3(1 Health Is More' Expensive Titan Any Cure. This country la now filled with peo ple wh migrate across tho continent Jh all directions seeking that which gold cannot buy. Nine-tenths of them are suffering from throat and lung trouble or chronic catarrh resulting from nlected colds, and spending fortunes vainly trying to regain lost Health. Could every sufferer but undo the past and cure that first neglected cold, all this sorrow, pain, anxiety and expense could have been avoided. Chamberlain's cough remedy is fa mous for its cures of colds, and can always be depended upon. Use It and the more serious diseases may be avoided. For sale by all good dealers. 'How One Doctor Successfully Treats Pneumonia. "In treating pneumonia," says Dr. W. J. Smith of Sanders, Ala., , "thi'at our offices In La Grande, Ore. Our only remedy I use for the lungs la Chamberlains cough remedy. While, of course, I would treat other symp toms with different medicines. I have used this remedy many times in my medical practice and have yet failed to find a case where it has not controlled the trouble. object will be to bring new investors into this field, in order to do this we will need the co-operation of you prop erty owners. Wa ill (e al In farm and city property, timber land and stumD land, rentals and loans. Drop in and I have UBed it myself, as got acquainted whether you have ari7 has also my wife for coughs and colds j Ujlng to otfer or rot we will bo repeatedly, and I most willingly and . leaged t0 meet y , v.;r truly yours. cheerfully recommend it as superior to any other cough remedy to my knowledge. For sale by all good dealers. For a Timber Claim Call on Burger & Weverson, over New. lin Drug store. 'Phone Main 91. ' THE VAN DUfN REAt.TY CO. Rooms 5 and 6, Sorter Block. Both 'Phones. La Grande, re. Notice. To the Farmers and City Property Owners of Union County: Tou are cordially invited to visit us 444444444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 ED STRINGHAM, 4 AUCTIONEER. Sale cried on short notice Satisfaction guaranteed. No extra charge for distance. LA GRANDE - - - OREGON Route No. 2 'Phone No. 196x6 444444444444 4 4 R CTANOS rLVNOS FIANOS PIANOS PLVNOS FIANOS riANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS . PLNOS PIANOS PLVNOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS . PIANOS 1 . PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS , PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS TIANOS PIANOS TIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIAN08 PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANO PIANOS. PIANOS PIANOS PIANO BlttUW PIAN08 riANOS PJANOS W.VNOS RIANOS PIANOS PM508 TIANOS PIANOS FSVNOS PIANOS TIANOS PIANOS PIANOS DISCOUNT vOS 1 D ... . PLVNOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS rLVNOS PIANOS PIANOS PIVNOS PIANOS PIANOS VIAWO n.in PIANOS PLVNOS PIANOS PIANOS PLOS PIANOS PIANOS I . PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS vvi,,-.'! ""' PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS l'LVNOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS FIANOS PIANOS r ..I, ;V. PIANOS . PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS TIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS ? " PIANOS PIANOS f;J' PIANOS PIANOS f-. PIANOS '. ,V ". PIANOS H PIANOS PIANOS ; PIANOS TIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PLVNOS PLVNOS PIANOS PIANOS ANOS PLVNOS PLVNOS rLVNOS at the proper time means more fn the shrewd buver than words can tell Considerate of the welfare of our patrons, we have decided to make a 20 per cent discount on all of onr stringed instrume ts from now until Christmas. This means " that our $8.00 Violins will be sold for SA0 $ik. Violins for $U.80; $i0. Guitars for $8. $18. Mandolins for $k.hO. But the entire line is too numer ons to to itemise. Come In and see for yourself a iris.- Music Company 1306 ADAMS AVENUE Wa MANOS riVNOS PIANOS ri.VNCS FIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS WAN r2.So1 FtAXOS PIANOS PIANOS PLVNOS PIANOS PLVNOS PIANOS PIANOS PIAN PIANOS BLVNOS PLVNOS PIANOS PIANOS TIANOS PIANOS PIANOS rwaua rv WELL INCREASES ITS FLOW ONE IIUNDKEd'pER CENT . MOKE WATER, THAN BEFORE. Imblcr Artesian Well Gives Evidence of Being a Lasting One. Increasing its flow 100 per cent the artesian well on the Howell place near lrabler, Is giving evidence, of being permanent. D. M. Hunt, the well driller, received advices last evening to the effect that it is flowing just twice as much as the day it first started. This, In face of several days' flow, Is encouraging news to the owner of the well, and to the sur rounding farmers, as they hope to be able to strike similar wells. The flow will be allowed to continue for some time yet, to learn the strength and lasting qualities of the flow. The re markable part of It is that the water of artesian nature, is so near the sur face. If this well proves itself last ing, well drilling will be a profitable business in this county the coming year. ' 4 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed. 4 4 Send your suit to me and It 4 , will be returned to you looking 4 4 as good as whea new. Ladies' 4 4 wear given special and pains- 4 4 taking attention. L, H. WINN. - Over Newlln's Drug Store. 4444444444444444 I Gentlemen's dressing rolls and cases, leathered and leatheretta, at Silver- thorn & Mack's drug store. THE SCENIC ON PANTAGES CIRCUIT. 4 . ' 6. A. GARDINIER, Proprietor and Manager. 4 HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE and LATEST MOVING PICTURES. Change of Program Mondays, 4 Wednesdays and Fridays. . 4 Saved by Love. Lou Dunbar, German Come- 4 values' The real value of J your property de- : pends entirely upon : I the title NO CLUB MEETING. No Quorum Present and Managers' Meeting Adjourned Last Night. There was no meeting of the Com mercial club board of managers last evening, notwithstanding that the en gineer running the preliminary survey was present to make his first report. The meeting adjourned because there was no quorum present, to be called agian later In the week. President Collier has a schedule of business that will keep the board busy for several hours when it does get together." well Increases Its flow i a 1 9 dian. , A Dear Old Grandma. 4 Nature Faker. Comes to Grief. Aatkinson Bros., singing and dancing comedians. ' Matinee prices as usual. 4 Matinees: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons at 2:30 4 Children under .15 years of age Sc at matinees. 4 Evening prices: Adults, 15c; 4 children, 10c. 44444444444 4 4 4 4 DANGEROUS KISSING Woman Contracts Disease by K Issuing Corpne. Tacoma, Dec. 15. Mrs. F. E. Kll gore, wife of a local musician. Is seri ously 111 with what physicians pro nounce a well defined case of erysipe las. The physicians say that Mrs. KI1 gore contracted the disease when she kissed a young woman after death, who died from that disease. The In fection developed In the nose and her face is badly swollen. ' The woman is thought to be in a dangerous condition. $800 SACRI FICED $600. A good 6-room house and 120 by 150 grounds, in select neighborhood of La Grande; close in. The party who secures a deed to this will make them selves a Christmas present of $600,00. Mr. Local Investor and Homeseeker, show your faith In the future of La Grande by taking up this property. Owner (a non-resident) asks $1,900.00. Terms. For particu lars see The Van Duyn Realty Co. Both 'phones. 44444444444444 A properly prepared X ABSTRACT will show ycu the exact condition of ycur title THE LYRIC CALL AT 01R OFFICE I AND LET US EXPLAIN what nmumz MEANS TO YOU I L R. OLIVER- La Grande National Building Bank I Elks Attentlou. Tonight Is social night at the Elks. Elks and their ladies are expected to be present. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 H. B. PARSON, Proprietor and Manager. The Glided Fool. Nick of Time. "Take Your Girl to the Ball Game," Dreams of a Policeman. The Two Hoyts burlesque magic. T Ladies' souvenir matinee on Wednesday, 10c. Children's sou venir matinee, Saturday, 6c. High-class vaudeville, and the most realistic and interesting picture ever brought to the city. 44444444444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 The PASTIME THEATRE D.R.ECCLES, Proprietor Motion Pictures and Illustrated Songs PROGRAM Children of the East Love Affair in loyland Song by C. P. Ferrin Looking for the Bald Heads Toilet of an Ocean Greyhound Selection by Quartette Dissappearing Watch - Caesar Up-to-date Matinees: TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY Program Changes: Monday, Wednesday and Fridays Open Every Day Except Sunday