1 ' : PA on SIX. Evrxixo observer, f.A graxbb, orfgox, rmnw. febri'art 12. io. rC.UT rAOF. V DIRECTORY OF THE FRATERNAL- ORDERS L-A GRANDE, ORE. M. V. A. La Grand Camp No. 7J0i incut 4ch .Mufida fVO'K.H ! t. ' O. " K. hail. Ail visiting neighbor. 4tc dlally Invited to attend. M. McMCRIlAY, c CAL JOHDAN. Clerk. v. o. 1;. La Grande Aerie. No. 2S9, K. O. E. metis (vi rj Friday night In Elks' hall at 8 . 111. Visiting brethren invited to attend. C E. HACKMAN. W. P. OEO. ABEGO. W. 8. O. K. H. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. S hold Dialed communications the second and fourth Wednesday of each month Vlsiing members cordially Invited. JiACHEL E. VVOHMTELL, W. M. MAIiY A. WARMCK, Secretary. I. O. . I'. 1 'iicimipnicnt. Star Encampment No. 31, I. O. O. F., meets every second and fourth Wednesday in the month In Odd Fel lows' hall. Vlsltng patriarchs always welcome. II. K. COOLIDGrC, C. P. W. A. WOI'STISLL, Scribe. I. (. O. tV Subordinate. La Grand" Lodge No. 1, meets in illr.g bnthv-rn uordtHliy ifV.'i'.ed to tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model restaurant. HUGH McCALL, X. U. OtfCAM COOUDGE, Sccietary. W. A. WOKSTKLL. Fin. Sec. II mm Forester of America. Court Maid Marlon No. 1:2 meets each Wednesday night In K. of P, hull. Brothers arc Invited to attend BEN HAISTEX. C. it. LEO HERRING.' C. S. C. J. VANDERPOI'JL, F. S. A. F. & A. M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. & A. 61., hold regular meetings first and third Saturdays ut 7:30 p. in. R. L. LINCOLN, W. M. A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary. Knight of Pythias. Red Cross Lodge No. 27, meets every Monday evening in Castle Hall (old Kilts' hall). A Pythian welcome to all visiting knights. J. F. BAKER, C. C, R. L. LINCOLN. K. of R. & S. M. It. of A. Meets every Thursday evening at I. O. O. F, hall. Visiting members al wrys (Welcome. ANGUS STEWART, President. C. J. VANLERPOEL, Secretary. Woodmen of the World. La Grande Lodge No. 169, W. O TV., meets every second and fourth Tuesday evening In K. of P. hall In the Corpe building. All visiting mem bers welcome. NERI ACKLES. J. II. KEENEV, Consul Commander.; Clerk. RelH-kiilis. Crystal Lodge No. 50 meets every Tuesday evening at the I. O. O. F. hall All visiting members are invited to at tend. JENNIE N. SMITH, N. G. MARTHA E. SCOTT, Secretary. n. p. o. e. La Grande Lodge No. 433, meets each Thuidday evening at 8 o'clock In Elks' club, corner Depot street ami Washington avenue. Visiting brothers lire cordially Invited to attend. C. S. DUNN, Exalted Ruler. G. E. McCL'LLY, Recording See. The Ncwlin Hiug Co. makes a sp clul proposition lo customers. See window for particular. 2-9-12 WiiNliiiigloii Once Gave t'p to three doctors; was kept in bed for five weeks. Blood poison from a spi der's bile caused large, deep sores to over his leg. Tho doctor's failed, then "Hurklen's Arnica Salve com pletely cured me," writes John Wash ington, of Uosipjevllle, Texas. For ec zema, boils, burns and piles It Is su preme. 25c at Newlln Drug Co. SmvIh1 Real Kslatci llargaiu. 13250 cash will buy 15 lots, 1 brick house, 1 frame houses, good orchard, with water right; If taken this week, and assume loan of $13H5. Income from pwiptcrly $34.00 per month. Loan jH.w,i; 52S.2? n5'n,,,y LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. NOTICE OF FINAL A COIXT. Notice is hereby given that Merli. Ahlrhh, administrator of the estate of Mary A. Aldrich, deceased, has filed In the coir'v court of Union county. Oregon, ! final account In the mat ter of said estate, and the county court has ni pointed Tuesday, the 2nd day of March, 1909, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the court house, In La Grande. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to such final account and the settlement there of. MERTIE ALDRICH, AdmliiHtrator of the Estate of Mary A. Aldrich. Deceased. 2-1-8-15-22-3-1 Siilni'dnr Sale on Hums. Special sale on Sugar Cured Hams at the Grande Ronde Meal Co., Satur day only. Z--z TIIIK THIS OVKH. And then act quickly. If your .yes are troubling you. A defect caught In time can generally bo reme.lied by wearing glasses for minted period If the Glasses are accurately and si len t it u ally fitted. If lleglceted it will neecsPiiti the wearing of them ALWAYS. m:i: r. roi . A REWARD FOR EVIDENCE .XTI-S.IX)OX LK.il'E IS AITKK i:i.;iX VIOLATORS. J- H- PEARE U5CG0 ?H)ZV.R JEWELER Twenty-l'lo Dollar Reward Offered for Evidence of Hoof legging in El Kin SuliM-qiiciit Howard. Offering a reward for evidence lead ing to flie conviction of Elgin viola tors of the local option law, the anti saloon league of Oregon has set a new iiiereiit ni t!;;.; ?ect!n nf x'ate. Through the superintendent of the eastern Oregon dist'rict, E. F Zimmerman, the law and older league has Ksucd the following notice to the !nl.i:c: Urvtiird. Wh : .is. .it is commonly report(rt I'll! ' hr I'm,: option law Is beintj coii tlinioiisly viohit.,1 in Elgin, and hei-eas. all .,,,, citizens should "land t.,f t'. . ,(, 1 1 eineiit of the law tei lived the indorsement of the ! :.t -he l:.t!l..t box: then-fore lie it K 1 1 w ! I1. at tii,- Anti-S.i'oon League "f ": ii will pvy the sam of $ "00 f '! eld.-neo that will le;i,l to the ar 't ;:i:d "m ieti.oi of any one s.-llinv i'iio-.i. atlng 1 i i "i" in violailon of the :i! ojajoii .nv ia E'cin precincts. l'!ie s ,fi . f $:",.i"i will e paid for i h ii ii in any case, and 1 for the SeColld I-ill '. i c t i ! i of tile p 1 1 y. ! ,i i ,1 not to he paid .' pie. i of g: i:i- has been entered it. iy ha.- leiuined a verdict "f The Bker City iH-rnocrut relays the following this morning: "If I don't come out In 10 days come and find me," the last words of Chas. ffall, (he wl! known miner and pros- ; P. the netjthtxtrhom of the Rahy Me- Kee mine, in the Cubic Cove Uistrlc and whose friends fear his death They believe that he has become lost In the heavy snows of that region dur Ing the past two weeks, or has met with an accident in one of the tunnel on his property. Searching parties will be organized at Snmpter this morning and sent out to attempt his discovery Hall hus not been seen for thr weeks, when, after visiting his mother Mrs. G. W. Hall in this city, he left for his mine, taking the train to Snmpter and staging thence with Ry ron Weatherford Into Cable Cove dls (rlct. Hall parted company with the stagt driver and started on snow-shoes for his mine. "If I don't come out In 1 days come and find me," ha called hack to Weiiiherford as he started out over the snow. The prospector failed, to come out h 10 days, and the 10 days has draggi Into three weeks, with no word from him. Yesterday a searching party left himpter for the mill", and found th man's ealdn hail not been occupied for at least two or more weeks There were no signs of life about the place and friends fenr that Hall never reached his cabin after parting with Weatherford. Yesterday it was Impossible to ex plore the tunnels of the mine, hut l hat will be done today, and the par lies will scour the entire countryside In the hope of locating the man at ome other cabin amon. the hills. Hall Is a Baker county hoy, anil wa horn at Auburn during the early days t that famous camp. He is 45 years f tig-.' and till his life has been spent i niong the hills lu re. Ilis mother I: .'ramie over the tragedy forecast b his disappearance, unil the blow fall upon her with donl'V force ouing ti the loss of another son who was killei bv a falling tree in that region a con pie of years ago. The missing mat also has two sisters in this city. The New Spring Shoes and Oxfords Demand Attention TJie new spring shoes show a decided change in style from anything shown in the last two seasons. The new Tan, Ox-Blood, Mauve, Glazed Vici Kid, and Patent Oxfords are preferred and you will find a great many people, especially the smartest dressers,, wearing shoes of this kind. Large brass eyelets and pearl buckles add .greatly to theii distinctireness. The lady who likes high shoes will find a nice va riety of styles to choose from, such as Tans, Tans with white top, Patent Buttons, and Patent Kids, the new styles. We carry a complete line of Infants' and Children's shoes in all Correct Styles, Dependable Quality and Irreproachable Workmanship w. 11 WEST, THE QUALITY STORE. The Evening Observer, Deliverdd at your door, 65c per Month I Will ; i f i m I I J I 0 i a i ii a.ii i IWOOD & COAL I In quantities to suit 1 Warehouse- Storage : Truck and Transfer i i ; i i i - IT i Signed! i: F '.' M M EH m an, .:pt. Eastern Oregon IMstrict. e 0. E. FOWLER . Phone Main 10 j i. . o. v. vr iirxTi;Tox. Maui l a-lcrii ( tropin Three-1. inker sM-mlilcd in lliinlio-tiui. A sp cial to the Haker City Her.-lM i -tcrd.iy from Huntington, says: This i ity is filled with members of the o,d Kellous' older from over (.. o,...v.,)n ;,n,t western Idaho io '.i.. ..:,,. , aiiic - ii i p.ue 01 i. tu ition uneii by I'.arn: i:i r No. vti of Huntington. Twelve can didates are to be initiated tonight, and a grand lianmiet is to be given which will be followed by a dance, and the town is thrown open to members of the order. Baker City's delegation is i 1 I , : Bargain- for Someone Homestead Relinquishment 160 acres h 12 mUes east of Enterprise. Owr 8o acres finest kind of farming or fruit land in a body. Batance fine norfh slope pasture. Fine county road io ihe place. $2 50. GO It Won't Wait Always La Grajide, Oregon J t t t I t m m s 2 III B I 1 .i the largest present.