1 i t , EfENlXG OBSERVER, LA GRANDR. OREGON. MONDAY. FF.HIUAHV 13, H0. sliuiu i-AuiJl PAGE TWC. TmF AfT flN i & it 3 M '11 t. ft I 1:1 i'.' i V f La Grande Professional Directory t 44'M4ey-Mt IMIYKICIAN&. J. Ii. HUBBARD. U. D. iJrVriTln .Nevr Bank fl.lllng. Hootnn - 'PhoiiM' Residence, Main it; Office. Main 71. DR. A. I RICHARDSON. F1iy"oian d Hargcok. Office over Hill's Drug Store. Office 'Phone 116. Residence Main 65 N. MOLITOR. K D.. PbjrslolM ana Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot St. Ottloe Main 68 -:- Residence Main 19 BACON HAfJj. Phvricutn and Sargeons. Cfflce I a Grande National Bank Building. 'Phoue Main It. C. T. Bacon, Residence, Main 18. M. K. Hall,. Residence, Main 62. til-.. F. E. MOORE DR. H. C. P. MOORK Ontoopirtlilc Physicians. aUrksvllle Qraduates Under Founder Office Simmer Building. Phones: Office Main 63: lies. Main (4 C. II. FPTON. Pll. .. M. D. Physician ami Surgeon, pedal attention given to Kye, Ear, N'ie and Throat. Office In La il-nnde ilatlonal Bink Building. "Pbonea Of fire, Main 2; Residence, Main 12. I VETKHINAWY SfHGEOlVS. DR. P. A. CHARLTON, r ' Vetcmiury Surgcm. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grand, Residence 'Phone Red 701. Office 'Phono Black 18H1. K lnr!e.rendi?nt 'Phone 8?. i 4.- p'lth 'phopos t residence. i DH. W, II. KII ET, Graduate Ohio State University. Vaccination. Dentistry and Surgery. of art kinds Country calls promptly answered. , , Office lfll Adams Avcnuf. i Phones: Pacific Hlack 1901. Independent, 378. VlAVt MRS. nnACIC McAIJSTER. Teacher and Manager. Telephone Farmers 1971. LKUOT LOMAX. Attorney at Low. (Uii-tA Hwntlr.. p!!;!r.S. rortlnnd Oregon For reliable compounds and careful precrlptlon work you will do well to patronize Sllverthorn's family drug store. 2-ll-2t EI) 8TRINGIIAM, AUCTIONEER. Sale cried on sho4. notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. No extra charge for distance. LA GRAND K - - - OREGON Route No. 2 'Phone No. 19xS 4,4.4- l-'oor Sores. Ftvcr sores and old chronic sorei should In- kept in healthy condition, vhoi.ld not In- h.-aled entirely, but 'Phi can In- dour tiv applying 'h:i!n liiTlaln's S:!c 'I'lii- mIw Ikis no jit-e.-lor tor this pitrpo-c. U 1 also most i-v.cili tt for chopped hands, vr,. nipples. Ii'it'lis iitiil di--'ea"' .if the .-km. For sn!i In all koih! ilea'.' r- lit S Y S II Cli mm:. V. st of service, Day and Night. Ilacl-s furnished for funerals nnd private parties. Papirace transferred IViy and Nlcht arol Sifndays. Htnnd at Paul's Cigar Store. Phone Red S41 NIRM 'i'tiQ' ( Ml,B".). ' E- L. IUi-l.Y. DENTISTS. C. B. CAUTHORN. " Office .over Hlil'a Drug Store. La Grande Oregon J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. ' Dentist. Room 21, La Grande National Bani Building. 'Phone Blank 1991. TEACHERS OF MCSIO PROF. E. PORTER DAT, Prlnclpa La Grande School of Music, Mrs. Day, assistant School, 101 Greenwood Ave., one door south of Adams Ave. 'Phone Black 1811. MISS STELLA OLIVER, Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio at residence' of Turner Olive? corner Fourth and O avenue. MISS ROSE HOUSE, Instructor in Piano, lluriiiony and Technic. 21(). North Spruce Street. La Grande, Oregon. EI-iXTRICAL, ENGINEER. L. A. PICKLE R. Civil, Mining, Irrigation Englueis-U. and Surveying. Estimates, plans and specifications Ofttce In Uohnenkamp Building. La Grande ...... Ortgti C. R. THORNTON. Architect and Engineer. Surveying, Civil and Structural Eng' neerlng. , Twenty Tears' Experience. ROBERT MffXER, Ari'liiKft. Office 1107 Adams aveim. 'Phuin-t Pacific, Main 1. Home Independent No,"1!, , ATTORNEYS. ('has. E. Cochran Geo. P. Cochrai COCHRAN & COCHRAN, Attorneys. La Grande National Bank Building La Grande .... Orogo R. H. LLOt D. Attorney at 1jw, "'rictlee In all tho courts of the Stat' and United States. Elgin Oregon C. II. CRAWFORD. Attorney at Law. Practices In all the courts oi tho Ktr.t. and United States. Office In La Grande National Banl tiuiiuing, La urande, Oregon. WILLIAM M. RAMSEY, Attorney ami 'ouncllor tit l4i. Rooms 15 ami 16 Summer Block. La Grande ------ Oregon We Wash The Finest Woo Skirts Tlicy look like new when you get them home. Fact. Try us. CHERRY'S NEW LAUNDRY "GisaTTcst" 1HIU HUIVI1 Wb ABOUTROADS! While tho JohnHon road bill In at ractlng much uttontlon from farmers in Oregon and In view of the fact that it has paused ono branch of 'the b-gls-Ihtti.ro and la liable to become a law, Ti.inii is nil fariiiers of 'j cwin i.v. believing that bonds mean bond age, the Blue Mountain Grange, No. ila, of Ibis county, has adopted thi following preamble and resolutions, of timely Interest: Whereas, It ha3 been asserted that .ve, Patrons of Husbandry, are oppos ed to road Improvements, because wr i are) object to mortg.iglng the fu ture to obtain better roads; and Whereas, we are In favor of th' best roads that ran bo had within om ability to pay for and not be compelled to transfer our titles of realty to the 'jontlliohlers; and Whereas, bonds mean bondage te 'he signers thereof, and the extension if the credit system, which is decid edly more profitable to the creilitoi than to the debtor In most Instances mil contrary to our declaration of irinclples to discountenance the mort gage systems, and Whereas, It is our opinion tliiH can and should pay for all the im proved roads we are able to build eacl ifur, if honestly and intelli(,'cnil lone; therefore be It Resolved, That we are opposed d. '.'ondinir for any purpose or Increasing taxes faster than the wealth and pop- "lation of the county Increases, lie Moving that an honest and economical usiness management of each count; .v-ill suirply all the funds needed foi very necessary public Improvement Itliotit shifting any part of the re sponsibility upon n district, thorobj eating lnciiia!lt,v of burden ane benefit. MILLIONS OF LIVES I.OsT. Awful Toll Collected by Consump tion, the If people could only understand thii catarrh is an Internal scrofula tha nothing applied externally does mud good they would not need to l) .vanied so often about this fatal dis ase, which, when neglected, Invarl ihly ends up in consumption, nv thi inst of millions of lives every year Vet catarrh Is easily cured if the rigli; reatmeiit is employed. Catarrh Is caused by germs In tie Mood which circulate throughout tin entire sy.-tem. External remedies giv. ant temporary ease. Although tin effects are often seen In tho form o pimples, rash, eczema or dry scaly skin, the trouble Is internal, and can "ever be cured by external remedies. Tho only way tn cure catarrh Is by employing a medicine which is ab- ,.,1 -in.l o.. .-.....J !;.- .. !;!.,a,l to a! parts of the system, so that the mu cous membrane or internal lining of the body is thoroughly medicated ioothcil, disinfected of germ mutter and the soreness healed. Wo have a remedy prepared from the pt esei lpllon of a physician win for .10 years studied and made catarrh a specialty and whose record of suc cess was a cute in every case when his treatment was followed as pre scribed. That remedy Is ltoyall Mucu Tone. We are so positive that It will nil.' catarrh in all it -4 various forms, whether acute or chionto. that we promise to return every penny paid us fer the nu 'ii. it fails to ciita not sati-fy tin We ve.iu: v. Ten.- .01 : ga 1 1:1 till ' . 1 olei.-l o I In every I ir f.ir any r iser. ;ise where ason does 1.1 11 y 1 :i-n ill M ucti- j 1 muiind.i 1 ion nnd a re riglit hero w her,- j o- t , . te t vac' r .11 r.e ii: tni.-e. - t: t -A o -ixev. '. vy ! 1' n a cure. of 1 long--; -lv u le n v. M-n o ! h.n I 1 Th M-n the : 1 1 is 1 '1 11..-;. Hi!!. ,:. I"' ii v. -at;' 10 A. tl hot:l. 1 M! MM i: Iv I ad R.i-trem rii-t- :il Elgin in l;ocoii 4 o!ilcl. Clgiii. K. 0 I.'.. Mis agazine FOR JANUARY . will tell you something you may not know about Farming, Fires, Pearl Fishing, Pills, Woman's Invasion, Flying Machines, and Actors. It will give you lots of good short stories and beautiful pictures. You'll like it. Get one to-day. LOOK rOI THE fATCHWOBK COVEI 5RAND Inmo tiT furlflr urthrwt boil and rtlm nr uu I'Ui.'air t n.l l.vt .ikti. A-k for tn Siit. If iinl omul o in mir iiclitliltortHMMt, nU h n t vi tin limn of mtr lnl r. f tii U mat fu a ini k oHIitmw'ln irvr for 'ariroui.l. WTUfiO SiU C0.. POKTUNQ, CU.CCM. M SCUNL WAfr ! BLUE MOUNTAIN HOUSE - T. J. CRAY, Prop. I I k ft 1 Lb: )i.uu, ana ; $1.50. Best 25c meals in j the city. Beds 25c & 50c f. !' an i J . r I w nu vuiiiue rovms. oodru I and lodge $6. per week, 4 t One block from depot. I ONLY . HOUSE IN WE I CITY EMPLOYING WH11E I I HELP ONLY I I TRY C UR SERVICEf t 4 i 4 SUCCESSFUL WELLS If you are thinking about having a well well drilled, lei us furnish f you with a list of those for whom we have drilled wells in Union county. We understand the well business and believe we can save you money and leave you a satis factory well. R. A. WEST. j The Well Driller -.4.4, TITLES! You may have title to j your heme and again you may only think you have. Gall at our office and let us explain what an abstract really means. Your ideas regarding ab- stracis may be all wrong. Many people do not know what constitutes an ab- ; stract, they think that an ; abstract is the equivalent of a deed. J V e. I We Want Our Want Your want m placed befors a thousand or mora want-teekeu very dayCan you afford to spend ona cent per word of your want all whe:e result are the keynotes? POR RENT Light houseksopiag rooms; three rooms. 1301 Madtaon Ave. 'Phone Black 402. l-tf FOR RENT Eleven-room house en Fourth street, known as Ladd prop erty. Inquire oi Miss Pauline Led erlee. l-14-t FOR RENT Seven-room house. Ia quire of Mrs. Zuber. lt-tf FOR RENT Seven-room house; elose to railread shops. 'Phone Black 1532. 2-4-121 WANTED. WANTED To sell or exchange .10 acre fruit ranch In bearing, with many improvements, forLa Grande city property. Telephone Black 32. WANTED Horses tor pasture, $3 per month. Hay feed and run to straw. Inquire of J. E. Reynolds. DRESSMAKER Wanted all kinds of sewing, plain or fancy. Mrs. C. E. Wills. 'Phone Red 1882. 1-20-lm WANTED Agent for office specialty. May he ,;rvassei- or office ctpnly house. Article sella to every store, factory or home where use of tele phone is Important. Wizard Co., 1210 Williams Ave., Portland. 2-6t WANTED Three waitresses at once. Experienced preferred, but appren tices can apply. Good position. Call at once at the Model restaurant. tf WHY NOT TRY Poptiam's ASTHMA REMEDY? .'Ives prompt and positive relief f evry case. Sold by druggists. Price $1.00. Trial package by mall 10 j cents. Villlums Mfg. to., Props. Cleveland For gali- hy A. T. HILL. Druggist The finest line of postal cards In Union county at NEWLIN BOOK Sc STATIONERY CO. uiLrM Did it ever occur to proposition it pays to keep your teeth in normal con dition? The dentist who has the ability to put, your teeth in the proper condition and KEEP them that way is the man for you to employ. 1 have no specialty in dental work but have taken advantage of the up-to-date methods employed in dent istry and give you the best that my experience and ability can accomplish. Your Wants Ad Column FOR SALE Two to four acres - e suburban property, well Improved, 'phoncttlack 1532, or aca ' E. W. Kam merer. 2004 Adams avenue. ( FOR SALE Small house and a 140s 110-foot lot. Buy from owner and save commissioner's fee. Inquire of J. Bachaat, Cherry street. -' Liana for Sale. ' , 40 acres of fruit, garden or alfalfa land for sale cheap If taken soon. ' C D. Huffman, R. V. D. 2. La Grande. , FOR SALE 700 tamarack posts, 10c, in La Grande. See l-21-ln LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. HOME FOR SALE. If you want a handy six-room house- on lot 60x110, with lawn, fruit, out buildings, cellar ,etc, close In, see me this week. Can arrange terms of easy payments. 1308 Penn Avenue. 'Phon RED 411. O. H. KING. All the new patterns of decorated crepe paper. ISc per roll, at NEWLIN BOOK & STATIONERY CO. RAILROAD MEN PLEASE NOTE. A neat 4-room house with 3 lids, woodshed, barn, chicken park plenty of garden room, well and city water; handy to depot, for $1,250.00; M cash, balance In -2 years. This Is an excellent buy. ' Phone us today. e VAN Dl'YN i:alty co. nil-, rT, See the Newlin Drug Co. window L' .... I for special offer. 2-9-12 A Sprained Ankle. As a rule a man will feel well satis fled if he can hobble around oa rutches in two or three weeks after spraining his nnkle, and it is often two r three months before he Is fully ooovered. This Is tin unnecessary loss if time, as by applying Chamberlain's . Inlment, as directed, a cure may as a ru'e be effected less 'than one week's time, and In many cases within three days. Sold by ell good dealers. i lb 1 you that as a business p ! r Y r JiVf 13: J.R. OLIVER: La C'rzcdf- N2tior,sl Bank I Building I c - t - v-' :J.E. STEVENSON, D. D. S. I 1 in. ni.it at Kist'Tii oieg.,11 Orat ni.l i'ei dl. t.01 in May. ' - - s