a r LA GRANDE, VMOIf COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, , FKBRVAnVOT, 10. NUMBER 111. VOLUME vra. 1 -v It SCRIBER'S FATE II EXODUS OP LOCAL MEN TO COMMENCE TOMORROW Vcw Names Being Added to Suboeiia List Scriber's ftle Will Be Told In a Measure This Week NIcdncT Ih Gone, WIUi Books and Hrecords AH Will Be Asked to Explain Tlielr Know ledge of the Srrlber Forgeries Much Interest Exists. New names are being added to the Hat of La Grande people subpoenaed to appear before the federal grand Jury on February 27. Tomorrow will ee an exodus of something like 30 men from here wh will be put on the carpet', before that august body and imade to tell what the know about -one J. W. Seriber In connection with .forgeries, Nledner Is Gone. Taking with him great stocks of of . flee books and records. Receiver Wal ter Nledner left for Portland last eve ning and will doubtlessly confer with District Attorney John McCourt before he Scrlber matter Is handed to the :grand Jury.' As the hour ' forX the probe ap proaches new Interest Is manifest. There are Beveral lines' of arguments nd beliefs In vogue here as to wha.t extent the grand Jury will act." Sen der's future wll soon be foretold. rV.' ' , I'uget Sound Fishery. "Washington, Feb. 25. Thet house j ' this afternoon voted an appropriation ; ."f $60,000 for the establishment, of a fish culture station on Paget Sound. This was a long-sought appropriation. Kill S Dainty Waist What lady is there that does not want a new waist. Call and see them. THE Fair La Grande, OUTCLASSES MEN CHOICE HOSPITAL APPOINT MENT GOES TO WOMAN. Out of Group of Thlrty-SU Applkmnt All Male But One, Young Woman Pliyskdan Steal! tlie Plum Panned an Exam. New York, Feb. 25. Dr. Mary Crawford, aged 25, the first In a com petitive examination of S5 physicians all men, was today appointed house surgeon of the Williamsburg hospital This Is one of the choice hospital ap pointments in New York. Giiarantes Hatlroud Bonds,' Alberta, Feb, 25. The Alberta gov ernment today decided to guarantee the bonds of the Canadian Northern and Grand Trunk Railways for a total of $2T.433,0O, for the construction of 1(81 miles of track through the prov Inces. c 10 LEAVE SOOII HIS OFFICE IS SWAMPED WITH LEGISLATIVE WORK. Executive WU1 Take His Departure for Washington, to Assume Senato rial Toea Early Next Week Works Industriously o Clean Up Uto Desk Vetoes Bills. ,. Salem, Feb. 25. Governor George B. Chamberlain is working hard to complete the mass of work heaped upon him since the legislature ad Journed, so ho can go to Washington to assume his duties as United States ("iif tor for the special term to be (Continued on page 5. I L IU EVENING GOWNS t Just recieved by express izhr'MRM i nr. M V I lllllll bl if- EST DESIGNS You are wanting these gowns f of the season's social functions WE HAVE THEM In the daintiest Laces, Embrod ercs in sheet materiaJ. W ore Oregon 31 HERE IS THE SEtlATDR OLIVER CITY TICKET x RETURNS HOME AT TIUS TIME STRENUOUS CAMPAIGN NOT ANTICIPATED. But What May Hapicn During tlie Closing Week of a City Election In La Grande Past History Makes Ven tures Unprofitable Ticket Com plete Unlc Home New Candidate Files Petition This Evening Slieiik May Enter Tonight. ' This la the last day In which candi dates have to file their petitions before the city recorder to get their names on the official ballot, according to the requirements provided In the ' new charter. It Is not anticipated that the list will be materially changed from the way It stood at 3:30 this afternoon. It Is understood, however, that friends of John Sheak are circulating his pe tlon to become a candidate and that It will be filed thfa evening. The list now filed Is as follows: Mayor M. K. Hall, A. M. Paul. Treasurer Ray Logan, David Hoi-' denrelch. . -v Recorder D. E. Cox, G. D.' Sim mons. ' Marshal L. J. Raybum, John War den, F. W. Luktn. ' , Counellmeii, First ward W. N, Monroe) E, C, Davis,- Second ward A. V. Andrews, T. H. Moore. , Third ward F. L. Meyers, E. E Morgan. Fourth ward J. T. Williamson, Guy Price. The last named candidate In, pach Instancn above is the socialist candi- date regularly flim!ntled In their cpa- ention held ft few days ago, - s;r BaMvtln Is Very Low. Los Angeles, Feb. 25. "Battling" N'elson culled on "Lucky" Baldwin, '.vho Is near death, and conversed with I him. Shortly afterward the aged turl man suffered a relapse. rtoseburg, Ore., Feb. 25. Calmly Kitting down In the presencft of his sick wife, who was In bed at the home at Yoncalla Tuesday, Joseph Henry, ngud 61, a California miner, commit ted suicide by firing a bullet through SUICIDES BEFORE his heart. Before ending his life heknown. s s Tht' Rube Chandler case failed to.llsh an come to such a speedy end as whs an ticipated yesterday. As a matter of fact the circuit court was occupied nearly the entire day with tills case and it was alter 3 o'clock this after noon before the matter was given to the Jury. The state made u strong' case, but when the defense presented , its side things took on a different aspect. The defense had many wit- ncsscs to support its effort to estah- VETO AXE STILL SWINGING AT SALEM Salem, Feb. 23. Governor 'ham- heiluln this morning appointed W. O. Wheelwright and It. D. Inman tf Port laud, and Judge K. J. Taylor tjf As toria, to the board of pilot commis sioners, secretary- of Male Itciisuii to day confirmed the appointment of C. N. Mi-Arthur as his private secretary, while Benson is acting governor. Fol lowing the action of the Washington legislature in passing a bill agreed upon by the joint committee of Ore WILL W RESTLE WITH . ' . SUITS FILED MY BAXK. Joint Senator Is Again Home Ready to : Resume His Business Was Success ful In Securing Passage of Several Bills Introduced by Him Others Were Defeated or Vetoed by Gover ur Oliver Proiierty .Attached Fol- lowing Suit Back from Salem, where he figured quite conspicuously In the legislative enactments, State Senator Turner Ol iver Is now ready to resume his de fense in the suit brought by the gov. ernment' through Receiver Walter Nledner and legal Adviser William Ranmey to recover $4000, and Interest for three months, as assessments on the shares held by Oliver In. the Far mors & Traders .muiomi dodk. in accordance with' thfc suit filed last Saturday. Mr. OUvr property, or rather, a portion of lt-Ja been at tached. Ths Includes Union, county real estate, property In Wallowa coun ty an,d real estate In Portland. The cash accounts which Mr. Oliver held In the La Grande National ld the Eastern Oregon Trust Savings banks were also Included In the attachment. However, little was attached. In the La Grande National the senator had 'Ive dollars and a few cents, and his deposit In the E. O. T & S, bHnk was six cents. Those who have' followed the senate closely during the time It was in ses slon. are acquainted with the wide range of work done by Mr. Oliver as joint senator from this county and Wallowa, couoij. "While a goodly por tlon of his bills pertained to legal measures he still did consistent and strenuous work along many other lines and was successful in several In stances. His salary bill for the sher iff here was vetoed. In regard to the (Continued on page 4.) said to his wife: "1 ought to put you in the same hole, but I won't. He then kissed his two sons, 8 and 12, and fired the shot. He had $3X0 in his pockets and $1500 In a San Francisco bank. There Is no reason for the suicide made alibi. Contempt Cane Next. The Charles Anderson contempt ease was next to come up. This case has been delayed for some time on account of the illness of K. E. Jones, the prin cipal witness for the slate. Today he is able o appear In ccmrl. ami there Is now nothing to prevent this case continuing. This afternoon hut little more than a formal start was made, nut tomorrow should see tlie matter well started. gon and Washington legislator! s for regulation of fishing in tie Columbia river, the governor ap; ! the Mm I I'm I lifii pdse.j 'iiv!iii legis lature, thereby o.-..ring unity of ac tion of the tno .-la tea In dealing with Columbia river fisheries. The gov ernor vetoed the bill' providing for the sterilization of criminally insane and idiots. He also approved the meas ure requiring title guarantee corpor ations to deposit $50,000 with the state In order to do business In the tate. HIS SICK FIND A TREASURE THOUSANDS IN GOLD AND SILVER ARK UNEARTHED. Old Kentucky Hearthstone Covered a Fortune la Gold and Silver Con federate Mouey, Too Relic of War Times, , Danville, Ky., Feb. 25. Burled treasure comprising 122,500 In gold and sliver coins, $3000 worth of dia monds, a revolver, several thousand dollars In confederate money ' were found today by II. S. Henloy and Al bert Pawley, under the hearthstone In an old residence of the late Nathan Ross, near Paint Llek. It was hidden during the guerilla war times, when "One-armed" Ram Berry and his gang terrorized the Inhabitants of central Kentucky. ' SOCIAL LEADERS LOCKED IN it THE VERY ELITE OF LONDON AMONG JAILED SUFFRAGETTES. r ' Convicted of Disturbances and Ar raigned Polk-e Courts In London Have to Imprison Those .Who Roi fuse to Iay Fines Thirty TVe Jail SeiUonce In Preference, . t it . London, Feb, 25. Suffragettes In high soflgl positions In the United dlrigdom were today sentenced to Jail tor participation In yesterday's dem onstration, when scores of women at tempted to obtain a hearing before Premier Asqulth. Mrs. Patrick Lawr ence, the leader, was convicted and sentenced. Lady Constance Lytton, a sister of Lord Lytton; Daisy Solompn, a daughter of the former premier o South Africa and others were term of from we. to two month m 1 . Thirty women were arraigned. They refused to give bonds for good beha- vlor und chose Jail sentences, Europoitti Powers to Decide. Paris, Feb. 25. Servia today de cided to refer the question of rights Involved in the Imbroglio with Aus tria to European powers, according to 4 Statement made in diplomatic circles here. Servta will abide by the decis ion. -m K - ',,,! Girl Dirks Her Betrayer, Salem, Ark., Feb. 25. After thrust ing a dirk Into the body of John W. Jones, whom she accused of betraying her, Lizzie Kisseu Is In jail today. Jones Is expected to die. He was In dicted on her complaint, and the court late yesterday sustained a demurrer he interposed. Angered at this the girl uttered u wild cry ami attacked Jones with a dirk. COMPLEXION BRUSHES Nature nd a cci;iplt.icn brush can undo most of the havoc that tlnio and weather works. Nature re news a complexion when you take pains to stimulate the circulation and to brush out the worn out tissues. These brushes do make good complexions and sooner or later you will use one. We make it easier for you to use one now. Our prices are very low and we carry the sort of brushes tnat have recieved the highest approval. NEWUN DRUG STORE LA GRANDE, OREGON TO ASSOCIATION NAMES FIRST , MONDAY AFTER EASTErt. Tlie First Appearance of the ' Park Fund In Any Direct Benefit Will U9 on Monday Following Easter Drummers Buy Memberships In the Commendable Project Unity Exists Among All Factions of Tills City la i Matter of a Park. Further evidence of far-sightedness among leaders of the La Grande parte association was evinced today when announcement was made today that the post-Lenten sis-ion will be opened by a park benefit ball, the nature of . which will undoubtedly be par ex cellence. The affair will be held oa the first Monday evening following Eastern Sunday. Between now and the time of detailed announcement, all the new, and nobby "affairs de min ute" arrangements that can character Ize a ball of a metropolitan city will have been worked out. By securing the date so far In ad vance, all other society functions that . are Invariably planned for the post Lenten time will have to follow In the wake of the park benefit ball. That such affairs will have to step a Uvelf pace to keep up with , , the fsishlon etter on Monday after Easter, Is foray ordained. !',, , ' . '.. p In the past since the park was dis cussed and promoted benefits have been given by other societies, other clubs and other bodies, but this one will be strictly "park." Tlie Pari as-r soclatlon will manipulate All the ',. 'L,'i1.,A j u h uke a m prgcced, f'or big undertaklugw-the park, alone.'--'' s . I Vrtf ntnnA ftrfl arrtrpR nf now mam . b , Becured weck, but drum. mor. t,na 0.y .u ' u,,lt . ,n RAPIDLY jln the appended list of new member,"" the last list, the traveling men have signed the firm for which they work and not their Individual names. yf Pennies Keep Coming. , While the general committees are planning on larger things and mat- vi ui. vtMiuipa gieaiur jiupormiife, the children are not lacking In dutr. Miss Lucile Thomas has brought in the pennies needed pennies, Including several others, and still another rod of the mile of pennies Is completed. Not In many years has a movement In this city aroused such widespread Interest, nor has there been such unity on a proposition of municipal Interest ' as the present park movement. . The committee secures name after name ' (Continued on page eight.)