I EIGHT TACKS cvkairu umniVFn.w cn.wnr, onECox, tifshav, w:minrn ibos. rAGE Tnitna. , w KIDDLE" BROTHERS ' ARE HEAVY SHIPPERS males, and thos who enjoy these 3e Kt" 'VMw will fln ih ba vr ready fo,' your order at E. D. Solder's ca,ndy store. t DIRECTORY 1 or THE ; .A FRATERNAL. ORDERS t-A GRANDE, ORE. La Grande Professional t3 M. W. A. L Grande Camp No. 7701 meeU rtc& Monday evening at I. O. O. F. All visiting neiganors are cor- jutly invited to attend. Relief commute: is. u. uavis, Charles Dlsqua, A. J. Warner and D. rfD. B. COX, tier. r. o. n LA Grande Aerie No. 169, P. O. E., geeta every Friday night In Elk 1 at 8 p. m. Visiting brethren In nted to attend. D. H. PROCTOR, W. P. J. H. LEISHMAN, W. S. O. E. 8. Hope Chapter No. 18, O. E. 8., hold Hjt7 oommunlcatlona the second and iuuiui Wwinesdava of each month. ,tun mOeie cordially Invited. AKV O. FORREST. VT. 11. maKY a. WARNICK, Secretary. 1. O. O. . Star Encampment No. 11, L O. O. .Aj,. meets every aeoend and fourth Wednesday In tne rnoain in uaa rei Iowa' hall. Visiting patriarchs alwayt welcome. . D. . CQX. C. P. .. V. A WORSTBLL. Scrrbe. M. B. at A. Meets first and third Thursday eve it l O. 0. F. hall. VteTHng members always welcome. , J. Jl. ARBVCICLlI, President C. J. VANDERPOBL, Secretary. fOtoodsoeu of Hie World. L Gsaade Lodge No. 169, W. O. W., meets every Saturday evening In K. of P. hall he ' the Corps building. All visltteg members wel come. M. M. UAKms, j, H. USENET. Cefcsui Commander. Clerk. Honey Mr Ml. Fresh eomb honey, eae-pouad see- 41 H aiiamtlHAa tan mil I f natwapf , B, 1.1UHO, 111 ba- W DUO w w W- OSWALD VtLSfriMKDER, it.w Island eity. V Daily Observer, 65c per Month e f BAY & ZWEIFEL Plumbers and Tinners Pump Work and Gutter Work a Spsdalty Let us furnish yeu with an estimate n 'if work. ? ?!!??r t !?r? or small tor oir best sttentien. Lb us refete that eld sttva. ft a sfttt ex pense we ean makf it a as new e BAY & ZWEIFEL 2ii DEPOT STRm . e 1-2 Gome in and see-the table full of pretty Christmas Gifts at one half off. Every article will make a nice present and will be sold at mueh less than the the wholesale price. Sleds, Skates and all other Ghristmas Hardware at the low est price . . - - - W. H. 'BOHNENKAMP CO e e I. O. O. F. La Grande Lodge No. II, DNti la (heir hall every Saturday nig.. Vls- ; Ung brothers, oordlatly Invited l4 st and. Cemetery plat may be aeen at Model Restaurant. C. H. ELTSTONE, N. O. D. E. COX, Secretary. C. J. VANDERPOEL. Fin. 8ec 'jtieio7Aibcrlca. '" Court Maid Marlon Ne. 22 meets each Wednesday night In K. of P. hall Brothers are mvlted to attend. NERI ACKLES. 0. R. C. J. VANBHRPOEL, F. 8, Board of Trustees: Dr. O. L. Dig gers, Oscar Herger and Herbert Pattl son. , A. F. A A. M. la Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. A A. M., holds regular meetings firs ind thltd Saturdays at 7:80 p. m. L H. RUSSELL, W. M. C. D. HUFFMAN, Secretary. Knlsdits ef Pythias. Red Cross Lodge No. 27, meets every Monday evening In Castle Hall, TCorpe building. A Pythian weloome f all visiting katghta. J. F. BAKER. C. C. , R. L. LINCOLN. K. ef R. A S. L. O. T. M. Hive No. It, L, O. T. M., meets ivery first and tntrd Thursday ef each meiith at 1 o'clock In, the afternoon Visiting members made welcome. SADIE KLINTWORTH, L. C. MRS. EVA M1NTYRE, K. of R. Itebelcslia. Crystal Lodge No. CO, meets every Puesday evening at the I. O. O. F. hall. All vfsltlag members are ln vtted to attend, s RACKWL E. WORSTELL, N. 5. TTULTZ OOX, Secretary. B. P. O. E. La Grande Ledge No. 433, meets' each Thirrelay evening at 8 o'clock tn BUsS clnb, corner Depot street and Wasalngtea avenue. Visiting brotheftn are eratSy Mvtted to attend. C. 2. XrORX, Ea:ie5 V-u'en . H. M'CULLY, Rec. Se?. OFF FROM TWELVE TO FIFTEEN CAR IX) ADS EACH MONTH. I'nlon County Has Clianjctxl D)i of LniKO ludlvkluul Band and Free , Rause it a Tiling of the last. Kiddle brothers, who have been rec ognized as the heaviest shippers f stock In this county, are no avera Iry fron? IS t 1R . care. . monthly. most diversified In the state, and while It. has passed from the largo holdings of former cattle kings, there Is practically as many as under th former days of free range and lar! Individual bnnJs, but they are sec tored throughout th. valley on each and every farm, and buyors have lit tie trouble In securing carload lots t hogs, cattle or horses, whenever they are willing to pay the market price. The high prevai ng price of grain this year resulted in fewer prime cat tle, but Union county stock Is always fat, owners are. receiving practically the same prices as last year. Present prices are 514c for hogs, 2c for cowb and 8 c for steers. ' MAiiagcT Brown Has New Job. Robert Brown, manager of the Pen dleton baseball team slit years ago, has re-entered fandom and will now rule the destinies of the Spokane league baseball team of . Spokane. Bobby Brown, as he was known, played with the Pendleton Indians when that ag gregation won the pennant from Baker City, the Tellow Kids of Athena. Walla Walla and others in the league. For some time Brown has been a shoe merchant at Aberdeen, Wash., but he lately disposed of his. business Inter ests In that city and with his wife has left for Spokane, where he will make his future homo, Walla Walla Union. ISLAND CITK HEWS ITEMS Island City, Dec. 29. (Special.) Wayne Wade and family spent Christ Ttia with Mrs. Wade's people at Sum- np'"":e, . Albe- Hunter, wife and children, t. r ' " ' istmas guests of Dr. Barnes -nd wife at Xorth Powder. Miss Stella Hunter arrived Thurs lay morning from Seattle, to spend the holidays with home folks. .Floyd Jones of Baker City, returned Sunday night after a three days' visit with friends. Miss Nell Grlmmett leaves New- Year's day for California, where she nl'll re-enter Mill's college. She will itnn over in Portland for a couple of days en route. C. H. Bidwell and wife, Mrs! Lilly Foster and Miss Fostor, were guests of C. C. Bidwell and wife at Union, Chrl'tmas day. Miss Jessie Foster will give a leap year party at the home of her aunt, urn. IX. utunctt, iuii.tt.it. Several from here attended the leap year dance at La Grande Christmas night.' ' " The Christmas operetta given by th - :iaay school, In the church Chrlst r.in eve, was a complete success, and Ihnse who did the training, as also thore who took part, deserve consid erable praise for the able manner In which It was presented. , 1 ! , : J. f : - (vv 'hi Ellis B. Harris, gospel evangel- 1st, who preaches in the special meetings In Centr-.l Church, be- ginning January 3. Hot tlilcki'M Tniah. v. p. (v-ld-r has edOM t- tiW con fecMmT department hot chicken U- Sill- n, -u '-wr.an you puv a toccp oi reai estate wun anAostract when you are fully advised of all its ..istory, knew just what you . are purcnasing-ii you have us draw it for you. Our records are accurate both they and our work is substan tially guaranteed. YOUR IHVESTIGAT1DH SOLICITED U GRAHDE INVESTMENT CO. CALL FOR BIDS. Notice is hereby given that the un Jerslgned will receive up to noon Thursday, the 7th day of January, 1909, at his office In La Orande, Ore gon, sealed bids for the purchase of the following described real estate, to vlt: Commencing at a point I21H feet outh of the NE corner of the 8W14 f sectfon 19. township 4 south, range 10 E. W. M., thence running south 117 feet west, wort 208 hi feet, thence torth 417 feet, east 20g feet to plaoe f beginning. Also, commencing 938 feet south f the NE eorner of the NW of th MWtt. section 19, township 4 south, ange 40. E. W. M., running thenct. outh 842 feet, west 288 feet, north C4SV4 feet, east 263 feet to place of beginning. Also, commencing 250 yards north .f the SB corner of the SW, aecj Ion 19, township 4 south, range 40. C. W. M., thence west 80 rods, north 10 rods, east 80 reds, south 40 reds, to place of beginning. Also, beginning 30 feet due east of the NE corner of the NW of the SW, section 19, township 4 south, -ange 40. E. W. M., runinng thane hie eas along line between NTT -tnd SW 611 feet, north 4 feet, west -.11 feet, south 4 feet, east 611 feet to place of beginning. Together with all water rights belonging thereto. Said land being commonly known as the "County Poor Farm," situated at Union, Union county, Oregon. Said bids shall be accompanied with i certified check of five par cent ei he purchase price of said land. The county court of Union county. Oregon, reserving the right to reji any or all bids. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this ED WRIGHT, County Clerk. Dec7Jan6 WHAT . ' will you have for dinner today? Tou may answer this question satisfactori ly by dlnfog at THE MODEL RESTAURANT The Old Standby. Our cooking is a paragon of per fection, our food faultless, and our service rapid and courteous. What more can we say, except that onr L-prlces are popular? Wo give a regu lar dinner for z cents. Come and try It Tou will not need, the sense of hunger to i;y it The Model Restaurant J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. Open Day We Sell WeeklyCM .Rfl And-Nigh ...m. '""'vM. Gentlemen's dressing rolls and cases, leathered and leatherette at Silver thorn A Mack s drug store. Directory fUYKICXAKS. 3. H. HUBBARD, M. D. ,?krsv.M wv. 'Phones. Residence, Main ft; Office, .Main 71. DR. A. L. RICHARDSON. Pliysiclan and Unrgcoh. Cttir,- over HlU'a Drug Store. 'fi.uue4tc. Residence Main (I N. MOUTOR, it DH Pbyalclaa and 8orgoB. Corner Adams. Ave, and Depot 8U 'tflce Main eg : Resldenoe Main BACON HALL, Phvslclans and Burgeons, ffloe t a Grande National Bank Building. 'Phous Main 19. ' . T. Bacon, Residence, Main 18. M. K. Hall, Residence, Main IS. V, V. E. MOORE DR. H. C. P. MOOR Osteopathic Physicians, lrksvllle Graduates Under Founder Office Bommer Building, hones: Office Main 68; Res. Main c. h. cpton, rn. M. D. Physician and Surgeea. peclal attention given te Eye, Earj Nose and Threat ffloe In La d-ande Vatleaal Bank Building. hones Office, Main 2: Residence, Main 32. VETERINAItr SURGEONS. DR. P. A. CHARLTON, Veterinary ' nargeen. , (flee at Hill's Drug Store, La Grand Residence 'Phone Red 791. rflce 'Phone Blaek 1861. Independent 'Phene 18. Both 'phones at residence. DR. W. H. RILET, Graduate Ohle State Vnlverslty. Vaccination, Dentietry and Surgery f all klndj. Country sails oroaiptly nswered. Ufitce 1414 Adnata Avenue. Phones: Pacific Blaek 1901. Independent, 373. lHBOBBHF. i H1U.PJ L wfublk) Steuoavapher aad TypowrHor. At WKllaasaoa's OMtoe. ' 1 J 9 Foley Bloek. (esldence 'Paoae Blaek 602 or Red . 1162.' MR8. GRACB UeALISTER. Xottuitvr MnHr. Teltpheae Faraiers 197C. l .. .. Jill - . Ll Reduced Re See O. R. A S. On December 33. 24, 25 aad 31, the O. R. & N. will All reuad trip ticket to any station within a distaaee ef 299 miles at a rate ef and oae-thlrd fare for the rouad trip. Final rstura 'Imlt January 4. Somethin & Exceptionally Good in men top Boy's Shoes C. P R ES T O N i o 0 o Depot For That Dull Feeling After Eating. I have used Chamberlain's stomaeh and liver tablets for some time, and m taMf7 .tht h?y ha-e done mt .nnil than anv tablets I have .v. nutd. Mr trouble was a heavy after eating. Davldl dull feeling DEXTUSTS. C B. CAUTHORN, Dentist. ,. shv-'.iiiiYi i;y&ttxii? i' La Graido Oreron. ' J. C PRICE, D. M. D. '. Dentist, Room 33. La Grande National Bank- Building. 'Phone Blank 199L TEACHERS OF MUSIC PROF. E. PORTER DAT, Principal, La G ramie School of Music. Mrs. Day, assistant 8chool. 101 Greenwood Ave., one door south of Adams Ave. 'Phone Black 1831. MIS8 8TBLLA OUVER, Teacher of Piano and llamteny. Studio at residence of Turner Oliver, corner Fourth and O avenue. MISS LENA M c IUCTN OLDS. I iu tractor in Voioe Culture. Room 8. Lewis Building. La Grande - Oregoa MC88 ROSE HOUSE, Instructor la Piano Harmony aaaf . Teoliulque. Corner Second and Jefferson Streets, La Grande, Oregon. EAiCTHieAL EOfGiWEEaEtS. L. A. PICKLDR. fifivtl, Mlalag, Irrigation Knglneerlay and' Surveying. Eatlmatea, plana aad spoclfteattoaa, Office m Bohuenkamp Building, La Grande ... . . . Orogoa- C. R. THORNTON. ArokMeet and Kngineer. Surveying, Clvtl and Structural Engl . .. v neeriag. .. ',',,)::-' Twenty Tears' Bxperlence. ,v : ROBERT yesc&ER, Arctdteel, Office 1197 Adams avenue. 'Phoaea: Paotftc, Main 1. Home Independent No. . AITORJUC1M. Ohaa. E teaaran ftoo. Pi Coohrsua COCHRAN oV CBrRAN, Attoraaea, - La Grande National Bank Building. FLa Oreads'' - - - Oregoa R. H. EAOIS. Attorney at Law. , UPraotlee la all the oeurto of the 8tate and United States. Elgin - . ... Oregon cm. ciutrraiD, Hpractlces la all the courts. i the Rtitto- and UMSed States. UPlflce in La Grande National Bank Bulleiag, La Gtaade, Oregon. LKItOT LOUAX. Attorney al Law. 616-16 Swetland Building. Portia a a - . . . Ot egta St : .rreeman. Ifempt, Nova Seotla. Theoa aiblets strengthen the stomach and (improve the digestion. They also reg lulate the liver and bowels. They ara -far . r-iprrfar to jll'n, bvt .eoet mere. I ... a M stores and see what a splendid modi- Iclne ft la. :: '1