EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, OREGON', TIirRSDAT, FEBRUARY 18, !. fAGin TAGES, 444j t j DIRECTORY OF THE FRATERNAL ORDERS LA GRANDE, ORE. . 1 . PACE SIX. airriri 111 mam- in LIMELIGHT M. W. A. I Ofaa.de Camp No. 7703 meets uci Monday evening at I. O. O. bait. All visiting neighbor are cur- UJJy JnviUJ to attend. M. McMURRAY, C. OAL JORDAN, Clerk. f. o. n In Grande Aerie No. 259, F. O. E mmU every Friday night in Elks' hull al p. m. Visiting brethren Invited i attend. C. E. HACKMAN, W. P, CEO. ABEGG, W. 8. O. K. S. Hop Chapter No. 13, O. E. S., hold aia'od communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Vtotlng members cordially Invited. I1ACHEL E. WORSTELL, W. M MART A. WARNICK, Secretary, I. U. ). F. Encampment. SUr Encampment No. 31, I. O. O. K., meets every second and fourth Wednesday In the month In Odd Fel lws hall. Visit ng patriarchs alwayB II. E. COOL1DGE, C. P. AV. A. WORSTELL. Scribe. M. II. or A. Meets every Thursday evening at X. O. O. F. hall. Visiting members al-wrj-s welcome. ANGUS STEWART, President.' C J. VANDERPOEL. Kecivtary. Woodmen of tin; World. La. Grande Lodge No. 169, V. O. tuoele evory second and fourth Tuesday evening In K. of P. hall in tho Corpe building. All visiting mem ber welcome. NERI ACKLES, J. IL KEENEY, Consul Commander. Clerk. I. O. O. F. -Subordinate. La Grande Lodge No. 16, meets In their hall every Saturday night. Vis iting brothers cordially Invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model restaurant. HUGH MeCALL, N. G. V . A. V OKSTkLL, Fin. 'feci ' Foresters of America. Court Muld Marion No. 22 meet? each Wednesday night In K. of P. hall. Brothers are invited to attend. BEN HAISTEN. C. R. LEO HERRING, C. S. C. J. VANDERPOEL. F. 8. A. F. & A. 51. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. & A. M., holds regular meetings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. R. L. LINCOLN, W. M. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary. Knights of Pyiiiinx. Red Cross Lodge No. 27, meets every Monday evening In Castle Hall (old Elks' hall). A Pythian welcome to all visiting knights. J. F. BAKER, C. C, R. L. LINCOLN. K. of R. & S. Rebckalis. Crystal Lodge No. 60 meets every Tuesday evening at the I. O. O. F. hall All visiting members are invited to at tend. JENNIE X. SMITH, X. G. MARTHA E. SCOTT, Secretary. n. p; o. e. La Grande Lodge No. 433, meet each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Elks' club, corner Depot street and Washington avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially Invited to attend. C. S. DUNN, Exalted Ruler. G. E. McCULLY, Recording .Sec. For expert piano tuning, see Thomas uruoe. 1-2 8 if WjiHjtlugtoii Once Gave Vt tQ throe doctors; was kept in bed for five, weeks. Blood poison from a spi der's bite caused large, deep sores to wv Ms leg. The doctor's failed, fceo "Bucklcn'a Arnica Hulve com pletely cured mo," writes John Wash ington, of Bosquevlile, Texas. For ec arenut, bolls, burns and piles It is su preme. 35c at Nenlin Drug Co. KHal Real Estate Bargain. 132il cash will tuiy 15 lots, 1 brick Wuae, 2 frame bouses, good orchard, wh ar right; If taken this week, and aflsuma loan of $1385. Income ft ana property 134.00 per month. Loan payable $29.29 monthly. rA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that MertK Aldrich, administrator of the estate ot Mary A. Aldrich, deceased, has filed In the cou-v court of Union county, Oregon, c final nccount in the mat ter of Said estate, and the county court has a pointed Tuesday, the 2nd day of March, 1909, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the court house, In La Grande. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to such final account and the settlement there of MERTIE ALDRICH, Admlnstrator of the Estate of Mary A. Aldrich, Deceased. 2-1-8-15-22-3-1 Motor boat racing, yacht races and rowing regattas on Lake Washington, will be a dally feature of the A. Y. P. exposition. Salem, Feb. 17. Ezra Meeker and A. Atwood, two of the best known Oregon pioneers, were In the city yes terday, looking up data of Oregon's j Jason I. e at Chajiipoeg, in which h taught Christianity and letters to the Indian children, and the few white children In that colony. Their object hi to reproduce the building for the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition, held in Seattle tills summer. It Is expected thut this will be one of the most In terestlng of Oregon's buildings at the fair. This building Is being backed by the Methodist church, financially and during the fair, one day will be given entirely to them. Members of the Epworth Leagues of the United States and Canada will hold their quadrennial convention during the fair, and will be addressed by Senator Dolllver, Senator Jones, and other prominent speakers. Ezra Meeker will erect a building which he will call "The Pioneer," and in which he will make cloth at the, old-fnshloned loom. He will also have a barbecue every day. Mr. Meeker has been over the old Oregon trail twice, and Is now trying to have congress mark the trail r. m. c i i : i Pi Bafsam for Someone Homestead Relinquishment 160 acres k 1-2 miles east of Enterprise. , Over Bo acres finest kind ot farming or fruit land in a body. Balance fine north slope pasture. Fine county road to the place. $250.00 It won't wait Always SI La Grande, Oregon HERWOOD (0 s : DISCUSSED O.MMITTEE ENLARGED TO TWENTV-EI VE. IN SESSION Meet in- Held l,a-t Night to Aid in KeMrhiiiK Din ion mi Weighty Mat ter Mum Accept One of Two Plan Before .Maitii 2 llcul Plan Not iM -iralili- One. 8 K Don't you tM,,v ifs a'oOut time you had your eyes attended iot &iop thoae nerve-racking headaches, that mistiness, those pains, etc.. Obey nature's warning and let us check the development of that defect with a pair of Glasses fitted by US. ACCURATK WORK ;U.K J- H- PE ARE Ufli:ilrD PI0tf R JtWCLER WOOD & COAL In quantities to suit Warehouse Storage Truck and Transfer There was a representative meeting ield last evening in the parlors of the inimerclal club, to consider the feas- ihlMty of attempting to secure a Young Men's Christian association In this ity. Several days ago Secretary Rhodes, for Oregon and Idaho, pre sented the matter In a public meeting, at which time a committee was ap pointed to ascertain the general senti ment and probable support of such an Institution. This committee met last Sunday afternoon and decided to en large the committe to 25, and this committee met last evening. Two propositions are being consid ered, whether or not to build or rent. This Is a very important feature to decide from the start. The history of the movement shows that a much larger percentage of Ihese Institutions fail which occupy rented quarters than those who own their own homes. Committees were tpi"ntrd last night to Inquire as to a'liat oqulpmcnt would be required to cover tin- ni-eils of this city, and to re oort at a meeting to be held Sunday, he JSth. About .March 2 Secretary .ihoiics will return to La Grande, at vNliicli time the matter will be defin itely decided whether or not to at tempt the undertaking. i Pi'ii(II(ton Do;; Vnt:icd. 'I'll.- facts have i!evc!oped that .aw .f the city of IV noli ton iiss.-s i tux against dos. $3 for males the sina and 1. inu enforced. Hi eti. ms have o-t car. I ui -ci!y $1", In taves was paid into the city coffers, ami th'-sc payment wire made by dog owners who went into the municipal bni'il t k' nml paid the doe tax volun tarily. Pendleton Tt ituine. $5 for females, is to and practically to hoi n made during tin liiK ii!l of last year. G. E. FOWLER . Phone Main 10 : SaiiilHdiic Team Win-.. Cove. Feb. IS. (Special.) Th sancrlilge aggregation of basketball' tossers won last evei.ing by a score to ! the public tmannoimcedfwy ul. the pablic unannounced. The vic tory over the I- D. S. team from h re was decisive. The team from the sandy country is not organized, being lie! My vv.tilel ei ' .g. -'.u r fc tlo one game. Glance over your office station ery, make a note of what you want, then call up Main 13 and we will be JOHNNY ON THE SPOT to care for your wants in short order. Work perfect, prices right. THE OBSERVER A large theater may be erected in fxS ; i n I Cure H by : iold $ -o ear fcrom lexii filck i . ile o Ing t econ ter, a the v rone iplem 'ham lerve jafeat 10th 1 iave i galei tftea t Rose burg. rea.