telo-
Met, arrived this .morning a4 w&
ken V the JtospiUl, whtre he jvlll bej
iiiteil for rheumatism. Some tttne
To he was injured while tvorkla.g for
Tcloiraset jtimbtr company, and
ter rheumalimn set jn.
I'nlted States Uistrirt Attorney John
iCourt of Portland, h.-is accepted the
'isti act of the J. M. )?erry property
every detail, and Hip document has
"en wnt on to Washington, where
f 'ial inspection will take place Iy the
Jtof-itorney generjl.
Joint Representative Jerry Rusk and
fe returned tkis morning from 6a
n on their way home to Enterprise,
preventative Rank was on several
the most Important committees In
house and acquitted himself with
dit to the state and his comrtltu-
V. K. West today shipped Common
alth. his famous e'allton. to Baker
y to have his leg operated upon.'
en the leg was broken last turn
" r the cords of the leg were affected.
? Ich makes the operation necessary.
oimon wealth will doubtless never be
e to go on the track again, but will
f ways be valuable. The owner of one
' colt u offered $(000 a few
f ago, u the offer waa refused.
Walter Galloway left last night for
t'nlon, where h will, visit his par
ents ever Sunday. '
Miss Ellen Stafford returned to
Union last night after visiting in this
city the past few days.
Mrs. Len McC'rnry and son of Pen
dleton, camo over last night for a
short with relatives.
Mlssea Mabel and Myrtle Qalloway
of t'nlon, are in the city attending the
Teachers' Institute. While here they
are guests of Miss Syd Budge.
Brakeman J. It. Campbell has re
turned from Illinois and other middle
west states, where he visited relatives
ftir two months. He spent most of
the time with his father in Illinois.
Attorney Eugene Ashwell returned
this afternoon from Elgtu, where he
went to adjust the fire loss on the
Mrs. Emma Crockett property. It
was a case of total loss and the full
face of the policy, $300, was paid.
Earl Keiffer today resigned his po
sition as messenger boy for the West
ern Union and will leave Monday for
Albany, where his mother Is now lo
cated. His father will 'Join the fam
ily at once.
H. J. Nellson has purchased 40
acres of land adjoining the city of
Union from Dr. Ewlng, and will move
to his new home next week. Mr. Nell
son has many friends here who regret
to see him leave, but at the same time
wish hlin success.
Charles Rosenberg, who recently
fame here from the east, was found
on tho street today hy Officer Faulk.
Dr. Blggers was called, who after ex
amining him, dechled to aetid lilm to
the hospital as h was a verj- sick man.
A few weks ago he had pneumonia
and wmi to b threatened with a re
lapse. Rosenberg Is a nan about '35
year of age and. Is without means,
neither has he any friends or rela
tives in this :part of the country.
Itosebure. Oregon, has voted $35,
0t0 pnvinr bonds hr a vote of 182 to
6S. Now lITw1-" 1 - m i-t
St. rWty:. Cbnwb,
Fir Sunday'v,-?n iiint. 'Holy com
muhiitt,' 8 a. u.; Sunday schKl, J
a. 111.; morning service, 11 a. -ai.; Bi
ble cUss, 4:15 p. m.; evening service,
5 jk m. StwwJces durJng Jjent are
each UVednosday and Friday evening
at 7 SO. n estry w.ill meet Monduy
evenipj? at I.O. I lev. .Vpton li. Gios,
IMrst IiwNhytninn C'lmndi. .
A.:iihfngtoii: avenue and Stxth
,str"lt MornJnt Btibjtt. "Old, Prnk-ino-'ni;
and Myrrh." JKvenfaig subject,
"The J.ubor Problem,"' with a pecff)le's
forure- Special mueic by the .dhoir.
Sunday achool, 9:45 jl. m., W. L. Bren
holte, superintendent; taachers' .rieet
ing AVonday, ,7.r30 p. an., at the liome
of K. R. Currev. Prayer m-tlr
ThursAay, 7:30 p. m. Baraca class
socLai iat the .manse Etiiday evening
Rev. JS. W. tfw anann, JD. it., minister.
1'lrM .Mcthfubst KpiwMil Chu-li.
Corner M ..wenue and Fourth St.
ftunday, 9:45, Bible sr-hoej. Georfe H.
Currey, .superintendent; 11 a. m
looming wowli'tj). Miss Holmes, for
eight yotrs a missionary ito India, will
stak on the work among the Hindus.
At 6:30 fr. m., Epworth league hour,
Union Tcrcng People's ervioe, ad
dressed by Miss Holmes; 7:30 p. m
evening w-ship, Our M&f-ter." Mon
day, 7:30 p. m., Bible etudy riass.
Thujsiday, 7:30, rrayer jneeting. A
cordti 1 welcome tn all. Jtev. C. E.
Deal, pastor.
First BiirtlM C'liunti.
Corner Slxrji and Spring. The re
vival meetings In the Baptist church
are increasing tin interest. Great power
was manifested In last night's service
as Mr. BaUey sjK'ke on the "Certainty
of the Jlidgmem." Prsiyer meeting
was held fa lectude room at !:30 this
afternoon. Tonight the speaker will
tell "What a -Man Stised by Not Be
ing Properly Dresst-tl." At 9:45 to
morrow, there will be Fpedal Interest
In the Sunday school with a message
to the children. At 11 Mr. Bailey's j
theme will be "Blessed ior Another's
Sake." At :30 the Toung People
wl'l hold a grand ra'ly and Miss Nel
derer will oondnet the eervlce. Theme,
"Judson and His Co-laborers." Spe
cial invitation to the young. At 7: JO,
praise, and the sermon, theme "A
Smart Toung Man, Coming to Him
self.'' Inspiring congregation sing
ing of the old-times' type. Don't fail j
to attend. The refreshing time baa
come. W. li. Gibaon, paator.
4 t
. v
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Wright will n
tertaln the Current Toj 1
le iiH on ' ';;
t. Atoi'nv;
Tuesday evening, March
John Hodgln Is leader, a' .l I ar.nn.
Ing an Interesting ' proj; mm 00 .e
topic of "Earthquakes."
Helping tlio Helpless .0 TiHk. ; J
"Some of the cures wl e-ii oeieij.
thy has effected have bcu truly mi'
veloua. Paralysis, where Uirre lv n
serious Involvement of the spinal cord,
is often cured by this mujn of tiv.,'1
ment. A recent case whl t aura. cl
much attention was that of t man wivi
was totally paralyzed frori the vnM
downward. He waa broug'.i to thf om
teopathic hospital a year and a hnif
ago. A dally treatment adirilnls
tered, and at the end of six moii'hs
he had regained control or the lexhly
functions, a'nd was able to walk About
on crutche8. Three month lati-r he
UBed only a cane, and now lie is able
to walk short distances without any
assistance whatever, with tl prospect
of complete and permhheit restora
tion of health within the next.ftiu
months. Hundreds of cripples have
been cured by osteopathy. lilp-Jolut
disease, that menace of childhood, is
readily amenable to treatment if taker,
before the disease becomes too firinly
settled. Both musfcular ' ar,d latlu
rheumatism have been x ri-peatedT;'
cured, and many other dlsabriilii t'tx
be lessened, though not - whailr r"1'
moved.V Cosmopolitan Maftxlna.
WANTED Boy, at ,t Western Union V"
flee. Steady, employment for gv'
reliable boy.
FOUXD On Valley Ave.. t
AlHanoo mill and McAllstet fn','
pair of spectacles In eaterl cm"
Owner can have same by ' .iflng i'
this office and paying charg s
i 27
: ;
The Cough Syrup' tl&i
rids the system of a cold
by acting as a cathartic ou the
Wwels is
rTzzs raaa3
Bees is the original laxative cough cm a
contains no opiates, gently mo ts lUt
bowels, carrying the cold off throi gh tha
natural chanaels, Guaranteed t yira
satisfaction or money refunded.
For Salo at SilvrrtlioraV
For Marshal.
The undersigned takes this ine.Tn
of informing the voters of La Oii'i-le
that he is a candidate for re-el )t-ii..i
for city marshal, and respectfully
consideration at the handa of i
of this city. J
J. W. WALt l.T I
Dr. W. D. McMillan
Painless Denisky
La Grande National Bank Eldg
Bo,h Phones
i 'Drilling i,T"'."" :::".""!
j a
t 1
! n
! IS
I t
4 t
There are several kindi;
of drilling- but the . kind
the kind tnat makes the
farm pay is the drilling
which makes watar avail
able. There is no need
of a dry farm. The task
is not so great as you
may think. I have had
years cf experience and
understand the well busi
ness thoroughly.
n !
A 1
a '
C ' '1
D.M. HUNT :l:
'he Palmetuarmenis
New Spring Styles
We did not intend to say another word,
I because, generally when "Palmer" is used
eference to ladies tailored garments it means
BEST in every respect. Best in material
Opera House Block
Pricfts rirht, Goods clean
new an J up-to date at
Hew Book s-Cean Books
at "Ferguson,s" - -
Office supplies at Fergus
ons Circulating:' Library-one
cent per day at Fergusons
ilint js tiro much Trouble
r 9
ive wash :
7ie Finest
Wool Skirts
They !cok like j
vv uhen you j
vet them home.
Tact Try us.
"tttl by Test"
best in workmanship; best in
fit and best for the price.
This season, however, the
fabric and styles are so beauti
ful that we cannot refrain from
calling attention to these feat
ures also. Palmer Garmeuts
Perfect Garments.
N. K. WEST, Pres. N
Wm. MILLER, Vice Pres.
United States National Bank
Of La Grande
Capital Stock SWO.nnn
' ' w r .' .
Wm. Miller
H. E. Coolidge
T. J. Scroggin
N. K. Wist
E. P. Staples
C. T. Bacon
About May 1st
In the meantime we are receiving regular shipments of
I" 1 I !... . -
run jme or the best
Sell Mii.c Main.7S
.:-;v.'' i
La Grande, Ore.
f. LSCR0GGW, Cash
H. E. C00UDGE, Asst. Cash
I.L Cavines
Frank Ccnley
brand of
canned goods
and Bakery, j
Pnp ;
bidtpenHtiit 24t
- -