EI0I1T PAGES. KVEMNtj otsi pTT;n. i an xik. ont:cox, ts.miuv, .dkckmhkk i. io. PA OK f irVEV. A; f if n hi uy. .1; I-Aii-d L I The store to supply all Ghristmas needs. We will guarantee to save you from 20 to 25 per cent on any article kept in a first class Jewelery Store. Gome in and look at our .bargain table. We have some broken lines which we are selling away below cost. ' Cn Friday and Saturday December 18 and 19 we will sell any wateh in our store 10 percent below any Eastern catalogue house price. Watch our window for bargains for bargains. Below are a few prices: Waltham or Elgin in 20 year gold case, Ladies $11.35; , Waltham or Elgin in 25 year gold case, Ladies, $1.85; Waltham or Elgn in 20 yeargold case, Cents, $10.85 Wattam or Elgin fa 25 yeargold case $1.35; . Waltham ot Elgin in Silver case Gents $6.15 - Remember These Prices for Two Days Only, December 18ih and 19th WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY AND SHOW YOU THE LARGFST STOCK OF JEWELERY EVER BROUGHT TO EASTERN OREGON Ma7 Orders Given Prompt Attention 1EGRI ST 6. GO. 'it' - Largest Jewelry Store In Eastern Oregon ( XOTIOB OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice U hereby given that the un dersigned, administrator of the estate of Zella Sherman, deceased, baa filed In the county court for Union county, state of Oregon, the final account of such administration of such estate, and that Monday, the 28th day cf De cember, 1908, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the county Judge's office, at the court house In the city of La Grande, Ore- yon, has been fixed by said court the time and place of hearing objec tion to said report, if there be any, and the settlement thereof. Dated this 27th day of Novemte , 1908. J. W. SHERMAN, Admlnietrator of the Estate of Ze'hi Sherman. ' 11-27-1?-", Observer "Want" column fur results t 4 ' e e Own Your Water System And Be Independent A Well Will Solve The Problem Twenty-ftve years' experience In the well-drilling business enables m tit da Tnur work uroDcrlT and economically. I am prepared to drill to any depth. t ; . ASKMEfOR PARTICULARS AND REFERENCE RE CARDING WELLS I DRILLED IN THIS COUNTY D. M. HUNT, La Grande The Toymaker" Thursday Talk about your Santa Claus with bis reindeer pack for the little ones, It Isn't a marker to the toys that will line up for your inspection when the San Francisco Opera company flashes its trappings at the Steward opera house Thursday night This Is where Santa Claus gets his doll patterns, and ve miss our guess If there Isn't more than children's stockings hung up to try and "bag" one of the mechanical dolls. The Evelyn Francis Kellog model has a few points we would like to mention, but modesty forbids. Do you get my meaning? The points are physical. When old Guggenhelmer, the toymaker (that's Teddy Webb), fashioned that chic little toubrette Ad die Sharp, he produced a real t'holly Charmer; one of the models that keep these university glee club boys send Ing home for an Increased allowance. Mabel Hllliard Is such a ' realistic Scotch doll that she can tat porridge, and Stella Gray Is the cutest little Jap anese doll. The cue Is natural hair, so jump In souvenir chasers, and get a photo. The Rubber Clown doll . is not Inflated;- its Geno Gentry. Then there is the laughing doll, the dancing doll, the talking doll, the singing doll, and In fact, dolls that do everything but eat, and some of these dolls can eat after the show. : The comedians and dandy lassies that will cluster on the stage in this merry musical comedy have their grips filled with the latest Christmas fash Ions. They'll cut the material In the newest style, so you are sure of a perfect fit of laughter. Changed wy Ollk'e To Jamee R. Smith's jewelry store, where you will find Singer and the Wheeler A Wilson sewing machines. Payments can also be' made to Mr. Smith on accounts. , N A. II. STONE. J 12-1-1-9 Agent Singer Co. eeeee eeeeeeeveeeeeeeee LAUNDRY Done The Way You Want it done Central Hallway Wotes. General ' Superintendent England and Passenger Agent Davis, of the Central, returned from Portland Sun day, after several days absence. The new engine that the Central company will have soon will be equip ped with electric headlight, and will be much heavier than the largest en gine now run by the company. Mechanics have this week been fig uring on the roundhouse contract and it is expected that work on the same will be 'pushed as rapidly as possible after the contract is let. Union Re- PHONE MAIN 7 A. B C Laundry MMII.MMM I "Til Together. Robert Herrlck's new book, "To gether," at Ferguson's. Also Charles Rann Kennedy's "The Servant in the House." CALL FOH BIDS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will receive up to noon Thursday, the 7th day of January, 1909, at his office In La Grande, Ore gon, sealed bids for the purchase of the fallowing described real estate, to wit: : ... ' Commencing at a point 521. M feet south of the NE corner of the SW of section 19, township 4 south, range 40 E. W, M., thence running south 417 feet west, weet 208 H feet, thence north 417 feet, east 208 M feet to place of beginning. Also, commencing 938 feet south of the NE corner of the NW of the NW, section 19, township 4 south, range 40,- E. W. M., running thence outh S42V4 feet, west 253 Vi feet, north 848 feet, east 253 H feet to place of beginning. . Also, commencing 250 yards, north of the'SE corner of the SW, sec tion 19, township 4' south, range 40, E. W. M., thence west 80 rods, north 40 rods, east 80 rods, south 40 rods, to place of beginning. ,' Also, beginning SO feet due east ot the NE corner of the NW14 of the SW, section 19, township 4 south, range '40, E. W. M., runlnng thence due east along line between NW and SWVi 511 feet, north 4 feet, west 511 feet, south 4 feet, east 611 feet to place of beginning. Together with all water rights belonging thereto. Said land being commonly known as the "County Poor Farm," situated at Union, Union county, Oregon. ' Said bids shall be accompanied with a certified check of five per cent of the purchase price of said land. The county court of Union county, nrwm . wrvln th rlrht to relect any er all bids. , Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this 5th day ef December, 1908. BD WRIGHT. Dee7Jan6 County Clerk. , GEORGE PALMER. President , W. H. BRENH0LTS Asi't Cashier ! J. M. BERRY, Vic President C. S. WILLIAMS, 2d AsVt Cashier '-" F. li MEYERS Cashier';': La Grande National Bank Of La Grande, Oregon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $160,000 UNITED. STATES DEPOSITORY r " .DIRECTORS : . J. M. Berry A. B. Conley F. J. Holmes F. M. Brykit , C. C Pennington F. L. Meyers Geo. L Clesver , , W. L. Brenholts George Palmer '. I CHRISTMAS I Laundry Woik Bilk Mufflers, handkerchiefs, scarfs. In a variety of sultble gifts for Christ mas, at TAN DUTN CO.'S. Phonegraphs will be popular for gift purposes this year. We carry a fine line and have hundreds of the moet deelrable records. Newlin Book and Stationery Co. Dolls, chlnaware and an endless va riety of Cchrlstmas novelties, which you cannot afford miss seeing tt VAN DUTN CO.'S. For Boaesna, Tetter and Salt nbewn, The intense Itching characteristic of these ailments Is almost instantly al layed by Chamberlain's salve. Many severe cases have been cured by It. For rslo hv lt er' "ni'-re. WASHING MACHINES : Do your washing at home and save money as well the ciathes. ASK :as tSCHEUKER ABOUT THE ! PRICE I G. C. Scheursr, I Agent for Wallowa and Union County PHONE BLACK 1571 i -i. IF I: 5 IT i T f i 1 KMMG RINK New Armory Hall HUNLOCK 6 MATLOCK, Proprietors Open every week night at 7 o'clock. Satur afternoon, 2 to 6. First cas music by ovr MilHsiy Band Orgmt. Lady beginners will be furnished with free skates on Friday af ternoons, 2 to 5. A cordial inflation to all Occd crier assured ALL SKATES, 25 Cents GALLERY FREE You want yourt able Ihien and ; other Lstrrcfry ork done " t excepionally r ice for this occasion. Send it early - . - - WE WILL CERTAINLY PLEASE YOU i BREAD CHERRY'S NEW LAUNDRY'. BOTH PHONES m Quick Transfer For Rapid Delivery Setvlce Call Up WlilCOCK BROS. We are la position to do any kind of transferring. ' Give us a trial order. Calls answered day r night 'Phones;. Day, Red 7et. Night, Black 1271. WOT NOT .TRY Poajbajsa'a ASTHMA ItEMKDTT Give prompt aai positive relief ' r ewy case. Boii by i rucgtsM, Vrlct 11.6. Trial package by mail II oeala. fVillUune Mfg. Co., rrope. Ceerelaaki . Tx ealr !y A. T. MXLL, Thereiis a diff- erence in bread. I Have you tried f f ours yet?. If you f have not, you ! ' ' ' . v..- I miuuiu. iuu may v IIIIOOIII OUIIIV X t kM thing. I ROYAL BAKERY j t aVaVAAAAAAAitAAAJ V T f BURGER and SEVERSON La Grande, Ore. Phone Real Esfate and Loans, Fire and Life Insurance. COLLECTING AGENCY N. B. Long DJ&aott Col lection a Specislty OVER NEttUN DRUG CO. I Speoaal RaM. lhe O. It. A N. Co. has made a spe cial rate to Tale for the Oregon and Uaho Development congress, which meets at that paoe December It and 17, for the reand trip ot 11.10. Tick lm wUI be ea Miie Deeeaiber XS.'lt and 17. Final retani Deeeaber 1L smmtftiLieitiuf'wmttttw'iiitttTT