La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 17, 1908, Image 1

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Congress Demands of President Roohc
vclt to Iroduce the Evidence on
Wlileli lie alined Ilia Asnertlon That
Cougre,mu' Feared Investigation
ortliMCNt, to a Mao, Stand Willi the
Majority Relieved President Will
Produce Everything.
" Washington, Dec. 17. A select com
mittee of the house, appointed to out
line action in connection ' with the
president's alleged Insult to congress,
today agreed, upon a report culling
upon the president to submit to con
gress the Information on which he
boned his Insinuation that members of
congress were afraid -of being Investi
gated by the secret service. It Is be
lieved the president has the matter
ready to submit. The whole matter
mav be aired.
Every Pacific northwest congress
man voted "aye" on the only division
vote called for In connection with the
juarrel between congress and the
president. The resolution calls for
the president to supply the house with
evidence whereon he based the alle
gation that congressmen feared being
Bourne In IJmcliglit.
- Washington, Dec. 17. Senator
4 Jonathan Bourne of Oregdn,
today introduced a bill providing
4 for an increase in the president's
salary from $50,000 to $100,000
and that of the vloe-president
tfrom $12,000 to $25,000. He says
4 the salaries are Inadequate', to
4 permit the malntalnance ot the
offilcal establishment by any one
except Wealthy president and
vice-presidents. .
Hoofh vs. Fanner A Traders' 3(tt-'orntl
: Bank Is Settled at Last Long Liti
gation. The supreme court on Teusday ren
dered a decision reversing the decision
of Circuit Judge Cleland of Portland,
and affirming the decision of J. W.
Knowles, referee in the case of S. S.
Booth vs. the Farmers & Traders' Na
tional bank.
This case was tried some time ago
by consent of the parties before J. W.
Knowles, as referee. After taking the
testimony, Mr. Knowles made his find
ings to the effect that the bank was
entitled to judgment against Booth for
about the sum of $250. Upon appli
cation Judge Cleland of Portland, be
fore whom the case was pending, mod
ified the findings of the referee and
allowed Booth judgment for a small
amount against the bank, and his
costs. Upon appeal to the supreme
court the - referee was affirmed and
Judge Cleland reversed and judgment
has been ' ordered entered against
Booth for the amount found due by
Referee Knowles.
Sardine Crop is Short.
Portland. Me., Dec. 17. That delec
tab'e dainty, . the American sardine,
which Isn't really a sardine at all, may
become decidedly scarce In the near
future, owing to the shortage of the
crop along the Maine coast, ' where
nearly all the domestic sardines are
packed. The "combine" which is al
leged to be In practical control of the
business, and which was recently the
subject of an official Investigation be
cause of alleged trust-like proclivities,
produced this season 22 per cent less
than was anticipated, and the inde
pendent packers also report a short
"Is All Rot About Government Send
ing Me," is Statement of Heney Cov
orlng CI large in Loe Angeles Times
Belief in Washington Said to Be
That Government Itt Paying for the
Graft lrosecutloa in San lYunt !.
-Muy Lay Facta Bare.
Los Angeles, Doc. 17.-"There is a
distinct belief here that Francis 3.
Heney is paid from the secret service
funds of the government for prosecut
ing graft in San Francisco," said Harry
Can, Washington correspondent for
the oLs' Angeles Times, in an article
printed here. "As a sequence the Al
drich resolution Introduced In the Sen
ate the secret service system may be
investigated and many dark mysteries
be laid bare. The' big question before
the senate was whether the president
of the United States has a right to
use government money to send special
prosecutors into California on a purely
local city fight." '
Heney Denies It.
Prosecutor Heney emphatically de
nled today that Roosevelt had any
thing to do with the San Francisco
graft prosecution. Referring to the
article In the Los Angeles Times, he
"It Is absolute rot. Any talk of
government control over me is false."
GIVEN AS $2,557.00.
Son of Bank Defaulter In Bankruptey
Itecauso Ho Must Pay BUU That
Should Have Been Paid by Others
Ills Assets Are Given a $'i2i.
But of This Amount Sixteen Hun
dred Italian Are, Claimed to Be Ex
empt Under the Law Signed Notes.
Portland. Dec. 17. The bankruptcy
petition of Clare i Scrlber of La
Grande, son of J. W. Scrlber, arrested
some time' ago on a charge of forgery
In connection with the failure of the
Farmers & Traders' National bank,
was filed In the United States district
court here. The liabilities are $26,
657. Of this amount the petitioner
claims that $24,330 are in the form
of bills and notes which ought to be
paid by other persons.
In most Instances young - Scrlber
went on the notes of his father. -
Assets Small.
. The assets amount to $2200 In
property of which $1600 are claimed
to be exempt under the law.
Minister of ttsreltfn AUairs at Carafe
Wires to Holland Government of Its
The advance sale to "Little Johnn
Jones" tonight, is sufficient to war
rant the assertion that this wtll be the
best attended attraction In the opera
house this season.
Cosgrov e Will Recover.
; Paso Robles. Dec. 17. -It is believed
-hi. today that Cosgrove will recover
:ro attack or Blights disease
and that he will be able to take the
oath of office on January 11. He is
on a liquid diet and has stopped the
hot baths.
I Bargains in Ready-made Goods
Prices Cut in Two. Last of the seasons ready
made goods must be closed out regard-
fuv efnrU
ed very rapidly
V Wilt
fii i r-
ladies' Suits
We have only a few ladies' Suits
left to be closed out at ridiculously low
1 $15 black Serge goes at $ '3
1 $12.50 black Serge goes at . . . .$2.35
1 $25.00 black Cheviot goes at ..$9.85
1 $18.50 black Cheviot goes at ..$0.85
1 $47.50 brown stripe goes st ..$28.35
All ladies' Trimmed Hate Half
$10.00 Hats, to close, at $5.00
$8.50 Hats, to close, at ..$125
$8.50 Hats, to Hose, at $S-25
$4.00 Hats, to close, at M-fl
$2.00 Hats, to close, at .... $1-00
Ladies' Waists
$8.50 wool and silk Waist, reducd
$6.50 all-wool and silk Aaists, re
duced to 2 95
Wash Waists, lot 1, reduced to . .. .Sc
Wash Waists, lot reduced to . . . .$1.05
Misses' Coats
Our stock of Mlssts Coats Is very
large and we have tiecldod to make
prices that will move them. "
Lot 1 Children's Coats, valuta to
$3.50, at f 1.00
Lot 2 Misses' Coats, values ' to
$6.60. ages to 14 years $2.83
Lot 3 Misses' Coats, values to
$8.60, ages to 14 years $4.85
Ladies' Skirts
Tou know our reputation on the
famous "Beverley Skirts." To buy
these at the prices we are offering
them Is surely an Inducement.
Skirts, In value to $5.00, to close $1.93
Skirts, in value to $8.50, to close $1.85
Skirts, In value to $12.50, to close
I adies' Coats
Lot X Ladles' Coats, values to ,
$10.00 -2 50
Lot " T.tdlos' Coats, values 'to
$15.00 M-M
This is u. reminder. If you want a
coat, decide quickly.'
La Grande, Oregon.
Washington, Dec. 17. Venezuela
has declared war again' Holland, ac
cording to advices received by the
state department from Paxton Hlbben,
M-.-r !;... j ..t the American legation at
iuKta, Colombia. The message says
the Colombian minister of foreign af
fairs received the following telegram
from Caracao under date of the 14th:
"In view of the blockade establish
ed and the capture by blockading ves
sels of - Venezuelan vessels, the head
of the government of Venezuela, after
assuming the ordinary powers for de
fense of the country, has declared a
state of war."
Tariff Hearing Soon Over.
Washington. Dec. 17. With its ses
sion today, the committee on ways
and means of the house, which Is In
charge of tariff revision. Is nearlng
the end of its hearings and next week
It will begin the preparation of a tar
iff measure. The hearings, which have
been In progress since November 10,,
will come to an end tomorrow or Sat
urday and then the members of the
committee 'will begin the summing up
of the t facts and figures which have
been hurled like an avalanche at their
defenseless heads by the hundreds o;
witnesses who have appeared before
them. ,
It is the Intention of the commltte
to go to work Immediately on a tariff
bill as soon as the hearings close, and
have it ready for presentation to the
house the opening day of the special
session of the 61st congress, which wil
be early In March. This is ,on the as
sumption that the present committee
will remain unchanged In Its member
ship In the, next congress. All ' the
members of the committee In the 60th
congress have been returned by their
constituencies, except Mr. Watson of
Indiana, who made an unsuccessful
run for governor of ' his state. His
place In the committee Is filled by Mr.
Many thousands of printed pages
will make up the record of the testi
mony of the hundreds of witnesses
who have come before the committee,
seeking medicine for their business ills
in tariff revision, or advocating a "let
well enough alone" policy. Practically
every witness has been the representa
tive of a special Interest, and has come
to plead either for higher duties or a
continuance of the Dingley rates.
Aged Indian Divorced.
Coeur d'Alene, Dec. 16. An inter
esting divorce suit was instituted this
afternoon In the district court through
Attorneys Black A Wernette, by Aga
tha Klckman, aged 67, a Coeur d'Alene
Indian, against Alfred Rlckman, her
husband, aged 28, a fullblooded white
man, the grounds being alleged decep
tion. The complaint states that the
couple were married several years
ago at Farmlngton, Wash., according
to the white man's custom or law; thnt
the defendant promised t6 take good
care of his elderly wife, especially in
her declining years; that he would
farm her land and be a good husbanJ.
She alleges that they have never lived
together as husband and . ; that
her young white husband V,t her at
once, since which. t!tr. .-"ho knows
nothing of his whereabouts, and that
he married her to get her land. She
asks the marrlapce to be annulled.
Idaho WlU Help.
Lewlston, Idaho, Dec. 15. The state
of Idaho will be asked to aid In the
open river work by appropriating $20,
000 this winter for Improvement on
the upper Snake river above Lewlston.
It Is confidently expected that this bill
Mill be passed, so that the appropria
tion will be available, because of the
attitude of the sister states in making
appropriations for this work.
Two years ago Oregon appropriated
$75,000 for improvement work on the
Columbia and the Washington legisla
ture appropriated $65,000 for work on
the Snake river between Rlparla and
its mouth..
The Idaho legislature appropriated
$25,000 for Improvement work on the
upper Snake two years ago, but for
some reason It was never available.
Local legiHlators-elect have been ap
proached on the question of voting an
appropriation itnd they are- generally
inderstood to favor the proposition.
Fanners' Institute Conducted Today
ViMler Favorable Circumstance
Many From Corvallls School ol Agri
culture in Ammdiinee Every Ad
dress and Paper Full of Value to lira
Attending Fanner Exicrls Give
Grange Hall, Dec. 17. (Special.)
With Dr. Wlthycombe, of the Agricul
tural college at Corvallls; Prof. H. D.
Scudder, professor of agronomy at O.
A. C; C. I. lie wis, of the f ortlcultural
chair at the same college, and C. E.
Bradley, Instructor In chemistry at the
Corvallls Institution besides a num
ber of local people taking active part
the Farmers' Institute opened here
this morning at 10 o'clock with a
splendid attendance. The Corvallls
professors, each an expert, In his life
study, devoted some time to their re
spective discourses and addresses.
Grande Ronde's young farmers did
themselves and their community proud
with scholarly papers. Among these
were Ralph Reynolds and Ed Jasper,
who both appeared on the program.
The noon affair was no less import
ant that the others for then the all-day
session relaxed long enough for all to
enjoy the products of the local kit
chens. .v "
ine evening; ieiun win uv irpww
with good things, and to all appear
ances It too will be carried out in toto.
The number of farmers in attendance
reflects the deep interest tatcen in tne
Institute, and others of, a similar na
ture ill n ; doijbt V arranged for
during the winter months. ;
Guilty of MajiIau.htcr.
Portland. Dec. 17. Dr. O. B. Whit
ney, accused of killing of Mabel Wlrtz,
his flancoe. br jiving her polsin. was
founl rul'ty rf manslaughter today
and ill be sentenced next week.
J. D. McKennon, chairman of the
special irrigation committee for the
La Grande Commercial club, has col
lected the lists of acreage secured by
the several sub-committes, with the
exception of the Mt. Glenn list, wh'ch
several days ago was known to con
tain inoo soren. Th tntnl no n
cured Is, In round numbers, 10,500
acres. The committees are working
very hard and have secured by far the
greatest success In the district south
of Grande Ronde river. While a num
ber of very liberal subscriptions have
been secured from the Sandridge, the
committee is, to say the least, much
discouraged. However, the past few
lays has developed more Interest and
after the farmers In that district talk
It over among themselves and Investi
gate the advantage water will be to
their land the next few weeks it Is
hoped will see a much stronger senti
ment than now exists. The committee
spent a half day out there last week
and were so successful they thought
they would have no more trouble In
securing the 10,000 acres on the north
side of the river, than they had on the
south side.
There has been considerable active
work done the last few days that nM
only has brought lmemdlate results,
but it Is thought will result In acreage
to c" '--r.
H Would be money well spent If the
farmers 'of the valley would appoint a
committee to visit two or three sec
tions nearby that have been using wa
ter only a few years, and note how wa
ter adds to the general prosperity and
how the lands become so valuable that
it soons becomes subdivided.
We practically now have one-half
t.f the required acreage to begin the
greatest project that .'was evr at
tempted In Grande Ronde valley.
It matters not where you may go In
IhH great aorthwest. the advantages of
Irrigation are being proved. Who
would even dare suggest that the Wil
lamette valley would have several Ir
rigation projects 10 years ago. The
result has been that good land In the
Willamette that can be Irrigated is
worth double the value of similar land
situated where Irrigation Is not 'possi
ble. Some may possibly doubt the
Blttittiueiu, liuv
.111 W. J .. .. . . l . . . V. I. .... . l.a.,1
today on the Sandridge lying under
ditch will be selling for $150 per acre.
Many of our readers well remember
n iiql Taa uiivc . int. u. j ..cow
land lying between North Powder and
Baker City, Today hundreds of stacks
of hay can be seen from the car win
dows. Water has made a solid settle
ment of prosperous farmers. Water
will do equal wonders in Grande
There are few Irrigated districts
where the holdings exceed 100 acres.
What a transition would take place In
this valley If there was a house on
every mu acres, it wouin mure iuu
double our rural population. The
time has now arrived when we must
meet the actual conditions. It will be
seen by the list published herewith,
that only one-half of the required
acreage Is secured. We must also
recognize the fact that the first half
Is always the easiest half to secure, for
this reason It behooves one and all to
give this matter right of way; talk It
up, agitate It; get people to thinking
and Investigating. If this can be done
the me'lts of the project will carry It
to a successful termination. If we
cannot get the land owners to consider
It thoughtfully and personally investi
gate what there Is In It for them, we
will never raise the required amount.
There should be and doubtless will be
inr?!s mpetlnge held In the valley.
Anything to make the people think.
Thinking people make few mistakes.
drive through May Park, Frultdale,
Cnlon, Cove and other localities that
(Continued on page 4.)