' ,; ' l I'll i a y f i ai in i' i ki ii- 1 .w ''few Ay .wAy VOLUME VIII. LA GRA5DE, UNION COCXTY, 'OREGON, MONDAY,. PKIUtFAltY 13, 100. . M'MRER 10S. LOOKS LIKE All ALL-NICHT'S JOB HOUSE AND SENATE WAD ING TllltOVGH 1USIXKSS Normal ScIhmiI (Question Still Hothcr- lug Hit" Semite Members McArthur 4H1 the Floor lt 1iihIi Hit; Central Oregon State-Aided Railroad to the Paslug Portage ltallroad I.ikcly to lk Extended to Head of Xuvlgu J Itiii Oilier Business. Salom. Feb. IS. Tlie house today passed three bills, this being the last day Mils can be considered. The house will probably be in session all night to wade through the congestion now blocking the wheels. The bill extend ing the Portage railroad to the begin ning of navigation on the Upper Co lumbla was passed, and goes to the senate carrying a big appropriation. The senate received one veto message, the governor returning the bill rais ing the salary of County Judge Nell of Jackson county, who is a warm dem ocratic supporter of the gorvernor. Speaker McAi'thur will take the floor this afternoon, and seek to put through the house an amendment to the constitution and a bill creating a commission of nine business men who wit! undertake the building of a state aided railroad through Central Oregon. Similar action Is expected to be taken in the Idaho legislature. in the senate Smith got a bill re ported abolishing the prercnt state Normal schools at Weston, Monmouth and Ashland, nnd demanded consid eration. The trill, with a minority re port, carrying appropriations for (Continued on page 8 4.4,4.4,4, i ! Dainty What lady is there does not want a waist. Call and them. THE I nrnmm x La Grande, Oregon A T0FT-LIKE BABY SMALLEST KNOWN CHILD IS IIOHN FN. KEN1TCKY. Parents NaiiM Tliclr Child, Weighing Two I'miml. Alter lewideut-Elect Taft Twelve liu-lie Long. Pqducah, Ky., Feb. 15. Satisfied their youngest child, weighing two pounds. Is probably the smallest baby In the world, E. P. Lady of this city, today decided to name It after Taft. When born the child weighed JO ounces, and Is bat 12 inches long, but perfectly formed. The first dress was supplied from the. wardrobe of a doll of a girl neighbor. . 1 8-HOUR FLYER COESJ DITCH LANDSLIDE STRUCK WHILE Mb NING FORTY MILES AN HOUR Altoona, Pa., Feb. 15. Hunning 40 miles an hour, the 18-hmir flyer on the Pennsylvania road from Chicago to New York, struck a landslide near here today. The locomotive was over turned and the baggage car and three Pullmans filled with sleeping passen- gers, derailed. Jiaggagemaster ftim gus was severely' Injured. A number of passengers were hurt,. May Arrange for Gniiie. Arrangements are now under way for a game of basketball between the La Grande and C'frve high schools at the rink next Friday evening. As jv-t nothing definite hus been decided on .H-4'K"f EVENING GOWNS Just recieved by express GOTHAM LAT EST DESIGNS You are wanting fiftse gowns for the season's social functions WE HAVE THEM In the daintiest Laces, Embrod ories in sheet material. that new see i Fair Store l i t CHINA'S TRADE I ORDERS ROOSEVELT FEARER TO AN- ' TAGONIZE THE MIKADO. MM MM V Assemblyman Drew of California Star tle Political nml hur-li Circles by I Sitter Tirade on Government's .Ac lion In Stopping Antl-Alicn Leglslu- ' tlon in California If Asiatic. Come lilte Men .Must !.cac Hie State, He Njild. Sacramento, Cal., Feb. 13. Because Assemblyman A. M, Drew delivered a burning anti-Japanese speech instead of a sermon In Central M. E. church last night, he shocked the congrega tion and gave his colleagues In the legislature something to gossip about today. Drew may be beaten on the anti-alien measure, but he is far from silenced. He said in his speech: "I think I. know why Koosevell sent orders to California to keep hands off the question of excluding Japanese children from schools. This country has with China an annual trade amounting to $40,000,000, and I be lieve he thlnlis Japan could manipu late matters so as to close the doors of China to us. Shall -the homes of this great stute be pitted against paltry dollars and cents of trade? If the Japanese come the white man must go. Don't permit these foreigners to live In our midst; don't permit them to take our lands and drive our people jut. The history of the world teaches that the commingling of white and black race has always brought the whites down and never brought the black race up. It always resulted Ir a shiftless, worthless mongrel ruc: that the world does not want. To compete with the yellow race means the white men must starve. MAINE DISASTER HKMKMIIF.HFD Anniversary of Maine's Destruction ! Celebrated at Washington. Washington, Feb. 15. The anniver sary of the destruction of the battle, ship Maine In Havana harbor, way observed today with religious and mil itary ceremonies. A military mass was celebrated at St. Patrick's Catholic church, Fathei Thomas McOuigan officiating." Impressive services were held u. Arlington cemetery, where 144 victim: of thd explosion are buried. A eiilogj nf tlr rto'lH Ve .1 . H,-,.n,l Uev. Win. T. Russell. An Immi'ip throng gathered at the cemetery t place flowers on the graves. Presi dent lioosevelt sent a beautiful flora tribute. The principal address win delivered by Hear Admiral Slgsbee ..ho coiumanded the Maine. T HOUSE DEFEATS SALARY BILL THAT WOULD ACL LOOPHOLE Washington. Feb. 13. A bill de signed to (liable I'. C. Knox to become secretary of st.ite under Taft, was de feated by the house this afternoon The measure iiiU-iidcd to rescind the increase In salary of the secretary of state, so Knox, having been a member of the present congress, could take his place at the head of the cabinet. Tan Off for Washington. Cincinnati, Feb. 15, Prcsident-Me.-t'..Tuft leaves, ftr Washing! n this aftprnnnn and '.x V.r"? : ;:ir ii:i.ify when he will be made a Mason at sight. The ceremony will take place at S o'clock at the Scottish Rite cathedral. R P. . 1 NEW ADJUSTMENT B NO HARDSHIP iff RINEIIART HEADY TO SEND OCT ASSESSORS. County As.HO.or Hliicliurt llnck From Sub-iu Where Ho Met With Other Assessor and Iiialiation Hoard County ut I'rcMtit I'tider-asscosed New Adjustment Will Hilng N - Huiilsii on Villon County Depu ties Arc Announced, Assessor T. A. Ulnchart Is preparing for the' annual assessment which will begin about March 1 and has ap pointed the following deputies: Klgtn, John Orrhanv. Summei vllle, Imblcr and Allcel, (5u Glenn, Cove and I'ulon, Waldo Perry. North Powder, J. A. Nice. Big Creek and Telocaset. Ed Turner- La Grande. C. A. Vurplllat. Island City nnd vicinity, W. T. Sfeln Assessor Rinehart will do colisld erable work himself. Hack From Salem. Assessor Rinehart returned "from Salem, where he was called before tin state board, which was recently ap pointed to adjust matters as the re sult of the recent upreme'eourt de cision on the Yamhill county case wherein that county refused to pa ils share of tli state tux on tlu grounds that the property was no! taxed uniformly,' and owing to tin fact that VaniTim county property wa' issessed at Its cash valued It paid r in (iter proportion of stat etaxes than .hose counties which were only as : 'sped nf Vmc-thlrd or one-half of th ;vish value. The supreme court held that Yamhill county was right. Thl b-clslon coming w'blle the leglslatun vas In session made It possible for the date to get out of what olherwls might have- required a special session if the legislature. The present legls 'uture created a special commission to prepare a bill that would adjust natters and this commission called In r.ost of the active assessors and man) if the former assessors of the statf ind .Inaugurated a complete invostl sation as to the methods of the pres nt system of making assessments, and it was ascertained that few eountiey issessed above 60 per cent, most ibout 40 per cent, and a few who tried ;o assess at full valui;. Mr. Rinehart ih.vs In his opinion that Wallowa euiin- ar. Liie l.itl.V l llUJitj tit tut- I l.U - las assessed "at actual value. Multno iiah under Assi-skdi- Zelgler, lias uuiili ,i great Increase. Reginnlng at a to- nl valuation of $3ll,0ou,oon, h is now l::, (MM), 000, yet It w as brought out ti the investigation that noes and ac icuuts were not assessed at all, nnd 'mprovirments at only B0 per cent. The proposed bill which will mi loiibtedly In- passed will provide fm i permanent slate tax coinmlsslon t' ie compiisi-ii of the governor, srcle ;iry of stute, st;ite treasurer and two -olOOII.-sioliel s to be appointed. Thesi onrtissioneis are to visii eaeh count.v siiul personally examine Hie values ns n ssed so the hoard can make every thing as uniform as possible. A.N.-essoi- Rim iiail is oi toe opinion that fill-ni county will not be Injured1 in the new' adjustment, as In his opin ion it will not malei-iilly change our state taxes, and he believes we have been paying practically what we should pay the state, the pasj few years. Wallowa county, whose as sessed valuation Is several hundred Thousand dollars more than I'nlon county. will receive considi-ratlo when the matter Is brought before It. King Fdward I'.iioi-. Rerlin. Feb. 13. 1) - i e attempts at secrecy. It was ! hh dtoday that King F:dward fell in a faint while con versing with the Princess of Pless at the British embassy last week. He remained iinconsrli.ua tnr soriif rime. Rerlin, Feb. 13. A declaration of war by Austria upon Servla early in April Is predicted today by the Dally! OBEY OUSTER LAW WATEUS-PIERCE OIL COM PAX Y i . ' PAYS I.fCEVSE. -'J- C'Uoels fcr VXPy TIwmiiki! Paid (er7 to Missouri OU Coiuiwiiy lcul( of Recent OiiKto IKx-iw. Jefferson City, Mo., Feb. 15. The Waters-Pierce OH company today paid the state a certified check and dellv ered to the supreme court clerk $50,- 000 and- filed papers agreeing to ac cept provisions of the "ouster" decree Issued December 23 last. ' There will be first rank work at the K. of P. Hall tonight. All members are requested to attend. MiDDLEWEST ACAIN SEIZED DEHH-DElLiK STORKS BY Chicago, Fob. IS. The worst storm experienced in the last decade has paralyzed the middle west according to reports today. Suffering and dis aster are widespread. Railroad trans portation .Is tied up. Telegraph and telephones are useless. Chicago In In the gilji of the storm. One Is dead here from the severe cold. Storm Hitter In Nebraska. Norfolk. Neb.. Feb. IB. The ther mometer Is 1!) below early today. The lili.z.-.l d ln-Hil .jt ty and. Ve,lnlty is the worst In many years. CiF.OMETRY Ul'G GONE. riiivcrsily of Oregon Drops Solid Ge ometry Requirements. University of Oregon, Feb. 15. Solid geometry will no longer be a bug-bear to students entering the Uni versity of Oregon, as It lias been In the past. At a meeting of the I'nlver-1 Ity faculty held last night, the solid geometry relurement was abolished, md a number of othr chungeg In en trance requirements were mnde, Two years of some foreign language, as French or German, will be accepted Instead of two years of Intln as for- nerly required, one year of history ti f, i';f two r,nd v.iii y;:,r uf p!,y -!v ': instead of two years of science. The total number of units remains the same as Tormeriy, out the required mbjecls are fewer. The entrance re- lulremenls stand as follows: Kngllsh, -1 units; algebra, l',i; plane geometry, 1; foreign language, 2; his tory. 1; physics, 1; elective, 4 units. XT 0 IP PREVAILS HANDY HEAT WHEN NEEDED A hot water bottle is indispensable in every home. Heat is nature's cure-for pain arvd when applied promp tly will often prevent serious ills. We Make a Specialty of High Grade . Rubber poods, the Kind Worth Having Our fall stock of hot water bottles is the most com plete we hive ever carried. All kinds and sizes and at prices that can't be beaten anywhere: The Better Grades are Guaranteed for a Year. A New One for the Ask' ing if Any of These Prove Faulty. NEWCIN DRUG STORE LA GRANDE, OREGON IDAHO COUNTY ' ,.0PTK$R UOVERXOR WILL SIGX li.HI-FOf CUT MEVSl HE. I'ollowlnjr Weeks of Struggling, tbo Irys of Iduho Legislature Score a Decided Victory by Passing ' the Original Ixx-al Option Bill Put Urunl After Oregon'a l.av Need 10 I'er Cent r County's Yours to iet to Election. Boise, Feb. 15. The senate county local option bill was passed by tha house of the Idaho legislature today, and now goes to Governor Brady, who will sign it. The bill is patterned af ter Oregon's law and provides that on petition of 40 per cent of the voters at any county election a vote may be taken to determine the question of sale of intoxicating liquors. The drys" victory Is a merited one, coming after weeks of hard struggling for mastery with the liquor forces. Realizing victory was not theirs, the enemies attempted to append clauses that would In a measure remove. tho worst sting of the new bill, but failed also In that. Good Duy at Central. Yesterday was a day to be remem bered by the members and friend of' Central Church of Christ. Jt behig near the. close of Mr. King's work and so many of the members wishing to have the minister and his family with them for-to-mpg'vthfl-ji It -ws Imprac tical for thpm to 'make' the rounds It was agreed to have an all-dy meeting and lunch together at noon. The morning hour, after . Bible school, was given to a review of the history of the congregation for the past IS years, tracing the work from the organization In 1891 to date. The church organized with 40 members. Of these three remalsj. When Mr. King came, April 1, 1900, the mem bership was 68, of whom 19 are still members. The property was worth, char of all debts, $338.73. Today the membership Is about 200, and the property worth $5000 or more. The noon hour whs spent very pleasantly, nnd a fine luncheon serv ed by the ladles. In the afternoon a short service of prayer testimony, etc., ; j ci;r.iV,icti-3 u;m l.;tcr tV.i evening services were held. Itaby Dies at Imblcr. k .Imblcr, Feb. 15. (Special.) The 6-months-old child of Mr. nnd Mrs. O. S. Hrynnt died here early this morn ing of croup. No funeral arrangi ments are announced. Tageblatt. 1.-: -"M"f