IU.i.kz. ii-.i:hvi:r. ia cn.woi-voJiKGOtt. Ti'K.im'. vr.z rarnri: if. 1:0s. r xnrc si:vfx 444444444444 : 444t444;vT444444444 4444 X BUY EARLY OUR STOCK Of Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry, Stirling Silver novelties 3 larger than eye: before EIGHT PAGES. IAS BOIMfl rs! We want every tady in Union county to come in and seeour tine of LIbby Cut Glass- The Worlds B jst-YVaites and Stouff er's Hand Painted China Bypaylng a small deposit we will lay away any article in our store. WATCH OURIWINDOW FOR BARGAINS. M WILL SAVE YOU MONEY Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention Largest Jewelry Store In Eastern Oregon M4444444M4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 .4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444443 IEGR1ST&.Q Santo Glotheswasher. The only Washing Machine made en tirely of metal. Better than all other washing machines combined ; The only washing machine that sucks the dirt out of clothes. It does not rub the clothes and therefore does not T ..,iii snd tonr A f epp rirmrintTatinfi atyour heme which will show you In a practical man J ner ust what it will do and leave you to Judge. La Zf III 1 I CONDUCTORS SHIFTED. Walla Walla valley. Milton' alone shipped several hundred carloads of Several Cliangea In Conduetorshlp on fruit, besldo what was sent from Day. ' O. 15. & N. Last Week. ' WaltBburg and other email town. . ,. . ' - . : Figuring It thus, the entire fruit and A noticeable shifting of conductors vegetable yield of the Walla Walla G. C Scheurer, : Agentfor Wallowa and Union County I'HUHC DLAII 131 t o has been going on In the Oregon Rail road & Navigation circles the last v. -ok. Those to be changed ore F. L. (kiykendall, C. H. Norrls. J. C. .Gulling and James Conners. . , Mr. Coykendall, the oldest pasoenger conductor on the 1 main Una liua Tiaoti transferred from the Pendleton-nuntington run to the Pendleton-Portland run. C. H." Nor rls, formerly of La Grande, is again on the Pendleton-Huntington : run, while J. C, Gulling has taken his place on the Pilot, Rock run. Temporarily at least, James Conners Is taking Gul llng's place on the La'Grande-JoBeph run. Mr. Conners went out with his first train this morning. He has beer on work train service in Wallowa coun ty all summer. LAUNDRY Done The Way You Want it done f PHONE MAIN 7 valley for .the year will total, in round numbers, $1,000,000. ' ' t.i To Repay Damage. Desiring to know what resources he could command to asslnt in reimburs ing the losers in the defunct Farmers & Traders' bank at La Grande, which he wrecked, J. XW. Scrlber, formerly cashier of that institution, stopped in Pendleton Saturday evening In confer ence with W. J. Furnish of this city, who Is one of his bondsmen. Scrlber Is now out on $40,000 bonds by which he is held to the federal grand jury, and is making every possible attempt to reimburse the losers in the bank. Pendleton East Oregonl.m. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, administrator of the estate, of Zella Sherman, deceased, has filed in the county' court for Union county, state of Oregon, the final account of such administration of such estate, and that Monday, the 28th day of De cember, 1908, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the county Judge's office, at the court house In the city of La Grande, Ore gon, has been fixed by said court as the" time and place of hearing objec tion to said report, if there be any, and the settlement thereof. Dated this 27th day of Novomle', 1808. V J. W. SHERMAN, Administrator of the Estate of ZeUu Sherman. ll-27-12-27w HEXDRICK TQ THE D UXES. A; B C Laundry 44444-He4444 4Mi44444M' Own Your Water System And Be independent Piano Tuner Leaves I -a Grande for the Columbia Klver Town. Prof. Georg Hendrick, the piano tuner, has bought residence property at The Dalles and is now making that city his home. His family has Joined him there. Besides being a first-class piano tuner, Prof. Hendrick has proved to be a band and orchestra leader of more than ordinary ability. ' He brought both, the La Grande Concert band and the Steward opera house or chestra up to playing standard works during the last five years In which he made his home In La Grande. Montana Poultry Show. Butte, Mont., Dec. 15. Montana's first big state poultry show was open ed here today and has attracted en tries from all over the northwest The poultry Industry is rapidly coming to the front In this section and much In terest has been aroused bythe show. The management will award $500 In gold medals. In addition to hundreds of other premiums. Million Dollar Fruit Crap. Positive proof of the immensity into which the fruit and vegetable Indus try of the Walla Walla valley hi crow ing is gives' in figures compiled -by County Fruit Inspector C. L.' Whitney, from records in the several freight of fices of the city Saturday, says the Walla Walla Union. ; WHY NOT TRY v Popnam's ASTHMA REMEDY r Gives prompt and posltWe relief ' I evry case. . Sold by druggists, Price $1.00. Trial package by mall 10 cents. William Mfg. Co., Props. Cleveland t.. For nlr by A. T. BILL, DruggM. Complete Threshing Outfit. j Special Rate. The O. R. & N. Co. has made a, spe cial rate to Tale for the Orejjon and Idaho Development congress, which fcHRISTMAS "I s Laundry Wo; k j You want yourt able linen and other lur.Cry ork done excepionally r ice for this occasion. Send it early - . . . - WE WILL CERTAINLY PLEASE YOU ; CHERRY'S HEW LAUNDRY 5 For sale at a bargain. Has been meets at that pace December 16 and run about 100 days. Time given, on 17, for the round trip of $6.30. Tick- approved security. LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. t A Well Will Solve The Problem : J Twenty-five years' experience In the well-drilling business enables me to do your work properly and economically. I am prepared to ? J drill to any depth. " ASK ME FOR PARTICULARS AD REFERENCE RE CARDING' Wf LLS I DRILLED IN THIS COUNTY ' D. M. HUNT, La Grande Whitney, there was In the elghbor hood of $l,000,000'worth of fruits and vegetables shipped from Walla Walla, exclusive of Milton and Freewater and I and the adjacent towns, since the opening j of the season early last spring. . In all 1000 carloads have been shipped, be ing dlvded among vegetables, small fruits, peaches, ' apples, pears and prunes. This amount Is probably not more than half the total jrield of the vege table and fruit productions of the v Notice of Impoundment. Notice is hereby given that on the 7th day of December, 1908", I took up while running at large in the city f La Grande, Ore,, the . following de scribed animals, to-wlt: ' One" red and white cow, 3 or 4 years old; brand resembling H on left hip, ear maaks, square crop off left ear; square crop off and underblt and slit In right ear; marked with three du laps; Impounded December 1. Ximi i impounded said animal lu the city pound of La Grande, Ore., under and by virtue of the ordinance thereof and unless the owner claims pays the costs, and expenses of such Impounding and keeping of said animal at the expiration of 10 days from the date of this notice, adver-J Use and sell said animal as provided by the ordinances of Bald clty.- Done and dated at La Grande, Ore., this the 17th day or November. 108. . , JOHN W. WALDEN. Chief of Police. ets will be on sale December 15, 18 and 17. Final return December 21. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office of the Comptroller of tbe Currency. ; Washington, D. C, Ost. 13, 1908 Notice Is hereby given to all persons who may have claims against "The Farmers & Trad ers National bank of La Grande," Oregon, that the same must be presented to Walter Nlodner, Receiver, with the le gal proof thereof, within three months from this datt, or they '4 may be disallowed. ' 4 LAWRENCE O. MURRAY, Comptroller of the Currency. BOTH PHONES 4 4M4 BREAD GEORGE PALMER, President W. H. BRENHOLTS Ass't Cashier J. M. BERRY, Vice President C. S. WILLIAMS. 2d Ass't Cashier F. L. MEYERS Cashier Changed my Office To James R. Smith's jewelry store, where you will find Singer and th Whether & Wilson sewing machiaea. Tavmeiits can a)o be made to Mr. Smrth on acceunta. A. H. STONB, 1--l- Ageat ir Ce. fectlonery department, hot chicken ta- males, and thos wh enjoy these dV ;k;I(i '"ninflf "III the bear it ready toe yeur orderat E. D. Selder's sandy store. " LEROY LOMAX. AttorMy at Law. 61S-16 Swtlan4 Buildir.f' I La Grande National Bank Of La Grande, Oregon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $160,000 - UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY .. .aWECCORS M. Berry A. B. Confer F. J. Holmes F. M. Brjrkit C. C. PeMsngioa F. L. Mrsrs Geo. L. Oesver Sserft Pabr . f BCSSEY'S HACK LINE. 4 4. .44. 4 4 Best of service, Day and 4 4 Night Hacks furnished for 4 4 funerals and private parties. 4 4 Baggage transferred Day and 4 4 Night and Sundays. .4 4 Stand at Paul's Cigar Store. 4 4 'Phone Red til. 4 4 Night 'Phone Main 26. 4 4 4 4 4 4 E. L. BUSSEY. 4 4444444444444 Quick Transfer There Is a diff erence in bread. Have you tried ours vet? If vnn i have not, you ChnillH Yah man I be missing some thing. HOYAL BAKERY 444444444444444444444444 For Rapid Delivery Setvice CallUpU WILLCOCK BROS. We are in position to de any kind of transferring. tiHve as a trial order. Oalls answered tor sr alette Theses: ' ar. Red 761. Nlht, Black 1371. 44444-4444444444 BURGER and SEVERS0N La Grande, Ore. Phone Main 91 i; Real Estate and i; Loans, Fire and i; Life Insurance. C9LLECTIXG A6EMCY ; N.B. Lottg DisUtote Col : lection a Specialty i i OVER NEWUX DRUG CO. Hot CMian TasssM K- D. Solders has ade u M-ecUaaJ QxtSI