La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 16, 1908, Image 1

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MOT 001
Local Irrigation Roomers Secure
snranco That Majority, of the Ix-ad-crs
or Uie Congress at Raker City
AVlll Come to I A Grande In January
At Hint Time I'ri'lliulnnry Organ
ization and llnal Clcan-up of All
Subscriptions Made.
Some time In January next, a
greater majority of the prominent Ir
rigation men who were at Baker City
yesterday to take active part In the
state Irrigation congreu, will be In La
Grande for much the same purpose.
This Is the movement now on foot and
while in Baker City La Grande'i dele
gation secured an assurance from
most of the leaders that they will come
to La Grande when the big Irrigation
meeting Is held here. At that time the
final wlndup of 'subscriptions will be
attempted and those who are already
subscribed will form the corporation to
conduct the affairs of the big project.
This has been desired for some time,
but It was only yesterday that defin
ite assurance, of these mfln's presence
wns received.
The La Grande delegation returned
this morning. Others who are to take
part In the Grange. Hall Farmers' In
stitute tomorrow, but are In Baker to
Aunual Cotton States Baseball League
Mn'iiiiy; Set 'lor lYtmoirou To
Elect New President.
Jackson, Miss., Dec. It. Baseball
magnates of the Cotton States league,
at the call of President A. ccrow
der, will assemble here tomorrow and
will consider many Important mat
ters including the enlargement of the
circuit to eight cities. Following the
session, a banquet will be given the
visiting directors and club owners. '
The first matter to be brought be
fore the Cotton States directors will
be, the ward of the pennant, which
will be made to the Jackson team. The
pennant was purchased by President
Crowder In New York several weeks
ago, and la now in the possession ot
the local association.
The next matter of importance will
be the election of a new president, Mr.
Crowder having announced that he
cannot serve another year, owing to
his new official duties as mayor, of
Jackson. In, event Mr, Crowder can
not be persuaded to change his mind,
there will probably be several appli
cants for the place.
It is possible that Natchez and Hat
tiesburg may be taken into the league.
but this matter is still uncertain. ,
Teal on Bond Committee.
Washington, Dec. 16. President
Ransdell, of the Rivers and Harbors
congress, today appointed a conimtltee
to draft a bill 'providing for a bond
issue by the government to meet the
expense of the waterway improve
ments. The committee is composed of
Representative Moore of Pennsylvania,
day, will arrive this evening or tomor-j J- N. Teal of Portland. Ore.. Albert
Litigation Before the Court Today Has
Lottt Public Interest of Other Caws
and Crowd DlniinLsh Liquor Cant's
. Coming Soon Little Belief That Mc
Coy Will Bo Paroled Hew cu Bros.
vs. Huffman la Title of Today's
Notwithstanding that there Is a ru
mor afloat that relatives 'and friend?
of Raymond McCoy are going to make
a concerted attempt to nave mm pa
roled, there Is little credence given the
rumor, and It is not thought that such
will be the case.
Though found guilty yesterday af
ternoon of the serious offense, burg
lary In the night time, no date of giv
ing sentence has yet been set. '
Today's Circuit Court.
Today circuit court has been occu
pied with the case of Hewctt Bros.,
against G. L Huffman, for the recov
ery of about $3000 alleged to be due
over the transaction of a horse.
There Is little of public Interest in the
case and the large audience that hat
marked the sessions of the circuit coiiri
thus far was greatly reduced today.
Greater interest will be evinced when
the liquor cases come up for hearing.
Trial of Thornton Jenkins Is Now on
r at Flushing,
row morning. . joeiunger oi uuiu, sou nojiraicuuiuni
AU report having had a prclt&ble Sherley of Kentucky, v
series of meetings at Baker and much - . : ; ' 1
valuable knowledge was acquired by J C. C. McFalls is down from "e
those who went from here. Fred G. la today, tatlng that the wood Uua.i . ?
Taylor, Turner Oliver, W. H. Bohnen- were happy,
hamp, J. M. Berry, J. D. McKennon mow and the sleighing Is 'fine, whic, lng extemporaneously to the Jury which
,n,t t v. ttovnnlria ennstltuted the r.. rroltn them to sret their wood to the will try Thornton Jenkins for the
local delegation. I lalitoad. ' . . murder of William Annts.
Flushing. L I., Dee.. lS.--Setting a
unique record In the history of mur
rVr trials In New York state, Special
Prnp"vt:or Elmer White today, read
The have 14 inches of the opening address, Instead of speak
Bargains in Ready-made Goods j
Prices Cut in Two. Last offt s easons ready
made goods must be closed out regard- '
of cost. Our stock is being reduc-
ed very rapidly -
ladies' Suits
We have only a- few , ladies' Suits
left to be closed out at ridiculously low
prices.- "
1 15 black Serge goes at...
1 111.50 black Serge goes at .
1 $25.00 black Cheviot goes at
1 $18.60 black Cheviot gos at
1 $47.60 brown stripe goes st
ladies' Trimmed Hats Half
Price. .
$10.00 Hats, to close, at
$8.50 Hats, to eloae, at
$8.50 Hats,. to close," at
$4.00 Hats, to close, at
$2.00 Hats, to close, at
. .$2.00
ladies' Waists
$8.60 wool and silk Waist, reduoi
$8.50 all-wee! and silk Waista, re
duced to .. 25
Wash Waists, lot 1, reduced to . . . .05c
Wash Waists, lot reduced to ... .
Misses' Coats -
Our stock -vf Aliases' Coats is very
large and we 'have- .U'dded to make
prices that will movu them.
Lot lChildrcn's Coats, values to
$3.50, at ...... $1.00
Lot 2 Misses' Coats, values to '
$6.50, ages to 14 years ...rr.$2.83
Lot 3 Misses' Coats, values to
$8.50, ages to 14 years $1.85
ladies' Skirts
You know our reputation on the
famous "Beverley Skirts." To buy
these at the prices we are offering
them Is surely an Inducement.
Skirts, In value to $5.00, to close $1.95
Skirts, In value to $8.60, to close $1.83
Skirts, in value to $12.50, to close
at 7-5
ladies' Coats .
Lot t Ladles' Coats, values to
$10.50 $2 JO
Lot 2 Li dies' Coats, values to
This Is a reminder. If you want a
coat, decide QUlcVly. '
La Grande, Oregon.
Secret Service Organisation Will Re
TliorouKldy Iuvcwllgatcd by Senate
Committee and the Prclden l
Roundly Ccnturcd for Insulting t':
Congrettsniei Resolution Is Intro
duced by Aldrich, Loader of the Ma
jority Purty.
Washington, Dec. 18. Senator Al
drich of Rhode Island, today Introduc
ed & senate resolution looking toward
the censuring of President Roosevelt
for his action In connection with the
employment of secret service v men.
The resolution refers the matter to
the senate appropriation committee,
and Involves an Investigation of the
whole secret service organisation. It
Is the outgrowth of the president's In
sult to congress.
. - The so-called "Insult" was a refer
ence in Roosevelt's" message to the last
session of the 80th congress, that con
gressional members should not be ex
cluded from Investigation and prob-
Ings ly secret service men.. ' ,
The senate this afternoon adopted
the Aldrich resolution.
Quick Work by Cupid Follow ing Street
' Cur ! Athlete Win Bride
With Ills lints. ... .
Denver, Dec. 16. Fred Buser, the
Los Angeles athlete. Is today en route
homo with a brldo won by scientific
use of his fists on three hoodlums who
lns;if-' Mrs. Buser when she was
I.'Uiul Albertson of this city. Buser
was riding In a street car a week ago
when the trio directed Insulting re
marks at Miss Albertson. Buser threw
the hoodlums from the car and escort
ed the girl home. He married her a
week later.
Collision In Tunnel.
Limoges, France, Dec. 16. Ten pas
sengers were killed In a collision today
between a passenger and freight trains
in a tunnel
A mistake in signals was
Color Line In Saloons.
New Orleans, Dec. 16. Louisiana of
ficials are preparing for a strict en
forcement of the new state liquor li
cense law. which becomes effective
on the first of the year. The most lm
portant provision of the act prohibits
liquor dealers from selling to both
whites and blacks on the same prem
ises, and the color line In saloons will
hereafter be strictly drawn.
Ry Coming to the Aid of President
RooNevclt In Brow nxvllle Affair, Ken-
' ator Lodge Continues Conflict Over
Negroes Would Be Detrimental to
Army Piwlpllne for Congress to '
ReNcInd Order From Commanding
Officer Can Reinstate.
Salem, Ore., Dec. 16. R. Bv Miller, balm wood from Galnea, Snelburne
general freight agent of the Harriman land Bussard to Portland. Miller found
lines.', asks permission of the railroad j that the rate charged was a general
PommiRslon to make a refund of overUumber rate. He should have charged
$360 Yo-the Portland Manufacturing a more reasonable rate under a differ
(company at Atblna, on a shipment offent heading. " , t
"Wets" Win In St. Johns.
Portland, Dec. 16. After years of
fighting between the liquor interests
and the "drys" of St. John the "wets"
won a victory last night when the
council passed an ordinance - permit
ting saloon licenses.
Boas Inquest Is On. -'
San Franclscjo, Dec. 16. A' greater
part of .the morning session of the
Inquest over the body of Harry Boas,
mysteriously killed by strychnine sent
through the mail, was occupied by evi
dence produced to show that John
Wilson, suspected of sending the. poi
son, was an adept at forging letters,
ind altering postmarks.
Ten Thousand on Trial.
1 San Sebastln, Spain, Dec. 18. Ten
thousand Spanish women in Btllbao
are being tried today on the charge of
contempt of court for signing a peti
tion sympathizing with Jesusa Pa
Jana, a beautiful girl, sentenced to
eight years, for killing a faithless
lover. ; .
Washington, Dec. 18. Senator
Lodge of Massachusetts, today came to
the rescue of President Roosevelt In
the Brownsville affair In an address
In which he arraigned the methods
proposed by ' Senator Foraker. v He
said the Warner bill allowed the pres
ident to re-enlist the discharged sol
diers, and that Foraker's bill made
the re-enlistment oblgatory under
easily-filled conditions. He declared
the Foraker bill 'was ruinous to dis
cipline In the army.
Lodge holds the president has the
right to discharge men and that con
gress does not have the right to re
scind the order. He said congress may
render such action Impossible In the
future. "If It Is foolish enough." "If
you Impair proper authority of the
commanding officer," said Lodge, "you
make It Impossible for effective com-"
mand. Such action will go far to
ward converting the soldiers of the
army Into a mob." .
Double Accident.
Grand Marals, Minn., Dec. 18. The
body of one of the crew lost with the
steamer D. M. Clemson, washed ashore
today near Crest Point' In an at
tempt to recover It 4h body slipped
under the ice and disappeared.
, Thirteen Entobmed. ;, .
Ylenna, Dec. 16. Thirteen are
known to be dead and many entombed
as the, result of an explosion In the
Doman coal mine near Rcslcza today.
DlAner for Cabinet.1 - '
Washington, , Dec. 16. President
and Mrs. Roosevelt will entertain the
members of the. iblnet at dinner to
morrow evening, thus opening in the
customary manner the program of of
ficial entertainments at the White
moan iifif I
Til 1
Vancouver, B. C, Dec' 16. Emma
Goldman, the anarchist, and Ben Relt
man, "king of tramps," have made
arrangements here to deliver a series
of three luctures in the labor nail. It
ts probable they will be allowed to ex
pound theories on doctrines of force
with all the vehemence they please.
Mayor Bethune and Chief of Police
Chamberlain have decided to offer
no Interference. Emma will thus be
allowed to preach the abolition of the
house of lords and forment bomb out
rages. 1 mmLjujml. . '
Uplift Commission. Lincoln Day In Schools.
Ithaca, N. Y Dec. 16. President New York, Dec. 16. Principals of
P.oosevelfs national commission ' on all the public schools of Greater New
country life wlir hold a session today f York are busily engaged In preparing
at the agricultural college, In which j elaborate programs for the celebration
the local educators will participate.
Comk-tcd of uiisUvughU.
Butte, Dec. 16. Arthur Bryan of
Cincinnati, was today found guilty of
manslaughter. He stabbed and killed
George Morhard, a restaurant keeper,
on September 1, in a quarrel over the
miwhflw tit a. duck. !
of Lincoln's centennial on February
If next. President Lincoln's Gettys
burg address will be read at noon In
every school, and there will also be
musical exercises and recitations.
Stole Eaton's Cornerstone.
8alem, Ore., Dec." 16. In a humor
ous turn of mind the students of Wil
lamette university last night stole the
cornerstone of Eaton hall, to be laid .
this afternoon. The stone was found
burled under a woodshed. .
Attains Record Height.
Lemans, :Fronce. Dec. .16. Wilbur.
Wright's aeroplane ascended to av
height of 296 feet this afternoon,
breaking 4U4 ivuvtw wi Uwnuw
Oppose Fair Fakirs.
' Marlon,. O., Dec. 16. Fake amuse
ment companies and grafters of all
kinds will be kept off the grounds of
all the county fairs In the Buckeye
state, If a blacklist considered today
at a meeting of the Ohio Fair Man
agers' association Is successful In Its
object. .
Town Marshal Fatally Wounded.
Greenwich, O., Dec. 16. Discover
ing four robbers in ihe act" of at
tempting to enter a lank, Marshal
Wood shot and UlUed one on the spot,
and v. fatally '-., id d himself by
the oth'-j iSiree 'ead or obeyln
the roinmael to . ' is hands "Woo-t
fired the fatal shot. After he was
felled by the bullet Wood's body was
kicked in the street by the robbers,
who are now being pursued by a posse.
Smoker Tomorrow Fvnir.;i.
F. X. Holl of ScrH3t"n. Is here
- ,
tndav in the IntertVa ot the Interna- tween Dr. J. B. Klota, coroner,
tlonal Correspondence schools, and Is pr j . j . Holman, representing the
arranging to have a smoker or reunion ' 8Ute tooard of healtn over who bi au-
of former students, in old Elks' hall . ,,m m
a. . imiio ithorlzed to hold a post mortem exam
tomorrow evening. At a similar rune- J
tlon held several months ago there , SnatSon on the body cf Mm. August
Hose, a poison victim, nearly resuiitu
I seriously today. Mrs. Rose succumnea
were about 60 present
Vallejo, Cal., Dec) 16. A clash be- the occasion of the launching of the
J ' ,11 - wtlAII nHV 1009
guests were more or less seriously ar
fected by ptomaine poisoning con
tained in the meat served. When Dr.
Hogan called at , the Rose home Dr.
Klota was there, and refused to allow
him to lake charge of the bociy. The
; coroner finally won. and help an au-
Allen J.Webb came home from a yesterday to Ulnes. following her at- topsr. The stomach was sent to Sao
a. iMi'infi ot in i inrni'ua bcituu wii , 41 j-v
- v..
few days' stay In Boise,