3 i i' f' n Mil fviti ii i im im iti i. volume vm. LA GRANDE, VMOJf COUNTY, OREGON, 6ATURBAY, FEBRUARY IS, It09. numkek 101. ! mi CO EDS IN FIGHT U. OK 1. STUDENTS OF LIBERIA IH A BOLD HOLDUP CORKY ARRESTtD OXFllltATED RUSSIAN ! iiCTLU OF DEM' J'l.OT. JD.MC. . e .,'77&".iMiRr.? T.UI.I 'if MIOTIC RQV LlifiuniLUOUUJi ! 1L T11L WITH ..M M! PUT m it ? J I JOHNSON S ROAD KILL WENT THROUGH SENATE EASILY. House is ill Eugene Today Farliclpal - lug In Celebration or Fiftieth Anni versary of Oregon's Admission lo .Statehood l-ubor Hills Killed Sin- JIOl'N 'McUslll'O lillld lO Rest I.usl Week of Session lo Open Next Mon day Morning New Record. Salem, Feb. 13. ltoth houses broke the record by working Friday night until midnight. The house udjourned .und attended Admission day exercises at Ei'K'.'iie today, where the stuto uni versity Is celebrating the fiftieth an niversary of Oregon statehood. The senate was in session and killed the last of the labor bills and the measure by Slnnutt to protect persons engaged In dangerous occupations. Johnson's road bill went through with little opposition and goes to the house. A number of local and salary bills passed, one going over the gov ernor's veto. Both houses will resume work Mon day and commence the last week of tfhe session. OPTION IX ranger. IVds III Washington Senate Have Under Hold on Situation, the Oivmnla. Feb. 13. Today the sltu- alion in the senate seems to be 'ii to I'a against the Mc.Masters load option bill. The nets contend positively they Imve .strength to remove The drastic leatures of the measure which they ssay means prohibition and to enact a 'local option bill giving mnnlcipalltes "the right to determine whether it shall be .wet or dry. FIRST Our first showing of usf received from New York's best suit makers Suits These suits wit! give you an idea oi the style Tendencies for Spring Ladies IVe invite you to call and see them. You are welcome, buy or no buy. THE FMR Girls' Di-esscp Torn Hiitl Faces Scratch- cl tog and Hlh Itroken Count letw limine Sustained. Washington, Pa., Feb. 13. Scores of men students, and a dozen ro-eds of the University of Pennsylvania are suffering from Injuries sustained when members of the Junior class raised their colors on the tower of the main school building. A score of students rushed to tear down the colors and wero met by a party of Juniors on the stairs. They clashed, the fight raging through the corridors and class rooms. The co-eds engaged In the scrimmage on both sides. Many emerged with torn dresses and faces badly scratched. Injuries to the men consisted of broken legs and ribs, countless sprains end bruises. At the end of the battle the Junior colors still fluttered. ABSTRACT PRONOUNCED 0, K. AFTER LONG INVESTIGA TION M 'COURT APPENDS O. K. Clear. Hut Complicated Title by Orig inal Holders Delays Final Accept ance of Herry Iroieriy Abstract McCnurt Fully Satisfied Willi Doc ument. Practically all objections to the ab stract of the J. M. Berry property, which Is to be used for the govern ment postoffice site, has been answer ed and the document will soon be on ,",sy heel- to Washington again. The abstract was prepared by the La Urande Investment company here and sent to Washington. Hue to a com plication of affairs arising over the donation of the tract of land where (Continued on page 8 ) ENGLISH TROOPS AND SHIPS TO THE SCENE State DeiMirtmciit at Washington In Alarmed Over Conditivu In Llltcriii - Urge Congress to Send Commix Moil to Consider Matter England Protecting Its Suhjivts anil Foreign Travelers In llio Country National Existence Short. Washington, Feb. 13. Conditions in Liberia are causing grave concern at the capital, according to members of the state department, today. It Is believed the crisis in affairs ut the lit tie African republic has been reached. and that the national existence of Li beria is drawing to a close. Marines have been landed from the British warship at Monrovia, the capital, and a column of soldiers uispaicneti irom Sierra Leone for the purpose of af fording protection to the English resl dents and travelers. The state department will make re newed efforts to persuade congress to appropriate money for the appoint ment of a commission to visit Liberia to ascertain conditions, and recom mend what action is to be undertaken by the United States. SEATTLE GIVEN MONEY. Labor Elements In Sound Country Will Aid Sentenced Leaders. Seattle. Feb. 13. A thousand dol lars has been raised by organized la bor here to fight the ease against Compels, Mitchell and Morrison, sen tenced to prison for contempt of court, at a meeting last nigut or la bor leaders, PRESENT ,1" TROUSERS L U) TT. ,.. V.V v i uni Fitting M:;,J PMITS See the Stvle See the Point You Meed the pants that give you satisfaction Th sprite is $3.50 THE FI PASSENGER CARS SUHJECT- . tKD TO RAPID FUSII.ADE. Mull Car RoIiIkI of One Thousand by Two Robbers Near Military Junc tion Last Night Stop Train by a Clever Ruse Euglneiueii Covered With Revolver While Colleague Ri fle Valuable Mull In Hie Cur A Posse Pursues in Automobile. Denver, Feb. 13. After slopping the Denver & Hio Grande fast mail. two masked men held up and robbed the mall coach of $1(100 worth of reg istered mall last night near Military Junction. Today an armed posse Is pursuing the robbers In an auto. During the robbery one robber bom barded the passenger coaches with bullets. Resort to Clever Ruse. As the train was approaching Mill- tary Junction, the engineer saw a prostrate form of a man tying on the track, with another man standing over him frantically waving his hands. The engineer brought the train to a quick stop. Immediately one man ran to the side of the engine, nivl pointed a revolver at the engineer and fireman, and ordered them to raise their hands. Other trainmen who came out were sent b;:ck to their cars under threats. Fnsilade of Bullets, One robber kept up a constant fusl- lade of bullets to frighten passengers so none of them w ould Cmie out. An. ther entered the mail ear. compelled the clerk to pr.lnt out the registered man. and with the foot placed In a saert. droppeil from the window. Ilieiblh hmgt ,uul , a way interesting. rouneis tnen roreeu tne engineer inix,.xl Mn,H.. vtecelver Nledner sends start the train. Soon the news reached!. Dfnvcr, a short distance away and posse started In pursuit. A. f. Miller, who has been taking Ireatment at Hot Lake, came In. this morning to spend Sunday with his orothers, William aiul Robert. TWENTY-EIGHT ii i m in iMiii mm living MUX county, who has committed a crime within the past three or more years, has not already been detected, tln ie is mi reason to believe that some of l hem at least have not been now. The 'grand jury this forenoon returned .'n true hills and only one of the L'S is made public, and that one Is a true hill aicalnst Tom Maxwell, charged SIGNING HALL'S PETITION IM.VIU KN SAID TO HE AFTER WALDEVS .IOR. As Yet No New Timber Shows I p in ilie oiiiii ilmcn's (Junrtcr Wil liams and Monroe 'lliniilii lo He ( iiniliilaies, lint Mcers anil An drews Arc Yet Silent. l'i lilh'iis are being circulated today hy the rvi. nils of Dr. M. K. Hall, to have him become a candidate for re lehetion. It is understood (hat fotin ' eihn iu Monroe of the First waul, and j I'oiiiieilm.ui J. T. Williamson of tin I Fourth ward, will be candidal' s " o for r lection. The other : iring i ouni -ilmen are A. V. An' " s of the Set oml ward, and F I. '1 v i rs of the Fourth ward, bi t '. 1 -' i i r or not they will consent to serve the city for an 'h r li.i-m has r 't been ascertained. I For m.t -:i:! pi sent uml . John allien, has no idea of handing over the star, but it I announced that ex-marshal Lou Reyhuin ha dtsins on the position. There Is little quej- Noted Writer and Revolutionist In HiiKslu Ordered Arrested Today Political Cuusc Illamcd. St. Petersburg, Feb. IS. A warrant was issued today for the arrest of Maxim Gorky, the celebrated writer und leader of the revolutionary move ment In Russia. It Is believed to be the result of political agitation. Rain ami Snow ut Condon. Condon. Feb. 13. Farmers are re joicing over two Inches of snow, unJ a heavy fall of rain last night, turn ing to sleet. It has put the'grountl in flue condition for spring. Negro Lynched. Fla.. Feb. U. Jack Wade, Tampa, a negro, was lynched today at Lake- land, 30 mites away, lie assaulted a I white girl. I BED TAPE TO CAUSE DELAY TAKES A MONTH TO ISSUE FIRST PAYMENT, Checks Most Be Asked for. Figured Out. Scut to Washington, Figured Ag.iln. Signed by Comptroller, Re turned to La Grande und Sent to Depositors. That 11 win be well along toward the li'ith of March before depositors In the defunct Farmers & Traders' ,xatlonaI bank can realize cash on I ,uv,l,.nr1 cheeks, tins heciinw evident. i;Ttltl 4ps which th receivership ,B ui,jert,,j t(1 ln connection with the , ,,liyim.nl f divldemts to depositors is lh Pfimntroller of the currenev at ivuhin.i,.n l.ttnr reouesilnir hlank schedules and blank checks, ln 10 days' time the order Is filled. Then with the money on hand the receiver calculates what the pro rata payments (Continued on page R TRUE BILLS FOUNQ BY GRAND WRY AND .Willi I lie lareeiiy oi uu overcoat Irom a rooming uouse hi Fir street. The present grand Jury has worked hard and patient and .evidently has something to show' for Its labors. Not. for years lias a Jury made such a record as this jury and It Is under stood that there Is to he another grist turned in before court adjourns this evening. It Is also rumored that the Any Remedy You See Kdveriised We handle all advertised remedies and toilet prepar ations Remember that you oan et these things here whether they are advertised for sale by us or not. TKs n the store that has it and you Will sav3 time by coming to ua for anything you need in the drug line You are apt to save money often as well as time. NEWLIN DRUG STORE LA GRANDE, ORECDU REMOVAL OF TARIFF ON U)W GRADE IS FEARED. Gmit 1obby Forming ut Washington ' to Tlivtwrt l'HNMige of House Cm -nit tco IU'couiuiciubilloii Canadi ans Would Flood American Market mo Disastrously That American Linn Imtiiicii Would Never Uveuver 11 luiiMiul Shock Uiiprei-cdcnked Action. Washington. Feb. 13, Announce ' nient that the congressional commit tee has determined to recommend lh Uoit(n f tne ,umbl,r llkritt on aU grades has brought to Washington a lobby of lumbermen from all parts of the country. Lumber Interests will use the argument that If congresst adopts the recommendations, the United States lumber Industry will be dealt a blow from which It wilt never reiflver, Low Grade Protection Wanted. Lumbermen are partteufarty an xious to have the tariff preserved oA low grades of lumber. They say that tf It Is admitted free. Canadians will flood the American market. rtnelwt nt the Bottom. Never In the history of any Indus- ' try In the United States has such radi cal action been recommended by at congressional committee. It la under stood Chief Forester Glfford Plnchot Influenced the committee to make tha recommendatlon. t P.inehot believes that' with- free fW grade lumber th Amerlcan forests can be conserved It 1 no other way. Robbery at Wasliougnl. , Washougal, Wash., Feb. 18. F.ariy this morning, robbers entered-the AVa shougal bank and attempted to blow the safe with two charges of dynamite. They failed, having been frightened away by an approaching bakery wag on. MORE COMING i J' jury will not hhh to we uiscntti eu, oui simply for an adjournment subject ti call. How many of these already re turned bills will be tried at this term of court cannot now be stated. He fore announcement the defendant must be found and nrrested. H is ipilte evident that there will be sev eral weeks of Jury, work before the term Is finished. i i i -.4. I t I (Continued on page 5.;