La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 26, 1909, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    -din i'.i.:s. '
i:vr..i.u 4.n-r.f;v: :;. t a'.i.vw v.. iv.;:.t.., Trr.srv.v. .r.v -ahy 2P. ;"!,
Ml Lnoia Fii'rkef' vif Newbcrg. In
a guest J Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hill.
Waltej M. Flore returned tills
inorning'froin Fremont. Neb.-
Mr. ai)1 Mrs. J. K. Flangcr of' North
powd'T.jare visiting friends In La
Grande, j . ..
Mr. aid Mrs. Cheat returned t,o
ySiimmTllle today after spending tha
night In the city.
Kcv. . E. teal returned this after
noon frm Flora, where he has spent
ihro wieka in revival work.
jerryE. Foley and his mother-ln-)aw,
Mrl. Gangloff, returned today
from a i-lslt to Elgin.
Miss Roberta, of the North Powder
Xew, If In the city today on business
mattenconnected with her bright and
newsy publication.
District Attorney F. 8. Ivanhoe has
donated $25 to the fire department for
the competent service rendered at the
fire laii Sunday night.
MIssJRuby Huff, who wan taken to
the hojpltal yesterday, was operated
on for appendicitis last evening. She
Is restjig satisfactorily today.
Mrs. 'otto E. pidlon and son Howell
leave (his evening for Pendleton for
a visit! with relatives. Before return
ing several days will be spent at Walla
Walln.! .
Mr.'Schaffer Is building a neat lit
tle coiiage In South La Grande, corner
Fifth ind G streets. Several such
house would Improve any section of
the city,
F. St. Slagle of Boston. Maps., and
W. Countryman of Poland, New
York 'capitalists, are here, guests of
Mr. 'and Mrs. G. L. " Cleaver, looking
over tlie northwest for Investment.
Th officers of the Eastern Star
want t announced that all good stand
ing members of the order are cordial
ly Intlted to witness the Initiatory
work tomorrow evening at 7:30.
The Home Missionary Society of the
Baptist church will meet Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. E.
Stevenson at 2 o'clock. Mrs. C. E.
Happersett Is the leader.
President Holman, of Willamette
university at Salem, took advantage of
the pew change In the train schedule
to visit the high school for a few mo
ments and .was given , an opportunity
to address the students briefly. '
Among the eastern Oregon and Ida
ho ministers to arrive last evening en
route to Summerville, were: John M.
Dressier of Prairie City; R. P. Os
terhout, Boise; O. G. Haley, of On
tario, and Jacob Finger of. Baker City.
Rev. B. F. Meredith, formerly pastor
of the M. E. church In this city, ar
rived last evening from Vale, where he
Is now located. He v"l. iillend the
ministerial cnnfe-"-t at Summerville,
and then return to La Grande to spend
a few days here visiting friends, be
fore returning to his home.
The W. H. M. S. will meet with Mrs.
J. H. Knowles Thursday at 2:30. All
answer to roll call will be by the name
of one of our missionaries and her
field of work.- Lesson is the flrrt
y f chapter in the new book, "The Call of
the Waters." All members snouia
read the lesson to get the most from
the papers being prepared. All mem
Tiers and ladles of the congregation es
pecially Invited..
President Holman of the Willam
ette university at Salem, reached the
city last evening, en route to Summer
vllle, where he attends the Ministerial
association. Dr. Holman was recently
installed as the new president, with
elaborate ceremonies. This Is his first
visit to La Grande, and he was favori
ably Impressed with the city. The
doctor Is a product of the east, com
ing here with a splendid record as an
Dr. W. D. McMillan
Painless Dehislry
La Grande National Bank Bidg
Both Phones
Two "MmhlnUts" Ix-ft.
Salem. Jan.! 26. Senators
Beach of Mulnomah, and Smith
of Marion, are the only two sen-
ators who went on record today
as opposed to the election of sen-
ators by the people. The ques-
- lion today was presented as a
memorial to 'onpross. It wm'4
introduced by Man one and
adopted by the house. Of all
the senators present. Smith and
Beach cast the only negative
I'ultcil Action Taken by. Fitlitmcd
Hubs of Mate.
Tontorrow afternoon o tea will be
given at the home of Mm. Anthony on
Sixth street, the proceeds to be applied
under the direction of the Federated
Women's Clubs of Oregon, towards as
sisting deserving young women to se
cure higher education. Tomorrow Is
t'lu date for united action all over
Oregon, and the La Grande clubs have'
nt only arranged for rcfrcsments. but
havo prepared a program for the occa
sion. Ton will not only be well enter
tained, but you will know your mite
will hi-lp some Uewrvins ywig woman
to secure an education that otherwise
would not be able to do so. Remem
ber the place and you have an oppor
tunity to assist. ,
Another Wrw-k Victim.
New Tork, Jan. 2. Eugene Lynch
of Boston, whose wife was killed In
the Republlo-Florlda 'ocean collision,
died this morning from -Injuries re
ceived In the same accident.
Te derelict destroyer Seneca with
Captain Sealby, captain of the Repub
lic, and Second Officer Williams and
40 of the Republic's crew aboard, was
docked here at 8 o'clock this morning.
Accused Ttih'f Must Appear In Circuit
Court for Trial.
The trial of Fred Maxwell, charged
with the larceny of a fur overcoat
hanging from the front of le tinmen
Rule store, Is now on before Justice
Stewart. Maxwell claims that the
coat In. question was brought out to
him by his brother from the can
about eight months ao, which Is sub
stantiated by his wife; however, the
stories told "the offic ers at the time of
his arrest do not exactly Jibe with the
statements made this afternoon. Geo.
Cochran Is defending, and District At
torney Ivanhoe is conducting the pros
ecution. Practically all of the testi
mony is offered. Late today the cas
ended by the court binding the defend
ant over to the circuit court on 1500
Gradually Getting In Shape for An
other HIb Battle, He Affirms.
San Francisco, Jan. 26. Big Jim
Jeffries told his friends today that he
will re-enter the ring when he gets
Into condition. "I am getting back in
to right shape gradually, and will be
ready for a battle when my theatrical
engagement Is ended," he said.
Cold Spell Touching 70 Below Zero
Ends and Traffic Resumes.
Dawson, Jan. 26. The cold spell has
broken. .For the past two weeks the
thermometer has ranged from 60 to
70 below zero, but today the weather
is moderating. For two weeks traf
fic by stages In all directions was sus
pended on account ot the Intense colli.
Illustrated Sermon.
This evening Evangelist Harris will
deliver a special sermon on "Conver
sion Exemplified In Acts." He will
use a blackboard to illustrate. There
will be tnore people baptized tonight.
During the last few days 12 have taken
their stand for Christ making 16 so
far. Brother Harris or I will gladly
meet any who are inquiring the way
of life.' Come tonight and bring your
friends. O. H. KING.
Stcponson Seems a Winner.
Madison. Wis., Jan. 26. Following
specific carges of corruption in fur
ierlng the candidacy of United States
Senator" Stephenson, the senate was
In such a wrangle thafit was Impossi
ble to ballot on the senatorship. Sen
ators previously supporting Stephen
son, announced they have secured
enough pledges to boost his vote to
"1, four above the requirement to
elect, but further defection Is feared.
headIjOck unbroken.
Hopkins' Chances in Illinois Grow Less
at EjuIi Balloting.
Affirm lie I Brln .Scared" Out of
Tom ii by Aiitleinow Clique Was As
saulted From Ihhliul Mii.rtty After
Neon ..fcuilnil 0:w of Ilic Iivu
iu WUiicrmV LiM.
, This afternoon about 1:30 II. Cole,
who was the principal witness In the
prosecution against Charles Anderson
before Recorder C.x Saturday, was as
saulted by a logger, who knocked him
down and ran away. Cole has for sev
eral days been staying close around
police headquarters and was sunning
himself on Washington avenue, oppo
site the street superintendent tool
house, with both hands In his pock
et, not noticing who was walking be
hind him until the fellow struck him
a blow In the face that felled him to
his knees.
Chief Walden Immediately began a
search, but thinks a man by this de
scription was seen walking out of
town, up the railroad track. Cole
't.iiud that he noticed this man and
me of the' loggers who was a witness
in the, recent case, walk past the. po
lice station two. or three times today,
hut dll not attach any significance
fo it with reference to himself until
after the attack. Cole Is firmly of the
'opinion that It was predemltated with
the object to scare him away before
the second trial materializes.
Two weeks of the session gone, an l
a nine-foot sheet bill passed one
. Rnnimago Sale.
The ladles of the Methodist church
have arranged to hold a rummage sale
on Saturday, February . Every on"
having cast away articles suitable will
please notify Mrs, S. R. Haworth o
Mrs. J. W. Knowles. ' !
' A'Spraiiied Ankle.
As a rule a man will feel well satis
fied if he can hobble around on
crutches In two or three weeks after
npralnlng his ankle, and It Is often two
or three months before he is fully
recovered. This Is an unnecessary loss
of time, as by applying Chamberlain's
Liniment, as directed, a cure may as a
rule be effected less than one
week's time, and in many cases within
three days. Sold by r.U good dealers.
Two screaming stories by E11U
Parker Butler and LindVy Denison,
--1- J'-'-'h' to VZt will luimn
your funny bone hardest.
One, tragedy that will grip your
heart. '
And article by Russell, Paine and
Dickson that cut deep bto things.
I .' WELLS - t
a well
t If you are
about having
well drilled, let us furnish
you with a list of those
t for whom we have drHled
J wells in Union rsounty.
We understand the
Do you nalize that you can be gay, sd, happy et despondent, proud er forlorn bv
just changing apparel cf wears. Have you thought that tw1hkds o f 'life's cares come
from appearance.
and drive the small cares away? For with the outer appearance the inner stlf acts. Nice
apparel can be had today for as meager a sum as the pocrer wear.
coZvch, Look Our tine Over JZch
Newest Conceptions in Raincoats Just Arrived by Express
The largest line of Muslin Underwear In
Eastern Oregon ont for your inspection. Price
I is the least consideration with us.
J.n (,'M l,L CO Cfl
uciiii'iiiicu vain fj.jv
of cohrs, tight fitting or full back
MOIRE VELOUR with the latest cottar
Springfield. 111.. Jan. 28. The 17th
ballot in the United States senatorship
election gave no Indication of the;
deadlock breaking, and the session j
adeemed until tomorrow. Albert;
Hopkins, who Is running for re-eic- j
tlon, lost five voles. It will perhaps j
be shown on the next ballot that he
cannot win. Hopkins Is one of the
coterie of senators placed In the "un
desirable'" claw by Collier's Weekly.
we-11 business and believe
we can save you money
and leave you a satis
factory w&ll.
R. A. WEST,1
The Well Driller 1
is a neat, dainty foot- A gentleman h usf as much concerned with the appearance of Ms
feet as is a queen. And why not, for does not the appearance of the feet change the
whole person? So in looking for footwear seek for
the two. essential qualities in Shoes, Rubbers and Boots. The foot dress handled by us
is purchased from this standpoint by men of experience and who kn$w. So if you wish
a faot which is trim and neat, buy eur shoes which are narrow but roomy with theblucher
running well down tolhe middle of the toes and see the wonderful effect it has for ap
pearance, . .
j?u fe! Coo
wrm HIS term includes everything from a visiting card to a full
If 1 sheet poster; a leaflet to a leather bound xfcoofc. THE
OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT is equipped so thorough
ly that we are able to handle "JOBS'' iv.'A ease which
to other offices would seem a real burden.
By this term we mean Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes
and Office Stationery in general. THE OBSERVER JOB DEPART
MENT is in a position to fill OFFICE WANTS promptly and
We have several Advertising Ideas which we believe are
good and will bring you results; if you care for them they are
yours for the asking. Remember, good printing costs money and
should be classed as an investment; poor printing is always an
expense. Apply the trial order test and see in which class our
work belongs. PHONE MAIN J3, TW0RINGS.
Evening Observer Want Ads Pay