, , .' ''" ' I - : i, """y "' a. .-" :V1 i" It' . ' .". ' , ' i : ,nnvfl observer, u ghaxdw, okeoqx, mupay. remit arv 12, o. 1 Ait j PACK TWO. - f .'. i . I ;; s t .. : n La Grande Professional Directory - 4 t w Hl.-HbARD. M. D. physician and Surgeon. lOtflc In New Bank Bulldlnif. Rooms 'Phones- Residence, Main ; Office, Main 71. DR. A. U RICHARDSON, physician and Burgcofc. Office over Hlll'i Drug Store. Office 'Phone 1I6. Residence Main 56 N. MOLITOR. K D., PbjiMaii and Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot Bt. Office Main S8 Residence Main BACON 4 HATL. rtrveiclan and Surgeons. Office : e Grande National Bank Building. Phoue Main 1. Jf. T. Bacon, Residence, Main 18. M. K. Hall. Residence, Main 61. OP. V. E. MOORE Dn. H. C P. MOOR OlypHll!l( Physicians. Clrkavllle Graduate Under Founder Office Summer Building. Puonea: Office Main 6S; Roa. Main C. II. II'TOS, Ml- M- . I'llJHlcli"! iiml Siirwti. fci-eclal attention given to Eye. Ear, Ni.ne and Throat. Office tn La G a tide National Bnk Building. ' Phonei Of flue. Main 2; Residence. Main 32. VT.rrF.itix.!irY wrgeonS. DR. P. A. CHARLTON. Veterinary Surge n. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grand. Residence "Phone Red 701. Office 'Phone Black 1S61. i inrter.ndBtit 'Phone -Br Both 'plumes e,t residence. DR. W. H. R1I !Y. Graduate Ohio State. University. Vaccination, Dentistry and Surgeryl if aM kind.; Cuuntrjenttie prompuy tnowt-roJ. i OftUe 1111 Ailiinis Avenue. ' Phones: Puclflc Black 1901. Independent, 373. MRS. GRAC1S McAUaTER. Teacher and Manager. Teltphone Fannere 1971. IPPOT IOMAY. Attorney at l4iv. C 1 6-1 6 ttwetland Building. Portland - - - - - Oregon For rcljable eojiiiioiiniN n ml cureful prescription work you "ill do w" l" patronise Sllverlhorn's family drug store. " ,l M 4 1 ED STKINGHAM, AUCTIONEER. Sale cried on shoW nollre. Satisfaction guaranteed. No extra charge for distance. LA GRANDE - - - OREGON Route No. 2 Thone No. 196x6 I ever Sores. F ivor soiis nnd ol.t eiironie soi.-n si.ontd be kept in healthy condition. six eild ivl le Ileal.'. 1 cntin-lv. luit Tl. .i.j run lie iti.ne l. ;i l)Mii;, mi'ii- 1 L-ri:iin's Salve T!ii s.iiv i.f n mi- fe ,ior for tliN purpose. lJ !i's' lliosl e. el!. Ill fur i ll.ipped h.llld.-. "l e liippl. . luuns and dl-e.i..-n of ti 1'or le 1'V :i!l Keoci il n'.ers skill. J. 4. c t I'.l Vi V S II u im: r.est of ervlie. Day ar.d for lot V1AVI. I) UN TIKI'S. B. CAUTHORN. DeittiMt. Of'lce over Hill's Drug Store. La Grande Oregon J. C. PRICE. D. M. D. Dentist. Itoom 23, La Orande National fianl Building. 'Phone Black 1991. TEACHERS OF MCSIO PROF. E. PORTER DAY, Prlnclpa 11 Grande School of SIuslc. Mrs. Day, assistant. School, 101 Greenwood Ave., one door south of Adams Ave. 'Phone Black 1831. MISS STELLA OLIVER, TcucImt or Piano and Harmony. Sfudlo at residence of Turner Olive' corner Fourth and O avenue. MISS ROSE HOUSE, Instructor in Piano, Harmony uud Technic. 2I0.1 North Spruce Street. La Grande, Oregon. KLJUTIUCAL ENGINEERS. L aT PICKLE R. Ivll. Mining, Irrigation Englnii and Surveying, ftstlmates, plana and specifications Oftice In Rohnenkanip Building. A Grande - - - - - - Orcgu C. K. THORNTON. Archiui't nnd Iinslueer. urvoylng, Civil and Structural Engi neerlng. Twenty Years' Experience. KOlir.RT MILi-EK. ArchiKN'U office 1107 Adams avenue. Triune Pacific, Main 1. Home Independent No. 8. ATTORNEYS. (lias. E. Cochran Geo. I. Cochra' COCHRAN & COCHRAN, Attorneys. Lr Grande National Bank Building ,a Grande .... Orego. R. II. LLO'i D. Attorney at Ijw. Jnctlce in all the courts of the Stati and United States. Elgin Oregon C. 11. Clt.UVI'OKI. Attorney at Law.. Practices in all the courts oi the Str.t nnd United States. Office In La Grande National Bhii" Building, La Grande, Oregon. WILLIAM M. RMSi:V. Attorney und CoiuiM-llor t Law. Rooms l.'i and 1 Summer Block, .a Grande Oreiron : We Wash The Finest Wool Skirts They lock like new when you get them home. Pact. Try us. CHERRY'S NEW IKfFDTAIN I. SENTIMENT Eight business men of the city nr.1 :o ascertain the sentiment of La Grande relative to a Y. M. C. A. build ing In Ii Grand... This statement l '"."VtW t ..:'!--fi-e..r'rTe-..';'rrj;fl" '5 I. u Grande will have the foundation for a model Y. M. C. A. building next week, or next month, but knowing that the germ must be planted and propagated through an Indefinite period In any event, local business men have taken It upon themselves to work along the lines of propagation laid down by those with experience In V. M. C. A. work. A half hundred last evening attended the lecture :riven by State Secretary I. B. Rhodes, at the Presbyterian church. The lec turer gave a brief outline, Illustrated vlth Htereoptlcon views, of what Y. M. '. A s are doing In other cities. He threw pictures on the screen of prom inent Y. M. C A. buildings In Oregon, nnd In his own, clear style, made plain .hut the great field or the association Is. The Committee Announced. Following the lecture came nn open discussion by the men present. The outcome was that a committee was reiiiiesled appointed by George L. "leaver, to ascertain Y. M. C A sen timent In La Grande. Tills commit tee was announced today as follows: '.V. L. Urenholts. J. T. Williamson. Fred G. Geibel. GeorKe H. Currey, .1. K. Wright. John 'oilier. Mr. Sever son ami George L. Cleaver. The A-Hiclatiiiii Explained. To The Observer today, Mr. Rhode? said: "One of the remarkable movements if the 20th century Is the Young Men's Christian association, which in he eluht years sine., moil, has Kiiineil nine in membership, property and II, -n enrolled in Its various Hues of vork. than it had in the entile pre- -eiling ."0 years of Its history. This ;lrniliil growth is a tribute to the . oafidence which the men of the ountry have placed, in the mannge nent of the oii;:ini::ition. Its activl ies are innnyfold. and it appeals f very i -lass of oung men. "Perhaps the best known depart nelit of the association is the city or ..mlxations III which about 75 pei i nl of the melllhel -ship is enrolled. These associations are to be found ir ities of from il'iiu) to 1.mii. una. Most if them have well equipped bulldlligs. young man coming into one of the iiy iissociatlons. and after bo Inc. ;liown tliroimh the buililing. askec. lie secret i rv . 'Whal Is the V. M. C. A., anyway'." lie might have hee.i iold that it was anyoi f a dozen dif- erent tilings, such as an athletic club i library, a social club, a religious or aniv.atioii. hotel, a bathing cstab llshiuent. au eiiiployment bureau, a ollege, a social service institution, etc While cacti of these constitutes a part of its work. It is a combination of the entire effort that makes the Y. M. v uiiui it is today. It combine everything that goes to make the lifi if a oiing nun. and he can choose from its many activities the things that suit him host. Where other sim lar efforts have failed, the association 'as gone on with the advantages of sears of experience anil eiiiciem 01 -rani'ation behind It. Its membership is composed largely of young men under 25 years of age About two-thirds of tin- young men il .oil- western cities arc away from home and the association helps to fib his place in their lives. The hoys' .lep.i 1 1 in. in. too. is a big thing. Abou. me tliii il rum 1 - li i re give i. ,! the members ire boys : . i 'i m ist buiUiii'.gs tin : ., . . - ..f their oa n. h'-i i tli.-ir gam. s. r!.es.' .in ! : ., ..,..,it. l.i the inter. -' ! lo :.p.b boy. because il i : . re he .i i do Uu:,s. an.! I a way lls.it it v. !S .1 il no ii.i ir. I .. hi- in' u, - of in i .-mark iKo tbmg l.t i: . .is.o. i. .!!.! tli- last fi ..: b:w be. ii tin- way in who h "! 'i ..(' lui-.i:. s- it i i;y have giA. n ..- .).,.. inc. piishiing lb in: 1-ii-i'i. give olle-f. hi. i liioi.ght and icil-.v t" s work. Many of the lea 1 ... ni. n in our l u g -r . it i.-s urth of Hi. iv time to its . i- ;i.l..:.i ;--.-'Velt. Ci,-.-; I. !.t ;vcry County lnt,iuln t He .smmI nt l ull ulue. Ex-County Assessor R. A. Hug, who whs summoned to Sab-m to consult with the state board , of equalization with reference to adjusting county values, returned this morning. Mr. Hug Hinted that nearly every county and ex-county assessor In the stale ',vun present at this meeting. Every county represented took the position that It wus assessed Its full cash value, but In hla opinion Wallowa coutiiv win. the only county in the 'it v- fi'r'fW. fwrvff .r ari stiinti.ttlon of Its claim. Wall:wa county Is assessed at $7,000,000; Union county at about the same. Multnoniuh tried to substantiate a similar claim, but the facts would not warrant. Taxation has been one of the problems of dlseusslon ever since society has bee norganlzed, and will doubtless continue as long as time. The Tug day announced by Indies of the M. E. church for next Saturday, has been postponed. BLUE MOUNTAIN HOUSE ! T. J. CRAY. Prop. t RATES: $1.00, $1.25 and $f .50. Best 25c meals in I the city. Beds 25c & 50c I All outside rooms. Board I and lodge $6. per week, ; t One block from depot. 4 l ONLY HOUSE IN THE J I CITY EMPLOYING WHHE ? I HELP ONLY 1 HELP ONLY I TRY OUR SERVICER 4 SUCCESSFUL I .' .' WELLS ' t If you are t about having thinking a well well drilled, let us furnish you with a list of these . for whom we have drilled 4 wells in Union county. We understand the I well business and believe we can save you money and leave you a satis- factory well. I? A WFST. I -- - 7 The Well Driller! t.4- I'tit le's'I You may have title to your heme and again you may oniy think you have. Gall at our office and let us explain what an abstract really means. I Your ideas regarding cb-I stracts may be all wrong. I Many people do not know I what constitutes an ab- stract, they think that an ! abstract is the equivalent J of a deed. j i V I We Want Our Want Ad Column Your want is placed before a thousand or more want-seekers every day Can you afford to spend one cent per word of your want ad whe.-e results are the keynotes? FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms; three rooms. 1301 Madison Ave. 'Phone Black 402. l-9tf FOR RENT Elevn-rocm house on Fourth street, known as Ladd prop erty. Inquire Miss Pauline Led erlee. !-"- FOR RENT Seven-room house. In quire of Mrs. Zuber. l-tf FOR RENT Seven-room house; elose to railroad shops. 'Phone Black 1532. ' 2--m WANTED. WANTED Girl to do general house work. Apply at 902 Pennsylvania Ave., In the morning between 9 and J 12. l-23tf WANTED To sell or exchange 10- acre fruit ranch In bep.rine. with many Improvements, forLa uranae city property. Telephone Black 932. WANTED Horses for pasture, $3 per month. Hay feed and run to straw. Inquire of J. E. Reynolds. DRESSMAKER Wanted all kinds of sewing, plain or fancy. Mrs.'C. E. Wills. Thone Red 1602. 1-20-lm WANTED Agent for office specialty. May be .;rvaser or office .--"r.n'y house. Article sells to every store, factory or home where use of tele phone is important. Wizard Co.. U'10 Williams Ave., Portland. 2-Gt WHY NOT TRY Popliam's ASTHMA REMEDY? lives prompt and positive relief i ev fry case. Sold by druggists, Price 11.00. Trial package by mall 10 cents. Villlnnifl Mfg. Co., Props. Cleveland t. For sali- by A. T. HILL. Oruggi-t The finest lilv Union county at of postal cards in NEW LIN" ROOK & STATIONERY CO. Did it ever occur to you that as a business proposition it pays to keep your teeth in normal con dition? The dentist who has the ability to put your teeth in the proper condition and KEEP them that way is the man for you to e-mploy. 1 have no specialty in dental work but have taken advantage of the up-to-date methods employed in dent istry and give you the hest that my experience and ability can accomplish. : Your Wants a. . FOR SALE Two to four acres ef s'uburhan property, well Improved.. 'PhoneBlack 1532, or see E. W. Kammere'r, 2004 Adams avenue. FOR SALE Small house and a 140. 130-foot lot. Buy from owner and save commisRicner's fee. Inquire oC J. Bachaat, Cherry street. liand for Sale. 41 acres of fruit, garden or alfalfa, land for sale cheap if taken soon. C D. Huffman, R. F. D. 2. La Orande. FOR SALE 700 tamarack posts, l(or In La Grande. . See l-21-lm LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. HOMK IX)1T SALE. If you want a handy six-room house on lot .60x110, wiftli lawn, fruit, out buildings, cellar ,etc, close In, see me- i this week. Can arrange terms of easy payments. 1308 Fenn Avenue. 'Phones RED 411. O. H. KING. All the new patterns of decorated' crepe paper. ISc per roll, at ". .-. - RAILROAD MEN PI. '.ASK, NOTE. A neat 4-room house with 3 bits, woodshed, barn, chicken park, plenty of garden room, well and city water; handy to depot, for $1,250.00; U cash, balance in 2 years. This is an excellent buy. ' Phone ns today. Y.W Dl'YN REALTY CO. .1. fr See! Seel See the Xevvlin Drug Co. window for special offer. 2-9-12 A Sprained Auklo. As a rule a man will feel well satis fled if he can hobble around oit crutches in two or three weeks after jprainlng his ankle, and it is often two or three months before he Is fully recovered. This Is an unnecessary loss if time, as by applying Chamberlain's i iniment, as directed, a cure may as a rt.'e be effected less than one v.-.-eli's time, and in many cases within. three days. Sold by all good dealers. e I 'I NlKhl. II.11 fuinis'ieil fiiiiernln ,.nd prixaie pnr't.-s. i: .H.ii;e iranslei ted liny . Nli-lit and S.indsvs. Siuih! a: PautV Clar Stun 5 : i. .- i a - Night 'phtnf Main 25. 4 lr. 1 i La Crande National Bank III - B(St by lest" IM'.l'.t-t'l- , ,1 . li'van ;uil ai 1:1. 11 "f e ,,f h v-t of I... I I. fill e Natior Building STEVENSON, D. D. S. :li. a.i weeee.eeeee..Jc