CI?-"""''7' rA!T: V. Get the money-saving habit. Trade f at Newlln Drug Coa. Grande iRonde tLumber Go. .PERfiy,. OREGON LEVY'S ORrZGON GRPE ( Keep the money at home by using Bummorvllks Feb. 15. (Special.) Death has called anotht-r pioneer of I'nlon county, when, yesterday after noon a? I o'ciielf, J. L. VrKlnzl ft. KXfi FURMSH LUMBER Of .11 L KlMDS LA GRANDE SUGAR IN CARLOAD LOTS. evem.vo ' bservi:p., t r.itAxnr, onnoox. moxdvy, rKimr.uv , PIONEER ROSSES-BAR ft" Costs no rrcre and just as sweet. All dealers. ' Observer Want Ads Pay Record Slaughter We offer 10 inch Columbia Records AT 5 cents each BRAMWELL MUSIC CO. SUCCESSORS TO' DAVIS MUSIC CO. the hip received a!jut four month ago, In a fall. Deceased wan 73 yean of age. He came to Union county from Ontario, when the valley wai sparsely settled, making this his con tinuous home. Aside from several near relative, he leaevs two children, Mrs. Frank McKlnnls and. David Mc Klnxlo, both residents of I'nlon coun ty. Funeral Tomorrow. The funeral arrangements have been perfected, the frrrvlees being an nounced for tomorrow afternoon at ! o'clock. TRUAX S ACQUITTED DeTtton Trimx has boon acqntttod of the charge of sodomy, filed againxt him by Mr. Gates originally, but la ter indicted by the grand jury. , A Sruliil Vt-rdht. About 3 o'clock Sunday morning, after a deliberation of about 10 hours, the jury agreed to acquittal and filing a sealed vcrdlco with the court, was dismissed. At 9 o'clock this morning the circuit Judge, J. W. Knowles, opened and reaa the decision that set young Truax at liberty. LAUNDRY Done i The Way You Want it (lone PHONE MAIN 7 A rt a. d U' Laundry i DAILY OBSERVER 65c a Month NO SNOW But we ae still in business. PLUMBING of all kinds YVc guarantee our ivork BAY & ZWEIFEL 241 DEPOT STREll XOKA KICHAKDSOV MAHUUCI). Former Im (.rundo Girl Married til Miirsh field IjisI Week. Marshfleld, Ore., Feb. 14. (Spcciul.) Alius Nora Richardson, n prominent .'oung lady formerly of Lu . Grande, and a daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. J. Q. A. Richardson of Cove, was married February 10, at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. V. G. Keenan of Maishfleld, Coos county, to Lorenzo D. N'oah. The ceremony was performed promptly at 8 p. m. by Rev. G. S. Olevenger of the Baptist church. After the ceremony they were led to the dining room, where a suinpt jous lunch was served. The bride was gowned In cream silk eoline, the groom in conventional black. They were the recipients of many handsome presents. The guests pres ent were Air. and Mrs. David Musson, Master Story Musson, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Scott, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Peter Scott, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Noah, Mr. and Mrs. Churles Doane, Mrs. A. Olson, Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Keenati, Mr. Clifford Doane, and Master Charley Doune. v V. I. M'CL'LIA" HOME. With Hi Wife He Has KM'iit the Win ter in Old .Mexico. F. I). McCully, who with his bride has been spending the winter in Cali fornia and principally in Old Mexlo, . . u , v, . it, IIIWI II 111 p$ l, llin IlllTllt I J I Joseph for a few days, when he will it-cuiu i'j rnruijiiu tm icoerai couri matters. Mr. AfcCllllv helir-VfS lh:it tli,ri la i greut future in ,1 Mexico for Aln,ivi,!inu n'tll. ,... It. ,1 1 .,...) I.. cheap all the way from nothing to J per aeri wnicn will grow alfalfa !ind rt..t.t ..f 'IM ,1 i... v... fr. , V'.ll,. Ill,' IlilllVI'r llun f,. ,.,! i,. 1, i i- ,.. U...1.. ......! ...I ... .it- 1,11, I 1 . ' ' I I'. III- tuie, jilow with sticks or at lu st with a stick pointed with Inm. and eul their Hlt'alfa crops with .-1 sickle. Th-y w nt several weeks In Califm nia. but ft rn!n.,l Mf 1.,,a AM,r.l,.u t,. January, and it was none of your Or egon nitHs. It was a downpour most ! of the time. V.;ty Price on Records. The Ursmwell Music eompriny In selling- Columbia 10-iarh dHe records Mr S.Tr etcH". Oonaptot ThrNlil Outfit. Far t a bargaia. Has bea ma abat days. Tiiae give, an pprsvn Mcarity. i-A CRAitDE UiVEHTiiHtiT CC. Guaranteed under the National Pure Food and Drug Act NATURE REMEDY The Greatest Restorative and Vitalizur for all Diseases of the SKIN AND BLOOD as well as diseases aris from an inactive condit ion of the Kidneys and Liver NOTE- This is a medicine com primising the curative I rop&rties of the Oregon Grape, which grow wild on our hills, combined with other valuable in gredients and the finished product is without a doubt the most excellent prepar ation we know of for the 4-. .rv T-l J r- eases as well as for ton in? up of the Kidneys and Liver. A Trial will Convince You of Its Merits Sold and Guar anteed by all leading drug gib ts. $1.00 per Bottle All Druggists S. ror 16 inch Chain Wood Delivered at yo .r dome, C.Ail nn V F RFAM I a C.ramt Thonio Krd 17 At Don't add to pour business cares with troubles concern ing your property Have the title to. your real estate thor oughly clear and free from errors that may lead to litiga tionHave an abstract drawn by us. Our office relieves you of the technical troubles-all records are accessible to us and we give prompt work with absolute accuracy. Only complete set of ab stract books in Union County U GRANDE INVESTMENT CO Fo ey Hotel Block Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver tablets mora beneficial than any ather, remedy I ever used." For sale by all good dealers. Cured ut a Severe Attack of Bronchitis by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, cold which resulted In a bad case or "On Octsber 18th, last, my llttie S-year-old daughter contracted a severs bronchitis," says Mrs. W. G. Gibson. Lexington, Ky. "She lost the power of speech 'Completely and was a very sick child. Fortunately we had a bot tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In the house and gava It to her accord Ing to the printed directions. On ths second day she was a great deal bet ter, and on the fifth day, October 23d. she was entirely well of her cold and bronchitis, which I attribute to this splendid medicine. I recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy unre servedly as I have found It the surest, safest and quickest cure for colds, both for children and adults, of any ( have ever used." For sale by all gooi dealers, FOK SALE Holsman automobile, It .horse power; used one season; la good condition and will run 365 days in tho year; will sell at half price. Inquire at this office. ' d-wl5tf Stonuu-li Trouble Cured. If yo uhave any trouble with your stomach you should take Chnmber Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr. J. P. Klote of Edlna, Mo., says: "I have used a great many different med icines for stomach trouble, but find Brave Fjre fruldlc iiho.jx receive eevere burns, putting out fires, theh use Bucklen's Arnica Salve and forget them. It soon drives out' pain. For burns, scalds, wounds, cuts and bruises It Is eart.h's greatest Jj.eal or. Quickly cures skin eruptions, olj) sores, bolls, ulcers, ' felons; beflf pi4 cure made. Relief fs instant, 2So . Xewlln's drug store, lf mmmm mm mmtm nftat mi iiii ( ItcttNon' Unthroned. Because meats arc go tasty they are" consumed In great excess. Ttla lead's to stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation. Revise your dlt, ler reason and not a pampered appetitt control, then take a few doses of Chumbcrlaln'8 Stomach and Liver Tab lots and you will soon be well again. Try It. For sale :t alt good dealers. LADIES HOSIERY I And the famous "Deerhide" brand for children. Splendid wearing. EoRWEllflffl & CO. ADAMS AVENUE s THE GEORGE PALMER LUMBER COMPANY j RETAIL DEPARTMENT I We Solicit Yttur Orders for j Lumber, Latfr, Shingles, Mouldings, Chain Wood VVe are prepared to furnish and deliver material J promptly. Cafi up Ftn Dtpartmcftt Phone Main S. A if