nnrrv un f V. J X VARY it. 1: ...... ,., , parr 'nnr iSTElVARD'S OPERA HOUSE a B. H. STtUAlD, frftittor Vfhn( the PrfM li the Coun.ry J PRESENTS The ' " An athulitik wr reat "'H. V.tEve.l World A wonderful ly." -N. V. lEvt.) Su Will fin knf Hmk"' , Phlta. Pre "AnlnleiuclyMrrMI Udrm. Wotllifco.u; nilc to . -Ciic0 American "The Long A tiled Great American Play." Br WM. VAUGHN MOODY ,4s produced atthePrincess and Daly's Theatres and Academy of f&usic, Nctt York, for more than SOQ times. "Mr. Mllier ' trnninr uccei it his cumminu. ioftfo.i nrr-t.o M Cn.rlnr to invilltnr ever gone ia thla country St. Louis ucspaun. fVlslnat. darlna'and typically Amerlran phy. It trips oiiJ holda the audience." Cincinnati Enquirer. Saturday, January t6th 'RICES: 0hen 51.56; Orchestn Chde tf.tO; DnsS Circle. J 5c; Gallery SOc, Setts on Sah The PASTIME THEATRE D. R.ECCLES, : Motion Pictures and iiP.TO.nTK UP-TO-DATK PROGRA Anonymous Letter. Straasburg. . ' Song "Smllo on Mo," by C. P. 4 Ferrln. The Richards. Two tiny dancers with their original dances. ? LADIES' SOUVENIR MATINEE WEDNESDAY AT 3 P. M. CHILDREN'S 5c MATINEE SATURDAY AT 3 P. M. Program Charge:: Monday, Wednesday and Fridays Open Every Day Except Sunday THE SCENIC ON PANTAGES CIRCUIT. S. A. GAKDI-VIKK, Proprietor and Manager. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE LATEST MOVING PICTURES Change ct Program Mondays, 4 Wednesdays and tYliIays. The Roman Idyll, No Petticoats for Him. The Intertaln Grand Prize. Automobile Race. Fletcher and La Pierre, vau deville artists. Z 4 4 Matinee prices as usual. Matinees: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons at 2:30 Children under 15 years of age 5 c at matinees. Evening prices: Adults, 15c; children, 10c. Notice, To the Farmers and City Property Owners of Union County: You are cordially invited to visit s at our offices in La Grande, Ore. Our object wilt be to bring new investors Into this field, in order to do this we will need the to-operatlon of you prop erty owners. Wi ".II Ct al in farm ana city property, timber land and stu-un lund, rentals and loans. Drop in and get acquainted whether you have an. thing to olfer or rot, we will be pleased to mt y i i Vi;r Truly your i, THE VAN DJYX REALTY CO. Rooms 5 and , Scr ! -r Rlork Both Thcn.-a. I -a Grande, O.e Pineuls for the kidneys arc little jol-!';". glubuIbS hich .?t directly n the klfineys. A trial will convince you of quick results for backache, rheu matism, lumbago and tired, wornout .feeling. 30 days' trial $1. They puri fy the blood. Sold by SUverthorn dej Mack. J ol the Country Say: " AbacdaiM irtuana -K.I. Sua. "A Kt iuku" T Tiabooc. ' Real draair aue ." 'H.I.Jwul, ' fcate. draatatic. coot." -NT AmtiKt. dramahc ochicvcaiciil of ike ikcaJc." i'ktU. Kccors "A powerful play, btaul. fully twitd Auto mill to Americas J rami -Ch t. Ruord- T m,.:j. Tfl.lr tilt, pro bleoi in I b way " - liut-tun Globe. "The t't AmcrieJO ploy at If .t. ' -Si. Louia. Republic. ' ri'l aliy be re fernd to a the (real Annrti;ii r.Jay." , vCiiiclnnail Poll. Thursday. i Proprietor Illustrated Sengs Kl-rcriAI.TlEM. S1KCLU.T1EJJ. A Horrlblo Iluld-up. "About 10 years ago my brother was 'held up' In his work, health und happiness by what was. believed to be hopeless consumption," writes W. R. Lipscomb, of Washington, N. C. "He to.k all kinds of remedies and treat iie::t from several doctors, but tound tii lielp till ho used Dr. King's New Discovery and was wnolly oured by to drawing the Jury list, which tut, consumed tho greater part of the ces sion. ' IjrjR SALE Cash, contract or trade, tv. o double corner lots, cleared an4 level; and email furnished house. A "snap." ' Pee John Fee, 1806 (' avenue, at onoe. I'ish cooked In a hundred different ways will be served In the Alaska building at the Seattle exposition next year. This will be cone to aemon- strate the value of Alaska fish as a food product. ,1 r 1 , J " ' r.r- ft . - x- i . - t I I i , I A Great American Plj. "The Great Divide." William Vaughn Moody's extraordinarily successful play, which ha been declared by many critic to set a. new high mark In American drama, will appear at the Steward Saturday, January t. ' j Pimple announcement of this fact ' w ill surely create a "run" on the box office, and an inrush of mall orCer for eats.' for this widely hrral!ed phiv' if- . V' A t n. has provided one of the attractions which all di."irlmtmitl;iK p.itron;; the theater throughout all America are awaiting eagerly. The career of "The Great Divide" has been epoch making. Here, at last Is a play which Is sp!endid literature, great dramo technically, and at the name time Sc-ena from "The Great Divide." fascinating to the spectator, and of al most unprecedented commercial value. It has been called tho "long awaited 'great American nlay'." Undoubtedly. j f V ' ' if - fcii iic ;u I.t iiry Sink a "iuoi.t 1 " It la as big In conception and broad In treatment a the picturesque portion of the far went In which tho first two acts are laid the Rocky mountains, the'grcrit divide between our east and west. The different roles portrayed by the two loading players are mor human and sincere., yet highly dra matic withal. A superb company has been provided, and the production Is prorlscly the .nw tMt won sm'h un- . t rmiu Ilciiry MllIor"s "'ilii! Great precedented praise duritig the 600 i'hts' run ol "The Great Divide" ai .' e Princf ss and Daly's theater, and Vcademy of Mualc, New York. Tho Ir.tline. Manager Eecles is to be compll .icntoil upon having been abla to se uro the two Richards for liU special y this week, lhese llttlo peoplo art 'credited with beir.x thd leading son,, tnd dance artists now In this territory, ind La Grande poopte may e::pee: Ir. Rlr-Iini'd.4, n.c Tiny niclicfAi" TT.m, Dan 'ors ul tl-.o rnit'irnR. something really good. Theso cleve; .., ...it 1--. ..-v. ...... r - fi-. :hst tlino this evtnsng. The picture ue ii 1 1 good a:;d new, and patron? .ill fh:tl ample opportunity for en ;ne:it. Remember, tho Paatlnio Is ilways properly heated and the ven tilation la sufflclLnt at all times. La ilies and children ale-ays receive first attention from the ushers. 1!lO Jl'-'t.l.l Patrons of the Sce:il2 win wwiu. retJi-n of HetehiT and La Plerie, :u- lilsh and Dn.i:h comedy artUU. 'v , hi , If ' ' ' at ilc :;tt ..ard Oi)era Hois; fcatur T u A. A i M y ' " '- -J m-j i and absolutely new list of acta. It ts unnecessary to Introduce this well known team to the Scenic patrons, as during their former visit they won for themselves recognition from all. The pictures ara especially strung to IghU The Roman Idyle la all hand olored and the subject is well select ed. The International Automo'oiit rr;e st Savannah, Ga., Is ovsr 100 tvrt Ion ;' -; ' Divide." AGED FA TUCK DEAD. i'atlier of Jobn Tbclnon Vlcllni of Heart Failure mi W ubaslia. ' Superintendent John Thelson of the ieotgo Palmer planing mill, was ap .prised Saturday evening of tho doat'.i .f his faiher. John Thf.ls-n, Sr., a rts iont of Wabasha, Minn. Duceosod vas 8C years of eje, but had enjoyed i.ilendld hoalth up""lo tho time of his :oath, which wis duo to1 heart trou iif. Mr. Thelson will not go east to Kl.-lmnls, o. .iiv Illfhnrds' Team, ut Uie Piintlme Tlirauv, itond tho, funeral on account of tho -r' 't ff Of, Y A 1ll Of the aiprop";atlon of JSOO.000 au onrlved bv congress for participation it the Alaska-Yukon-Paelflc exposl ilnn, Jli'.O.OOa will be used In the con iriietinn of buildings. The big ex hibit raiaccs will be r"a'y to rtcelve he i d'jiH from the department at .( il4liiiituti, Alaska, Hawaii and the t'hiilM'lnou nut luler than March 1. The wiiclei'-s telephone wilt be tiem-.nst.-Eted on the grounds of the A.-Y.- - A y, i;lii, January 10. ii . i' ' T 5. , v fit -ih ' V '. rs I'M ,t,lV4 ' ' ' r M JOSEPH Joseph, Ore., JaaV 11. (Spoeial.) Tho county eourt of Wallowa oowoty has appointed tho following road su pervisors: District Koi 1, J. B. Paoo; 2, F. W. Mammack; 3, W. J. llam mnck; 4, WHIlam Newby; 6, O. W. Chambers; , R. L. Scott; 7, S. C. ' Illmelwrlsht: 8, Thomas McCarty; , George W. Harris; 10, T. C, Bunnell; It, O. L. Eerland; 12, William Murrtll; 13, Lafayette Wilson; it, W, I. Samar; 15, II. Bench: 1. S. B. Warnock; 17, Olaf Anderson; IS, Peter Kuhl; II. Joe Clemmons; 31, George Courtney; 22. G. II Lathrope; 23, Frank Sor-' geant; 24, J. A. Grimes; .25. J. N. Rig gla; 28, George W. Wright ' Snow continues to fall all over Wal lowa county. It has snowed almost continuously all week. There la about 18 Inches of snow, en tho level hero now. Judge Knowles ha notified local at torneys that ho wilt hold a terra of circuit court In this county, commeao-' Ing Janaury It, for the consideration of all business not requiring a jury- J. R. Knodell, assistant superin tendent of the Oregon Anti-Saloon league, Is speaking in all tho cltloo of Wallowa oounty this wek. yi Of RACE Miss Paulino Loderfeo annouaao hat sho has withdraws from the A taut-ita-Seattla eontest conducted by tho Portland Telegram. Her private business and the health of her father does not permit of conscientious ef fort in tho "contest. In withdrawing 1 rihe wishes to express thanks to her fr(end who had made effort to hols-' her. At time of withdrawal she stood well up In the district In which she was Included. Another will bo ap pointed In her stead for the city of L Grands. 1 Every traveling man representing a Seattle firm has been made an honor try member of the publicity bureau of. the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition. The,. Seattle "drummers" recently visit ed the grounds in a body and now when they are spending 'an evening fit a Pullman they to talk about. will have somethlag Ktt nf 4nnrtl MoHnr- - - The annual meeting of the stock holder of tho Eastern Oregon Trust and Saving Bank, will bo held at tho banking rooms or tho corporation, oa Thursday, January 14th, 19HS, at 2 n in., for the election of a board of directors for tho eaoulng year and tho ...iiMaMu jC any other buotnvso which may legally come before tho , meeting. 1'Iie Eaatent Oregon Trust St Bavi2 Bssak, By GEO. L. CLEAVER, DoclIJanlS Cashier . r. 0