1 8w tore PflV US A WST COM AND YISIT THE NEW GttOCEBT AND IAKERT WE HATE A WJ.aU. SUPPLY OF SALT SALMOX, MACKEREL, COD FISH, HOLLAND HERRING AD SMOKED 0ERR15G I'BESH BREAD AND CAKE ETERY MORNING EMPLOYE MCOIS YOURS FOR BUSINESS, Roy a Grocery Bakery The Sum Total of Human Happiness U attained by an who select a puce which U appro by h tnw. adaptable for bli entire t amllj. to live amidst auch condi tions approximates about the keen eat joy ImaglnabU. "Wber, are .tTcditlonn to be found In the rapidly growing Northwest! I'll you. Go to C. J. BLACK. He baa Urge amount of propertj lilted to lrwm .wig mi mm, mngmr. www nrmu, wrry iropLrtt,. vlraln rarme. Hay Far ma. Timber Land, with or with out uaeroTameaU. Wee. rtskt L - i. aLACK, Tie iteal tstate da i ! We Want Your Wants ; ! ; in Our Want Ad Column want aa where results are the keynotes? PALMER CAMP EMPLOYEE DIES AND RELATIVES usmJivn. Well liked A member of the Eagles -. Funeral this irarnwn. rred 'Hermiatou7 who" for MYtei. months has been In the Palmer Lum-.-. r . Palmer Junction, was brought to the Grande Ronde Hospi tal Saturday and died early Sunday morning." About two months ago he Joined the Eagles Lodge at Elgin. The mem bers of the order In this city took the body in charge and prepared it for shipment to Elgin where his own lodge will offlciate at the funeral. He had no relatives in this section of the country nor Is It known that he had any anywhere. He was 47 years of age and well liked by his fellow workmen. The funeral will take place this afternoon. A Great Syses CRIIISEIUL DIRE DANGER LOST IN MOUNTAINS NEAR EU C(ENE FOR MANY DAYS We have just closed the most sucessful clear ance taleever held by this store and we wish to thank our many customers for their liberal patronage. We attribute our success to de pendable merchandise, fair dealing and an un equalled assortment to choose from - I We an lust Beginning to Receive our Firsl Shipments of New Spring Lines and we feelsate m saying tnat for the Spring trade we will have the largest and best stock ever shown in Eastern Oregon - Just Received "Mew Shirtwaists Black and Colored Silks $4.50 $6.50 White and colored tailored waists $1.25 to $3.50 Dainty embroidered Lingerie waists $1.00 to $5.00 Goes with little food and no shelter until completely exhausted Eugene. Ore.. Jan. 31.-To wander through the dense Eluslaw Moun tain wilderness for nine days with but little food and no shelter, was the experience of Bernard Wschrwelngen, a timber cruiser of Foruana. diuwc lngen, with a number of fellow cruis ers, was employed on the Sluslaw river cruising a large tract of timber land. The cruisers had a camp at the head of Knowles creek. On Thursday, Jan. 20, Schwerlngen was sent alone across the mountains to Watch our windows and Advertisements : DRIED FRUI1S: FOH SAL. baru ou the "place and a uae ?r.:& and well. Address A. B. Fnncb Ken the Andres ranch. Will sell for $4, 00, $1,000 cash and the ba'atuc i-n terma. Six acres In orclui and ti e balance fine soil. A good hoiso and FOR RENT Five rooms In a ten roont house. Apply to 703 Wash ington Ave. FOR SALE A 33 nvm 'ch feur miles north of La Grande Known aa e.vick. Washington. toe Rsrr. FOR RENT Newly furnished front room. Modern. 102 Adams Avenue. FOR SALE A geed corner let In a d slrable location. Inquire at Hill Drug Store. FOR RENT Furnished room suitable for gentleman. Apply J- C. Pulling. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room on Fourth street, close in. Inquire at the Observer office. Lost, a purse between Depot and Jeffersou and Second aad Washing ton nvunuos. Fluder please return to this office and receive reward. FOR SALE. J. P. Brenholst, 804 O. Avenue, has some fine White Wyan dotte chickens for sale. Trice $2.00 each, or 6 for $10.00. 1-28-31. FOR SALE. Five room house, lot 74 x 110, on Cedar St between Main and Washington. A bargain if taken at once. R. W. Leighton. Thone Red 1351. l-?821 FOR SALE OR THAPE 160 acr? farm all or half of the hind. Phone Black 181 o address Post orfice box 545. 1-11-211 NrRStNO Woman with experience lu maternity cases desires work. Address P. O. Box 760. 1-19-25 f OR RENT. A five room modern house In good condition; close t inquire of F. L. Aiuyers U tli Grande Nat'l Bank. J FOR RENT Two story house on Fourth St. Kuown or years as the Mrs. Alie Ladd property. For par ticulars enquire of A. C. Hunting ton. 1710 Fourth, st. Phone Red 952 tf. WANTED. WANTED A girl for general ho'ise work. Must be a good cook. Air. billing to pay good wages to rliih tersen. For further particulars In quire at this efice 1-16-30. Peaches libs best for 50c Pears 3lbs 50c Apricotsjijbs " t Figs Black 2lbs 50c or. I Figs white 21b " 25c Prunes 10 clblibs" 25c PRACTICAL NURSE, wants mors work. Maternity a specialty. Ad dress P. O. Box 750. 1-2426. WANTED To buy 10,000.000 feet of lumber. Will take mill cut deliver ed at La Grande or other lastern Oregon points. W. R. Klvette. Box 20.. WANTED TO RUNT A 7 or 8 room house. Call or address Cbai E. Perry Hctel Summer. WANTED. One or several mares about 1100 It) weight, under five years of age. well broks sd me dium sound. Address 130S Jackson Ave. 1-25-n CITY GROCERY ? : & BAKE RY THE QUALII Y STORE go to Meadow to run a line of a sec tion of land. He was to have stayed at another camp on Meadow but a few days afterwards when it was found he had not appeared at the other camp a search was instituted, For five dayB the search continued. On Saturday night a party came on his prostrate form beneath a large tree where he had probably lain for several days. He was unconscious and nearly dead from cold and hun ger. Little hope is held out for his recovery. Attacked by Wildcat. Boise, Idaho, Jan. 31. W. D. Cole, a Boise druggist, while hunting yes terday, was attacked by a wild cat within five miles of Boise and was saved from death only by a good shot from another member of the party. who killed the animal after it had come down. Miss WIII-Nell Latender A lady wno is creating as much favorable comment on the stage as in the society circles of Atlanta, Ga., for several years, and who is now a member of the "Top O" Th' World" Company is Miss Will-Lell Lavender who is playing the part of "Prince Tiny Mite," In the big musical ex travaganza, which will be presented here Saturday Matinee and Night, February B. Miss Lavender was formerly one of the leading and social figures of At lanta and Rome, Oa., society. She is the daughter of D. T. Lavender, who for many years wa3 the freight agent and traffic manager of the Old Richmond & Danville Railroad. Miss Lavender has been on the stage but two seasons, when she was a member of the "Madame Buttelfly" and "The Merry Widow" companies. She is considered an extremely pretty wo man, has a sympathetic soprano voice and posses' s all ihe charms which are so thorjughly typical of a Southern beauty. is to be an open meeting it is hoped that a large number will be in at tendance. It is the custom of the Oregon Federation of. Women's Clubs to hold one open meeting each yeaf and take a free will offering to be given to the loan fund, a fund that is loaned to deserving young women free of interest thus making it pos sible for them to gain an education. It is hoped that there will be a large attendance at this meeting, not only to the members but any friend of the musicals is invited. The sub ject for study tomorrow afternoon is to be "Forms of Instrumental Mu sic" with Miss Stella Oliver and Mrs: F. B. Currey leading. Following Is the program. "Sonota," Opus 10, No. 1 Beeth- n . rAlln nil.-.. UttU All. 00 Utl,W. "Rondo," from Sonota Pathetique, Opus 13, No. 2 Beethoven Mrs. George S. Blrnle. "Sonota," Opus 14, No. 2, Beetho venMrs. W. W. Berry. "Vocal Solo," "Selected" Mrs. T. J. Scroggin. ning to fight the boy cotters on thei: own grounds by reducing the ship ments of dressed meats and raising the prices because of the shortage, S.S, WORKER IS COli The regular meeting of the Ladles Aid Society of the Presbyterian church will be held Wednesday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. A. C. McLennon. 808 O. Ave. There are things of great importance to come before the society at this time and a good attendance Is desired. . $ SOCIETY a.AAA-i44fc4A Tb Lvle Tnead,7 M-'!1 will meet tomorrow afternoon. A fine pro gram has been prepared and as this WOMEN IN CAMPAIGN New York, Jan. 31. Mrs. Anita Comfort Brroks, president of a Goth am Club today Inaugurated a card crusade asking every woman in the United States to write to President Taft demanding a break in the meat trust. Mrs. Brooks has sent thousands of letters throughout the country as a start for an "endless chain" If successful, the next attempt will be to yr?. the "fish trust" th same way. It was reported from the meat trust headquarters that it was plan- On Tuesday in this city the Sue day School workers have a treat I store for them. International Secret tray Merritt and State Secretary Phlpps wil be here and hold t Lucuiiiifcn, ill Lue uainioi. muicu -mm 2:30 in the afternoon and 7:30 in tke evening. These two widely know workers are not strangers in our el' and those who have heard them wi" be there. To those who have nevei heard them talk on Sunday Schoc matters they should not let anythlti happen to prevent their attendant La Grande seldom had such an art portunity. This evening, beginning at 7: o'clock, an Informal reception be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs R. E. Smith, corner of Sixth sc Penn Avenues, in the Interests of the Sitka, Alaska, Indian School. hostesses are Mesdames J. D. Stot Turner Oliver, W. L. Brenholts, Wil and R. E. Smith. All are cordial: Invited to be present and enjoy a V- clal evenlnK as well as to help tt worthy cause with their silver offr lng. Notice. La Grande. Ore Jan. 26, 1910. W to tt- vance the price of hair cutting fro 25c o 35c, afflective after Feb 1 Jolly & DesillL J. E. Coffey. O. A Hagans Myers & Kelly. Christlanson Bros. 1-26-2-2S. iiT iPifaviTH WANTED Ff1 r a W ., T-r.i work. StH ciiuip ui c t dy employment, good wages. Inqujl 1i