La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 16, 1909, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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15 cr. --.v, t v i i:k.m::, on: ;ox e'.Ttv.iuv. jnv::x tt,
i-.r.r. nxv
I. L. Leavltt has .received a now
ifo for his place of business.
Attorney Robert tH. Lloyd of Elgin,
h hero on 1-kI matters today.
A. P. Knox, the Klfc'ln Jewtler. came
ip from Elln" last evening.
Miss Belle. Gray visited relatives In
:iuln yesterday. I
E. S. McComas haa returned from
I ijton to his home Ut Elgin.
4 Marlon Hotchklsa of Enterprise,
hipped five carloads of stock to
ma last evening, ... -.
Five carloads of apples are being
iaded today. This In not so fierce a
Inter as we might think.
Bishop Paddock leaves tonight for
he Dalle i, where he will remain over
unday, returning hero Monday.
Of course, spring Is here. The mer-
hants are receiving their conslgn-
lents of garden seeds.
Rev. Wills of Elgin, who has b.i
guest of Rev. Taylor, returned this
Manager C. C. Clark, of the Union
perlment station, is calling on friends
M're today and looking after business
S. Matters.
)"he program for the Elks' dedication
will be ready for announcement early
nfxt week. There will be no social
"Buesday night.
The curtain does not rise until 9
lock this evening at the Steward
?ura house. What Is the attraction?
hy, "The Great Divide."
Rev. J. D. Glllllnn returned Inst
aRenlng from John Day and tomoi-
w will occupy the pulpit In th.o M.
church, both mornlngand evenln.x.
J. H. Stevens Is visiting his tnulr
111 ElRln today. In the Interest of the
i Grande Mottling Works, of wh'eh
Is proprietor.
A. E. Eaton left uesrtay on the lie
latud train In quest of a warmer cii
ijpaie. iiy me ume ne readies v ju-
fbrnla It will be too warm here -y
mfort. Union Scout.
The O. R. & n! pay checks are he
een La Grande and Portland, and
're expected to arrive on the train
ta.'U should have reached here this
i turning, out is now maruea up at 3
1 "
IThere were several farmers who
me to the city today expecting the
irrigation meeting to be held, not hav
ig seen the announcement of its post-
imement until next Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl McComas are oo-
upylng the Knight ranch, the prop-
rty having been turned over to them
y the Laurensons, who bought It lust
oar. Union Scout.
Acting Supervisor Harris of the
i'allowa forest reserve, who has been
ecurlng data at the land office for
lovers! . days, was summoned home
this morning on aeeo-vt u. tile illness
Of his wife. ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. il.Sehumaker of El-
I' In, returned this morning from a trip
Missouri, where they vUited old
me friends and neighbors. Until next
Monday mornlnnr. they will be guests
with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Humphreys
of this city.
Likes Tills Vicinity.
have been here a year now, and
like Grande Ronde valley bettor
lory day that I am here," is the way
nseph Alnsworth of May Park, ex-
jressed himself today. In a pleased
4rt of way he related how he has a
firofltable orchard In that garden spot
it the valley, and what Is almost as
frnportant, has good water rights. Mr.
Unsworth moved to this county a lit-
1 more than a year ago, and is here
stay. Referring to the proposed Ir
rigation he wondered how it was that
a .......
ny man with a tract of land in the
'Bion to be Irrigated, could think of
ttlng the opportunity slip. The de-
innd for water will far exceed the
ipply at hand If all the land owners In
nlon county were as olive to the
alue of water as Mr. Alnsworth.
The Pastime for Tpnk'l't.
N'othlng- but fun at the Pastime t
,'ht. The pictures, consisting of five
"at comedy subjects are offered for
'r approval. The first is the Haunt-
Lounge, and the antics of this ani
ted piece of furniture and the tmn
s of its various owners will surely
Inrt you on an hour of solid laueh-
The next. The Neighbors' Kids,
ws the mischievous pranks of two
lie girls from cellar to parrot of the
use and will keep your laugh work
er. Then comes School Days, a com-
y acrobatic nonsensity for purely
liighing purno. A contrast in
mdy is then shown In The Tyrant's
earn, displaying the awful experl-
oe a business man had after a family
with his wife and mother-in-law.
prettiest you ever saw. . The Tender
foot gives us taste, of cowboy fun on
the pluins. Pertle Is sent .from the
east to leurn lunching. He gets a
warm reception nt Red Dog gulch, un!
is rapidly shown the mode of life In
the wild and woolly west, as he found
It and will make your laughing appa
ratus work overtime. Miss Richards
presents the Scotch Sword dance hy
request. ' The Dancing Richards will
dellKht you with th Ir clever work.
There is no other dancing team on the
vaudeville stage today that can com
pare with them In double dancing, or
that have such a large variety of dif
ficult steps. They are In a class by
" socrrm:.
Students' Recital TliU Afternoon.
This afternoon at the Turner Oliver
residence, on Fourth street, a delight
ful recital was given by the pupils of
Miss Stella Oliver. The program was
both long and Interesting, allowing
careful preparation on the part of the
participants. It follows:
"Return of the Gondolier". . .Schmoll
"The Blacksmith" Eyre
. Pearl Rosenbaum.
March Krogmann
Ine Knowles.
Cradle Song )
Barcarolle ) Kullak
Minna Ash. '
Etude '. Ascher
Zoe Bragg. ,
Duet Value PohuVrt
Amelia Collier and Marthn Wa!son.
Barcarolle, Op. 62, No. 4, Sclmi wenka
Hulda Anderson.
"Message of the Flower" Otto Hackll
Mildred Oliver.
Postilion Etude Godard
Marjorle McCnll.
Scherzo Schubert
Leila Cole.
Au Matin Godard
Helen Richardson.
"The Watchman's Song" .Grieg
"The Snowdrop" Tseharkowsky
Amelia Collier.
Duet '"Jhepherds All and Maidens
' Fair" . . : Nerln
Marjorle MeCall.and Helen RlehardHon
Cook-O'Xeal Wedding.
At the residence of L. Remlllard" last
evening at 6:30 o'clock, William T.
Cook of San Francisco, was married
to Genevieve O'Neal of this city. Rev.
Upton H. Glbbs officiated.
A wedding dinner was served at the
Model restaurant. On the evening
train Mr. and Mrs. Cook took their
departure for coast points, and after
honeymooning for a week, or more
will go to San Francisco to make their
future home..
Kaffoe Klatch Entertained.
The Kaffee Klatch was very delight
fully entertained last evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cochran,
corner Washington and Second, Mes
dames Cochran and E. E. Bragg being
the hostesses. Nine tables were filled
with club members, who enjoyed the
amusement and entertainment or the
evening. Prizes were won by Mrs.
T . T". ...... TT .. .7 TT- T..
With the arrival of warm weather
come addltonal pennies to the "mile
of pennies" fund for the La Grande
park, thus reviving the good work
commenced some time ago by the
children in and about La Grande, but
which rested briefly during the ex
citement of Christmas holidays. It Is
Roy L. Couch, son of Mr. and Mrs
Willarrl Couch of Lftdd Canyon, that
has revhed the movement by sending
in 50 pennies. The ladies are about
to resume the campaign for donations
again, now that appearances point to
pleasurable weather. Storms and yule
tide festivities mads It impossible for
a successful canvas during the past
few weeks.
Most Modernly Equipped Office.
None but First-Class work done.
Office Upstairs.
Northwest Corner Adams Ave-
nue and Depot Street.
. 'Plione Red 1131.
All business except very urgent
mutters, have been ordered suspended
by the land office commissioner until
all entries have been transcribed into
the new system of accounting that
has. been adopted by the land offices.
The new system has been in vogue
several months, but so congested hua
been the condition of the land office
here that the transcriptions were be
ing made slowly. Since the new. or
der went Into effect the work has pro
gressed more rapidly. (
During the past week there have been
no applications or final proofs made
In the local office, a fact that has been
favorable to concerted effort on back
The special accountants who are ex
porting the books of Receiver Roberta
are still burled In their work. It Is
too early to guess at the time when the
Investigation will be finished.
Enterprise Creamery.
The Enterprise creamery completely
refitted with new machinery, will start
operations In about two weeks. The
deal between Mr. Blckford and his
partners, the Tulleys, Is completed, and
the latter will continue to operate the
Wallowa plant, while Mr. Blckford will
put in a new plant here. Ha has al
ready ordered a new churn, cream vat
and other machinery, and when all Is
Installed he will have one of tlio finest,
up-to-date creamery plnnts In eastern
Oregon. The business will be known
as the Enterprise Creamery. Mr. Blck
ford also retains the agency for the Do
Laval separator. The same push and
energy that made the Wallowa Valley
Cream company a big success, will no
doubt continue In the upbuilding of the
Enterprise creamery. News Record.
T. J. GRAY, Prop.
RATES: $1.00, $1.25 and
$1.50. Best 25c meals in
the city. Beds 25c & 50c
All outside rooms. Board
and lodge $6. per week,
One block from depot.
I Hard Wheat 1
f aDiiy
Kansas hard wheat
flour is unexcelled for
cakes and pastries. This
bakery has that kind of
four and the best pas-
tries and bread in the J
oity. If not a customer
now, get in line and have I
the best there is. t
A pill In time that will save nine Is
Ring's Little Liver Pill. For bilious
ness, sick headache, constlpatipn. Thf y
do not gripe. Price 25c. Sold by SlI
vcrthorn & Mack.
Lust ton.
Red cow with speckled face, has T.
S. with circle-bar on right side, and
J. D. on left side. 'Phone Farmer
1343. I-14tf
W DAYS January 13 to January 23---40 DAYS
. The successful buyer is he who buys in advance and takes advantage of the low
prices and lays in a supply for the Home, Farm 2nd Individual at a saving from TO to 50 J
perc nl. . . . ..; ; r- !'.';.' ::y-" ."v::
At 8 per cent and think you are making a good investment. Why not invest in the X
goods you will need while you can get them at a greater bargain. ' I
and pay 8 per cint Interest when you are compelled to buy the goods you know vou
wll need 2nd" pay full price for them, Why not make the saving of 10 and 50 per cent
while you can get it thereby making a good investment on the mone y.
. Required for CONFORT-EASE-STYLE-EVERYTHING for Home, Farm and Ranch, t
fact we carry everything required for everybody and are selling them at the greatest rem
of theseason. ' -
Buy while your time is worth nothing,
time when H is scarce and wofh money.
REMEMBER: Our Motto, Satisfaction in Everything
Cured of a Severe Attack of Bronchitis
by Chamberlain's Caugli Remedy,
"On October 1 8th, last, my little 3
year-old daughter contracted a severe
cold which resulted in a bad case of
bronchitis," says Mrs. W. G. Gibson,
Lexington, Ky. "She lost the power
of speech completely and was a very
sick child. Fortunately we had a bot
tle, of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
In the house and gave It to her accord'
Ing to the printed directions. On the
second day she was a great deal bet
ter, and on the fifth day, October 23d,
she was entirely well of her cold and
bronchitis, which I attribute to this
splendid medicine. I recommend
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy unre
servedly as I have found It the surest,
safest and quickest cure for colds,
both for children and adults, of any I
have ever used." For sale by all good
Dr. W. D McMillan
Painless Denistry
La Grande National Bank Bldg
Both Phones
Cross Can't
Get Your ,
: washing done
Send a Card
or Phone We
havenobabes :
: It will be done j
I Right too.
"Best by lest"
Rule LOo
r J
Call and inspect our new lot of ex-
tra fine writing paper t
50c a box
Other kinds 10c and up
n 11
rt in t
The value of a prescription depends upon the prompt
ness with which it reaches the sick room .
"Do It Now"
is the motto which stands for much in our prescription de
partment. All prescriptions are filled as soon as received
and delivered as soon as filled. You know our reputation
for pure drugs and careful compounding .:. .:. .:. I
We Carry Everything which Should be
Found in a Drug Store
and save your time
rfc v tr
pe last of this picture Is one of the'