vkce rorjT. tTEMXG OnTOTOt, I.A CRANTiE, OTtEGrW. UKDXnSD.IT, HUnnUAItr 10. 1000. EIGHT GRAPES, from tLeirmost health ful properties, give ROYAL its active and principal ingredient The value of a prescription depends upon the prompt ness with which it reaches the sick room "Do It Now 99 A -a. -a--a--a-.--a- i T T T9 I T - :? V"T TT . - 1 Z r - t- -- T 11 Pmmpfmss j A MaMVBOB mm mm M T Balding 'Powder j&psoiateiyniiv It is economy to use Royal Baking Powder. It caves Saber; health and money. Where the best food is required no other baking powder or leavening agent can take the place' or do the work of Royal Baking Powder. ii (ftote Evening OMver PvbllMbed Daily Eicei Sunday. CVRIU2V BJUOTHKIW, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. Crited Prea Telegraph Servii-e. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Pally, ingle ropy Sc JDally, per month 65c .Pally, alx month In advance. . .$1. SO Pally, one year In advance J6. SO Weekly, alx months, in advance.. 76c Weekly, one year, In advance. .. $1. ( jl i. a m FAST OANE Antered at the poatofflce at La Grande aa second-class matter. Thla paper will not publish any artl re appearing over a no.n de plume. Mgned articles will be received sub ject to the discretion of the editor. Please sign your articles and save dU-appolntmcnt. Advertising KnteH. Display ad. rates furnished upon application. Local reading notices lve per line first insertion; 5c per line fur each subsequent insertion. Resolutions of condolence, Sc a lln;. Cards of thanks, So a line. Lightning passes and unerring eyes In locating the baskets, coupled with determination to win, spelled victory for tbe M. I. A. basketball five at the Ink last evening, against the crack Weston Normal ball tosscrs final score, 17 to 12. Hchofleld for the home team Bet a pare for sensational playing early In the game and Walt and Starr each took a turn at throw ing whirlwind baskets before the game ended. Sehofleld's throw from the side line near the center of the long floor was the cleverest basket thrown here In many moons. The amusement club too a safe lend early In the gain mid was never seriously threatenec; with capture-. They played with a vim and showed speed that their most uilent admirers had not looked for, with the result tluit tor a time sit leitst, the pedagogues follower! cull oilier around like an army without a leader, fateful physical training told, th. ii tIi In the second half when the wlillslle Introduced the second canto, the si or-- anding 11 to 4 with red Ink for the i.-itois. I'ndcr the recuperated field general- :!; of acth!" aptaln .Still.' the Nnr nialites braced up noticeably and thr-'W iiouijh baskets to make tho game one of the most Interesting ones from soy Mlniiilpolitts, but never hugged the lend that was slowly being stretched by the locals. Throughout the game flagrant fou'lns was an unknown ip'ium.'ty. Three 'minor fouls were called, and only one taken advantage of. This is a remarkably good record for i-lcitnlines, Indeed. It wa no ..iii.i'm iii-iv iin.l 10 exhausted ami an assured fact. "'..',, i . .i - , , , , ,, . thororghly tired men limped to Ji. I'n (.omnii-rcln club, which Pine-' ... . , I ijrei-si'lif riioips when tho ourtalu rang - Bents the hu.laess Interests of thH, , city, we,,- surety u.sapt-oou. . r 0Khlbl-,on of Uie R,,,llt .....i.,nl,-i.r f.,i- in reillitv the'- expi-clell ' ' There was rejoicing ut Commercial flub headquarters when, the news was received that there was to be a raasi meeting held at A Heel to consider the Irrigation project, with reference l the .Sandriilge, and that It was posslbl tu secure 5000 acres, which would in crease the list to 20.0DH, the amoun originally sought. Iitcr, however, I: was thought impossible to Interest sufficient compact acreage on the P.indildge and Hie Sar.dridgc wax con sidered out. This did not check the success uf the project, as by leaving the Fundrlilge out. n great saving in CKpenHp' Would he effecttd, Utld the 1 -", , o o 0 acres that was known to be possible uf securing all continuous, made the acrrylng out. of the project tiei-innlnir for In renHtv they exi -To- secure the greater portion of the Hen age on the Satidridge. knowing the wonderful productivity of this sec tion of our fertile valley, and the club more than pleased with the ttn Tiouncernent that the residents of tho Sandriilge are seriously thinking of ' Joining the movement. v .Tiist keen vour eye on the wide awake communities thai are now forg ing ahead, and yon will find that irrl- allnn Is no small fai tor. We might cite Twin Falls, North Yakima. Lewis ton. Welser. Payette, N'nmp.'i. Cald well. Hermlston. Wenatehee, Free water, Milton atpl a score or other places in the no'iihwtst where litiga tion has not only double, 1 and trippied the peiinlalloii. bin new ci'les within .i,,. l r. ., vein have i AVnite F. 11!,. -, , I, . . t.. ... ..it,, c fniin li-il.lon . . . fl'IMMI lit. i, i ll'-t tt Mima i,i -.COO If this p;fent ")'- t M.-au H'apt.K e -re In !i;: : i,.-i i iect In '' "tai r r.onde alie i assiii-.-il h vear. 1-1 Schorielil rande wiil lit- past the Id. Oca mar: I Subs. W'es'on. W uPliill lite lit VI fitilf e.ils We .1 IV I . 't f i'it i.l !H K ll-e II . Indoor sp lit seen In this city for some time. Tin- visitors showed clean and gen tlemanly spirit and the same sort of coaching and training. The M. I. A. 'treated the visitors right and the. vis itors reciprocated in like. The workof Russell as referee was eminently satisfactory. Summary First Half. Ln Grande finals from field, rtchoflcld I, Starr 2, Walt 1. fleddes 1. final from fouls. Starr 1. West. in Ooa's from field, Sanford 1. Storms 1. Summary Sroml Half. La Oiniulo (Joals from field, Oied tles 1. Ilean 1. Starr I. Weston (loals from fl-ld. Storms H, Still 1. To tal. I.a Cniride 17; West, in 1?. Line-up. M l. A. I'ltsilloll. Weftoli S'ornir I.igns '. Still . (C.ittt 1 Sanford ....... Wlell.o t :'v.-r and St i"-; IV fere. ; N Isotl. ling nicely under nerma! e.it,dliim.s. lmt with water we will grow at a fate loietoft.ie unknown. We need a i wer system, we n. r.l a t t. i i. .. 1 1 .1 1 rt,.,,,l e.lvttl i-iitn si not, i iiiiiii.iii,. - i ii in oi i t II- i.lenieich. timekeeper. r.;iF i:ri oin-:x. l ntiiniM-r Klllcil nnd Iirem:li lleliend i:,irlel Iik!it lV lirls. T.r.tt. Wash., Keb. 1 1 hiiinee- STRAWBERRIES About May 1st In the meantime we are receiving regular shipments of SWEET POTATOES CAULIFLOWER HOT HOUSE LETTUCE CELERY Fuli 'Mne of the beat brand of canned goods City Grocery and Bakery, L PCLACK, Prop Bell Piionc Main 75 Independent 241 SUPERFL0US HAIR IS NOW CURABI E Are you afflicted with this disease Are you still using a razor Are yru atlll using a tweexer THEN YOU Certainly Have Not Used IVt aVJ-I Dr. Alexander Crosaman, the Eminent Hair and Scaly Specialist has, after 1 5 years of research and experimenting, discovered an absolute remedy for this unsightly disfigurement. 'Mil AND I WE PROVE IT Cunrunteetl to l).ti-o)- Uie 'oarsot firowth ir Vour mom:v KKFVNI)i:i. Guaranteed to be absolutely non-injurious to the most delicate. The above Is net the result of magic, but of this wonderful discov ery named MAJI. This protogrnph is ONE of the thousands of cases MAJI has cured. MAJI Is endorsed and recommended by the most reputable physicians as the only remedy for PERMANENT removal and destruction of superfluous hair. The action bf this WONDEUFULj compound commences imiiicuwinj on Its application to the parts afflicted. .MAJI does not burn the hair, thus making it return more course nnd bristly than i-ver. MAJI goes to the root of the evil it dstroys the cause of the gnowth. It destroys the factors' favorable to it growth. MaJI curey by destroying .lie productive condi Hons that cause this disease. If you want to bo CI RED, if yon want to dispense with the fine razor, if you want to discard the heavy veil you are compelled to wear to conceal this humiliating, unsightly blemish, get a , bottle of MAJI now at once. If your druggist does not keep It send Jl to us direct and we will mall It to you, postage prepaid; in plain wrapptrr. Turkish Rem edy Co. 31 West 125 Strce, New York, N. Y. Address Desk 4. Free Viilunldc IJooklot "Tlie Key lo the TroWciM," SENT ON REQUEST. CURES QU.GKLY and PERMANATELy is the motto which stands for much in our prescription de partment. All prescriptions are filled as soon as received and delivered as soon as filled. You know our reputation lor pure drugs 2nd careful compounding .:. We Cany Everything which Should be Found in a Drug Store fflLL'5 DRQQ JT0RE LA GRANDE, OREGON Gomplete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry HOT DRINKS I Just the kind of drinks for cold weather. CLPiM BROTH BEEF TEA CHOCOLATE With Whipped Cream SELDER, THE CANDY MAN BUST Formaldehyde at Sllverthorn's Fam ily drug store. w2-5-2t Sllverthorn's Drug store. MFED WATER? : . ! . . . ... i . .i 1 .....1 " fri-.ri -i e !ieetK. we need city parks an.i many j .iotin i-en.inan i- "-... .i,er things, but we need Irrigation jrl Ploom is missing, undoubtedly toost of all. and when secured, all theseja- iul under the wreckage, as are- . ,w .... -(-..-. wi.-t. folium. ju,i''-.i--,v" v.- "T... T.. ... . , . V..,-, V..r.. 1, .in eM.to-Iillir li-.t m , . . i-i v.itun -ur r...h iiiol ,f :..o It w'.ll dimply be ca f ina1 ten: i. n , . f ail Inti-n -(-i. "Wli.it la ererybody'n busines !s rv-i . " el' in .n.i in ..i Mukul.o. IV liiie: . i. iiped uninjuii-d. The ei.k'ine w.i b iile,l uur a strep mht'iikmeiit nnd ;. jrt ;!.:.j,n Int-J !':' unl. Ask HUNT the w !! .nan how to v.' ; 'ct it. r "COLONEL GREATHEART" 54-40 or Fight Other New Books ! :! Prettiest Valentines f''MWijiUK'S A 'H'EEX! SHE'S A S1REX! is an exp'resicin that Is always heard at sight of a well deve ,.( woman. If you are flat-chested, with lit' undeveloped, a srawny neck, thin, lead, arm remark will never be applied to you. "Sir .' wafers will make you beautiful, bewitch ing They DEVELOP THE BUST in a week from 3 to 6 inches and produce a fine, firm, voluptuous bosom. They fill out the hollow places, make ths arms handsome and well modeled and the neck una slioulilers snapely and ot perlict contour. Send for a tiottle today and you'll be pleased and grateful. "SI REN" wafers are absolutely harmless, pleasant to take, and convenient to carry around. They are sold under guarantee to do all we claim or MONET BACK. Price $1.00 per bottle. Inquire at good drug stores or send DI RECT TO US. FREE. During the next 30 days only we will send you a sam ple bottle of these beautifying wafers on receipt of 10c to pay cost of packing and postage if you mention that you saw the advertisement in this paper. The sample alone may be sufficient if the defects are trifling. DESK 4. ESTHKTIC CHEMICAL CO., 31 W. 12itli ST., NEW YORK. THE WORLD FAMED CAR The Cadallic Thirty Is New Mere D.M.'HUN LA GBANDS, OREGON ! FEnousows U1IEKE NflaTinXG IS TOO ircn TKOUBLH. 1 Come look it over and sec more car alue for cve-y dollar ir.vestec then jou ever dreamed of We also Have the Famous Model 10 BuSck Runabout ;W H. BOHNENKAMP CO