rTfiTTT PACES. vr.v, rrcTrr. of Start the Hevi Year right Save money oy szcurmg some those bargains at the Peoples Store, Opera Mouse Block Every article m the store reduced in price The Ideal Christmas gift for yourself. The ono that will bo ttuljr appreciated and enjoyed, Is a pair of my Cllasses. If your eyes are beginning to evince any slptss of a dtefet. 1-2 OFF LA UN D R Y Done t T" rs- rev nnrl Tlt'iinnit fiHCfi tnfv W'TY. JVTr.Y 4. d c ' ' "" . 4$'t,4,-4J'"t'44 I m ; i i ) . owitiio in duu asw Mis ku.iiio luu i ijvn,jf Christmas Gifts at one half off. Every article will make a nice present and will be sold at much less than the the wholesale price. Sleds, Skates and all other Christmas Hardware at the low est price - W. H. BOHNENKAMP CO 4 . BAY & ZWEIFEL Plumbers and Tinners - i Pump Work and Gutter Work a Specialty Let us furnish you with an estimate on your work, No order too large or small for ou- best attention. Let us reline that old stove. At a slight ex pense we can make it as good as new ! BAY & ZWEIFEL 211 DEPOT STREE1 VJ ti"ll 1011 Illicit have I t-ui them but a short period. A fact that, you should consider now and have mo fit you. J. H- PEAR E LEADING AMD PIONEER JEWELER r file way roa want u uwne PHONE MAIN 7 A A. B C. Laundry j YO G MAR THE COOK WILL BE GLAD to see iome of our high, grade coal carried Into your cellar. Didn't know there were grades in coal? Why there are almost aa many aa there are of eggs or butter. Let us send you the kind that will prove by the per fection of the kitchen fire that our coal la different than the ordinary and decidedly better. IS ARRESTED Cavrrrt !n the act of sodomy, a mar. giving his name aa Samuel Bently, 1.- ln the city Jail tody awaitng what will undoubtedly be a sentence of from one to three years In the state peni tentiary. The act was committed ir Bust La Grande late this afternoon and he was cnpti'red by Price Gates Chief of Polioe Wuldcn was culled a:u' the arrest made. The prisoner refuses l llvul.?e th name, of his native 'town. .He Is r your.3 fellow, presumably! 26 yars o. age and is well dressed, having n appearance whatever of being a tramp His nativity is some foreign country though he speaks a rfrrfectt; English He told the chief hefVrivuri In Lt Grande today. His oastt 'a'!U Jje heard In the clivjlt court. stances, city officials ' were affiliated In some way with the arrest and pros cution of ths violators. The ordi nance passed some time ago making 1-iIh a possibility, went Into effect to day. ' Changed r.iy orHre To James R. Smith's Jewelry store, vhere you will find Singer and the A heeler & Wilson sewing machines, nyments can also bo made to Mr. ;mlth o:i accounts. A. H. STOKE, ; 2-9-1-9 Agent Singer Co. 0. E. FOWLER . Phone Main lOi (i (Oil Ed BQOIf fflK fdinmoiivlnif with today the city of l,a Grande can collect all fines for lolailons of the local option laws In the city of La Grande. Previously all fine money has gone to the city and county coffers, though In most In t i- TIME A,'D GASH ' I Saved hy my Method of TABLE RELISHES! Di2in Wells io Wood Used . Gasoline Engine SaVes you much time and' mon- J ey. lniiructi:n in' Gaso- line Lr:?ineering .. .'. A. We recieve fresh consignrrenls of Hot House Lettuce, Gelery, Sweet Potatoes, and Granberries, GauUflowers and Pine Apples and Gocoanuts for the Holidays. Pop Gorn that will pop and Nuts that are fresh xCali or Write R. A. WEST, The Well Driller ? BLUE MOUNTAIN HOUSE T. J. CRAY Prop. ( New Management) Rates $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Best 25c meal in the city Beds 25c and SOc All outside rooms. Board and lodge $6. pet week One block from depot Only house in the J city employing white help only J I, im.iiyi-i ?.i.m.uvn..,.i..4 ,iui .-t-liW-Ja l-'M.i -, ": V'. - v.- v.: IKY UUK jLKVILL 4 i V' !.riS- t4f'' Somethin g Lxooptionally Good IMHICH TOP Boy's Shoes 1 1 : 1 if';! -'. ',.-.! '- Cfy Grocery and Bakery, ; E. PCUCK. Prop " PHONE MAIN ?5 I!!!!!!)'"''""'' We tfme Recicvcdthe Agency fcr BALL WATCHES The Railroad Standard Made by The WEBB C. BALL WAICH CO. Cleveland, Chio. Afcptcd by 78 Ra1 road Systems of t he V. S. as their Of Jicial Stan dsrC. We uitl be pleased to show e nd ex plain l his Wctchto anyone. Every railroad Man knows u hat it is. SIEGRIST & CO JEWELERS AND OPTICTCUNS - . - - - - - J.I- 11 ... Cut Prices on Lumber and Sh5ng!es for large Orders We need the money; You need the material Fir and Native Lumber, Gedar Shingles STODDARD LUMBER CO. : i : , Together. Robert Herrick's nv book, "To- celher." at Ferguson's. Also Charles iMnn Kennedy's "The Servant in the H.-mse." WHY NOT TRT Popham't ASTHMA ROIEDTr Gives prompt and positive relief C. evry case. Sold by druggists. Price tJ.SO. Trial pacXtgo by inIl 10" cents. Williams Mfg. Co., Props. Clevelaivt i Tot salr by A. T. HILL, Urugg-JU C. PRESTON Depot St 'Xijn99 paAOJddB no 'u3.S xvx "si Bp ooi noq anj q seh -mc8JBq jb E8 aoj Mr. I', it. l!n:-.i-. l.o I J-.oir t'.tf t l ii--tl::ii (1ti,n li During tlio i f