La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 15, 1909, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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'tXExnrn "'R.sEnTEn, T. citAxns. orcrcsx. Moxo.w. rrnr.rAi.v n. 1009.
T.xcr nrc.
. i
t bualncHt at the land office today.
Charlca II. Ilutton is confined to his
room with a slight lln.n.
Miss Pauline Lederle spent yester
day In Pendleton with relative.
Ceorge Stoddard went to Baker City
lust evening on business matters.
Help the band boys by buying a tick
et and attending their ball tonight. -
Ilev. George Ellis left today for
Athena after a visit with relatives
.here over Suilay.
Mrs. N. Mnlttor has returned from
IWnllpwn county, where, she has been
'.i'.inn -Uu-wnni Ji kti
.Mr. and Mrs. Dale Donnelly re
turned last evening to their home In
Council, Idaho. Mr. Donnelly Is o
brother of tho late J. P. Donnelly.
Mesdamcs C. M. Holmes and Tem
ple of Walla Walla, have returned to
their homes. Mrs. C. S. Dunn of this
ell-, Is a daughter of Mrs. Holmes.
Assessor T. A. Rlnehart Is home
from Salem and Walla Walla. He left
Mrs. Klnehart at Walla Walla, and
reports that she Is a trifle better.
Messrs. S. D. Crowe of this city, and
W. S. Crowe of Manlstlque, Mich., who
Is visiting here, left this morning for
Enterprise on a short visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmonds of Colfax,
I Wash., have returned to their home.
They were called here by the death of
Mrs. Edmonds' son, J. P. Donnelly.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 13. Lewis, who have
been spending several days with their
La Grande relatives and friends, re
turned to their home at Enterprise
this morning.
Mrs. Eva Andross and daughter,
Mrs. Ethel N'orrls. who have been
hi re jsinee the burning of the Hilts
Amlross house on Fourth street, re
turned to their home in Portland this
.Mr. and Mrs. W, E. Lewis went out
to Lu Grande Wcdivsday on a com
bined business and pleasure, trip. Th.-y
visit his fuller, II. P. Lewis, and her
I'll !.!. W. A. Worstell, both of whom
reside in La Grande, Xows-Ueoord.
Mrs. D. A. McAlister of La Grande,
mother of Mrs. W. A. Moss of this
city, and sister. Mrs. U. M. MeAtlMer,
returned to their home Thursday after
a very pleasant visit with .Mrs. .Moss
lind family. Enterprise. Xews-Kvcord.
PurmiT County Assessor Pace of
Wnllown county, who was summoned
before the state board of ccjimlizrlion
at Snlern, returned this morning. As
sessor Pace was among the very few
who assessed property at its full cash
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Holmes came In
on W ednesday's train and were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Holmes. The
principal object of their trip at this
time was for Mr. Holmes to attend the
annual stockholders' meeting of the
E. M. & M. Co. Nows-Ilecord.
Clay Pinehart, the Itnbler druggist.
j Joe Bell, th brakeman, I In Wtil-
I Iau'U pniintv tnilnv on hllHlnCKH.
I'nder' the new charter, the city
election Is held on the second Monday
In Murch the eighth of March being
I the date this year.
. Heacock, the Jeweler, Is moving Into
the Carl Pros.' location on . Depot
street today, where he will be located
until he closes up his business.
Ttev. and Mrs. W. H. Gibson are
visiting Mrs. N. J. Choate at 8um
mervllle over night, and will return
I. W. Faulk returned this afternoon
from Imbler, where he disposed of the
Roods belomtmn vo tmi, the for
mer proprietor of a cJUWWi'onery nmfV T- '-'HrtttSfl,
which, was attached by Wadhams &
Word has been received here that
Prof. J. M. Martin, formerly principal
of the high school here, will soon
start from his home In Park City,
Utah, for Europe, with a party of
tourists, as a guide. He made a elm
liar tour last year.
rtev. C. P. Bailey .of The Dalles, will
engage with the First Baptist church
of this city In special meetings, begin
ning Friday evening. Dr. Alexander
Blackburn, who was to have been with
the church, has cancelled his engage
ment owing to Mrs. Blackburn's crltl
cal Illness. The preparatory meetings
in progress for 10 days will be re
newed on Thursday night.
Councllmen F. L. Meyers and A. V
Andrews have decided to become can
dldates for re-election and their peti
tions will be circulated by friends li
due time. There Is a general f,,,Hnc
that since the members of the present
city council are familiar with the de
tails of the Heaver creek water pro
ject, It would be the proper thing to
re-elect the present council. So far
there have been no opposition candi
dates suggested..
' .
With Mesdamca L. W. Damon, L. F,
Dunn and C. A. Vurplllat In charge
of arrangement., the Lylo Tuesday
Musical will meet at Its club rooms
tomorrow to study the life and work
of Composer Mendelssohn. The pro
gram as arranged and announced by
the program committee Is an exhaust
ive one. It follows:
Piano solo "Song Without Words,"
(Mendelssohn) Miss Florence McCall.
Vocal solo "Hut the Lord Is Mind
ful of His Own" (Mendelssohn), Mr.
f "Tastes L5fc9?lalsM t
nvu it (ntteJ li't'B Rlrl whntriMt Hon
"'t''". I -. i- I t!r- junjilo oil .ill
Jt:tib et LTjaJ :ia;i CiUaJ.
toyrvy. Coin .s.v ruj, l-Umey und Syrup
Yov. r o.-r has It-i. him ((!.
h(i, tts-ti:t-ut. WiIii.Vu;nHt tree.
,1,., ,.!,. . ., ..1 . 1 ...(.
w.j .mi n '1111 i -iii' m. 111(1..
D. Still of Te,lf!, t. Is here with Xfc ?Dyie Hayh Syrup Co,
"tl 111 1 itm
Piano solo Selections from "Mid
Summer Night's Dream" (Mendels
sohn), Mrs. W. W. Berry.
Violin Solo (a) Spring Song; (b)
The Summer Boat Song; (Mendels
sohn), Miss Bertha Toung.
Piano solo Plaeludlum (Mendels
sohn), Miss Mae White.
Hound Table Talk Llfo of Mendelssohn.
The brick work on the M.& M
buildings la completed, the remainder
of the work being prlnclpully to finish
the woodwork.
Hew Spring Goods
Shanghia Silks, Satin Liberties .Madras stripes, Borders) Lin
on VeWngs, Costume ChiSons, Striped Batistes, Voies, Panamas,
sideband, Cambrics, Flemish Linen, Zephyrs, Percales, Cingham
ann Calateas.
iMys4s of Beautiful -Jhlngs
If may seem early to mention spring goods but they are so
lovely this year that we could not refrain from telling our friends
about them-tben too, most everybody wants to make their sekct
ion while the stock is complete.
The theatergoing public of La
Grande Is to be complimented upon
the several high class dramatic and
comedy productions which are to be
presented nt the Steward opera house
every night this week, by the Curyss
Comedy company. The members of
the company, IS people in all, arrived
on last evening's train.
The opening bill at the Steward will
lie "La Helle Marie" tonight. The
play Is one which never fails to please
and the presentation this evening will
he of high ranii
ome and See 1 hem
1 1 L V t I I A ft I INI I I tA,
In this connection k) us call your attention to
The Ladies' Home Journal, Spring Quarterly style
books, the greatest book of its kind in the world
one hunnted and ninety pages- nearly 1500 illus
trations. Price 20c and any i 5c pattern FREE.
Miss Leota Howard.
' i
the accomplished leading lady of thejban1 appeared upon Ihe street today
Curtlss company, will be seen In tlielat noon and rendered tin unusually
highly interesting role of "La Hello I pleasing 'concert. The orchestra car-
Marie," and her past success fuilylried by the company Is said to be one
warrants the statement that after to-of the best musical organizations, of
night's performance Miss Howard will 'the kind In tho northwest.
have many staunch anil .sincere ad
mirers in l.a Grande. Others who
appear to advantage In "La Belle Ma
rie" are Mr. Mayo, Miss Hessie Can
wrlght, Miss Lillian Mullaly, S. M.
Already a strong advance sale for
seats has occurred and tonight's pro
duction will undoubtedly lit? greeted
with a packed house. The comnanv
Geo. Uouth, (hie Kehoe umliamulstiir nhee hv ihl-
pany Is. assured.
Tomorrow night's bill is to he
"Down on the Farm," one of the best
known and interesting comedy dramas j
on tho stage today. An ex
cellent staging of this Instructive and
popular film-
m m m m m. M ' 4. m m mm . B A
I THt LUlUlb LyMtuY LU.
I AT '
I The Steward Opera House
Keserveii sen is are on sale every
day at the News Depot and remem
ber the price lOe, 20c and 3lc no
4 r w r
H I 1
In the Canadian Pacific's 3.000.&00 acre tract ofwheai land east of Cl
put on the market at $10. per sere, on 10 years time at 6 percent interest.
This land lies directly on the main line of the Canadian Pacific and one crop of wheat or oats witl pay for it.
The winter is open and mild and Umatilla County purchasers are moving over this monih to began work on their
new farms.
Mordo McDonald, of Walla Walla,- but well known in Grande Ronde, is sending over a big farming outfit to
begin work on his section and a half east of Calgary. He says that it is the best wheat country on the American
Continent. '
Bert Huffman, formerly of Union county, is farming his land east of Calgary thrs year. Conductors Jack
Smith and Len McCrary, of the 0. R. & N. will begin work on a section near Strafchmore this spring.
Wheat raising on the Canadian Pacific tract is not an experiment now. Miles Parrel, a farmer near Calgary har
vested 46 1-2 bushels of winter wheat per acre on a full half section of new land.
Yields from 50 to 60 bushels have been commonly repotted all through the new settlement in the Bow River Val
ley. One crop pays for the land.. A. E Burnett harvested 60 1-2 bushels of No. 1 winter wheat on new land east of
Calgary in 1908. Over 160 bushels of oats were grown on hnd adjoining the above tract. Spring wheat matures in
120 days owing to the long hours of sunshine in ihe growing season.
DON'T BE A RENTER WHEN YOV.CAN OWN A H0ME&N A NEW COUNTRY. You can pay for a section of
land in Alberta with one crop Othsrs have dene it, why not you?
The next party wMI leave Pendleton for Calgary on Tuesday, February 16. Co now and get a choice tract on the
main line of the railroad.
Lb Belle dearie
Tomorrow Night-
'Down on the Farm'
PRICES: 10c; 20c and-30c.No Higher f
ta Gf antfe, Ure.
Pendleton, Ore.
Second Hand Goods at Once. Highest Gash
price paid
A Pew Snaps
$15.00 Dining Room Table, goods as rew, $8 00
$40.00 Bed Room Sets $18.00 each
Gall and see the hundred an one bargains
Phone Black 1251 FIR STREET
I'.otray Notice.
Xotlce Is hereby given that I have
h-i'' r. d,iu'
same by proving property and paying
charges. Siihl heifer has swallow tork
Irs If ft ear and when found In mv pas
'urc r,n biirari-.-i ... ii . -
... -.. V ,..0.4 u'C-
i ton rope around n?ck. Said animal
same Is now at my place In the city I was taken up by me during the month
BSSUof La Grande. And ownr may have w2-12.Ml ' f. M. GATES.