La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 25, 1909, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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3111 IT I'ArKS.
VttSt Ik (;ii.ik,'6l:fiON..vrixrsnv. n:imr.nv 21. it.
into Ardrey arrived this morning
. tyn Portland,
hr. and Mm. Whiting of Elgin, spent
1.4 night In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Osburn are lo
cated In Seattle for a few weeks.
' i T finrnirim PA m A In On the Wal-
Uon train thin afternoon from Elgin.
J. A. Whitney of La Grande, la In
illetnn.on a business visit. Pen-
on East Oregonlan.
The next monthly dance to bo given
by 'the Orande School of dancing Ih
announced for next Monday night.
y. Bean and Mr. Price of Fruit
daft, are In Union today looking over
a farm with a viw of buying.
Qoodnough Is building a store
the rear of his workshop, In
filch to store lumber.
I mil
' tiietoi
n. farm
T p-(
I'ipni In
;C5eneral Ooodbrod of Union, la over
t xlay and Is kept busy shaking hands
with his many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Webb returned
to their home In Allcel this morning,
ftfter having spent a day In 1a Grande.
.Councilman J. T. Williamson left
this morning for Hermlston, where he
hhs land office matters needing his
L. Couch, one of Wallowa county's
wide-awake real estate men, came in
from Portland this morning and pro
ceeded on his way home,
Senator and Mrs. Turner Oliver re
tyrned this morning from Salem,
' where they have been during the ses
sion of the legislature.
?John Miller, who was formerly t
resident of this city, but for severe
years a prosperous farmer near Elgin
Si doing business In La Grande today
I S. B. Oandall of Spokane, and Mrs,
Jinna Blake of Baker City, will ar
rve this evening to attend the fune
ral of their father, the late Joel Cran
j Miss
as Laura Green, who was private
secretary to Senator Oliver, Is vlaittng
ITlends In Portland, and Is not expect-
home until the early part of next
I ashler J. B. Thorson came up
om Elgin this afternoon, and will
dn the party en route to Portland
rhere they have been summoned to
ppear before the fedral grand Jury
J J. E. Reynolds took his departure
this morning for Calgary. At Spokane
will "be joined by his party of
niin county people, who are gning
visit the Canadian country.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M, Baker, acconi-
anlnil hv tlinlr nMpe Alius T.ntrli Tu -
ker of Oregon City, who Is visiting
them, came over from Cove this morn
ing and expect to return this after
noon. Mr. Baker reports roads fairly
good for this time of year.
Attorney and Mrs. Colon H. Eber
hard, who have been visiting friends
In La Grande the past week, returned
to their home In Joseph this morning.
D. M. Hunt, the well driller, , went
to Imbler this morning, where he has
a force of men nnttin down a well
Rev. and Mrs. O. H. King and two
children left this morning for their
future home In Everett, Wash. Jo:
I King will take his departure next Sat
urday and Miss Elizabeth King will
remain with her school class until the
close of the year.
K. E. Hofer, editor of the Salem
Journal, was a passenger on the morn
ing eastbonnd en route to Boise, to
attend the session of the Oregon-Ida
ho Development congress, which con
venes tomorrow. The next meeting Is
scheduled for La Grande.
Recorder D. E. Cox Is today moving
Into the residence on Pennsylvania
avenue, which he recently purchased
from Rev. O. H. King, and E. C. Ta
vli.' proprietor of the Plue Mountain
Marble work, Is moving Into the
property which Mr. Cox Is vacating In
South La Grande.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Smith, who
have hepn spending the past six
weeks In Old Mexico and Southern
California, returned home last eve
ning. Mr. Smith's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Smith, are well pleased
with their new home In Santa Ana.
A. F. Wilson, the real estate denier
of Tmhler. has Just returned from a
tour, which Included Hood River.'
Portland and other sections of the
Willamette valley and returns with a
more- hopeful future of the fruit In
terests of Union county than ever. j
Mlsa Holmes, a missionary who ts
returning to hr work in India, and
who Is being supported bv the north
west branch of the W. F. M. S.. will
h tendered a reception Saturday af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. J .C. Hen
ry. Miss Holmes will speak In the
Methodist church Sunday morning,
nJ at the Ep worth League Sunday
Mrs. Mollis Peal Haraln. ths oldest
daughter Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Peal,
was born In Benton county, Mo., Feb
ruary 24. 187S. With her parents she
crossed the plains at I years or age.
The family settled near Elgin, where
they resided 13 years, when Jhey re
moved to Cove., At the age of 27
years she was united In marriage to
Martin Harsln. To them was born
one son Franklin, now seven years of
age. For several years she has been
a patient sufferer, but death brought
to her release at the home of her
sister, Mrs, W. F, Alexander, at :S0
a. m., February 22. She was con
verted nnd united with the Baptist
church at Elgin In early life. There
remain to mourn her departure the
husband and son, with father and
mother,' two sisters and two brothers.
The loving memory of a kind and
sympathetic life lingers to comfort the
sorrowing ones and call them to the
best and purest things of time and
Into the peaceful rest where time shall
be no more.
The funeral was held from Calvary
Baptist church. Cove,- at 2 p. m., Feb
ruary 24, Rev. V. H. Gibson of this
city officiating, and the remains were
laid to rest In the Wild Rose ceme
Hampton, Va:, Feb. 25. Indignation
Is common today among officers and
men of the battleship fleet, over what
Is deemed Interference by the treasury
department with one of the long-established
customs pf the navy. Re
cently the . treasury officials nYi'liled
that sailors must pay the duty on all
trinkets brought from trips to fo-Jgn
lands exceeding a value of $100.
Social section No. 5, O. E. 8., com
posed of Mesdames C. Ralston, J. P.
McKennon, I Given. Frank Holm.
Fred Gelbel. W. A. Wade. Fred G.
Schllke. Mac Wood, David Bay, W. A.
Lcffel, William Stein; Mr. Fred 3el
bel; Miases Gertrude Ralaton and Lau
ra Holm, last evening entertained
Eastern Star members and a few out-
of-town guests along patriotic lines
Decorations, the menu, and the pro
gram smacked of things, patriotic
from beginning to end. During the
regular lodge work, a new march,
also patriotic, was Introduced. The
tables were taHtlly decorated. with the
five colors of the Eastern 8tar. A
menu In keeping with the scheme of
tho event. Included red. white and
blue cake, cherry pie. cherry Jello with
whipped cream, and coffee. The roll
calt brought forth many excellent quo
tations. Among the out-of-town guests
who attended the highly delightful at
fair were Miss Edna Barton of Baker
City and Mr. and Mrs. Colon R. Eber
hard of Joseph.
At the Baptist pastorlum In this
city at 1 o'clock today, J, P, Gillespie
and Mrs. Elsie M. Zwelfel, both of
Summervllie, were united In marrfage,
Paator W, H. Gibson officiating. The
young couple will reside at the ranch
home of Mr. Zwelfal near Summerville
where their many friends wish them
jrcat happiness and Jong life, , . , ,
Mrs. J. J. Carr will entertain the
Kaffee Klatch Friday afternoon at her
home on Main street. .
(Continued from page 1.)
called March 4. He will go not later
than the first of next week.
The governor yesterday handed In
21 vetoed bills along with several oth
ers, which he filed, permitting to be
come laws without his signature:
Senate Ililla Vetoed. -
Relating to fishing near fish ways.
Defining boundaries between Coos
and Curry. ".' .
Providing for transcribing town1
Fixing the salary, of the sheriff of
Marion. .
Amending statute regarding com
pensation of county commissioners.
Relating to bank deposits.
Fixing the salary of the assessor of
Fixing the salary of the sheriff of
Separate books for recording deeds
and mortgages.
For publishing of delinquent tax list.
Pertaining to salaries -in Benton
Salary of school superintendent ' of ,
Benton county.
Hoiikc Hills Vetoed.
Salary of school superintendent of
Jackson county.
Prohibiting wearing of uniform of
United States army.
Fixing salaries of Tillamook depu
Fixing salary of Wallowa school su
Fixing salary of Marlon assessor.
Fixing salary of county judge jf
Coos. .
.f ixing salaries or justice and con
stable of Eugene district.
Fixing salaries of certain Benton
officers. -
Sennle Bills Filed. .
Prohibiting secret societies In the
public schools.
Regulating water and its distribu
Providing armories for the Oregon
.Vatlonai Guard.
House Rills Filed.
Regulattng banks and hanking.
Creating board of tax commission
ers. ,
Creating an Insurance department.
Prohibiting animals running at large
west of the Sandy In Multnomah
Provilng for protection of crabs.
clams and crawfish.
Amending code relating to fishing
for salmon In the Umpqua.
Regulating water power franchises.
Reimbursing George H. Small, Lake
Acceptance of certain land by state.
Amending code relating to Rogue
River fishing.
Salary of county assessor of Curry.
Reimbursing Martha S. Lane for
Amending Irrigation laws.
Regulating peddlers.
A message received this afternoon
states that all three eons of the late
Joel Crandall will arrive from Spo
kane on the morning traln--S. B
George, and Ellis. Mrs. Minna Blake
of Baker City, Is expected to arrive
on the evening. train.
Ship's Crew In Danger,
New York, Feb. 25. The schooner
yacht believed to be the Myrtle from
Boston, is apparently being demolish
ed by a gale at Bay Ridge basin. New
York bay this afternoon. Members
of the crew and passengers are cling'
Ing to the rigging. A volunteer life-
saving crew has put out to rescue. A
great storm Is raging.
RENT A barn; close
quire at 1609 Fifth street.
In. ln-
Dr. W. D. McMillan
Painless Denistry
La Grande National Bank Bldg
Both Phones
"The Need of Change" and
. "Octopodousa Ferox " are three of
the kind of stories to be found only
If they don't make a hit, you are
hard to suit.
It's money in your pocket to read
The Stock Yards of New York,"
and h'l a warm spot in your heart
to read The Title Market."
spring styles
ii M$&
I .
wmw '
fit, iijflra
Wc did nit intend to say another word,
because, generally when "Palmer" is used in
eference to ladies tailored garments it means
the BEST in every respect. Best in material
best in workmanship; best in
fit and best for the price.
This season, however, the
fabric and styles are so beauti
ful that we cannot refrain from
calling attention to these feat
ures also. Palmer Garmeuts
Perfect Garments,
Opera House Block
La Grande, Ore. t
There are several kinds
of drilling, but the kind
the kind tnat makes the
farm pay is the drilling
which makes water avail
able. There is no need
of a dry farm. The task
is not so great as you
may think. I have had
years of experience and
understand the well busi
ness thoroughly.
Proprietor and Managers.
Tag Day.
Bring Me Some Ice.
N K. WEST, Pres.
Wm. MILLER, Vice Pres.
. JiAAafcAssVssVsti A at, A alt 11 A A A AssVifc jl AAA
H. E. C00LID6E, Asst. Cash
Fox &
vllle act.
Durkn, comic vaude-
Tllustrated song
ing," C. P.' Ferrln.
... y ,
United States National Bank
Of La 1
Capital Stock $ 00,000. .
The Elf King.
Miss Alberta Hadley, In storm
Three performances nightly.
Doors open at 7 p. m.
Matinees Wednesday and Sat
urday at 3 p. m.
Change of program Monday,
Vediie.stIuy and Friday.
I D. M. HUNT i
Prices right, Goods clean
new and up-to date at
New Books-Clean Rooks
at "Ferguson,s" - -Office
supplies at Fergus
on Circulating Library-one
cent per day at Fergusons
Nothing is to much Trouble
N. K. West
E. P. Staples
C. T. Bacon
Wm. Miller
H. Gootidge
T. J. Scroggin
. L Cavines
Frank Conley
A . T. mn
About May 1st
In (he meantime we are receiving regular shipments of
Full Mne of the best brand of canned goods
City Grocery and Bakery,
Bell Piionc Main 75 Independent 244