TP r.roiiT packs. i-TKMVO 0'"TVT'. ' ' if'""r TKjiTMV. MNVAI'.V J5, !98. pace figiit. Start the New Year right Save money by securing some those bargains at the Peoples Store, Opera House Block of Every article m the store reduced in price 4 ' I NEW QUARTERS If you want an AUTOMOBILE LAUNDRY i ) V i A 9 I i 1 Cadillac and Cuick lines, the best to be obtained in their respective classes. Buick runabout here. Cadillac will be here in a few days. Demonstration if you aie interested. Come and examine them anyway W. H. BOHNENKAMP CO BAY & ZWEIFEL Plumbers and Tinners '"in Pump Work and Gutter Work a Specialty Let us furnish you with an estimate on your work. No order too large or small for ou' best attention. Let us reline that old stove. At a slight ex pense we can make it as good as new BAY & ZWEIFEL 211 DEPOT STREE1 leuclry and room with the best line cf Jewelry optical gocfs ever shoun in La Grande. EYES TESTED fREE J. H,. PEA RE. LtADfNG AND PIOXtFR JEWELER BELLMAM EXPLOSION and at Butte 22. The high mountain temperature probably fell to 60 below. Belllrigham, Jan. 6. Frozen water pipes In three kitchen ranges result ed In as many terrific explosions in Belllnc'iain residences, wrecking houuea and endangering lives. Mrs. H. W, Williams was struck on the head and face, by a flying piece of Iron and was painfully hurt. Other resi dences were the property of Edward J. Campbell and George Douglass. The range In the Campbell house had been burning tin hour when the explosion shook the houses for an en tire block. The windows were shatter ed and doors blown out, .plaster torn down furniture splintered and parts of the 'stove were blown through the door. The two otlpor similar c::p!o- ! storm were less disastrous. . . THE COOK WILL BE GLAD to see some of our high grade coal carried Into your cellar. Didn't know there were grades In coal? Why there are almost as many as there are of eggs or butter. Let us send you the kind that will prove by the per fection of the kitchen fire that our coal Is different than the ordinary and decidedly better. G. E. FOWLER . Phone Main lOj ! BLUE MOUNTAIN HOUSE ' T. J. GRAY Prop. ( New Management) Rales $1.00, $1,25, $1.50 Best 25c meal in the city Beds 25c and 50c Mi outside rooms. Board and lodge $6. pet week One block from depot Only house in the city employing white help onl TRY OUR SERVICE J 1 Somethin Exceptionally Goad IN HIGH TOP B$5's Shoes v C. PRESTON Depot St 'Ml till .(Continued from papo 1.) Ing with traff'c. The snow Is sweep ing the streets at a terrific rate. Taenia Is Cold. Tacorna, Jan. S.. Tacoma I today in the grasp of the coldest weather re corded in the pa3t two years. At 8 o'clock this morning It was , slightly above zero. In Ma:iy Yours. Butte. Jan. 5. One of the coldest waves In the history of the northwest Is raging here. At Armwtead the mercury rent-tied 40 degrees below zero. At Great Falls It registered 25 CnMlro Bolter. Berlin, Jan. 5. The condition o'f former President Castro of Venezuela, who was operated upon, la improving. Clmngod lujr office To Jamea It. Smith's Jewelry store, where you will find Singer and the Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines. Payments can also be made to Mr. Smith on accounts. A. H. STOXE. 12-9-1-9 Agent Singer Co. The Way You Want it done PHONE MAIN 7 A. B C. Laundry TABLE RELISHESI ! TIME AND 0Srl i -!: ! ! We recieve fresh consignments of Hot Hou6Q Lettuce, Gelery, Sweet Potatoes, and Cranberries, Gau'iflowers and Pine Apples and Cccoanuts for the Holidays. Pop Gorn that will pop and Nuts that are fresh Vig'mi WtSis . ! ! Mo U'&ed Used City Grocery and Bakery,:) E.PClACK,Prop PHONE MAIN 75 Gasoline Exigine Saves you mveh time and mon- Ij ey. Ir.iiructivn in line Ereineering .. .'. ;Call or Write , R. A. Wl$J, The Well Driller ..t-: v-i-.-'i 'rJuSV i"i't " v !(..:;- rf.; V -.-- : 1 i : j 1 We Have ReckudUe Acrcy fcr BALL WAtCHFS The Railroad Standard . Made by The W'tCB C. BALL W4TCH CO. C!cve!aru1, Ohio. Accpted by 78 Rai rood Systems of the (J. S. as their Official Stan da id. We u til be pleased to shew nd ex plain i Ins v?tchato anyone, fiery railroad Man kitcus what it is. SIEGRIST & CO. JEWELERS AIVD CPTICKIIAIVS Cut Prices on LiBEiiSisr and $Mu0zs for large Orders We need the money; You need the material Pir end Native Lumber, Cedar If MUllglCS STODDARD LUMBER CO. Mis. i;. 1:. UiUTift, the Oh1t ixsnT att do CkriMiaa Clirv Driag Ui Robert Hurrtck's new book, "To ir.'tl.n.; at Ter-i:s.'ti's. Ai-si Chrle ilann Kennedy's "Tlie Ser'ant In the House." 00 ixiKXgatAMi aaMnio vn 110 u.?a3 mix i(Bp 001 jnoqp aru WHT NOT TUT Popliam'8 . ASTHMA HKMKDYt Gives prompt and positive relief ' ewy case. Sold by druggists. Price $1.90. Trial package by mail 10 oesU. Williams Mtg. Oo., Props. ' rimdAikl ft f For al by A. T. HILL, Urugr-at. i I : i li