. - volume vm. LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1009. NUMBER T7. ! 4' MCE WAR LIKELY TO P1428IDENT DISGUSTED WITH CALIFORNLV LEGISLATURE. California's Action lu Proposing to Pax AiU-Japancwe Measure Causes In dgriatlon at Washington Relations Between the Two Nations Cannot ho Changed by Action of One State 4-RooMcvclt Said to Have Accused (sllforniaiw. Vashineton. Jan. 14. A wave of disgust and Indignation Is sweeping of ficii! circles here today following the recipt of dispatches from Japan tell lngof antagonism aroused by the news tha the California legislature Is con ulilirlnsr antl-JaDanese measures. The Prfcldent Is reported to have Indlg nakly declared the Calif ornians have brtken their pledges, and that the In trotuctlon of objectionable bills is a combination of folly, bad faith and inljulty. The action of the Callfor nlats does not affect the relations of the.two countries regarding Immigra tion as that question Is considered demlteiy settled. VICTLM OF FROST. Ddtli Claims Young Hunter and May Take Older Brother as Well. Jhehalls, Wash., Jan. 14. News has reached here that Willie Fink, aga 11, was found frozen to death, and his brother, Henry, aged 21, near thejbody In a serious condition, by se&chers today. The boys went hunt InnSaturday. When they failed to re tuli a party started in search. Henry sal he carried the body of his younger1 bifther a long distance, and finally felifrom cold and exhaustion. "tlcgraph Operator Shumard of Ka-( nula, transacted business in La Grande tofy. I ' i RESUMED Md& It means your opportunity to buy A rj j it y io ? LA FIRE IN TOPEKA PROMINENT REPUBLICAN MAT DIE OF RESULTS. Gnosis of Poll teal Hostelry Jump From Windows, Sustaining Injuries Ttae Building Was Gutted. Topeka. Jan. 14. Thirty persons were Injured, including AW. Smith, former republican gubernatorial can didate, who may die, as the result of a fire which gutted the Copeland ho tel today. The property loss is heavy. The fire started at 4 this morning and the guests were Injured by leaping from the windows. The hotel is po litical headquarters. , license Operators. Chicago, Jan. 14. After today all operators of moving picture machines In Chicago must be provided with It censes, Issued by city offltcala, after a rigid examination. Theaters employ ing unlicensed men will be closed to morrow. WRECK COSTLY TWO miim KILLED AHO SILK CARGO DESTROYED Vancouver, B. C.Jan. 14. Silk to the value of (1, 000,800 was destroyed by fire, and Brakemen Porter and Mount were Instantly killed last night near swirt current, wnere a rreigni engine collided with terrific force with a Canadian Pacific silk car carrying a V8lubl.0argory4r New York bo:i). A negro brakeman closed the switch after the silk train had taken a sid ing. Fire followed the collision, con suming four cars carrying silk, which arrived from the orient on the steamer Empress of China. ur,u mm mi tilt p iriGC3ffh Saving. Sale Furthermore it Means &f GRMDE, OREGON r IttmiP 1 b MZ3f r V STL'S- jT ZT f t 9 tori& sr. r izift i is s t a. STOCKTON IfJ FLOOD'S PATH IMMINENT DANGER OF DISASTROUS FLOOD THERE- Largo Section of Bulkhead In Mormon Clianiicl Washed Away and Water RuMhce Toward Stockton Raining Heavily at Los Angeles Pat Two Day Lower Section of . Stockton May Be Inundated Before ' Night Falls Tills Evening. Stockton, Cal., Jan. 14. This city stands in imminent danger of another tlood. Last night a large section oflof the Harrtman lines in Oregon, re the bulkhead of the Mormon channel, near Bellota. was washed - out, and water Is sweeping across the country toward Stockton from the east. The Indications are that the lower sections of the city will be Inundated before tonight. The tows of Linden, 12 miles east, was flooded this morn' ing. Reports from Los Angeles say it is raining heavily there and has been for the past two days. Otlier Towns Endangered. Fresno, Jan. 14. A 3-year-old girl fell from a raft and the mother leaped Into the water for her. Both nearly drowned. The opera house and seV' eral business structures are flooded, At the Wishon power house, In the mountains above Portervllle, the pre clpltation has amounted- to 15.20 In' ches. The rainfall .is resulting in damage to the valley at the foot oi the mountains. The levee supporting St. John river, which passes near VI sail a. Is broken in three places. VI salia is also threatened with serious floods. The lower portion of the town o. forfoville is flooded, several house I bet.: washed from their foundation I today. Twenty-five families were res cued on rafts. The slough running through the city it. broken in several places. The town of Orosl is under a foot of water. rrivvi4 winter goods I v f,-- i SALE Reduced BUCKLEY'S HOSE NIPPEO BV FfiOST GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF SNOWSTORM TROUBLES. General ' Superintendent ' Driven to Cover After Hard Fight With Snow- storm Nose Froten ' During the Struggle Worst Storm hi Years as Far as West End of O. R. & N. is Concerned Worst Is Over Snow Plows Cause the Delay. Suffering a severely frostbitten face, General Superintendent M. J. Buckley, turned to Portland for a short breath' Ing spell this morning, after seven days of storm fighting along the O. R. N. In that time he has been able to catch only a few winks of sleep at time, but the necessity of securing medical attention because of the con dltlon of this face led him to give up the battle with the wind and snow af ' ter the worst is over, says the Tele' gram. 'ttevor In the nlstory of our lines has the wind wrought such havoc as '.t has during the last storm," said Mr, Buckley, this morning. "We have had practically eight days of high wind in succession, and as fast as we would get a stretch of track cleared It would be gin to drift In again. Sometimes you couldn't tell where we had been an hour alter we had bucked our way through. There have been storms where we have encountered a great leal more snow than now, but the heavy gales that have been blowing from time to time have been the worst enemy we have had to face. All our ".rouble, you might say, lay between Falrvlew and The-.plles, and we have succeeded In getting all our passenger trains through during the last 24 hours, though of course we are not able to make running time. We have ?ndeavored, since .we were first able to make some headway, to send snow plows out ahead of everything, but the mileage that a snow plow can . make In a day is limited, and for that rea son progress has been slow. "I don't mind the nip the frost gave me as long as the boys don't call me 'Old Frozen Face'." Buckley doesn't know it, but the mys are already calling him that be hind his back. PRESIDENT FEELS FINE. Xo Visible Effects of Strenuous Ride Taken by President. Washington, Jan. 14. President Roosevelt today showed no signs of 111 effects from his 90-mile horseback tide yesterday. He was at his desk early, and attended to official duties. Army officers who scoffed at the 30-mlle tent ride as entirely unneces sary, are alarmed today af the ease with which- the president tripled the requirements in one day. Gloom at Monte Carlo. Monte Carlo, Jan. 14. Although tho opening of the three months' grand opera season tomorrow has brought many music lovers to Monte Carlo, the recent Italian disaster has cast a gloom over the festivities at this famous re sort. The feature of the Monte Carlo opera season will be the series of per formances of the "Nitbelungs Ring." Some of the works of Mozart are also to be revived. CALHOUN REVEALS DEFEN.SE. One Juror Temporarily Accepted by Defense and the State. San Francisco, Jan. 14. P. t-.ick Calhoun, the traction miR-;-. t' l, being tried for offering to t-.'ij the board of supervisors, revealed his defense to!iy when counsei. in questioning tire veniremen, tried to show the Indict ment was the result of a plot hatched by Rudolph S'preckles to make out a case against Calhoun. Joseph Dixon was the first juror temporarily passed today subject to challenge, but so far has been accept- I ed by both sides. FIND SKELETONS ANCIENT NAX'AJO BLANKETS SHROUDED REMAINS. Remains of Seven Indians Found Near Bakorsfield Ttuit Were Burled Hun. dreda of Years Ago. Bakersfleld, Cal., Jan. 14. -Wrapped In costly Navajo blankets of an cient make and design, the skeletons of seven ' Indians unearthed on the Miller and Lux ranch yesterday, have been brought to this city. Naturalists believe tho bodies were burled 100 yeurs ago. Bequest for City. Hannibal, Mo.. Jan. 14. A special election is being held here today on the proposition to Issue $5000 tn bonds to build a new cly hall. A site for. the proposed edifice was provided for In the will of a wealthy woman resident of Hannibal, but unless the new halLJs erected at once, the prop erty will revert to the heirs. TILLMAN'S REQUEST FOR 1KVERT IGSIIOS WILL HOT BE UEEDEO Washington, Jan. 14. It Is not ex pected that Senator Tillman's request that the senate Investigate the charges made against him by President Roose velt in connection with Oregon land grab, will be heeded. No members of the committee on privileges and elec Hons are willing to stsrt the inquiry. The committeemen are under the Im pression that Tillman was square in his dealings. Even if Roosevelt's charges are true, there was no viola tion of law. Good Rouds for Utah. Salt Lake City, Jan. 14. A move ment for the general Improvement of the highways of Utah was launched today at a good roads convention In this city, at which delegates ' were present from all over the state. 0cii Shop Saturday Morning. Gus Bengelsdoiff will be at his shoe wnnn Minimi; TTlOrr'T". rciJv t.. .... .,1 ; his patrons again. S5e OIE TO TO DEFEAT CHAMBERLAIN Salem, Jan. 14. When the legisla ture reconvenes on Monday it will consider Governor Chamberlain's ve toes of the last session. The antls will make eevry effort to pass several of the vetoed bills over the governor's ' You Needn't You can gel along without Newlin's Coem Cure Cream, but you will not after you have once tried it. t is a lotion that makes chapped or roughened skin unnecessary. Cures Chaps in one night. Soothes and refreshes from the moment it is applied. Daintily perfumed; no grease or or stickness, as it is almost tnsrantly obsotbed. Your money back if the lothn fails to plaase. PRICE 25c NEWLIN DRUG STORE LA GRANDE, DEEP PLOT TO EE NEW rilASK IN RECENT CAR- MICUAEL CRIME CARNIVAL. Methodist Preacher KUled Poor Car penter and Mutilated Body In Effort to MUlead Authorities Was Then to Suicide Thut Hi Wife Might Get the Insurance Money Companies WU1 Refuse to Pay Their Policies on These Grounds. Burlington, Iowa, Jan. JLi. That tha life Insurance companies refuse to pay Mrs. Carmlchael, widow of tha minis ter who murdered Gideon Browning, a carpenter, In a little Methodist church at Columbus, Mich., on tha theory that the murder was a part of the husband's plot to commit suicide so the widow could receive the money, Is the belief of Sheriff Moore. The sheriff Is from Port Huron, Mich., and passed through Burlington today. He Is returning to Michigan with Carmt chael's body. Moore believes, ' Jste,kllI- Browning to give ffL ' he himself was the victim, so tTT" widow could get the insurance On his lite. . The sheriff says he has good reasons for thinking so. ; " SENT GUN IN CAKE Bold Jail Delivery Nipped In the Bud at Loa Angeles. . . Los Angeles, Jan. 14. A hold at tempt at jail delivery was discovered . today when R. E. Watson, a farmer of Norwalk, Cal., confessed he sent a revolver and seven cartridges In a cake to F. J. Humelyv the San FraW Cisco solicitor, now in the county Jail accused of forgery. He said Huiielyv planned to kill two turnkeys and make his escape, steal a sloop, go to Hon-, duras. Had the plan been carried out SO prisoners would have been lber- ated. '',,-.' Drowned in Willamette. Oregon City, Jan. 14. Charles Mid land, foreman in the mill of the Wil lamette paper plant, was drowned this' morning in attempting to cross , the Willamette In a light skiff, which struck a floating Ice cake and cup- J... t u,. t-ioxu i wm uiiuix lor Luc body. head, to weaken the statement men who were Interested in the bills, s they will cancel their pledges to vote for Chamberlain. The first ballot on the senatorial contest will be taken at noon Tuesday. Have Chaps OREGON T