7 . EIGITT PACES. PAGE KTGIIT. PEOPL TOR Table Linens 65c grade, all Linen 45c 85c grade, ail Linen t 68c $1.25 grade, all Unen 89c boy's Heavy Fleeced Underwear La Grande's Leading Dry Goods and Chilling Emporium The Temple of Economy Sizes 26 to 3k Per Garment 23c Our Mid-Winter Clearing Sales Are Now In Full Swing This means much to you. No store in Ihis locality so fearlessly cuts prices as do we when the proper time arrives. evening cnsEnvm. u cn.xrr, nmrr Tm,.,v, .,yrpv THE C4 i Wo rt nnt noma to cam over any wimer goou-we nav ucuzi u iv. w,. CLEAN of every remnan, every odd and end, every broken line, every slow seller, before Spring sets in. How? Cut prices; Bargains every day; Big Bargains; the biggest bargains quality for quality that you'll find in this county. But why should we talk on and on andCome to the store and see for yourself. Women's and Childrens Garments We never before saw such enthusiasm, and we never saw such delight and satis faction upon the faces of women. It is a sale that would ustify the most . sensation! advertising, but we would prefer to have you come and see how low priced we are ott ering these garments, Ml Suits and Coats 1-2 Price SAYl YOW MEN! You get several advantages in buying a suit now that you did not get a week or ten days ago; and they're big enongh advantages to make suit buying a wise investment. Ml Clothing 25 Per Cent Off This Week NOW ABOUT YOUR SHOBS Right now you are needing dress shoes for the many "doings". You can't be so well supplied that it won't pay you to- look at our stock with prices where we've put them for this sale. Patents, Dull leather, Kid, everything, anything, all sizes, widths and weights. EVERYTHING IS RADICALLY REDUCED IN PRICE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK LA GRANDE, OREGON THE COOK WILL BE GLAD to aee some of our high grade coal carried Into your cellar. Didn't know there were grades In cealT Why there are almost as many aa there are of eggs or butter. Let us send you the kind that will prove by the per fection of the kitchen fire that our coal Is different than the ordinary and decidedly better. j U. t. rOWLtK . Phone Main 10- IISTALL BOTE MEAL MILL BLUE MOUNTAIN HOUSE T. J. CRAY Prop. ( New Management) Only house in the city employing white help only 1 TRY OUR SERVICE J Rates $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Best 25c meal in the city Beds 25c and SOc All outside rooms. Board and lodge $6. pet week One block from depot v - Somethin Exceptionally Good IN MICH TOP Boy's Shoes The growth and expansion predicted by The Observer some time ago for the Grande Hondo Meat company's packing plant Is already becoming a reality. The latest expansion of the , I., I..H ... I. inf .IliHnn of illl..4i IIU.tluiK'ii J a large power green and dry bone meal mill, the products of which will be on sale from now on. The mill, Installed and equipped at considerable expense will fill a lung-felt want. Up to the present time local dealer have been required to ship green and dry bone men.l from the east, retailing It here at small profit on account of the freight rates. From now on local con sumers can secure .home-made bone meal as the plant is In running order today. A Necessary Chicken Food. Chicken and other fowl raisers will welcome the news perhaps more heartily than others. The fact Is well established that bone meal Is very de sirable food for chickens, especially ilnrlnir the winter months, as the 1 chemical composition of the meal Is j rich in albumen, a requisite food for I chickens. While not a great venture In Itself, the new adjunct to the already busy packing plant, is proof positive that the plant Is growing and Is destined to be come the leading plant of Its kind In this section of the state, if It does not already occupy that position. to this country about 35 years ago from Denmark. He has no relatives. rOOH FITZMAFRICE. Former La Grande "Preacher" Facing Lure Grit of TriuU. Pomeroy, Wash.. Jan. 7. The sec ond hearing of the Fitzmaurlce per jury case began yesterday. This case is one of a series of prose cutions having their origin in a libelous article appearing In the Garfield Coun ty Standard In September. This arti cle against one of the prominent citi zens of Dayton resulted In criminal proceedings being instituted against I M. O. t iizmtiui let;, "tiuu V. 3 ccltcr proprietor at that time. E. W. Gibson and F. W. D. Mays were also charged with having a hand in writing the arti cle. Gibson and Fitzmaurlce were hon orably acquitted of the charge, while Mays was convicted upon his own tes timony that he wrote the article. Immediately after the acquittal of Fitzmaurlce, Prosecuting Attorney A. A. Kirby issued a warrant for FV-v-maurlce. charging him with perjury In testifying In his own case. This per jury case was tried In December, but the Jury failed to agreee and a new trial was set for January 5. There Is more or less popular sympathy with Fitzmaurlce. i VJe have made arrangements w'lth the 0. R. & W. Co. whereby any of its employees cm obtain a standard R. R. watch on monthly payments at regular spot cash pricee. BALL- WALTHAM -ELGIN- ILLIN01S-HAM1LT0N -HAMP-DEN movements carried In slock and every watch s$kl by us guaranteed to pass1 railroad inspection anywhere in the United S'ates and Canada. OTCP O ICT JJ JLJ VJ IV i JL Largest Jewelry Store Watch Inspectors for in Eastern Oregen 0. R. & N. Railroad C. PRESTON De pot St OFCUVREO INSANE. Chris Larson, Well Known In the County for Pant 23 Yearn. Chris iJirsen, a well known resident of tbe north end of the county, where he at one time owned a farm nrsr El J gin. was found wandering about In a ; field In the valley yesterday and was , brouhgt to the city and after an nam ' tnatlon. was declared Insane. The guards have been notified and are ex ' perted to arrive In the morning. Lar- sen Is about SO years of age and came Karl Is Foiled. San Francisco. Jan. ". -D. O. Mills, the capitalist, and daughter. Mrs. Whitelaw Reid, wife of the American ambassador to England, will go to the country home at Millbrae, near here, to spend, the winter. Mills denied the. Journey to California was for the pur pose of avoiding a marriage of his granddaughter to the Earl of Granard. Nevertheless, the presence of Mills here is believed to Indicate hid disap proval of the earl. Traffic Tied Fp. Chicago, Jan. 7. The thermometer registered eight above rero at noon to day. The snow has crippled traffic, whleh Is now completely tied up. Charity organisations are busy. Holy RoIkT "Canned." San oJse. Cal., Jan. 7. R. U Car ter, a city engineer and leader of the Holy Roller sect here, was asked to present his resignation, which was ac cepted by Mayor Davison. , t Cut Prices on Lumber and Shingles for large Orders We need the money; You need the material fir and Native Lumber, Gedar Shingles STODDARD LUMBER CO. : : : I x t Together. Robert Herrlck's new book, "To gether," at Ferguson's. Also Charles Rann Kennedy's "The Servant In the Heuse." Complete Threshing Outfit. For sale at a bargain. Has bee run about 100 days. Time given, on approved security. UA QRAKDE INVESTMENT CO. WHT NOT TRY Popfcam'a ASTHMA REMEDY? Olrea prompt and positive relief . t evw case. Bold by druggists, Price tLOO. Trial package by mail It . cents. VnmanM Mfg. Oa Props. Clevelaovl For sale by A. T. HBi, Druggist.