La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 10, 1909, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    tac.rn iwces.
txrxiso onrnvrn. t cnAxra:. onrcox. rrEirsn.v. rEnmwnr 10. tnrtn.
"' TACT I 'IT G.
Walter M. pr.rce visited Hot Lake
' thin morning.
Deputy Sheriff George Llndgrcn
served legal paper In Klgln today. (
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rlnehart re
turned to Summurvllle thli morning.
Ira. Julius Ituesch. returned this
morning from a visit of several days
In Portland.
' p George Stoddard went to Baker City
on the morning train to look after
business matters. '
i 15, Moore, t he ;renl tat. denier,
returned this morning from a week-
stay in tho metropolis.
Attorney Robert Lloyd of Elgin,
anticipated attending circuit court to
day, but on account of a severe cold,
was forced to return to his home.
Peter J. Boards came up from La
Grande yesterday, where he had been
on business, and returned to his home
In Sumpter. Baker Herald.
Mrs. James . Upton of The Dalles,
left last night for La Grande; after
visiting friends In the city. Pendleton
East Oregonian.
Miss Syra Kuhn of the grade school
faculty, is asHlsting in the teachers'
examination today and her classes
were taught by Mrs. F. O. Schllke.
Mrs. Anna Jacobson returned to
Palmer Junction this morning, after a
visit here with friends. Mr. Jncobson
In .employed at the Junction.
' Dun Meyers arrived last night from
Grand Island, Neb. He will visit
friends In this city a few days, then
will go to Elgin to accept a position
with the Pioneer Milling Co.
Ed Kiddle Is home from a business
visit to Portlum) on lodge and flour
mill business.5 Ho was Also at Salem
where the legislature Is in session,
looking after business matters.
Mis. Edna Swurt, who underwent nn
operation at the Grande Ronde hospi
tal yesterday. Is reported as resting
easily today, Hnd chances are very fa
vorable for a speedy recovery.
H. H. Pitchfork, who has been at
tending the Lumbermen's convention
in Spukune, is visiting with his sister-in-law,
Mrs. N. W, Srhofield, of this
city, on his return to Utah.
The remains of the late Grant Tur
ner will be brought to La Grande to
nlnht by relatives and -interment will
take place tomorrow afternoon at 2
o'clock from the Jackson home; cor
ner Third and Washington.
Conductor and Mrs. J. C. Gulling
returned last evening from Pendleton,
where they have been making their
heailipmrters- while Mr. Gulling was
running on the Pilot Rock branch.
They will remain In La Grande for a
month or more,
Mrs. J. M. Berry anil Mrs. Fred G.
Schllke- returned -last evening from
Xorth Powder, where they visited for
a day, while en route home from Ma
ker City. They are enthusiastic over
the reception ae;vi-iled them by the
Baker City Eastern Star lodge.
Grant Lincoln and L. Remillard are
two additional men to secure near beer
licenses today.- The time expires to
night, when' licenses can be secured for
this inmrter. and to all appearances
- there will only he six licenses applied
for. '
The Weston Normal basketball
souad took Its departure on the
morning train for Cove, where the
five will play the Cove high school
this evening. The aggregation returns
tomorrow to La Grande to play the
local high school five tomorrow eve
ning, 'commencing at 8 o'clock.
I. U. Khoades, state secretary for the
Y. M. C. A. in Oregon, will be in La
Grande tomorrow to deliver a stereop-
tlcon lecture at the Presbyterian
church, commencing at 8 o'clock. Mr.
Rhoades is an ardent worker for the
Y; M. C. A. In Oregon, and as he
conies but seldom, he brings a treat.
Admission will be free.
Dr. W. D. McMillan
Painless Denistry
La Grande National Bank Bldg
Both Phones
' ' Valentine,
riiof" eity uit-ssenijeis of good will
--those flaming arrows and blushing
lu Kfts those confections of lace pa
It r mi l tinsel nq.l also the penny
!r-t adfuls are all in rcadincs at our
Assortments are
now. They wont' be
complete right
later. We would
advise early selection, for, of course,
v h. l aw s-jme one ought t.
r-tnembered with a valentine. j
No matter the price we feel sure j
that we have Just the design that .will J
measure up to your standard.
socicrr. ,
- Neigh In itIkhmI Club.
- The Neighborhood club held Its reg
ular meeting yesterday afternoon In
its parlors at the home of Mrs. An
thony. The business meeting was con
ducted and dispatched ably by the
president, Mrs. F. S. Ivanhoe..
The subject chosen for the after
noon was "Civics," and the leader not
being present the meeting took the
form of general discussion, which
wa. led by a splendidly prepared talk
by Mrs. George Palmer. In the course
Of her remurks Mrs. Pjlmr""fxpreswd
the wish that the rltlxens might each
do what was within., his power for a
more beautiful La Grande, 'especially
that we plant more shade trees, flow
ers and lawns, clean the alleys, re
move or repair useless and unsightly
outbuildings' and' in' some places put
better sidewalks. Mrs. Palmer" thought
that perhaps the time was rnot yet
ripe for larger undertakings,' but that
in due season such things as a library,
T. M. C. A. building and Improved
railroad grounds would be realties in
our city.
Mrs, Ivanhoe's plea for the boys of
our city, that some place might be
found and fitted up where boys might
assemble under the leadership 0
some worthy person and have their
reading room and athletics. This was
enthusiastically received and brought
forth the Idea of a Y. M. c. A., some
thing which everyone would b.
anxious to help along. This calle
forth an enthusiastic discussion urn! u
committee was Immediately appointed
to look Into the matter.
The Immediate and pressing need of
a new high school building was gen
erally discussed.
The subject of having music taught
In our public schools us is dona in
most other places of our size, . was
touched upon. In fact, .thers w:as so
much to talk about that was being
contemplated or that would add to the
charm of La Grande, that the time foi
adjournment arrived before the mem
bers reunited It, and ut the close of the
afternoon the members departed, each
fired with a zeal to make, herself a
factor In carrying on the good work.
- ; Missionary Teai
"We in Alaska rejoice at this
Christmas time because the angels'
song and the love of the Christ-child
have come to the peopl here. The
Thllnirot. Sitka, Alaska.
Some of our women have iilxcrt;;
ken to help spread this joy and to
raise money for this purpose u social
will be held at the home of Mrs. A. T.
Hill on Thursday afternoon. If you
have some of this joy please help this
cause along. "A blessing shared Is a
blessing doubled." Newton Kasko.
the boy assigned to the W. V. Mis
sionary society of La Grande, Is a
bright boy and anxious to learn. We
who can educate our children so eas
ily, have we not a thank offering for
those who have few privileges. This
Is your opportunity at Mrs. A. T. Hill's,
on Thursday afternoon.
This boy traveled hundreds of miles
to sret to a school.
(Continued from page 1.)
entile community.
Ofrurrcd in I'nmtilln County.
Conductor Donnelly was on No. 55,
a westbound freight, with engine No.
355 in charge of Root, about to pull
them down the mountain. lie had
transmitted his orders to'lhe engineer j
and given the word to pull out. As j
the cars were moving pa-t him he
made an effort to board the second I
car ahi-ftd ot the caboose. H failed i
and death came. The spot where he I
fell, whs just over the line in l.'ma- I
lilla county, and the. coroner from I
Pendleton was ca'l.-d. It was just 3
o'clock when a jury was empaneled,!
and It will ije in the neighborhood of!
f o'clock before the remains are '
brought to La Grande. No. 1 was late!
anil sever, il from here went out on it,
to join the frit mis nhout the body at.
Kair.ela. The iii'Mit st Wi's held in the
depot. Among those to go wei h J. F. .
Baker, C. S. Dunn. J. J. fair. Mr. Wy- ;
ren, J. H. P'-are a ml J. H. Kt ney. :
Several railroad men also went. The:
sorrow has especially settled among -
railroad men, where the d erased was
extremely popular. 1
A.siilfn.m the widow. Mr. D- nm 1-,
ly it i;tviei! t.y a lu tUit r. M:s. W. H. ,
Donnelly of Colfax. Wash., who vis-j
ited her son here recently; a brother,
E. D.. of Council, Idaho, and cousin, j
Mrs. Charles Dunn or this city.' Ms?.
Dunn and the1 deceased were reared
together, almost as brother and sis
ter. These, with several aunts living
In various parts of the country, com
prise the entire relative list. " . "
A Prominent Lodge Man.
As a member of the local lodge of
Elks, and of the local Knights of
Pythias, he was a prominent brother,
always Interested In the affairs of his
orders, and always popular with his
brother lodge men. In addition to
these two orders, he was a member
of the local Trainmen order and a
leading light In the United Order of
Railroad Conductors.
The family Is too grief-stricken to
uuturtdae- Ah PMvHr at. funeral ..Hit
rangements today, and it is likely that
none will be made until tomorrow
1 Mr. Donelly was married to Miss
Lizzie Goeck 'last June, and they have
made their home in La Grande con
tinually since. The Donelly home Is
located at 2107 First street.
George Cuslck of Union, Is transact
ing business in La Grande today.
Those who heard Captain Eli at the
high school the other morning were
well pleased, and at the same time
were Informed of a number of facts
they did not know regarding sharks
and sea inhabitants. He comes back
to lecture to us Saturday evening and
all should make it a point to hear
him. It might be of Interest to show
that the captain first lectured at
t'nion, this county, some 32 years ago,
mil lectured here at La Grande about!
! 4 years ago. Consequently he will
not be a total stronger to all who may
he so fortunate as to hear him. Don't
forget the date, February 13, ft nil get
your tickets at either. Sllverlhorn's
drug store, or at the Fair. 3 5c and 1
15c. ' ... . . , I
Notice is hereby given that Mertle
Altlrlch, administrator of the estate of
Mary A.Aldrich, deceased, haa filed
in the cou"'v court of Union county,
Oregon. h- "inal account In tho mat
ter of srti'l estate, and the county court
has 'ai pointed Tuesday, the 2nd day
Sunny San Luis Valley
10 to 1,000 Acres
$W. Cash and $10. Per Month
No Interest! No Taxes!
We want a reliable and energetic man in every town
to form clubs of 15 prospective purchasers. We will
furnish round trip railroad tickets Fftt'E to one member
vof each club to inspect land.
sion, full particulars upon request.
Reference: Any Bank or Banker in St. Louis, Kan
sas Gity or Denver
Bank of Commerce Btng. KANSAb CITY, MO.
of March, 1909, at tho hour of 10
o'clock a. m., at the court house, In
La Grande. Oregon, as tho time and
place for hearing objections to such
final account and the settlement there
of. MERT1E ALDltlCH,
Atlnilnstrator of the Estate of Mary A.
Aldrlch. Deceased.
We pay liberal commis
for Someone
- Homestead Relinquishment
160 acres 4 12 milts east of Enterprise. Over
80 acres finest kindot farming or fruit land in a
body. Balance fine north slope pasture. Fine
couniy road to the place.
Won't Wait Always
0 A SH mo 0
Grande, Oregon
See what those in position to know
have to say
"Had my library not
been incased in a Globe
Werneoke sectional book
case kind friends would
never have been able to
have removed it at the
time my home burned.
Even if it had been pos
sible to have taken the
books out the weather
was such that every book
would have been ruined,
a3 it was I never lost a
F. S. Ivanhoe,
Dist. Atty. 10 Jud. Dist.
We would be pleased to have you cail and allow us to
show and explain the merits of the Globe-Wernicke Sect
ional Book Case.
riiirt it .i l Hilt r i . ' i.
- . jn III , . 7 I ..j , . W'Ji
I.nme Shoulder.
Tills is a common form of muscular
rheumatism. So internal treatment I
needed. Apply ChamberViIn's Luii
iiiin iit'Pir inr"n timet) a .-1V ,
Jick cure I certain. This Ifilment
has proven especially valuable for
muscular rheumatism. Sold by all
good dealers.
''I attribute the fact
that my entire library
was not lost to the fact
ll.l !1 ... t.1,
tttiai. it, wao iioiu ill u,
sectional book case. On
ac'caunt of this, willing
hands - were able to
carry out. each section
intact and not a book . as-'
destroyed or lost."
Dr. N. Molitor
"1 W L. J "V a T- m 4a fta I 1 It " 4
Pinesalve aCTS u" 'oultici
Garbolized om&iY&2Si,