La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 24, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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r"" . ... C t
aid Eberlee, ft student at O. A.
'I? home for the ChrlHtmas holiday.
c- 1 pBut left tnU moraln for
rcm'an Charles Bull Is indisposed
. ,-lne.
Fman . Arthur Wall 1. In Kamela
t0Mr.'and Mrs- Klvette of Imblcr' are
vlfl .v.. Hart, night operator at H!l
Jwa9 in La Grande yesterday
nnd Mrs. Turner Oliver are vis-1
C'keman Jack Meyer.' 1. In Walla
Wal!a visiting his "old pal." Ou
F'SrArnna Madden, ft student at
Valla Walla, went to her home at El--in
this morning. - :
Elmer Thomas., who has been In
WhUs Walla some time, Is in the city
Harry Finn of Portland. Is visiting
the home pf his parents. Attorney
.. - C. H. Finn.
.. t P. Donnelly left this morn
ing for Enterprise to visit with her
Mm. Frank OHare.
-l J Kalmbach and son. Jess.
went to Walla Walla this morning to
.nnnd ChrlHtmas wltn rrienas.
Mrs W. W. Klnzle left for Walla
Walla this mornjng. She will remain
until after Christmas holidays. .
A S Clark, of Indian Valley, Idaho,
arrlvea In La Grande this morning to
. rh.-iatmnn week with" his
upend u -
brother. J. S. Clark.
Walter Bunker., formerly of Ln
brande. but now at Walla Walla, is
visiting friends In La Grande, Intend
ing to remain until after the holidays,
Conductor Grady is on a lay-off for
the holidays, and Conductor Donnelly
has his run on the La Grande-Joseph
t r Kessel and Percy Harrison.
both of Vancouver, left today for
their homes after making timber and
atone proofs here.
Conductor Fred Rutherford and
wife took their departure this morn
ing for a visit to different points in
rwde Kiddle, attending business
college at Portland, arrived home this
morning to spend Christmas with hi
parents at Island City.
Miss Alice P.lchnrdson left this
morning to spend 'the holidays with
friends In Washington.
Miss Effle Baker, who has been vis
iting relatives and friends for the past
week, returned to her home ln Sum
mervllle this morning.
J. F. Plualan of Welser, arrived In
the city this morning to spend Chrlst
mus with his sister-in-law, Mrs. J. H.
Peare. ' '
E. S,, Olds, accompanied by his
mother, are In the city today on their
way to Elgin. Their home is in Wel
ser. 1 I
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hook of Baker
City, arrived, In the city toduy to spend
the holidays with Mrs. Honk's par-
Miss Ethel McKennon, attending
school at O. A. C, came home this
mronlng, accompanied by Miss Mabel
Tuttle of Elgin., She will return after
the holidays.
Mrs. J. A. Holman, who Is at the
Grande Ronde hospital, Is reported
slightly Improved this afternoon. Her
friends believe that she, is now on the
Chester Foreman, for the, past two
weeks ln La Grande, In the Interest of
timber claims disputed by squatters In
Wallowa county, left today for his
home In Portland.
mim llubv Thelson arrived home
last evening to spend Christmas with
ha nnrcnia F.nirlnper and Mrs. P.
road to rwovery.
O. T. Galloway came over from.
Cnlon this morning to spend hte holi
days with his family. . .
Jay Reynolds Is homo from O. A. C.
visiting at the home of his father,
J. E. Reynolds. v
Miss Mnry Topp, ft student at the
Pendleton academy, is visiting her
parents during the Christmas holi
days. She was nccompftnted here by
Mrs. F. K. Noordhuff of Pendleton. ,
Exercises were held this afternoon
ln nearly eevry room In the public
schools today and a number of parent
attended the different schools and
than children's exercises, and those
who attended today, were more than
repaid for the effor
Every nikh and corner of our Immense store Is crowded with toys. The ceiling
shelves, tables, and loor are burdened with gifts to commemorate the greatest day In life.
The day to breathe peace to every man, woman and child, and bring Joy fn every home has
arrived again, only once in a year, why nobe
La Y r Y
.tin Jt a a
Thelson. She is attending school at
Miss May Topp of Summervtlle, ao
companled by her aunt, Mrs. E. R
Neardoff of Pendleton, passed through
La Grande en route to her home 'tr.l
n,nin Rho ( a Rtudent at the-f :.i
dleton academy.
Miss Lulu Gulling went to TViJle
ton this morning where she will spend
r-vMrXnm with her parents. Miss
Elhel Gulling, now of Portland, will
also Join the family at Pendleton to
day. - ,.
The long drawn out and tedious
contest case at the lanfl office, entitled
Mizner vs. O'Brien, was closed last
evening. Mr. O'Brien is wearing a
broad smi!e today, believing his cluim
is safe.
Gilbert Barron, O. R. & N. ticket
clerk, leaves this evening for Baker
City, to spend Christmas with, his par-
pnts It is rumored in railroad cir
cles that Mr. Barron will say good-bye
tn the lonesome life after this trip
as he has been known to say that "It
is not good for man to live alone
The IttsUnie Cliang
rw-inir tn tha holiday rush the films
from he new film house for the Pas
time were delayed. But the energy
displayed by Manager Eccles in the
conduct of this popular house, was
aealn brought to the fore in his so-
curing the needed films for tne
change tonight. A timely ty.n and
nn aDDroorlate to the scuavi'., U A
Christmas Carol," ft beautiful yuletlde
story, weli told. This reel contains
m nna and oDens with a miser,
Scrooee by name, passing down
London street the ' morning before
Christmas, on his way to his counting
house. So detested Is he that no one
sneaks to him. He strikes down
i jar who asked him for alms. A
-ttv love story runs through the en
tire film, In which Fred, a nephew of
th. miser takes unto himself a bride
The miser is compelled to change' his
ni livlnir bv the events
I 1 1 L J I o - .
that occur In rapid succession. The
tnd of the story pleasos all who see
It. Tho other films are Maggie, the
Dock Rat, and the Tale the Ticker
Told, both of which are out of the
ordinary. Robert Burton will, begin
ning with tonight, sing by special cn-
irneemcnt. Special preparations are
being made to care for the little ones
at the matinee tomorrow afternoon.
and those attending are assured of
oii..r.t time. Don't miss this
ail c.-.-" --
change. It will help you round out the
Christmas festivities, and drive away
dull care.
Owing to the late arrival of the
1 k.niDa nil
new program, "'c j
could not be changed for today's issue;!
- -4.
H,n, not come in receiving, but in giving. If you are bluehm cast
and think no one cares for ycu, buyafew small presents for children or friends and see
how light your heart mil become and how bright the world will have grown and tow easy
it is to drive away fife's cares. Of course the selection of these presents Is of greai
moment to every person. To get the rignt preset for John or Mary, one they will appre
ciate and one vou can afford, is the greatest problem before you.
At your disposal the selection of presents beccme a mere trifle and within the reach
of all. We place presents from the greatesfaluetothemere toy at the LOWEST PRICE
Besides helping to make shopping a plezme zr.dio shew cvr ippteciaUcn to cur
patrons, we are gokg to give absolutely FREE.KO l ar.dscme scuur.irs a day for one
week commencing Saturday, Dectmber i9th. We timitthese souvenirs to one in a family.
Buy your Christmas Coeds where you can get everything ycu want at tne lowesi price.
Evening Observer Want Ads Pay
o The Patrons of ffie Cffy Grocery:
nE Desire to thank you for the
y" many favors extended dur-
the yearust closing and tp .assure
vmi nf our aoDreciation.
Wishina vou a Merry Christmas
and a Happy and Prosperous New
: Year,
Sincerely 1 ours,
E. Polack
The Scenic.
For real amusement, the kind which
makes you laugh for the next two
days, go to the Scenic. - At this popu
lar playhouse there will be found
lauehs enough for the entire lami.y
and then some for the neighbors. The
colored gentleman will keep you smll-
inr for at least 24 hours and his part
ner has some good comedy waiting
for vou. The lady with the nervous
fMf.t will demonstrate to you that she
can dance most any old time and to
suit the popular fancy. She has ft way
of making you laugh with her mono
logue, too. The pictures are more
than Interesting. The balloon view of
Paris Is Instructive as well as inter
Birthday or Clarft Barton.
Washington. Dec. 24. Christmas
will be a double anniversary for thoso
interested In the humanitarian work
of the Red Cross society, since it Js
also the birthday of the founder of the
organization, Miss Clara Barton. To
morrow will be the 87th anniversary
of the birth of the famous Woman.
Miss Barton was born in Oxford,
Miss., the daughter of Captain Stephen
Barton, who fought under General
Anthony Wayne. . In her early career
she was a school teacher. She found
ed free school at Bordentown, N. J.,
which, beginning with six pupils,
quickly grew until It numbered nearly
00. This work she gave up to accept
a place in me paiem uui
city, which she held until the outbreak
of the civil war.
After giving up her government po
sition. Miss Barton advertised in the
paper of Worcester, Mass., that she
would reoelve stores and money for
wounded, soldiers at the front, which
she would personally distribute. Her
appeal was liberally answered, and
she began her great relief work. She
continued with the soldiers in Virginia
during nearly the entire period of the
war, being head nurse of the hospitals
among the armies on the Jamcj.
city The President-elect Is avoiding
as far as possible all social engage
ments and will spend the holiday sea
son quietly with his family. Many
presents have arrived from admirers
all over the country. Judge Taft will;
deliver addresses In several southern-
cities before leaving for Panama next-
month, and after his return will speak.
In Cincinnati, Philadelphia and New
York. He will then proceed to Wash
ington to prepare for his inauguration.
Taft In Georgia.
Augusta, Ga., Dec. 24. William H.
Taft and family will spend the Chrlst-
thls mas and New Years holidays In this
W. R. C. Election.
All membera of the W. R, C. of thf
city are hereby notified that there wllS
be a meeting next Saturday, Decem
ber 26, for the purpose of electing of
ficers for the ensuing term. A full
attendance la desired.
Too Numerous to Mention
At the
I - SmmmjmmmmmtSmSmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
-t-tT A ' I J AT TCV
Steward s
Hide ii meai
! .....TWO STORg AVt
hlhnrRurTmlQinliV DECEMBER 23th and 2ith
40TE0FLE OHTHE STAGE 40 S,dcw mm
e?lhe Toymkef9
Tfte 1 Vuk-tMe opia ewr wriHen. II is one cofifinous aoga set to ieaiiMM music
Bolh Operas Produced on a Scale of Spectactular Magnificence
.... a . .J 'f J
PRICES: $150; $100; 75c and 50c. Seats on Sale. Mail orders uuea in we twer rcc.cren
.. ; v
V- -'