La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 11, 1909, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Deputy Fheriff Llndgren In In Klgln
I i ...i...,
i C. M. Humphrey is transacting bus
. . . .......
iu-ss in imoier iouj
ml. Wheatley has returned from
n extended visit 1b the east.
A petition to have the will of the
,te Joel Robinson probuted, was filed
today with the county clerk.
The final account In the estate of
1 . V .f inll ..- a a HnA Inilav
snJ February 18 was set as the date
if the final hearing thereof.
The Gilbert Sisters cioseo uieir en
ugement with the Scenic theater last
venln and left today for Baker
Charles Conkey took his departure
this morning for Culver. Ind.. where
he will finish his present school -year
in the military school there.
Rev. W. H. Gibson, pastor of the
i local Baptist church, has gone to En
terprise to conduct special services for
a period of two weeks.
Conductor R. Wissler left last eve
ning for Spokane, where he was called
t as a witness In a case where in the O
I Ji. & N. Is Interested.
I This evening Mr. and Mrs. O. L.
4V TMeAver arlve a sleighing party to two
"1 Basses of young girls In the Metho
I itllst Sunday school. .
Mr. ana Mrs. p. J. rienriKsen oi
Portlnnd, are guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Will French, 4n First
The G. I. A. to the B. of L. E. hold?
Its unnual Installation of officers and
conducts Initiation of new members
tomorrow lit 2:3D. In the K. of V. hall
announces retiring President Mis'. F
O. Pchllke, and Secretary C. M
Humphreys. A full attendance Is !e-
Rev. Bradley, the pastor of Klpln,
occupied the pulpit morning and eve-
nlng In the Methodist church dining
the absence of Pnstor C. E. Deal, who
is in Wallowa county, Rev. . Bradley
considering the weather, v;as greeted
with good audiences, who enjoyed hie
sermons very much.
The same mechanical outfit consist
lug of a wagon with a wire net box
that successfully caught over SO dogs
tinning at large last year untagged
s abroad In the land once more. Con
sequently, if you have not procured
your dog tag fo(r the year 1909, your
family pet Is sure to turn up missing. '
B. Logsdon, who for the past seven
months has been In Kansas City, ha?
returned home. He says while he wa
busy all of the lime during his ab
sence he returned to old Grande
Rondo the first opportunity, and hope
he will be permitted to remain in
definitely. Dr. F. E. . Moore returned from
Portlnnd this morning on the train
which should have reartu ' re last
night. He attended . vun? of the
state medical I- . of which he Is a
member. A total of 57 osteopathic,
allopath tectlc physf"'ns took
the examination. T ' ..amlned
all physicians . .ology and his
tology and the osteopathic physicians
also In theory and practice of osteopathy.
At the Pastime theater last evening
Rot.s and Khaw, Instrumentalists, rep
dered m very pleasing program, which
a highly appreciated by the audi
ences and they were called upon to re
spond to several encores. On their
program were numbers to please All
tastes, the famout "t-Vxtette from Lu
cia" In duet form on the antonlo
phones, the popular "Mundy Lane."
and their closing ragtime minstrel
band on two trombones, were espe
cially well received. The siixaphone
duets received their share of applause,
This was the final appearance In La
Grande of these entertaining , musi
cians who have been at the Pastime
the past week.
FOR SALE Two modern cottages
and one vacant lot; very reasonable
if taken at once, 'Phone Red 1141,
Koren will be represented at Seattle
next year by an exhibit of brass wares,
carved woods, linens and silks. An
exporter in Seoul Is preparing a fine
exhlbt for the 1900 exposition to show
the progress of the Pacific country.
Nearly every county in the state l
California will be represented by sep
arate displays In the California build
ing at the Alusk-Yuknn-Pui-lflc ex
position at Seattle next yeur.
Klectrollci of French . renaissance
design will be used to Illuminate the
grounds of the Alaska-Yukon-Paclflc
exposition at Seattle next yeur. Hun
dreds if the beautiful standards have
been built. On the top of each will be
a lurge sphere of light containing 0t
SO-candle power globes.
'Through wisdom Is a house bullded;
and by understanding It Is established;
and by knowledge shall the chamber
b filled with all precious and pleas
ant riches.
Billy Sunday snyn smart set women
are silly. Very likely. What's Billy?
asks the Spokane Review.
As the bird by wandering, as the
swallow by flying, so the curse cause
less shall not come.
Dr. W. D McMillan
Painless Denistry
La Grande National Bank Bldg
' I ' I
- t
' - A & f - " 59 1 l - At ca-M W ( '
: ? I " 'XX' v ' - XXj " s . ' ,
rtr-Uiri V " ,,7S tr'Ni
: r-
Scenes of La Grande Ropnxluccd In tlie Boost Literature) Xow Being DIs-
Who is n Plivlclan?
Who is your physician? The word
physician comes from a Greek word
that means nature "Phusls," Nature.
He who does not live according to
Nature, study Nature, treat his pa
tients according to Nature, has, no
right or title to be called physician.
He who cannot trace the natural his
tory of a disease hack to its natural
cause has no business to Interfere with
the processes of Nature. Osteopathic
Michigan Preacher Who Chopped Tp a
Body, Attempts Suicide.
("arthaKe. Iowa, Jan. 11. Rev. John
Cnrmlcbael, chased by detectives, ac
cused of killing Gideon Browning, and
tl, rowing the dismembered body In the
stove of the church of which he was
Ja-tor near Port Huron. Mich., at
tempted suicide at Carthage this
morning. In his pocket was found a
letter In which he confessed the crime,
saying he cut up the body and put it
in a stove piece by piece. He de
clared Browning had hypnotic influ
ence over him and sid he went to
Chicago after the crlm. where he
changed his clothes and came to Carthage.
Why pay more when you can
secure first class work for
peel a I
We will have something in this
space which will be of interest to
careful buyers
For Your Convenience:
Stamps, Stamped En
velopes, Special Deliv
ery Stamps Here
For coughs of all kinds we knw of no better remedy than
our White Pine Expectorant. We have sold it for y ; .
Each year we sell more of it. It has com e to be depended
upon in hundreds of families in this locality. Remember
when next need of a cough remedy arises and try it undei
our guarantee. We will promptly refund the money if the
remedy ever fails to give entire satisfaction.
PRICE, 25 and 50 cents
Leave Your Packages
to be
Galled for Later
La Grande, Ore.
' WE
Roosters for Sale.
Pure bred Plymouth roosters for
sale at a bargain. J. E. Reynolds, R.
News from ve.xi.-N in the Alaska
win h. j.irb'Nhe.l In a !.iily t:i
p"r issued ,n the grounds of t'np .!-ka-Tukon
Pacific exposition next
year. The publication will be known
s the Wireless and will contain both i
i . . . . !
m ana ior"ign news received in '
FeaMlo h ir.i... i
Bridge work done right at
: prices you can afford to pay.
We are here to break the
F. I). No. 2, I.a Grand.-, ore.
FOR RENT Light housekeeping
rooms; three rooms. .1301 Madison
Ave. 'Phone Black 402. l-9tf
Talk I'reneli.
If you want to join a French clnss
I and receive lnptrucHon from a French
teacher, address Box 432, La Grand..-,
Oregon. 7tf
A pill in time that will save nine In
IMng'.x Little Liver Pill. For bilious
ness, sii k headache, constipation. They
do not gripe. Price I'.'.c. Sold by Sil
ver! horn & Mack.
I stomach
SloinuH) Trouble Cured.
If yo uhave any trouble with vour
you should take Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr.
iJ. P. Klote of Edlna. Mo., says: "I
.hav u.el a great many different ine.l
jlcines for stomach trouble, but find
!' Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
tablets more beneficial than any other
remedy I ever used." For al by all
good dealers.
The vait f a prtscr'tpii&n depends upon the prompt
ness wkh wiriih H rtchs the sick room
"Do It Now
is Ibe motto wkkk stents for much in our prescription de
partment. AH prescriptions are filled as soon as received
and delivered as soon as filled. You know our reputation
for pure drugs and careful compounding .:. .:. .:.
IVe Carry Everything which Should be 1
Found in a Drug Store