KIGI1T PAGES. 444444444 HE AC0K'S 4M44444444444444444v444444444 4444444444444) 4444 DIRECTORY OF THE FRATERNAL ORDERS LA GRANDE. ORE. 44444444V444444444444444 M. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 703 meeU each Monday evening at I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting neighbors are cor dially invited to attend AfMcMURRAY, C. CAL JORDAN, Clerk. f. o. r:. La Grande Aerie No. 2S9, F. O. E meets every Friday night in Elks' hall at 8 p. m. Visiting brethren Invited to attend. C. E. HACKMAN, W. P. GEO. ABEGG, W. S. O. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. S., hold stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of eacn month. Vlsltng members cordially invited. RACHEL E, WOTitU'rlLL. W. M. MART A. WARNICK, Secretary. I. O. O. F. Encampment. Star Encampment No. 31, I. O. O. F., meets every second amd fourth Wednesday in the month in Odd Fel lows' hall. Vlsltng patriarchs alwayB welcome. H. E. COOLIDGE, C. P. fV. A. WORSTELL, Scribe. M. B. of A. Meets first and third Thursday eve ning at I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting mem !ers always welcome. J. A. ARBUCKLE, President. J. VANDERPOEL, Secretary. Woodmen of Uie World. La Grande Lodge No. 169, W. O. I'., meets every second and fourth uesday evening in K. of P. hall in le Corpe building. All visiting mem--rs welcome. NERI ACKLES, H. KEENET, Consul Commander. Cierk. Honey Tor Sale. Fresh comb honey, one-pound sec ons. In quantities to suit customers. OSWALD VOLSWINKLER, vt Island City. THIUSUltV DEPAUTMEXT. Office of the Comptroller of the 4 Corroncy. , - Washington. D. C, Oct 13, 1908. Notice is hereby given to all 4 persons who may have claims against "The Farmers & Trad ers National bank of La Grande," Oregon, that the same must be presenied to Walter Niedner, Receiver, with the le gal proof thereof, within three months from this dati, or they may be disallowed. LAWRENCE O. MURRAY, Comptroller of the Currency. 4444444444 at eyfmxu r4444444444 4444444444444444444444 4m4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 JEWELERY, UMBRELLAS, CUT GLASS, SILVERWARE AND HAND PAINTED CHINA rui 11 iru I amsoine out of K 4.. t I. O. O. F. Subordinate. La Grande Lodge No. It, meets in their hall every Saturday n'ht. Vis- I I King brothers cordially invited to at- manager has been elected in the high tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at'st.hoo the year ln atjVance of the sea Model restaurant. . ! on evenlng foi,owing school HUGH McCALL, N. G. J , OSCAR COOLIDGE. Secretary. j hour8' " of last year's squad W. A. WORSTELL, Fin. Sec. Foresters of Court Maid Marion No. 22 each Wednesday night in K. meets of P. hall. Brothers are invited to attend. BEN HAISTEN. C. R. LEO HERRING. C. S. C. & VANDERPOEL, F. S. A. F. & A. M. I La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. & A. M holds regular meetings first and third Saturdays at 7:80 p. m. R. L. LINCOLN, W. M. A. C. WILLIAMS. Secretary. Knlghta of Pythias. Red Cross Lodge No. 27, meets every Monday evening ln Castle Hall (old Elks' hall). A Pythian welcome to all visiting knights. J. F. BAKER, C. C, R. L. LINCOLN, K. of R. & S. Kc be kali. Crystal Lodge No. 50 .meets every Tuesday evening at the I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting members are invited to at tend. JENNIE N. SMITH, N. G. MARTHA E. SCOTT, Secretary. B. F. O. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433, meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Elks' club, corner Depot street and Washington avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially Invited to attend. C. S. DUNN, Exalted Ruler. G. E. McCULLT, Recording Sec. - Tliis im Vp to You. United Wireless Telegraph and American Telegraptaone Co. stock hold ers can get soma special information by writing to F. J. Catterlin & Com pany, No. 3 Chamber of Commerce Portland, Oregon. 1-1 4-6t 444444444444r 4 Houses to Rent. 4 4 . 1 5-room house for J 1 0 per 4 4 month. 4 4 1 -room house for $12 per 4 4 month. 4 IIouw for Sale. 4 4 A neat little 4-room house, 4 4 plastered; moi'ern; 2 lots, with 4 4 20 fruit trees and small fruit. 4 4 A good little investment, a neat 4 4 home. Price reasonable and 4 14 terms. . 4 The Van Dnyn Rwdty Company. 4 4 Office over Van Buren's CI- 4 4 gar store. 4 Get the money-saving habit. Trade Newlln Drug Co.'a. nsi:nvi:n. i- gkaxde, okixkix, n n business in La Grande and this stock must .-. be sold by y4444444444444 For the first time in local football tnat naa a voice in ma cnosing 01 01 Ifielals, met and elected Waldo Gediles manager of the 1909 team. This was done that games might be arranged with Portland and other big teams of the state, where the schedule Is pre pared the year before. With the cap tain already selected, the management for 1909 will be complete and In work ing order long before school calls next fall. Manager Geddes will proceed at once to plan out a schedule that will be the heaviest and most extensive of any that the local school lias ever at tempted. MANY ATTEND PAXCE. cisrr hnrr jlilMJ DIM fVUiUIUI I7U7 - .bungalow. .While there ar several Hall Comfortably Filled Will, Tri;W buIldlngs ,n the elty that of Light Faiitantk-. j proach this popular stylo of archltec- The first monthly dance to be given this. will be the first one true In by the La Grande School of Dancing every detail to the southern fashion wn well Attended lnt evet1n stid- ntl , i ..n.n- - enjoyed the three hours' AN ABSTRACT of that prospective real es tate purchase is an absolute necessity if you wish to avoid buying a defective title, for an abstract from us will give you a complete a:d guaranteed accurate history of the prop erty. Reasonable charges, despatch and guaranteed ac- , curacy-a few of the reasons why you should patronize LA GRAKE3E INVESTMENT CO. Foley Hotel Block Owners of the only complete and Up tO tfate abStrdCt if Union County Records of amuse- m ' - - .. 111 v. j-xiaky 20. i U!3. LmmSsCssI February 1st PIP Mi EWELERY 4.M"M'444444444444444444444 :ff 4 ment to the large orchestra. . Musical organizations in, this cf f of late have taken to expansion and perfection of their clubs, and within a short time there will be a nine-piece orchestra in this city as good as anywhere in the state. The music Inst evening was conducive of real amusement. The first real bungalow to be con Ht rue ted in La Grande Is now being planned and will be built during the coming t few months on Seventh and O streets, by C. E. Happersett. The construction material Is not decided, the builder being undecided between cement blocks and brick. The cost will be In the neighborhood of $2500, and will be built on plans distlnctl ACTIVITY AT OXBOW. Ttnllroad and Power Project Working Inrg Crews. Are T. W. O'Dell arrived in the city last evening from the Oxbow on Snake river, relates the Baker Herald. He reports great activity on the power project and also on the railroad. Snak river is booming now, having risen 20 feet and ft Inches In five days. The foundations for the large power plant are well under way and work has be gun on the tunnel through which the Snake river will be diverted. They are working 150 men and could use more. They are now hauling out carload of dump cars to use in carry ing out the loose rock in the tunni'l In speaking of the large tunnel that the railroad Is boring there, he says that they have about 800 feet to blast out before completing the big hole. START .MILL SOOX. logins Train Filling the Mill Pond Willi Immediate Supply. The loifelng train is again at work on the line lwtween here and the Pal mer Junction and the Geo. Palmer l-imher mill will resume Its regular run JiiHt as soon as the- log supply in r.f pom! v siifriclpnt to maintain a itvaIy run. The official do n-it know at thi. time Just when that will be, but it is expected to be within a few days at the longest. The annual repairs KavA haan mari nn lh ttlir mill mnA the company Is ready to commence the new year's output of lumber. Will BUILD BUNGALOW I.. ,Ti NQ SNOW But vvc aic still in business. PLUMBING of all kinds We guarantee our work BAY & ZWEIFEL 21TJ)EP0T STREE1 1 1 . .1 Ji! J.l'- U L.i . . J' 1 J 4444$4444M4 LA UN Done The Way You Want It done PHONE MAIN 7 A, B C. Laundry Stomach Trouble Cured. Tf yo uhave any trouble with your stomach you should take Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr. J. P. Klo'.e of Edlna, Mo., says: "I have used a great many different med icines for stomach trouble, but find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver tablets more beneficial than any other remedy I ever used." For sale by all good dealers. Brave Fire Iwldics often receive Bevere bums, putting out fires, then use Bucklen's Arnica Palve and forget them. It soon drives out pain. For burns, scalds, wounds, cuts and brulseB it Is earth's greatest heal er. Quickly cures skin eruptions, old sores, boils, ulcers, felons; best pile cure made. Relief Is instant. 23c at Newlln's drug store. Nonci: of TitrsTKE's half. Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned trustee, until six o'clock p. m.. on Saturday, the liti day otij f eoruary, lor me j. w. iscn- ber residence property ln La Grande, Oregon, the same being lots 1 and 2 In block 2 of Grandy addition to La Grande, with Improvements thereon. This Is one of the most desirable x:ou sevuv. I 1 SIT ORE 4,4, DRY properties ln the city and is reasonably worth $6,000.00. Any or all bids may be rejected; so make your bid for the amount you are willing to pay. For inspection of the property call on the undersigned at room 28, La Grande National Banlc Building, La Grande. J. F. PHY, dl-23-2-6 Trustee. f BLUE MOUNTAIN HOUSE I T. J. CRAY. Pro. RATES: $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Best 25c meals in the city. Beds 25c & 50c All outside rooms. Board and lodde S6. oer week, i One block from depot. ONLY tfJUSt IN ML OH EMPLOYING WHI1E HUP ONLY TRY BUR SERVICE! 4r444-fr4frt4