EIGHT PAGES. JANTAltY 2S. PAGE EIGHT. 4444444444444444444444444444444444 4444444444 e e e . v l n V a ft 1 1 a 1 1 a r in n 1 1 1 ll n I ..,1 u 'i : ii A ir t !. t "A "fi I 1 ' ' 5-' i ! mmp The value of a prescription depends upon the prompt ness with which it reaches the sick room "Dolt Now" Is the motto which stands for much in our prescription de partment. All prescriptions are filled as soon as received and delivered as soon as fiiied.' You know our reputation for pure drugs and careful compounding .:. .;. .:. IVe Carry Everything which Should be Found in a Drug Store I MILL'5 DRUQ JTOfvE LA GRANDE, OREGON 4'' mess i iv. .L-ui 444444t444444444444WHt4H4fr Grande tRondc Lumber Co. PERRY, OREGON CAN FURNISH LUMBER OP M L MMDS IN CARLOAD LOTS. For 16 inch Chain Wood Delivered at yo r rtnni Call up V. C. BEAN, La Grande. Phone, Red 1741 444444444444444444444444' GEORGE PALMER, President W. H. BRENHOLTS' Ass't Cashier J. M. BERRY. Vice President C. S. WILLIAMS. 2d Ass't Cashier F. L. MEYERS Cashier La Grande National IBank Of, La Grande, Oregon' CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $160,000 UNITED: STATES DEPOSITORY DIRECTORS M.lBerry A. B. Conley F. J. C. C. Pennington F. L Meyers Holmes F. M. Brykit GeoL. Cleaver J W. L. Brenholts George Palmar f444444444444444444444444 eo Own Your Water System And Be Independent I A Well Will Solve The Problem Twenty-five yeere' e.pcrieooe In the weU-drllllng business enable rnetodoyoarworiiprperl aod eooilclly. 1 am prepared to MJ to any depth. . ' ASK ME FOR PARTICULARS AND REFERENCE RE CARDING WELLS I DRILLED IN THIS COUNTY D. M. HUNT, La Grande! Daily Obsery,ccN'65c per Aonth; with one for f 5. Individual Immcs. Most of the first floor furnishings were removed from both parte. The individual louses are hard to ascertain today.' In the Ivanhoe home the loss by complete destruction Is conservatively placed at $200, and the damage to furniture by water and re moval In a edition to rtc'.ee. at pres ent not known to be lost, will bring the total up to $260 at the lowest estl tnnte. Much of the first-floor furni ture . was removed. Forrest Ivanhoe's room was on the second floor, and all the furnishings and fixings In It were a total loss. Several Ingrain carpets, summer clothing, and articles of ho luimedlute value to the family, were stored upstairs, where rescue could not be effected. Pit over and above such pecuniary Ii sues as may be discovered, there were pictures and family relics of great value to the family, that are missing. Some of them were saved, tyit the driving snowstorm and"the wa ter from the hose used In fighting the flames completely ruined a great number of photographs and other perishable keepsakes. The same thing Is more or less true of the Buehler property. Not quite as much of the household effects were re moved, and the loss to Mr. Buehler will be as great or even greater than the loss sustained . by Mr. Ivanhoe. Neither of the families carried Insur ance on the household floods. The residence was insured for $4000. ' Sufferers Are Grateful. ' The. most conspicuous feature of the night's strenuouslty for the large crowd that swarmed the lawns and thoroughfares, ' was the extreme care exercised by every workman. In only one Instance did the excitement of the hour cause carelessness, when one lareg mirror was broken. But almost without exception, furniture was handled with the best of care, the vol unteers keeping in mind the need of caution In their work. The sufferers are especially thankful for this. Mr. and Mrs. Ivanhoe today wish It explic itly stated that they are more than grateful, not only for the disputch In removing property, but the care shown In doing It. A group of excited men can do more damage than good In such Instances, but last night this feature was missing. "We are grateful to the fire department and to the volunteers, but we have no way of expressing it excepting through the press," said Mrs. Ivanhoe today. "The fact in the case is, we have never known a case where so much care was exercised by volun teers under like circumstances, as Inst evening." Never before in the history of the city has there been such a swarming to house tops as during the height of the fire. No more spectacular pyro technlcal display has been seen here than when the flames shot up from the hurnlnar structure, sending great show ers of sparks In a northwesterly direc tion. The home of Pr. Molitor was not the only one to be menaced; homes several blocks away were is as great danger on account of the gale carrying the live embers a great distance. In nn area Including several diockh. win-re the flames would have devastated dwelling after dwelling hud they j over powered the department, the property owners were r.piinkllng the house tops. In the blmk: with the fire, the barns and houses owned by Or. Molitor and A. t Huntington, the contest with the sparks was a lively one. The ad joining block tas no less put of dan ger. A belated visitor to the fire dis covered n burning ember on the New ton home, between Main and Wash ington, on Third street. Timely aid prevented a conflagration in that thickly settled district of the city. The menaced section of the city was large, nnd once out of control there could have been no means of staying the mad progress until the railroad tracks had been reached, thus laying waste block after block. li'tmi'ttoii Complete. The Hllts-Andros structure is a complete loss. The building of It has been spasmodic, with the result that there were Innumerable walls where there was no obstruction to the flames. For some time the only evidence of a fire visible was occasional whiffs of smoke making their way out between the shlr.gl.'s of the rof. U afterward developed that the walls were ablaze during that time, though no one was aware of It. From the basement the flames follower the partitions to the remotest corners. The house was built In sections, from time to time, and on ccount of these many partitions be- Great Annual Sale BEAUTIFUL .SPRING WRISTS ALL ADICE SPfWGTiiVDSlM-WE? STYLES Now for sensational selling-couldn't come at a more appropriate time, nor would it be passible under any circumstances to give better values. There isn't a great many, but Ihep aie all beauties all fresh, perfect garmenis and narked hr selling at ANNUAL SALE PRICES. You will wait a long time befone you see Itieit equal at the prices we hare placed upon these. ' Pi Continuation of the Muslin Undeiuizi Sale The storm of the last few weeks pit ietied ovt Muslin Undeiwear from being dis posed of as qukkly as it should, for the values are among the best ihrs siote has ever sho wn. It is all fresh, new, peiect merchandise at ANNUAL SALE PRICW. An Embroidery Sale of Unusual Interest , 5c and 7 h2 a yard An unusually large quantity which represents some of the best qualities we have ever shown at Ike puces. The variety of patterns is quite extensive and the prices average about half -in fact it will be one of the biggest surprises you have seen when you look over these splendid pieces of high grade of embroidery. SHEETS AND PILLOW SUPS DOUBLE BED SHEETS 81x90 c HEMMED PILLOW CASES 45x36 9c each The low prices quoted in this list offer an excellent opportunity for you to provide for present and future needs, as there is no likelihood of them being as low again ihis year. Not a Section in the Entire House That Does Not Contribute Extraordinary Closing Sale Bargains v e' e tween sections of the house, the entire mass of timber was a fiery mass be fore there was any ulterior evidence of a serious conflagration. BCSSEVS HACK Ll-NE. Best of service, Day and 4 Night. Hack furnished for 4 funerals and private parties. Baggage transferred Day and 4 Night and Sundays. 4 ' Stand at Paul's Cigar Store. 4 'Phone Red 241. 4 Night 'Phone Ma.u 25. 4 4 4 4 4 4 E. L. BUSSEY. 4 44444444444444 t. 4444 4 ED STRINGHA9I, 4 4 , AUCTIONEER. 4 Sale cried on short notice. 4 4 Satisfaction guaranteed. 4 4 No extra charge for distance. 4 4 LA GRANDE - - - OREGON 4 4 Route No. 2 'Phone No. 196x6 4 e44444 444444 "About 10 years ago ny brother tvas 'held up' in his work, health ami happiness by what-was believed to be hopeless consumption," writes W. R. Lipscomb, of Washington, N. C. "He took all kinds of remedies and treat ment from several doctors, but lound no help tlH he used Dr. King's New Discovery and was wnolly cured by to drawing the Jury list, which tasK consumed the greater part of the session. Plneules for the kidneys are Httle golden globules which act directly on the kidneys. A trial will convince you of quick results for backache, rheu matism, lumbago and tired, wornout feeling. 30 days' trial $1. They puri fv the blood. Sold by Sllverthora Cured of a Severe Attack of Bronchitis by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "On October 18th, last, my littie 3-year-old daughter contracted a severe cold which resulted In a bad case of bronchitis," says Mrs. W. G. Gibson. I.xington. Ky. "She lost the power of spefrh completely and was a very sick child. Fortunately we had a bot tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In the house and gave it to her accord ing to the printed directions. On the second day she was a great deal bet ter, and on the fifth da', October 23d, Cut Prices on Lumber and Shingles for large Orders ' 'We need the money You need the material - fir and Native Lumber, Gedar Shingles ' STODDARD LUMBER CO. bronchitis, which I attribute to this red splendid medicine. I recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy uorei servedly aa I have found it the surest, saf.;d and quickest cure for colds, both for children and adults, of any I have ever used." For sale by all good t dealers. FOR SALE 700 tamarack posts. 10c, In La Grande. See 1-21-lm LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. Notice of Final Account. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed In the county cou ' of Union county, state of Oregon, his final account of his administration of the estate of J. M. McCall, deceased, and that the -said court has or dered that said final account be heard by said court at the usual place of holding said court at the court house in La Grande, in said county, on the 16th day of February, 1909, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at which time and place any person In terested in said estate may eppear and file objections to said account. If any he have. Dater, January 9, 1909. ULYSSES G. COUCH, Administratis of Said Estate. RAMSEY & OLIVER. 1-11-2-8 Attorneys for the Estate. To Whom It May Concern. Notice la hereby given that on De cember 1 I took up at my plaro at Starkey, one pale red cow branded "J. steer, swallow fork in left ear; no visible brands. They are now nt the Rt'.hl farm near Alicel, and will be sold according to law unless the owner pays costs and proves proper ty. l-15-4tw E. F. JONES. 4444444444444444 4 I)K. It: L. LIXCOLX. 4 4 DENTIST. . 4 4 Most Modernly Equipped Office. 4 4 None but First-Class work done. 4 Office Upstairs. 4 Northwest Corner Adams Ave- 4 4 nue and Depot Street. 4 4 'Phone Bed 1131. 4 4444444444444444 Here's a Snap. A 10-acre fruit tract, all fenced; one mile northeast of Cove; six acres set to apples and cherries; small, cheap barn and house; well and other water. Also horse, buggy single har ness and some tools. Must be sold soon. Address Lock Box 71, Island City, Oregon.' K." on right hip; crop off right ear; she was entirely well of her cold and waddle under throat; one 2-year-old Imbler lrperty For sale by owner. Hotel and barn with 7 lots; price, 2.0O. Shop with ( lots; price, $400. (-room house, with ( lots; price $1000. 3-roora housew Ith 3 lots; price $700. For terms, call on or write W. T. HARTU5T, 12-1 3-2 6 1 .. Imbler, Ore.