FAGB rOUR. EVEXTNO O'JSTOVFR. T,A CKAMK, OREGON', SATTKDAY, FEimrAKY 20, 10. Ficnx pact:s. 1 ; . made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar . K 'J&w Absolutely J$W Li crande tvcHinii Observer PabJlslied Daily Except Sunday. CVKIlEY BROTHERS, EDITORS .AND PROPRIETORS. itnluxl ln!ns TelcjTlli borvlre. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: f)lly, single copy So .Dally, per month 65c Dally, lx month In advance. . .J.I. 50 Pally, one year In advance $6.50 Wnekly, six month, In advance. . 75c Weekly, one year, In advunce. . .$1.00 Catered at the poetoffiee at La Grand.' as scond-clas matter. This paper will not publlbh any arti cle appearing over a nom do fllurue. Signed articlus will be received sub ject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign your ankle and save die appointment. AdxertimuK Hates. Display ad. rates furnished upo:. Application. Local reading notices 10c per Hue first Insertion; . 5e per line for cirti ubsoquent Insertion. Resolutions of condolence, Be a lln . Cards of thanks, Be a lino. oppoinrxiTY. They do nie wrong who sny 1 come no more When once I knock and full to find yon In; For every day I stand outside your door, And hIJ, you val nnd rise to flKlit and win. Wall not for precious chance passed away, Weep not for jjoblon hk- s on the wane; Each nlKht 1 burn the records of the day, At sunrise every soul Is bom ajfaln. LaiiKh like a boy at splendors that it,4vj To vanished Joys be blind nnd deaf ami dumb; 4 . My judirments senl Mho dead past with Its (lend, Hut never hind a moment yet to 7. come. Though deep In mire, wrtns: not your hand" ami weep, 1 lend my arm to nil who say: "I can." N" shame-faced outcast ever sank so deep Hut he mlclit rise and he aeain n man. V'al'ler Mai. me. The '! jit Salem, tame one thatthere i Who w.oe el! thing was of;' toi'-.y at n"" I'l-iim the j'ep'irts at n dls woiild he ii-i-l!iied M think not a l-w lreiriliei': '!:. !i I'o toli."--hip I': I : nl -it :::. be l'e tic Allanla.-i ,-hili membercd that the ! in lifriiiooos and the b.-t bio-.- f f:ot hi Mil thr.mph. M.inv counties in Otton and V lr.Rton are rem pl.iiinir.K for tie ir cx Ml.lt it the Ahiska-Yukon-1N( If ic fair. If I'niiin ciointy Is to have a place In the imfi"ii building, time that some activity was made to secure cxhlbitii. il.iv: w r- :h- it is bein mm LAUD KIM The J.a Grande Ministerial associa tlon lias adopted the following reso lutions: Whereas, the R-v. O. II. KlnK. pas tor of the Christian church of La 'Ir.'inde, Is about to leave our t lty for another field of labor, having been a pastor In this city for a goodly num ber of years; an earnest supporter ( f every religious and moral movement for the general good of the commu nity, and a faithful prtacher of our Lord Jesus Christ; .1 evolved. That the Ministerial as sociation of La Grande express rcpre at nrother lying's removal from the city; llcsolved, That we record our ro ognitlon of the excellent work of Mr. King In behalf of his own conRreg.i tlon and for the moral betterment of the city; Resolved, That we commend our brother to the city and the people in to whose midst he goes as a Chrlstla i gentleman. . S. V. .-KKMAN.':"" Secretary Minister's Association, La lira tide, Oregon. SQUATTER WINS BATTLE (Continued from pag 1.) kit under the provisions laid down b :he general land ni'flee departmea! namely: that during a period of rf lajs, the appl'.eart for timber an stone claim, cotil.l visit the land I ouesil.ni at the stipulated time, maki formal application. This was done b a large numher of people. No sooner was the fi"ioj made "n squatter filed protests. Newlon was one of those who carried an enormous expense to nee the case through to the end. As a I'rei-cxlcni. Wl.l'.e i ii I: separate case will have to . 'ir.l -'.i-.ly, the d.'clfclou tod-ty lias .o.nKi 2 pKCcdcnce. It i'ecog-ai'.-s the lights of S'luaticis who are eKitimaie In their d(vclopmcnt wor't, If all siiuattera who have filed pro- tests produce evidence ua convlncins is did Wewloil, that aetuul deVi.-lop-no nt and improvement took place on ,he land on which they squatted . Mi to ii little hope for tin ' r t.ieii who mat..- t-i fl'-itig. ilowdVer, the iioproVi'iiiems inuoi l ave been made with Intent to make hat particular tract of land a bona .idc home. A score of men mid women of this ity are final. daily interested and have egerly awaited the outcome of this case. Ityrklt Can Appeal. There la an appeal from the deeds ion of the register, but unless made In 30 days or perturbed by the general land office commissioner, Hramwell's decision stands as final. Another Iinixii-laiit Decision. .Spelling victory for the tlnibermun, x decision has been handed down by Register Frank C. Bramwell that is lino of dep Interest. It has to do with he noted contest which required seven lays In the hearing and covered 25a patfes of testimony. Frederick F MctKler was the protestant, and A. U. )'lirien the protestee. Involving tim ber and stone entry No. 014ti5, for tin K'i NH'i and F.y, SK'i. township t north, range 41, In Wallowa county I'ldien was one of the men In the no orinus line-up and his filings, wen orite-ited by Metzler, not on jirloi sqstatter's rights, but on the grounds at the land was more valuable foi s agricultural purposes than for niher. The register, In handing down Ids decision cites the fact (hat the pre pondciance of evidence in the lorn use showed Mthe land In question mire valuable for its timber than fm igricullural purposes. CIICCriT C'Ot'KT. All I'nuhiiul Record Miuie Ywti-nlay In Maxwell Cnse. Yesterday afternoon our circuit court made a record that few courts have ever been able to equal. The Maxwell case was cnirr-d. ihe attorneys were ready, and within less than twl hours the Jury of 12 men were select ed, the attorneys presented their open ing arguments, Interrogated the wit nesses, submitted the ense to the Jury, and the Jury brought In a vJrdlct of gulltyV Who says the wheels of Justice in ii.. A .vvty? The (-v!d rt"e wis ! r. f.t:; V. tl t'le o',--n o.it an-.! the evidence was so conclusive that It did not take long for the Jury to ar rive at it sverdict. .Today the case of Howard Camp bell vs. George Aughcy, is at Issue. The difference Is over the value of certain lot of logs. CiiIcsh the result of the grand Jury Indictments causes more IMgatlon at this term of court, Judge Knowles ex pects to be able to excuse the Jury the first ot the week. Chandler Arraigned. This afternoon Rube Chandler was arraigned on the charge of larceny of some bacon and hams from the E. AV. Oliver farm on the Sandrldge. His bonds were fixed at $500 and If he is able to give bonds it Is quite probable that his case will not come up for trial this term. If he fails to get bondsmen the case is set fpr next Tuesday. PURITY IS A NECESSITY ' WEN IT COMES TO DRUGS We Guarantee ihe Purity of all Drugs sold here : : ; ( IULDICIi.V AT MATIXEE. ''(Mir (Jratle Teachers IlostcKscs to One I lu lid red Lit tic Folks. Four grade teachers. Misses Harris, Sutfln and McIIugh, and Mrs. Ingle, Uiis afternoon entertained four grades if the schools, members of the teach ers' respective elapses, at a matinee .i irty. The number of guests was close Id the 1P0 mark. Pinesalve"1 Ih'lfM,0""'" , -, 1 BKUSVE AL STRAWBERRIES About May 1st In the meantime we are receiving regular shipments of SWEET POTATOES CAULIFLOWER "h0T HOUSE LETTUCE CELERY Full 'ine of the best'j brand of canned goods City Grocery and Bakery, E. P0LACK, Prop Rrlll'P.:onc Main 75 , Independent 241 MILL'S DRUQ JTORE LA GRANDE, OREGON Gomplete equipment for resetting and repairing .rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry I ' HOT DRINKS I Just the kind of drinks for cold weather. CLAM BROTH BEEF TEA CHOCOLATE With Whipped Cream SELDER, ilcmdl MAN IrMfWffMbJ . B. : t vi as well and I t?.e other fellow. !'- i JL Ho your work twi tiee as ft-", u t? tin your light chine the whUe. There In no surer read to uceips. Print " jllbuin. II OF rrt r AND 11 u FOR AfiD MS l kmii i a Low! DISEASES DEVELOP THE BUST 17.7TO:f SHE'S A ylKEX! SIIK'S A SIREX! i, an epreion that is always heard at sight of a well deve ...J woman. If you are flat-chested, vilh 131" undeveloped, a srawny neck, thin, lead arm ' remark will never be applied to you. "SIP . ' wafers will make you beautiful, bewitch ing They DEVELOP THE BUST in a week from 8 to 6 inches and produce a fine, firm, voluptuous bosom. They fill out the hollow places, make tin arms handsome and well modeled and the neck and shoulders shapely and of perfect contour. Send for a bottle today and you'll be pleased and graieiui. ' SI REN'" wafers are absolutely harmless, pleasant to take, and convenient to carry around. They are sold under guarantee to do all we claim or MONEY BACK. Price $1.00 per bottle. Inquire at good drug stores or send DI RECT TO US. FREE. Drtrlng the next 30 days only we will send you a sam ple bottle of these beautifying wafers on receipt of 10c to pay cost of packing and postage if you mention that you saw the advertisement in this paper. The sample alone may be sufficient if the defects are trifling. DESK 1. ESTHETIC CHEMICAL CO.. 31 AV. 12.-th ST., XEW YORK. ) SAVED HER SON'S UFE My son Rex was taken down, a year ago with lung trouble. We doctored some months without improvement. Then I began giving Dr. King's New Discovery, and I soon noticed a change for the better. I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my son is perfectly weU and works every day. SAMR Ripp, Ava, Mo. 50c AND SI. CO SOLO AND GUARANTEED BY C Jill WORLD FAMEDTCAR The Cariallic Thirty Is New Here NEWLIN DRUG COMPANY Come lock it oxer crcl jcc rrr re err clie for ecy tidier inmtec then jcii ccr dreamed ol We also Have the Famous Model 10 Buick Runabout W H. BOHNENKAIVtP CO t t t Z t - - z