n H U4 y EIGHT PAGE3. Evnxixo OB?rnvFR. i, c.nxrK. orfoov. tcksdat. FFJinrAnv je, in. PAGE THREE. 4-f ran OF HOUSE FURNISHINGS -lM lit rt v 'i.-:' v 51 j We are overcrowded in our new brick corner store and must sacrifice these I ?B$m : : ' We have some attractive things in room furnishings, comfortable chairs and bookcases $5.00 to $25.00 STOVES AMD RANGES We have 23 ranges on which we will make you First Cost prices for cash. These are new, up-to-date and high quality goods. $33.50 Elite Range, double fire box linings, duplex grate for wood or coal, 1 6 inch oven, high closet and end shelf for cash only $25.75 $55.50 Acme Steel Range, extra heavy fire box lined, duplex grate, wood or coal, 20 inch oven,high closet, flush reservoir, porcelain lined, We guarantee this range for 10 years. A bargain at our price $45.00 $60.00 Blue Steel Improved Cascade Range, 22 inch oven, duplex grates, extension broiler device, large warming closet, flush reservoir porcelain tank, handsome nickle trimming. This is a larga range suit able for farms and boarding houses where capacity is required and is a very special bargain at our cash price $47.00 ONE STORE ONLY. ONE STORE ONLY if 7 sn? --"'"- Remember: We arc leaders in low prices on floor coverings Beautiful designs in carpet at 35c to 70c, worth from 50c to $1.00. Alexander Smith & Sons genuine Velvet Rugs, 27x54 in!, worth $2. 75, sale price $1.40. ' Genuine Axminster, 27x54 in., beaut!ful designs, Floral, Oriental and Animal, worth $3.75, our price $1.95 Alexander Smith & Sons best Axminster Rug, 36x72 in., worth $6.50 our sale price $4.15 Imported Scotch Brussell Rugs, 9x12, $16.50 values at $10.90 We have a large assortment of Ingrain Rugs at from $3 00 to $12.00. We have several second hand Ranges and Stoves in excellent shape at $5 00 to $20.00 WANTED $500.00 worth of Second Hand Goods. We pay highest cash price or will take in trade. v Mew Brick, Corner Fir Street and Jefferson Avenue. Phone Black 641 1V.'.5.;.'WV;4 t.: V :. 41iumlcrlaiii's CoiiIi Remedy the. Most Popular Brx-nuse it is the clist. "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough "Kemedy for the past eight years and find it to be one of the best selling medicines on the market. For babies .and young children there is nothing Abetter in the line of cough syrups," hsayg Paul Allen, Plain Dealing, La. This remedy not only cures the coughs, oolds and croup so common among Soung children, but is pleasant and safe for them to take, tor sale by all good dealers, M ....... .. , i C?olda contracted at this season of the year are quickly relieved with 33ee Laxative Cough Syrup. Its laxa rtlve quality rids the system of the cold. Pleasant .to take. Best for children (for'tougha, colds, croup and whooping cough, iialj by Silverthorn BURGER and SEVERSON La Grande, Ore. Fisor.z Main 91 Real Estate and ? Loans, Fire and I Life Insurance. ...t; Silverthorn's Family drug store. Kfiffer hotel for rent cheap. Fur niture in same for sale. Inquire at Hotel Kelffer, ....':'?. 3-6t Vilvprthorn's Family drug store. For expert piano tuning, see Thomas Bruce. 1-iStt COLLECTING AGENCY N. B. Long Distance Col lection a Specialty OVER NEWLIN DRUG CO. I AT SAME PLACE G. Freston selling out did not inrerfere with my business, For up-to-date I shoe repairing go to G. W. Preston's eld Depot Street. stand on R. Plant z Merchants! Save $10,000 l t 2 In 1907 the Merchants of Oregon saved over i t $10,000 by carrying a psrt of their insurance in their X t own company, the Oregon J Merchants Mutual Fire As- t surance Association, of Dayton, Oregon. In 1908 t they will save $15,000. Durinn ihp camp nerinA their neighbors were hand- t T ; ..... ei rn nnn inn nvtr T . SOfJ flflrl J --- - - in proffe to outside companies In the Oregon Merchants Mutual you get: INSURANCE AT COST A LIMIT TO YOUR LIABIL- ims PRO MP TSETTLEMENT OF LOSSES . W. OUVER, Agent A Common Cold. AVe claim that if catching cold could be avoided some of the most danger ous and fatal diseases would never bo heard of. A cold often forms a culun bed for grrm of Infectious diseases. .Consumption, pneumonia, diphtheria and scarlet fever, four of the mwi dangerous and fatal diseases, are of this class. The culture bed formed bv the cold favors the development of the germs of these diseases, that would not otherwise find lodgment. There Is little danger, however, of any of these diseases being contracted when a good expectorant cough medicine like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. It cleans out these culture beds that favor the development of the g'.-rms of these diseases. That Is why this remedy has proved so universal ly .successful in preventing pneumonia. It not only cures your cold quickly but minimizes the rik of contractln; these dangerous diseases. For sale by all good dealers. For That Terrible Iu-liins. Eczema, tetter and salt rheum keep their victims In perpetual torment. The application of Chamberlain's Salve will Instantly allay this itching and many cases have been cured by its use. For sale by all good dealers. Quick Transfer: MARRIED 10 ( H AMI a ted this this afternoon, stating that he had performed the ceremony at i p. rn. The girl is good looking, of medi um height. Frank Leo Is a Chinese physician, Americanized and Intelli gent. For Rapid Delivery Set vice Call Up' ' ' WILLC0CK BROS. We are in position to do any Kind of transferring. Give us a trial order. Calls answered -day or night. 'Phones: Day. Ked 761. Night, Black 1271. agazine HAS GOT THIS MONTH Two screaming stories by Ellis Parker Butler and Lindsay Denison, each racing to see which will bump your funny bone hardest. One tragedy that will grip your heart. And grades by Russell, Paine and Dickson that cut deep into things. LOOK OUT FOB EVEITBODY'S THIS MONTH. THE CAT IS BACK Plneule fur ih . -tm ut.w golden globules which act directly on Something nw and dainty the kidneys. A trial will convince you i stationery at of quick results for backache, rheu-jXEWLIX BOOK & STATIONERY CO. matism, lumbago and tired, wornoutl - feeling. 3 day trial $1. They purl- For expert piano tuning, ssee Thomas fy the blood. Sold by Silvertharn Bruce. Walla Walla, Feb. 15. The Bulle tin relates that Frank U t,, a Chinese physician, and l.tessle. Under, a white Kill, were married at '2. o'clock this afternoon at the home of Rev. A. L. Phornughinan, North Fourth street, 'Tie wedding taking place In the pres ence of Iho girl's mother and her step father. .-, ' ,. t ; Cruhr the state law no distjnetloif is made between races In the matter of marriage, though several states prohibit intermarriage of Caucasian and oriental races. Just aftti- the issuance of the 11- ense a llulletin reporter found the in:: n unit woman and the parents at ibe home of the Chinese ihieti.r. .111!) lic se plrei-t. . Mis. Sarah C. T.amb, the mother, who hail acted as ilm ss when the license was secured, iliii the talking when tiny were ques-lioerd. Ii:e girl wtiiiMn I give Mm up ami in wouldn't give her up, anil when p.-i. pie like each other 1 guess It's all ti"Jit. Anyway, I gave my consent," "I"' said, when if was suggested that a marriage between a Chinaman and i while woman Is out of the ordinary. "They have been acquainted six in. .pi lis. They l:ave been going to- gi th. ra longtime." she continued.' evidently misunderstanding the word acquainted- anil tliinklng the re porter meant "engagement." The gitl is tint lti, anil s in a corner and read a new spa p : . peeling at the reporter ami vi ' i , consign ing him to any ..t!p : . i.in the room in which the party were seated. The mother se. nid to think that no jinntiua.. shiAalill made of box marriage, though she said she could not help It if announcement of the li cense being Issued was made. The Btfpfather declared that Rev. A. 1. Thornughman would officiate. Mr. Thorouhman corrobor- IIKXRY WATTEItSON' IS 9. Henry Watterson, the veteran edi tor of the Louisville Courier-Journal, Is today celebrating hln 09th birthday. "Marse Henry" Is upending the win ter at Nappies on the Golf, near Fort Meyer, Florida. It was expected that Mr. Watterson would deliver an address at Tampa during the stute fair, but the recent death of his son, who fell from the window of a New York office build log and was Instantly killed, haB sol of the w rought upon the colonel's mind that tied In Loulsvlllo and since 1868 ha Courler-.Tour- equnl to any kind of publicity. Bit tore .1 left home I cancelled all of my speaking dates and resolved never to again appear before any 'audience," was a portion of a personal letter which Mr. Watterson addressed to President Brown, of the State fair, now In progress at Tampa. The great editor of Louisville, who Is perhaps the most famous Journalist of the country, was born In Washing- . ton February 16, 1840. He began his Journalistic career In his home city as editor of the "Democratic Review"' and "The, .States," and was one of the reporters of the Associated Tress at the time of the Inauguration of Lin coln as president In 1861. After a period In Nashville, Tenn., as editor Republican Banner," he set- liU til. . IU. kit.. t k y. . ........ pear again In public. - "The death of a dearly loved daugfw tor, followed by the appalling tragedy which took from me a son who was the very apple1 of my eye, leaves me stranded and helpless: and wholly un-, fcccr. the c.'!tnr f th nal In that city. " -.- j -I FOUND A suit case on tho road near Moss chapel. Owner may recover same by calling at this office and paying for this notice. I f t -;. i PH0N I PACIFIC suns PGR GROCERIES l-2Stf and Rev l i u.t ; w. t t ' NOYES ! t