V MMe JBttw.i w4- .-. rrrMNG cn-ravr. c.mxfr. onrww, .Truotr. jtkt i. iiw kicttt rxcru MfflM La Grande Professional Directory M LEVIED 3 WW OM the SALE 444H aa aaaaaaaaaa a aa-a BA.tEMEXT TO WALLOWA COURT HTH.SE READY. riTXUCL&Jlik t . it KUBeAP.O. V. 0. bsiria aurul surena. .3ca ta .' &aa4 jiifc-iit. Room - f-aooa- P-ewld-jne. 1i; Off!.. MaJa . Aii. A. U KlCXAftLt-JON. f-Tir l wl siar'rente. CJr. T H;ii" Lrag i!tr. e ;::. -not ijp. p.; u-iea Kim jj DESTisrrs. c a CACTHORN, 0f':.- 07r Hi:;' Dr.! Si.re. i La Crivi Oregon, i Tout Tat Le-t 1 Walk, a k MuU (MiUf ajp Bniaty Ta . J C i.Mfift-f l.iirm Hi- FstrniU lor . aera-txa of New Omrt Him-. J. C PRICE. t. ac L. iN-tillaC. Kvin 21. La Graarf National aaa Bi1M:a 'PliAft R.ack 1IJL TEACHER OF MUSIC tt.jitUi3 ni fliLf Corar Adair. Ae aal Zi-ot St. Ole Mala Real ti5- Ma-a I) PROF. E. PORTER DAT. P.-.acJt La Granule Vhf of Montr. Wm. I. jr. asalsraat. Stiiooi. 1 Greenwood Are., els d'r o..id ; Aia.-ns A. 'Po-i Black 1JI- J (Tf, Jan. K. iai.'- Th county court of W.i.'oa coujry r.is Ivte-d a Ul a f.Ur-;: h. ir:';. .-'.it- 1.5 " ..r'y .l 'ic;.1ty .ch- 2.4 "oi.nty rVi I.S "oin'y bi?-i sotv.-; . .7 Cous'y. sci.'p bounty lcoy.le . . .1 BACO.V HA.-JL. rhvafeiam aad Karsaa. OtOrm I , Gfti U.ai Eaaa BandJn. 'Pboai Vlaia It. C. T. Eacoa. Rldac. Uiia It. JAV 1C Uali, fcMac. iltla (1. r. . XL UOORE DR. H. C P. MOCR1 met,fmtiic fhlrlaaa. ClrfcaTCia Graduate Cadr rounder Offto BmsiMt B'tll'ilac-X-'Aa: Ofnca Mats II; Ka Uala C 11- CPT05, fli. fi, M. fc. fbyntrtan anJ friM. oaetei atceafioo i1n t Eje, Ear, ?fo an 4 T5ifat. OfHc la La U-ail attaa! Bmk Eali-Hrr Tkor.t OJfIr. Uala 2; Riilnc. tR. K A. CHAKLTO.S. Vrtriaary p.tftx a. Olflc at HI.i' Dni Storit, La Graai- OfTica 'rtxM B ic 1J1 Io4rBjat 'Phoa I. Fixh 'phyoa at rsiJn. STELLA OUViiK. Tnai tjrv of PUoo aad Harmony, jfSli'i at ruiii-rac of Turar Oil circr r-jrta an! O aveaua. Mlad LEN'A ilcIiErXOLL. laxtror-Uir la iotr Caltare. La Grr..i ... Orz4t . ML-3 ROSS HOL'aE. riwro' tr la I'iano tltraumf aa Tertiaira. Corner Second aad a;;?ron 3t.-'a La Grand-, Oregon. LU.CTKJCAL CVCiStAila. L. A. PXCKLKK. 4 11L Mining. Irrffha Eogtneorfck aad fMtfr)4 Eatlmatea, plana and p-rC.ficaynj Oiflca la Bot.nebaa.ap iJiI.l.rt. La Oraa4 ------ Lmg. C. IL IJlUJi.MU. Art.iiit-t and (.AifM-er. njmejtnj. Cji and St.-ijctarst Enj Twnty, Tar' Et:r!"nre. T-WJl i:.s In a14itwa t th. th ci:i- f Wl : ira anil Ent-rpr'. havr l-vi'l a 1 rri:l city Iax, J'MM-ph has le-vUrd 7, an! LoifTin. Z mi... Wallowa ounry U ortrartiny a o:jntjr rourt house at Enrrpri-, an-l th otirrutor has bwa al'.ow.l 1154 on bb tontract. th bamat haviaf b-i eonip-titl. BASKETBALL GAME FEB. 13 UK-TOX or.MAL TEAM TO TO I f! THIS .-IltTICX. W, H. KILET. Oralcat Ohio Hfa: CriUertif?. Vaccination. LVntUiirT and Syryry f ai! kind. Country caila prorrpt!; aa rd. ttltUm lilt Atlanta Airnae. tbooa. t'i:iHrhUeii 1U. Iirfepeudsrit, J 7 J. ItOiil.ilT M.'Li-Ef An tiliwt. Offlr 1 107 Arlsrni ay!Vj. ,lh'n- Pacific, Mala I. Home In lepi.-i ;;..-nt No. I. ATTOILNEIS. I'uIjImt Stiorr3Jii-T an I T l ifvuU-T. At W lllim-.rti Office. II'W l oI-f fJkM k. Beridtnce 'Phrn f'.iitk iOI or Ed 1452. VlAtl. Ctiaa. E. torlma lira. V. Coc&rs COCIIRAM ft COCHRAN, Attorns j. La Grand NaUonai Eack Bulldlcf. La Grande .... Or go R. H. LU)1D. Attorrwy at r nice In all the courts ?f the Stat and United ftate. E'gln ------ Orgon MXta ORACK McAUfTTER. , Teacher and Manager. Te)phon Farmra l7f. ,ti at th C. rr, P?nin,?ton A 'o. rtrr this wok and th I. C. H. n thod of t&rhlnjr modern tanKiiap. Th pronounrlnflun arrjulri-d by thl tfcod la aholue'ly corr,t. C. II. aLUVFOKD. Attorney at lmt. Practice in all the court oi the Str.t and United S'.ate. Building. La Grande. Oregoa. :A'ptfit! Vrmal I'lie Will Initiate Ha Lrtlall In Tifc Oty of ttir Snsj.v kin.1. With Hlsh N'lxol Otlir. CanwH f-larl -J of tonlt-rt-wr Again Kvkkul. LEROT LOMAX. Attnvy at Law. 15-1 Swetland Building. Portland ..... Oregon A fyiraliwri Anklr. A ruia a man will OH well itls f)ed f ha ean hohbi around on Fever Sore. F.ver aorrt and old chronic rnrf ahoiild not be healed entirely, bul rutrhet la two or three week after ' bould be kept In healthy comli ion mia ran bo Uono ny ai'p.yms ham- btrlaln'i Salve. ThU salve ha no au pe.ior for thia purpoee. ' U ai nvmt excllent for chapped hands. iof apralnlng hi ankle, and It I often two r thre raonth liffore he la fully reroered. This In an unnecessary loss f time, urn by applying Chamberlain's! Linlmeot, aa directed, cure may a a rilppl", burnt and dlaease of the kln i ba affeeted le than one For ale by all goid dealer. a time, nd In many rase within . 'ay. old by all good dealer be worked I lurln? th I J -About .'H rr ago hny bfOthe.1 araa 'fcld up' In "rXs work, health and happlna by what w4 i-ellcved to bff ho pel (-mi ooaauiru'tlon. write W. I. . Llpeoomb, of Washington. N. C. "H Ao4K.al' iznt vf reniedlc and treat 'merit from aaterwl d.Htor. but lounr aa help till he used Ur. King' New fWMVery and a tolly cured b;. o drawing the Jury lUt. which task r'!tifumd th greater part of the ea a. - ED hTltlNGIIAM. 4 At'CTlONEER. 4 ti4 on ttsort notice. 4 rtifaetiuo guarantee4. 4 Na extra charge for dlatanre. 4 LA GRANDE ... OREGON 4 Route No. 2 'Phone No. lMit 4 Xolb. To the Farmers and City Troperty Own-r of Union County: Tou are cordially invited to Ylslt u t our offb-es In La cri-ande; Ore. Our .bject will b to bring new Investor .nto thl field, in order to do thla we All! need the to-operatl'in of you prop erty owners. W.v .It t'tal In farm and . Ity praperty. timber land and 8ta-i :and. rental aad leans. Dmp In and et acquainted whether you have an .hlng to offer or tot. we will b .deaied ta meet y 'i V.-r truly your. THE VAN JYX REACT CO. 'loom I and . Scr.ler Hloek Both 'I tune. La Grande. Ore We have thi beat wood In town, and plenty of It. Full measurement gauranteed. Real Estate. Loan Commission Co. Black it Bramwcll. iated to play the locals at some near 'Phone Black 1211. U by date. The Weton XorrcaS b.k..-tbail juln-t'-t iM pUy the l.val h; ( hoot five n this c:r- on February 12. acoo.-'Mr r to arransr.-mers'i rna'le betwen the Weston tnsn&g'-r and Msnag-T Him i.ton of the hiiC-i sch-Kil. Tir.tr t-"a vhr. will be touring eatTri Oregon tha tsf-elc. " In anticir.ftti.n of opening the r'-a! basketball seoson this year wilh a nappy game, hard pra. tlee will be n drilged In between now an-I ttie daf: of th-r game. The team which step on the floor for that conteit will not be cias organization, lut. the best of each of the teams that have already this season appeared before public ye. The race for places will be ex trmely warm, as it has been demon strated In early games this winter that :here are about two men equally fit to hold do-vn each place. This Is es pe..( i;i; true (a the go' throwing ha'f of thr floor. The men wi'l be out t. the bent advantage d time a'Jowft? "the teams to p'-aetfo 3nd or. th" eve of the battle thv line-u vill be announced. I en n l'at f.omr. 'The "-r-it ra" it a--.- always a sinnpp ?nd asi'e ajrre H--n. That neithe eam have nn easy tak at hand s verv easily t-ri'inlwd. The vi.-:itor.- HI piav Kak-r City. Ontario ami Pen 1!efr)n riiiring the tour with the resal (hat the oi t.-orne of the trip will de :ermi;ie. by dope at least, the re!ativ Vrenp'h of the d.ff-rent teams In this section of the state. Vitil of t'onff-rrTKV. Here again Is looming up the diffi culty of net having a conference t-j fgulate the awards of championship in basketball, as well as other fort. in the high school athletic curriculum It is tiurd;y likely that the teams wil a. I rn t each others, and the chnm pinnfhip will undoubtedly be as ur.de-cd-d th n the season Is over as li I now. It Is to he hopod that another, -ar Is not to go by without the for mation of such a conference. . I Ssiiithern Train Wanted Game. The clever Los Angeles club team that Is touring Washington and ore ton, wanted a game with the hl?r Si-iio..! In this city tonight, but on ac count of the short notice no contest could 1 arranged. It would b. a trat to see the southern players lr. action as th-y hve ms-l a cb-sn-sweep victory w-herev t they have played thus far. Oilier Games S hednlcd. The M. I. A. and' Cove teams are In fall force, and ifs Ike best in point of big nluts offered as well as the number of them that we have everheld. This is the tim e to supply all wants. Annual Sale prices rule wherever jou hok and the moit dependable merchandise obtainable is the sort which these hrr prices are on. Goods Reduced in Every Dept., Savings In Ever Aisle-Gocd lAdse. For Utile Money Nsw as the sale swings into the second week see f it that you core and shop, fur ther delay is to your own disadvantage, for some stoppers who come early will buy at a bargain price the very thing you wanted-so come early. GREAT BARGAINS IN MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Discriminating buyers v.ill recocf.ize the excellence of this underwear on sight. The j pain-taking care of the maker is pronounced in every garment. Anazing Sale of Sheets and Pillow Slips Good quality Sheets, 81x90 Wc each Hemmed Pillow Slips, 45x36 9c each The crowds that throng our aisles are saf5c'enf prxf of the unusvalness of the bar gains offered in the yearly Clearance Sale, for La Grande people are good judges of val ues, and they do their buying where their money will bring them the most. Let us im press upon yoj the advantage of being early at this sale, WE ADVANTAGE OF HAVING F IF ST CLCXE, and makingycur selections from LAVISHLY COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS. N. K. the: quality store: XoUi-e of fctm-k Impoundment. Notice Is hereby girn that the fol lowing described animal wa impound ed in tb. city pound on the th day of Jjtnuiry. 10J. f. ne black and brown Jersey c r, Jchuru. 1, three Itoles a each ear, of them torn out. No 'of Plies. gon. the 8th day of January, Hi3. JOHN W. WALDE.W Chief of Police. PeonaI experinc with a f.'be of ManZan Pile Remedy will convince yo't it Is immediate relief for ai: fcrrr.- I c. bram.s v.. . 'i claimed ;v-f. r." a!!! be cish. Gua ranteed. find unless said anini. jSllverthorn Mack. . 1 all charge-i pail on or - - ry 1J. ISO, said animal I Rock Pprinsyt Coal, t- the highest biJl-.-r for We sell the best coal carried in the r!ty. Prompt delivery. 'Plum Main Done and dued at I-i Grande. Ore-1''. Grande Ronde aCsh Co. 1-13-14 WANTED! Having just opened a second hind store in my old SEC0D im GOODS I am prepared to pay highs s: cash price for SEC OND HAND goods. Co r.cc sell cntil you have seen me. If you are going k leava town phone meMr Remember I pay cash. ED. PROPECK Phore Bl3Ck 1251 HR STREET Q j ENJOY THE SiMOW Mick's Guarantees a Month of Good Sleighing Our system of converting buggiesand surreys into cutters and sleighs will enable you to own your own sleigh or cutter at a small cost Bring your buggy to us, wait an hour, pay us $5 and drive home with the cest sleigh in the city. BAY & ZWEIFEL 211 DEPOT STREET. a a i a a Von are Cordially Invited to Join Cic GA LfPORNIA MID WINTER EXCURSION ta be girea under the aueplces of WALLA WALLA COMMERCIAL CLUB WALLA WALLA to LOS ANGELES and r-turn $94.00 This rate includes railroad ticket for the round trip, and berth in sleeping ear for the go ins trip. Side trips provided for In the itinerary, and all meals from the hour of departure Fri day night, January 5th, until ar rival in Loa Angeles, 5:45 p. m. Friday, January 22nd are alas in cluded. To Leave Walla' Walla by Special Train FRIDAY, JAXCARY 15, 10, At 11:15 P. M, Via THE OREGON RAILROAD NAVIGATION CO. and SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. For further particulars Inquire of J. H. Keeney, O. K. 4 X. Agent La Grande. Oregon. t Pineulea for the kidneys are Utt S-sid-n globules whic!: act directly the kidneys. A trial will convince rHT of quick result for backache, rhe matism. lumbago and tired, worn feeling. 30 days' trial L They p' fr the blood. Sold by SUverthorn Mack.