UUIIT PAGES. 1AGK TWO. VfEElCLT cnsEJlVER. LA GRANDE, OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBFJl 15, IOCS, COUNTRY BOYS WANTED LOR BUSINESS POSITIONS Butnesa men of Oakland ami San Francisco, and other largo cities, wunt oung men reared In the country to prepare for commercial positions. Ex perience has ahown that the average boy from the farm has hablta of In dustry and Integrity that make for euccess. The Polytechnic Business College of Oakland, Cal., ha made a phenome nal record In training and placing young men and women In business positions and the College la located as "Little Johnny Jonca." Our local theatergoing pulJIo will be regale don Thursduy, December 17, with the firs tperformance In this city of lust season's greatest musical siic- ' ces, "Little Johnny Jones." which will . be presented It la promlned In this raluiiiiii. rty wah all the beautiful and realistic An Illustrated catalogue m . scenery, ugnung eiieci ana preuy nnu fr tn invnni who will write to tasteful wardrobe which made Its to provide homelike accommodations at very low rates. It U said that every young man who has taken the complete course In busi ness training at vhls College has re rv neniunrtlv employment upon Prof. W. E. Gibson, J06 Twelfth St., OaHau. O'. Merchants! Save 3w,vvu x In 1907 the Merchants ? $10,000 by carrying a part of their Insurance in their own company, the Oregon Merchants Mutual Fire As surance Association, of Dayton, Oregon. In 1908 they will save $15,000. During the same period their neighbors were hand ina over $1,509,000 in profits to outside companies In the Oregon Merchants J Mutual you et: INSURANCE AT COST f A LIMIT TO YOUR LIAB1L- f ITIF1 I PROMPT SETTLEMENT OF f LOSSES Viollm ana Viola Instruction. Miss Young will open a studio to a limited wumW of pupils at the home of Mrs. Harriet K. McDonald, 11 Sixth street. 'Pohne Black 402. Ex cellcat preferences glvea. i . W. OLIVER, Agent COME TO OAKLAND FOR BUSINESS TRAINING OLYTECHNIC BUSINESS COLLEGE Polytechnic Buxinesa Cotelge and School of Engineering, 806 Twelfth Street, Oakland, Calif, offers by far the best facilities ever provided in the west for high-grade business training. This large institu tion Is like a series of large business offices where students are trained In, actual business practice. Every grad uate of the complete business course of this college Is employed. Pleasant, home-like places In private families, for young mn and women, are re served, practically at cost. Courses In business training, short hand and typewriting, telegraphy, alxo civil, electrical, mechanical and min ing engineering. College Journal and one dozen rnraN with your name wrltteu thereon will be sent to any one upon request. FREE long runs In New York, Chicago, Bos ton and Philadelphia lat season no t i!jle and successful. "Little Johnny Jones" Is a musical melodrama In three acta written by George M. Co han, the author of several very suc cessful musical plays. The company flint will pruwnt "Little Johnny Junes' in this city is one of unusual excel lence numbering fully 75 people with a chorus of 40. The music of "Little Johnny Jones" Is said to be most catchy, and attractive, and Includes a number of song hits that have attained great vogue throughout the country. The most notable of these songs per haps an dthose most familiar to our theatergoers are the "Yankee Doodle Boy," "Give My Regards to Broadway, "Good-bye Flo," "Mile. Fauchette" and "They're All My Friends." No musical piece was presented last season that scored a more emphatic success than "Little Johnny Jones." The Interest manifested over the engagement in this city has been very great ever since, the announcement was first made that "Little Johnny Jones" was to be pre sented here. Therefore a crowded house Is already assured. Notice of Annual Mooting. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the EaHtern Oregon Trust and Havings Bank, will be held at the banking rooms of the corporation, on Thursday, January 14th, 1909, at 2 p. m., for the eloction of a board of directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of n,ny otner busings which may legally come before the meeting. Tlio EaNicrn Oregon Trust & BttYliixi Bank, Uy GEO. L. CLEAVER. Decl2Janl2 Cashier. ! 7 J We Want Year Wants irv t THE LATEST AND PRETTIES! Holiday Gifts COLLARS. BELTS, PURSES TOYS and BRIC a BR1 EJri.WELLTUlN if CO. APAMS AVENUU To Vote on School Bonds. Freewater, Dec. 14. The directors of district No. 31, Cmatllla county, have called a school meeting for De cember 29, for the purpose of bond ing the district. The proposal Is to -submit to the legal voters the question of contracting' a bonded debt for $35. 000, $25,000 of It to be used for a new eight-room brick school to be located on "the site where the Central building now stands and $10,000 to build a nwi four-room, brick school building at Freewater, where the old one now stands. The vote will be by ballot. This plan meets with the hearty ap proval of the people of 'both cities and it Is likely that on December 20, there will be a big vote polled to bond the district. For Eczema, Tetter and Salt Rlieum The Intense Itching characteristic of any or all bids, these ailments Is almost Instantly al layed by Chamberlain's salve. severe cases have been cured by It. I CALL FOIt BIDS. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned will receive up to noon Thursday, the 7th day of January, 1909, at his office in La Qrande, Ore gon, sealed bids for the purchase of the following described real estate, to wit: Commencing at a point 521 feet south of the NE corner of the SW4 of section 19, township 4 south, range 40 E. W. M thence running south 417 feet west, west 208 feet, thence north 417 feet, east 208 V4 feet to place of beginning. Also, commencing 938 feet south of the NE corner of the NW of the NV4, section 19, township 4 south, range 40, E. W. M., running thence outh 812 feet, westl253V& feet, north 343 feet, east 253 feet to place of beginning. Also, commencing 250 yards north of the SE corner of the SW4, sec tion 19, township 4 south, range 40, E. W. M thence west 80 rods, north 40 rods, east 80 rods, south 40 rods, to place of beginning. Also, beginning 30 feet due efist of the NE coi ner of the .NW14 of the SWU. section 19, township 4 south, range 40, E. W. M., runlnng thence due enst along line between NV,4 and SWVl 611 feet, north 4 feet, west t 511 feet, south 4 feet, east 511 feet to place of beginning. Together with all water rights belonging thereto. Said land being commonly known as tho "County Poor Farm,"" situated nt , Union, Union county, Oregon. Said bids shall be accompanied with a certified check of five per cent of the purchase price of said land. The county court of Union county, Oregon, reserving the right to reject Our Want Ad Column Your want it placed before & thousand or more want-seekers every day Can you afford to spend one cent per word of your want ao where result are the keynotes? WmMWfHW44MM4W44HH4H FOR RENT. FOK SALE. For Kent. I have some nice pleasant rooms for rent, with or without board. Transient people solicited. Mrs. Laura L. St'ults, 1(20, corner Sixth and Spring. ... ,i - . For Kent or SmIc. A six-room furnished house; will scN furniture and rent the house, or will sell both furniture and house at a bargain. LA GRANDE INVESTMENT GO. FOR RENT Three-room house on Second street. Inquire of Maggie Mahaffee, corner Washington and Second streets. FOR RENT Five-room house; close in. Inquire at Geddes grocery. FOR RENT Seven-room house, with bath. Mrs. Ralston, 1409 "Washing ton Ave. 'Phone Black 1041. FOR SALE Two to four acres of suburban property, well Improved. ThoneBlack1 1532, or ace E. w. Kammerer, 2004 Adams avenue. FOR SALE Small house and a Ho 120-foot lot. Buy from owner ana save commlsslcner'e fee. Inquire of J. Bachant, Cherry street Land for Sale. 40 acres of fruit, garden or alfalfa land for sale cheap if taken soon. D. Huffman, R. F. D. 2. La Grande. For sale. Lady's saddle and bridle, as good as new; also, three fox terrier pups. Bell 'phone Red 871. WANTED. WANTED To rent a 5-room cottage Call Black 1752. WANTED To sell or exchange 10 acre fruit ranch In bearing, with many improvements, forLa Grande city property. Telephone B'ack 932 WANTED Two unlmpYoved loU; must be well situated and reasona ble in price. Cal) on or address T'.ie Van Duyn Realty Co. Both 'phonos. I y ur en I uiuo, Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this . j WRlC Many 6th day of December, 1908 I ED WRlGHT, County Clerk. '. . ... . -i. For a I-nino Back. When you have pains or lameness In the back bathe the parts with Chamberlain's liniment twice a day, massaging with the palm of the hand for five minutes at each application. Then dampen a piece of flannel slight ly with this liniment and bind It on over the eat of pain, and you may be surprised to see how quickly the lame ness disappears. For sale by all good dealers. For Sale. The George Hansen property. Sev en room house with bath and pantry, closet room, corner lot; good location. Street and sidewalk improvements done; "part cash. Terms made known on application. A bargain if taken soon. Inquire at Ferguson book glore. 12-3-lm FURNITURE FOR SALE A snap if taken at once. Mrs. Fred Housh, at 1701 Fourth street. " FOR SALE Lot, house, barn, etc.; centrally located. $750.00. centrally located. Burger &. Sever son. P. O. Box 124. 'Phone Main 91. FOR SALE Good, well-paying busi ness, $560.00. Burger & Severson, . P. O. Box 124. 'Phone Main 91. FOR SALE Lot in- North La Grande. $130.00. Burger & Severson. P. 0. Box 124. 'Phone Main 91. . to r A 1 1, i! uajkSSC lb BEGINNING MONDAY, DEC. 14, ENDING SATURDAY, DEC. 19 jininmiv ' I J1' 11 il m m iik. sjiihij iuijnu Jii i w irwfc (()) f 5, . 9 I 9 . will place on sale at half price for the above period, Dolls, Bric a-brac, Pictures, Clocks, Ladies, Misses and Chilkren's Coats, Ladies's Tailored Suits and Millinery as well as large Special lots of piece Silks, Dress Goods, Silk Waists, Tailored Skirts, Embrodered Pieces, Lunch Cloths, etc. etc. ' A Most Wonderful Offering in the Hieht of thz Holiday Season Wc made a very fortunate buy in cur Holiday stock this ytar--securing them at cibcut 50c on the dollar, anefwant to give our patrons the benefit. The other goods mentioned above, we are "throwing in for good measure." All goods maiked in plain figures COME EHRLY IS THE BARGAINS CANNOT LAST LONG N. B. Owing to the extremely low prices made on the above lines we will be unable to allow the usual premium w XT a" JJ 1 1 f La Grande's Leading Dry Good and Clothing Emporium The Temple of Economy