i?t :' I. I VOLUME VIII. LA GUV XDE, VXIOX COCXTY, OIIEGOX, MONDAY, HJHUAnV S, 1009. NlMUI Jl 7. fi ( If I'rilon county land owners are as alive to the needs of irrigation as the hun dreds mentioned In the following dis patch: Great Crowds Attend. Boise, Feb. 8. Fifty thousand acres of land under the weBt end of the Twin Falls Irrigation project, were T rucr lluliauH Scared by 'Quake. ' Syracuse, Italy, Feb. .8. An earth quake at Koto today drove people from their homes. They spent the re mainder of the night In the open. OPTION LEAGUE CIH SETBACK 110 LHOL HOUSAND ACRES 1IC SATURDAY A PROFITABLE ORE mum IS ; I Jil ARE SUBSCRIBED tkact kast or tiik city added to sibschiptioxs. 'Wasco Man Who Owns Tract of Land Kast of La Grande Throws 1000 Acres in for Irrigation Scheme He. flection of Feeling Among the Live Land Ownem Great Land Opening Mt Gooding Today la Criterion of What Water Does. J. D. McKcnnon Is in receipt of a :ietter from Mr. Barrett of Wasco, who -owns a 1600-acre tract of land east of La Grande, stating that he will put 1000 acres of It Into the irrigation project. There la no question but what this enterprise will be a go when the land owners come forward like this. This is not the only 1000-acre man .on the list and there are several 500 acre subscriptions and, In fact, there -re very, few land owners within the aone of the prposed ditch but what Is doing his share. Many, at first. Vho 'had not given the matter considera tion, held off until they realised .that now is the accepted time and tp delay was to pay a much higher price than It would have cost them had they waited until they found an opportuni ty to buy a few shares of some of their more far-sighted- neighbors. Pome of us several yean ago thought land values were high. Then, after seeing values grow, we knew five years ago that it had reached the top notch. f Walt two or three years after this ditch is completed and then some of us will have heart trouble when we read about the sales of rear estate In this neighborhood, "which we might have secured had we acted In time." Coming as this subsrlption does, on the day when the' big Idaho land opening takes place, it has - special significance, demonstrating that FIRST Our first showing of iust received from New York's besi suit makers Suits These suits will give you an idea of the style Tendencies for Spring Ladies We invite youfo call and see them. You are welcome, buy or no buy. THE FAIR Carey act today.' The drawing for lands Is held at Gooding. Big crowds are there. The opening of this tract bring the total amount of land irrigated land under the project to 520,000 acres, making the biggest Irrigation system in the world. Richard Lehman of Pendleton, was a land office visitor today. FEW CONTESTS OF LARGE XCMBER FILED OXLY FEW HAVE HEARING. Another .Contest In Famous 4-41 Fil ing Is Being Heard In tbe City To day Many Filed, Bui Few Enjoy I'aylng Heavy Testimony Expense Canes IiOiigl-inded. One of the few- contest cases to ma terialize out of the great number that were filed as an outcome of the land opening In Wallowa county some time ago, came to a hearing in this city today. The expense Incurred by carrying out the contests have scared away many of the squatters who claim preference rights. Out of the large number of entries made in this city when the famous line-up ended, grew notices of contest on practically every claim, but so fin only a very few have materialized, having been either postponed or dis- (Cintlnued on page 8-1 PUT W illi 1LLF JUOZEX ARTICLES EX. TECTEB THIS EVEXIXG. Grand Jury Reported to Half Dozen ('axes Ready for Court This Evening Joe Williams Case Is Postponed I'ntll Tomorrow, When it Will Conn to Trial Case on the Docket for Hearing Today Is Sugar Company Against Orton Smith Matter Hu mored Tending. Without having made a report since last Tuesday, the grand jury is said to be ready to make an exhaustive re turn this evening, six bills being rumored as the total of cases disposed of. It is stated on good authority that the entire batch will be reported this evening. It ts net certain that the Lanlus-Smith affair will be' handled In the report due to come in this eve ning. Joe Williams trial on the charge of arson will be commenced tomorrow morning unless other delays occur. Though set for this mdrning, the sen sational case was not started on ac count of other cases having taken precedence. The case before the court today was that of the Sugar Co. against Orton. Thia ts not a long case and will come to an end .this evening In time for the Williams case to be re sumed tomorrow. King and Queen Embark. London., Feb. 8. King Edward and Queen Alexandria left this city thh morning for Dover, where, they board ed a yacht and started on a Journey for Berlin to visit the kaiser. ' French Writer Dead. Paris, Feb. 8. Catull Mendes, loading French writer, died today. PRESENT ,1" t1& TROUSERS Foftn Kitting PANTS See the Style See the Point You Need the pants that give you satisfaction Th price is THE FAIR I NEARLY $60 Tt'RXED IX FOR . r i NEW PARK THAT DAY. Five Hundred of the Five Thousand Needed Are Xow on Hand Except for Flint $250, Donations Have Been 8 ma II Ones, Though Numerous Hearty Co-oeraUon Im Evident Benefit and New Meaibc.ndilM En couraged Tag )ay Set For Xext Summer, Saturday was a fair day for the Riverside Park association. The ladles of the "500" elub turned la an even 850, accumulated In one evening, though none of the many guests ai the benefit card' part) Friday night felt the loss of a cent, for the value received was par excellence. Then too, on Saturday, $8 for new membership were brought In. and Dorothy, Alfred and Paul Meyers, and others, turned In another rod of penniea for the mile of penniea fund. The growth of the park fund is not spasmodic, for there are few days that do not find a trifle at least added to the sum In hand. One of the big things locked forward to Is the Tag day that Is planned for the good old summer time: A big bulk of the lacking funds should be realised when the tags are all sold out. BenerilH Desirable. The money is iteming in slowly but surely, By giving numerous benefit from time to time, and with new mem bers joining the association, the fund will awell even more rapidly than at present. Few If any can financially afford ."to give large sums, but by at tending', benefits and exercising per sonal Influence In securing new mem bers, the receipts will be greater than the must sanguine might anticipate, yet, through it all, no one person has donated any great sum of actual cash. Need Five Thousund. To mean a park of which La Grande an be Justly proud. $501)0 will be needed. If every one works along the Mnes suggested, the goal sought will he achieved quickly and without fi nancial discomfiture to any Individ ual . The best criterion of the universal populailty of the park movement Is the fact that few have given more than one dollar, yet $S00 Is now In the burets nf the association to huv land ind improve It. Out of this 8.100, $216 was realized from the old park asso ciation. Mites Are Welcomed. N'o sum Is so small that it will not be heartily welcomed for the pro moters Inaugurated the campaign with the understanding that donations be small and many. Therefore the offi cials having In charge the work will accept a small contribution and keep ns close a record of It as they would of a large one. OEFEAT METED TO" WASHINGTON OITIOMSTS SLOWLY GIVING AWAY. WcU Malm Victor)' in Wa.lilii!itn. as the Dry Are Ghhttf Away to the Jn rliii m e of Liquor Interest olyii!,ia. Wash., eb. S. In '!. "'..oris are that the local optior. 1 :.. will be lorn to pieces in the l.Hs after noon. The wets ( b.l'i, i . nave switch ed four votes from t!ie "dry" to their ! side,, iind fithers are said to be availa ; l,;, . 'Tin '! i've 't'ni-m. a'"roiJnty ami enable them i remodel Hie toil, j They formed an organization to vote i as a unit. They also announce they will defeat every bill Introduced by the dry. NT DRYS "' ' RESIGN XOW. SALEM. FEB. 8. GOVER- NOR CHAMBERLAIN WAS AD- VISED TODAY THAT HE HAD RECEIVED ADVICES TO BE IN WASHINGTON MARCH 4, TO ATTEND AN EXTRA 8ES- SION OF THE SENATE. HE WILL RESIGN AND BENSON WILL ACT AS GOVERNOR. IERYIS RAPID PROGRESS WITH INTERIOR OX FlXUm MILL. Builders Receive Shipment of Wht dovrs for Large Structure at Island City Today Machinery Rolling and More to Start at Om-e Elevator Is Done. ' Island City. Feb. 8. (Special.) With the arrival in Island City today of a shipment of window for the Pio neer Flouring Mill company, the builders have resumed active work, and as for the building itself, com inenced the finishing touches. The. windows did not arrive on schedule time and little could be done with in teilor finishing until the carpenters had the shipment at hand. This week will see rapid headway in the finish ing phase. (Continued on' page eight.) - T CHICAGO FLYER BITS OPEN SWITCH , Cold water. Miss., Feb, 8. Fireman Martin Senton and an unidentified porter, were killed, two fatally hurt, and 15 b-ss seriously Injured, when the northbound "Chicago Flyer" of the Illinois Central road ran Into an open HUGE ROIIEDER STRIKES C. II. Till - Belllngham, Feb. 8. PasRpngers oj the southbound Great Northern train, leaving here at noon yesterday, are their narrow escape from death when a rock slide crushed into the train near Sehome dock. P. E. Perlne, the express messenger, cut about the head, was the only one Injured. At that point the road Is cut through THE DRUGS YOU USE Should be pure Should be fresh Should be of right potency Should be dispensed carefulry Should cost you but a fair price Should be bought amid cleanly surroundings. Everything at our stcre is as it should be. You can place utmost cor fidencein our goods, and our methods will surely appeal to you. WE WOULD LIKE YOUR TRADE NEWUN DRUG STORE LA GRANDE, OREGON SEGHEGATlOX BILL IS REPORTED FAVORABLY. House Members WUI Have to Deride ' Between Hopgrowers and IrolUW MouIkLs Bill Sent to Alcohol Coat mittee Will Mean, If Passed, Tbat Beer Can Stay, Where Whisky br Xol Allowed Mock BUI Willi Hu morous Twinge Pawtod. Salem, Feb. 8. Local option inter- , esta suffered a setback In the house today when the bill authorising a aep arate vote be taken on permitting the sale of beer, or whteky, In all precinct, at all future elections, under the local - option law, was referred to the com mittee on alcohol traffic. The com" mlttee will report the bill favorably. and the members of the huse will. have to go on record as against the organised hopgrowers or against the prohibitionists. The bill to aid the Umatllla-Morroi county Irrigation project was passed. A mock resolution to. abolish the legislature and sell the state capltol te collectors of political curiosities, was referred to the committee on Immigra tion. The fate Of all the salary bill will be known Thursday night, when they will be segregated from ether legisla tion before the house, so it can . get special consideration. Chamberlain this afternoon sent In two more veto messages, one against a raise In the salary of circuit judge of Baker City district, from f 3000 t $4000, and the other against raising the salary of the clerk of Curry coun ty. - ' e-,-:,"lV'-':''''.v;t','''r'". switch on the outskirts of the cltyy this morning. Officials .suspect wreckers. The whole train was derailed. George Matthews, the express mes senger, and a tramp wll die. Passen gers were thrown Into heaps In various coaches. solid rock A huge boulder weighing several tons rolled down the embank ment, crashing into the train at the rear part of the combination mull and express car, making a big hole. Th first four cars were thrown frota the rails. 11 ' ' 11 v1 n n 'i'i i if Si je "t P ?' i. V 8 it; i- : k 5 I