La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 15, 1908, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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evening onsEitvrn. r.A on axdf, oheoox, ti'esdav, pecembeh is, ioos.
u drande fyenM Observer
rublifdied lhilly Except Sunday.
United Jrc Telegraph Sorvk-e.
Dally, (Ingle copy .Be
Pally, per month... 63c
Dally, six month In advance. . .$3.50
Dally, one year In advance. ... .$6.50
Weekly, six monthi. In advance. . 75c
Weekly, on year, In advance. , .$1.00
Entered at the postofflce at La Urande
23 secoud-C'lasw mutier.
This paper will not publish any ur.l-
Cle appearing- over a nom de plume
Signed article will be received ub
lect to the discretion of the editor
Please sign your article and save din
Adverliing Itatea.
DliDlay ad. rates furnished upon
Local reading aotlce 10c per line
flrt insertion: 6c per line for each
subsequent Insertion.
Resolution of condolence, 5c a line.
Card of thank, 5c a line.
At Eugene the high school faculty
la nrmrtnor'iwar on cigarette smok
ing. This Is a move that could well
be emulated In other high schools of
the northwest. It Is doubtful If mok
Ing prevail any more at Eugene than
Olgurette smoking and the use of to.
bacco In general Is a vice that should
be kept out of the schools. Especially
hould It be rigidly under the bun In
hie" schools and In the grades. In
colleges and universities more latitude
Is allowed, yet even there the UHe of
tobacco Is frowned upon.
The UHe of tobacco will stunt the In
tellect of a student and it will injure
him physically. The student who
smoke cigarettes or uses tobacco In
any other form cannot be the student
be would be otherwise. He cannot be
a good athle's If he use tobacco to
excess nor can he do full Justice to his
school work. -'. '
If after a man is fully grown he de
sires to use tobacco that J another
.matter. But In high ehools, where
character is in the mouUW.where stu
dents are being fitted,' morally, men
tally and physically, for their places
in the world tobacco should be bar
red. School faculties make no mistake
In demanding that students leave to
bacco alone. If they are wise and
practical they will do that very thing.
Pendleton East Oregonidn.
, i - ' "
When we stop and reflect a moment j
- v as a country are adding some dig
jQjt to become longtlvlty. This week !
la Portland the Methodist Taylor '
street church in Portland celebrated)
it $0th anniversary. Sstnll fHetoW?,
J-n 184$ completed an organization
-With ReV. Jame H. Wilbur, common
ly known all over the northwest a
"Father Wllber," a the foundor.
Sunday SO voice were In the choir.
Taiuno ire srevr-r " rrat coun
try, and will continue to grow. When
Father Wllber first stepped Into Port
land there were but IS houses; Ore
gon City was a trading post and Salem,
aow the capital of the state, wa
mission station. When the first church
wa erected, mechanic received $12 a
day and the lumber cost $12 per 1000.
St. Caudcns Memorial.
Washington, Dec, 15. With a re
ception at which addresses will be
made by Secretary Root and the am
bassador of England, France, Italy,
Japan and other nations, the Ameri
can Institute of Architects opens today
the most notable meeting and exhibi
tion in Its history. The occasion takes
on the importance of a solemn func
tion, on account of the inauguration
of the St. Gaudens memorial exhibition
which may form the foundation of a
permanent memorial to the great
American sculptor. The American ln
Ktltute is composed of all the archi
tects" societies In the country, and
scores of distinguished architects anil
artist nre here for the gathering. The
institute has repeatedly displayed It
true public spirit and rendered many
a distinguished piece of public service.
It annual meeting Is usually signalized
by the introduction of some fruitful
Idea of wide interest and far-reaching
effect. The government' practical
ielatiotm to the profession are import
ant In view of the fact that the public
building expenditure average about
115,000.000 a year.
exchange In Portland and nine other
Main cltle and other property, right
and franchlso of . the Northeastern
Teleuhone comuany will be sold at
public auction tomorrow, under a do
cree of foreclosure and sale. The up
set price Is named at $275,000.
Mil German Picture.
Berlin, Dec. 15. One hundred and
fifty paintings and 50 drawings select
ed from the museums of Germany by
an Imperial commission were dis
patched today on the steamer Kaiser
Fried rich der Grosse, to be shown at
the Mntropolltun Museum of Are in
New York, beginning Janaufy 4. The
art collection In one of the most nota
ble ever sent to America for exhibition
and Include the! bost example of the
work of Lenbach, Kaulbach, Thoma,
Llebemann and Rudolph von Hoffman.
England' King Falling.
London, Dec. 15. Frorri sources of
unquestioned reliability It wa learned
today that the royal family' physician
Is deeply concerned over the king's
condition, and that the king realize
the seriousness of his condition as evi
denced by the fact that he is unload
ing many government responsibilities
nn the shoulders of the Prince of
In case or-
ble the prop . ,
late these ore
them. Orino La
ncir ai ' " r.
nen u. m, "u'
out Irritating
y'.r, rult 8TUJ
aid digestion and si. '! . h llvei
and bowela wltnout Ir.-Ht Ji. theso
organs like pill or ordlna.'- c r
tic. It doe nt nauseate u ajA.
and I mild and pieswant to tak. V
T. Hill, druggist.
For sale ,a tract of land totaling 660
acre. , One hundred acre under culti
vation. A $1000 residence and oth
er good Improvements; sprn.f. water
enough for house and barns; creek,
across one 4 all for $5000 cash. Lo
cated six miles from town n R. F. X.
Figure It out for yourself. Write to
Indian Valley Realty company, Elgin,
the firm that stands for a square deal.
Sell Tnkiphone Ootrtpaay.
Portland, Me., Dec. It. Telephone
Pendleton Women Active.
Pendleton', Ore., Dec. 15. The wo
men of thl city have already raised
1 1800 of the $2000 desired for a li
brary here. The money was realized
through the sale of tags and member
ship fees. It is estimated by Mrs. S,
A. Lowell, that receipts from the tag
sales will reach $200..
Charge of Desertion Brought Aulut
Mun Who Wan Love Sick.
San Francisco, Dec. 15. William
McDonough, pay clerk of the battle
ship Missouri, now on the prison ship
Manila at the Mare Island yards, Is to
day awaiting trial charged with de
serting the ship at Amoy lo return to
this city to visit his sweetheart. H
wrote his resignation, but did not wai.
until it was accepted. He is well con
nected in the east. He dropped from
sight In Amoy several weeks ago whci
the transport Thomas arrived here. re,,
cently, McDonough wa a pansengei
He wa arrested before he reached tin
gang plank. ;
Court Martial.
Port Townsend, Dec. 15. The rev
enue service court martmi convened
here today! The court wa called to
listen to, the charges filed against
Boatswain William Grlep, of the cut
ter Thesis, accused of being absent
from duty without leave. The Thctlt
arrived from the Arctic ocean ' threi
Jay ago. ,
With Companion, Is Driven From Bcl-
lingham For Ever and Ever.
Belllngham, Dec. 15. Emma Gold
man, "queen of anarchists," and Ben
Reltman, "king of tramps," were es
corted to the train today under promise
to never return to Belllngham. .They
are now on their way to Vancouver.
They were arrested pnt night
charged with attempting to hold an
unlawful meeting. They were brought
to court this morning and placed under
$5000 bonds. Rather than remain In
Jail the couple were released on the
promise to leave the city.
StilMr ami Railroad Men Will Get
Tojrethcr n San Franclwo.
Pan Francisco, Dec. 15. Announce
ment was made today that the long
hoped for conference between the traf
fic officers of the Southern Pacific
and aSnta Fe, nnd representatives of
California shippers, will be held hero
beglnning tomorrow.
The shippers are protesting against
the threatened increases In transcon
tinental fivlKht rates. While It Is no!
Relieved the east nnd westbound trnf
flc enn be placed back on the ol:
schedule, there Is reason to hope that
radical nnd sweeping chancres will be
made on the rates on traffic In botl
Taft Honorary Chairman.
New York. Dec. 15. Taft was today
selected as honornry national chair
man at a meeting of the Women's De
partment of the National Civic Feder
ation. Mr. Horace Brock of Phll
delphia. w elected chairman.
No. 1 6-room house, bath, toilet,
pantry, goo cellar, wired for lights;
also some good furniture. Location
on Jefferson avenue. $2,000.00.
No. 2 7-room house, fair condition,
4 lot on W street. $1,000.00.
No. 3 5-room house, bath, toilet,
pantry, cellar, wood house; wired for
lights; location on First St. $2,100.
No. 4 6-room house, bath, toilet,
pantry, wood house; wired for lights;
location on Z street. $2,000.00.
No. 5 5-rooms, bath, toilet, pan
try, fair cellar, barn; 2 lots set to good
fruit trees; I location on 2nd street.
$2,000.00. 4
No. 6 4-room house, barn, two lots,
Location on Trowbridge St. $1,000.00.
No. 7 6-room house, wood house,
one lot. Location on First street.
$1,200.00. v
No. 8 6-room house, hen house.
wood house, 2 lots. Location on S
street. $1,000.00.
No. 9 6-room house,, pantry, large
barn, 20 bearing fruit trees; elegant
outside home place. Location on
North Fourth street, $2,500.00.
No. 10 5-room house, 3 lots; 12
fruit trees. Location North Fourth
street. $1.1700.00.
No. 11 4 rooms, cellar, wood house,
some fair furniture with house. One
lot. Location on S street. $1,200.00.
A part of the above list can be pur
chased with one-tenth down, balance
easy payments.
No. 12 4-room house; 4 acres land,
1 shares water; Wood house. 1,
No.' 13 3-room house, 1 acre land,
1 share water; good wood house; nice
lot berry bushes. $1,050.00.
No. 14 5-room house, 3 closets.
pantry, cellar, wood house, nh 2 acre
best .land near town; 2 shares water;
fine berry bushes; fruit trees. $2,-
250.00. .
No. 15 3-room house, 1 acre land.
1 share water; wood house. $950.00.
No. 16 20 acres, 2H miles from La
Grande. AH In cultivation; running
water on place; " no buildings. $!,
No. 171$ acres. 4 year-old or-
chard; 5-room house nearly finished;
all new; good water for place; one
mile from postofflce. $5,400.00,
No. 18 40 acre near Summervllle;
2-room house, log barn; mostly fenced.
No. i 1C3 seres: 40 rs?r- r.i.r,dtd
Umber: 12 acres under cultivation; 20
friut trees; . Srroom house, fair sta
ble; good water; partly fenced; lots of
wood on balance of farm. $900.00.
The above is a partial list of real
estate we have for sale, Let us know
your wants and we will try and supply
your needs.
Foley Block.
This Is a Christmas shopping place for everybody to solve any sort of a gift
buying problem. Gifts her for every one of the family-for baby1, brother, sis
ter, master, miss, mother, father, grandma and grandpa.
and it's a shopping place for every price. A few cents will purchase a pleas
ing little gift, whose appearance belies its cheapness, or Fifty dollars or more
can be spent on one article of rare richness and elegance.
And what is important-no matter the
amount you want to spend-that amount has
greater purchasing power here than elsewhere
The Quality Store"
WW ' i'
Phonographs will be popular for
gift purposes this year. We carry s
fine line and have hundreds of the
most desirable records.
Xewlln Book and Stationery Co.
Somotlilng New.
A beautiful line of the famous Ri
ser, hand-colored photographs of
American scenes. The latest Christ
mas greetings and mottog. Only a
limited supply of each. If interested
In these you will do well to call at once
906 Main Avenue.
Saved by my Method of
Dli&lni Wells
Mo Wood Used
Gasoline Engine Saves
j you much time and mon
ey. Instruction in Gaso--
line Engineering .'.
Call or Write
i; R. A. WEST, ii
The Well Driller j;
Grande Ronde Lumber Co.
for 16 inch Chain Wood Delivered at yovr ilcme.
Call up V. C. BEAN, La Crandc. Tfccne, Red 1741
f .,.....
- ...
T. J. CRAY Prop. ( New Management)
to see some of our high grade
coal carried Into your cellar.
Didn't know there were grades
In coal? Why there are almost
as many as there are of eggs or
butter. Let ue send you the
kind that will prove by the per
fection of the kitchen fire that
our coal Is different than the
ordinary and decidedly better.
Rates $1.00, $1.25, $1.50
Best 25c meat in the city
Beds 25c and SOc
All outside rooms. Board
and lodge $6. pet week
One block from depot
Only house in the
city employing
white help only
- y
0. E. FOWLER . Phone Main 10 j
Gomplete equipment for resetting and repairing
rubber buggy tires.
. D. FITZGERALD, Preprittor .
Complete Machine Shops tad Foundry