La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 15, 1908, Image 1

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    III I T I
volume vra.
Washington, Doc. 15. Asking that
the government proocute JoHcph Pul
itzer, publisher of the New .York
World, tor libel upon the ground tha'.
the food name of the United States In
connection with charges of fraud in
the purchase of the Panama canal,
Koosevelt today sent a vlgoroutily
worded special message to congress.
He transmitted all records and papers
concerning the deal. The message
"In view of the constant reiteration
of association of corrupt action with
the government In the acquisition t
the Panama canal, I deem it wise, t.
submit to congress all the Information
I have. The stories first brought
tny attention, as published, In the In
dianapolis News, are scurrilous, libel
ous and false.
"Delavan Smith, publisher of the
Indianapolis News, shelters himself be
"hlnd the excuse that he accepted the
statements of the "World. The real
offender Is Pulitzer. The great Injury
Is blackening the good name ot the
American people. It should hot be
left for a private citizen like Pulitzer
to do with us h p1aee. . lla shouH
be prosecuted for libel by the govern
ment. '
."It Is Idle to say that the known
character of Pulitzer and, his paper Is
such that statements In his paper
should be believed by nobody, but un
fortunate there are thousands who be
lieve the statements they see printed,
even though they are In Pulitzer's pa
per. Congressmen are actually In
duced to- introduce a resolution with
reference to these charges."
The president then quoted the spe
cific charges as published,, bringing In
the name of Charles Taft, a brother
of the president-elect; Douglas Rob
inson, a brother-in-law of the presi
dent. ' '
The message continued: "The state
ments sometimes occurred In the edi
torial columns and sometimes in the
news columns; they were false In
every particular from beginning to
end. The wickedness of the slanders
ore surpassed only by their fatuity.
The Inventor of, the Taft story evident
ly suppoamd that Taft was secretary f
war during some period of the Pana
ma purchase. He did not become sec
rotary until after the transaction was
closed. Inventor Robinson did not
take the trouble to ascertain If he was
connected In any way or phase ot the
deal. No shadow of proof can be pro
duced to support the stories. , They
consist of strong. Infamous libels. . In
form they are In part libels of Individ
uals Robinson and Taft for Instance,
but In fact, they are libels upon the
government. It Is a high national duty
to bring Pulitzer, ' who only seeks to
connect the government with the
wrongdoings, of the basest and foulest
kind, to Justice. The attorney general
Is considering the form of prosecu
tion." , f '( "' ,
The remainder of the message is de
voted to a description of the methods
of purchasing the canal.
mm term
Wan Who Stole ft Watch From Inmate
of Rcdllght DlMtriot, Gets Two Years
' Wan Drought Front the South on
a Charge Tltat Later Was Dismissed
as Insufficient WU1 Appeal Case to
he Supreme Court at Once Stay In
Commitment. ' . , ,,' ' ' J
- ( , -.. - .. - '
Two years in the penitentiary at Sa
lem for stealing a watch from an In
mate of the restricted district, is the
fate which was meted out to James B.
Officer, erstwhile dellveryman for the
Cherry Laundry In this city. Calmly
enough, Officer was given his sentence
today noon by Judge J. W, Knowles.
He was Immediately remanded to the
custody of the sheriff and taken back
to his cell.
Character Good In the Part.
"There are several other Indictments
against you," said the court, when Of
ficer stood up to receive sentence,
"but this court cannot consider them.
I believe the Jury was Justified In find
ing you guilty, on the evidence pro
duced. But as a man before the crime
was committed, the court has known
you Intimately for some time." He has
known that you worked for a small
compensation at an honest vocation."
Further, the court pointed out how
Officer was, to all appearances, an ex
emplary man, but might at the
of committing this specific crime, have
had Intentions of committing w.r.
But such a supposition would have nu
bearing on the case In this instance
of pronouncing sentence. "It is deem-
(Continued on page 8.)
laud Prices Shoot Up and No Sales Arc
Made Half-IIearted Interest Evi
dent Before by Sandridge Farmer
Disappears for Sharp Rush for Wa
ter RightsScattering Tracts Can
Be Had, But Great Bulk Stands aJ
1)1 DS) Per Acre Already. . '
). "
t . . '.
L'uuiVtdge land is not for sale. A
short time ago land, the best there
was, could be had for $50 at the most,
but now there Is very little if any for
Bargains in Ready-made Goods
Prices Cut in Two. Last o ith seasons ready
made goods must be closed out regard
of cost. Our stock is being reduc-
stf tirtr Kim
ladies' Suits
We have only a fewladles' Suits
left to be closed out at ridiculously low
1 15 black Serge goes at $45
1 $12.60 black Serge goes at . . .$2.35
1 $25.00 black Cheviot goes at ..$0.85
1 $18.50 black Cheviot goes at . .$9.S5
1 $47.50 brown stripe goes st . .$28.85
Hats Half
All ladles' Trimmed
$10.00 Hats, to close, at
$8.50 Hats, to close, at
$8.50 Hats, to close, at
it no Hats, to close, at
$2.00 Hats,' to close, at
ladies' Waists
$8.50 wool and silk Waist, reduc a
$6.50 all-weol and silk tfalsts, re
duced to . ...$2.5
Wash Waists, lot 1, reduced to 5c
Wash Wralsts, lot reduced to . . . .$1 5
Misses' Coats
, Our stock of Mlfses' Coats Is very
large and we have, decided to make
prices that will move thum.
Lot 1 Children's Coats, values to
$3.50. at . .." $1.00
Lot 2 Misses' Coats, values to
$6.50, ages to 14 years ...... .$2.85
Lot 3 Misses' Coats, values to
$8.50, ages to 14 years $1.85
ladies' Skirts
You know our" reputation on the
famous "Beverley Skirts." To buy
these at the prices we are offering
them Is surely an inducement.
Skirts, in value to $5.00, to close $1.95
Skirts, in value to $8.50, to close $1.85
Skirts. In value to $12.50, to close
ladies' Coats
Lot 1 Ladles' Coats, values to
$10.00 250
Lot 2 Li dies' Coats, values to
$15.00 ..$185
This Is a reminder. If you want a
coat, decide Quickly.
La Grande, Oregon.
sale. One piece of land that Is known
of, could be purchased at $75 per acre
but the owner Is not particularly
anxious to sell even at that figure.
The general price Is $100 per acre.
Local real estate men woh have deal
ings out there, say that the owners are
holding back in anticipation of the
coming Irrigation ditch.' They refuse
ti sU nt any reasonable figure.
Subscribe Liberally.
Not only are the men holding back
from a standpoint of land sales, but
the Sandridge farmers are holding
their land for water. They are sub
scribing liberally. The first day Mr.
Mckennon who, by the way, is the
great subscription getter of the conn!;-
was discouraged with the result
his canvass, but yesterday he was out
again and this morning said hla most
sanguine hopes had been weak. The
subscriptions secured were both liberal
and large. The farmers want the wa
ter badly and are taking anywhere
from 10 to 60 acres of water rights.
Since It has become known that the
entire Sandridge country can be wa
tered, there has been new vim In the
Irrigation proposition..' In the past,
the land owners were not certain that
the ditch would be satisfactory.
Congress or Oregon State Irrigation
Association Convenes In Baker City
Tills Afternoon Prominent Men
: From Many PIiumcs of Irrigation to
Speak L Grande's Irrigation Boos-
tera Among the Number More Will
Go Tonight From Here.
San Francisco, Dec. 15. The body
of Chief of Police Blggy, lost from the
police patrol boat on the night of No
vember 30, was found today In the bay
near Ooat Island.
As soon as the Key Route ferry boat I
kfrom which the body was sighted, ar
rived at the slip, the police were noti
fied. Sergeant James Donovan went
out In a launch and towed the body
to the foot of Mission street, where
It remained in the water until the cor
oner's deputies arrived.
By this discovery today Is dispelled
all doubt that the chief of police Is
not dead, but alive and In hiding. His
suicide followed the threatened prose
cution of the police department for
not protecting Haas, the would-be as
sassin of Francis J. Heney. .
The remains were badly decomposed
and extreem care was exercised in the
handling, lest limbs be torn from the
body. .
It required little effort to positively
Identify the well known figure of San
Francisco's former chief of police. "...
Blggy's hands were clasped behind
La Grande's delegation to the state
Irrigation congress at Baker City, took
its departure this morning and will be
augmented in numbers tonight by oth
ers who are desirous of going, but
could not leave this morning.
Union county, Itself so much In need
of new Ideas along Irrigation lines, Just
at this time, has sent a set of" delegates
who will absorb as much of the learn
ed addresses as any set of men could,
und when they return. It will be to tell
their fellow citizens of what was done
at the great congress now In session.
Among those to go this morning were
J. D. McKennon, J. E. Reynolds, J.
M. Berry and Turner Oliver. Others
The Congress Program.
Baker City, Dec. 15. Today, at 2
p. m.. In Elks' hall, the Oregon Irriga
tion congress convened In one of the
most Improtant sessions that has. ever
been held In this state. There was In
attendance a number of the very best
Informed men In the state of Oregon,
as well as from neighboring states,
who will take part In the proceedings
and elucidate the great value of Irriga
tion products In Oregon.
The program for the, congress Is:
"The Conservation Movement," Hon.
Stephen A. Lowell.
"Irrigation In Western Oregon," A.
P. Stover. United States Department of
"Forestry." E. T. Allen, chief In
structor forest reserve.
"Hydrographlc Survey and State Co
operation," J. C. Stevens, United States
geological survey.
"Irris-ation a Factor In the Develop
ment of Oregon," Dr. James Wlthy
combe. Oregon experiment station.
"Irrigation Development and "ture
Possibilities In Baker Coitn'y," J. A.
"The Work or fie neclnmatlon Ser
vice in Oregon," D. C. Henry, super
vising engineer, reclamation service.
"A Comparison of the Wyoming and
Idaho Systems of Adjusting Water.
Rights," Clarence J. Johnston of Wy
oming. "Investment Discouraged Through
the Inadeouarv of Present Water
Laws," John H. Lewis, state engineer.
.... , ' - . ' .. f
Chief of Police Actunlly Suicided Theory of Hiding
' 1
U DbcUed by the Dis
covery Today of Body, Badly Discomposed Haa Been In the Water Since
N'vrvl)cr SO, When Prosecution of rollee Department Seemed a if As
sured Fact Towed ANltore. r
Negroes Combat White Plague."
Tuskegoe. Ala., Dec. 15. Represen
tative negroes from many parts of the
country are assembled at Tuskegee In
stitute today, responding to the call of
Dr. Booker T. Washington for a fegro
congress for the Study and Preven
tion of Tuberculosis. The Internation
al association has installed an extens
ive exhibit at the institute, which will
remain open throughout the week.
Statistics are presented showing that
the negro race is especially susceptible
to the dread disease, and leading col
ored educators, physicians, clergymen
and men of affairs will deliver ad
dresses. In which they will attempt to
rouse the colored people of the coun
try to the necessity of beginning' an
active warfare against the plague. The
program arranged, for the six days of
the conference and exhibition follows
closely that of the International con
gress on 'Tuberculosis recently held In
hla back,' Indicating he made no strug
gle. A revolver was found In his over
coat pocket, believed 'to be the same
one given him by Police Commissioner
Kelt on the occasion of Blggy's visit
to Kelt's home at . Belvldere, - and
thought lost before he jumped from,
the patrol boat.
Washington, Dec. 15. The
president today nominated the
following postmasters In Ore
gon: N. E. Chambers, Arleta;
Charles W. Merrell, Bond; J. N.
Baskett. Freewater; Edgar Hos
tetter, The Dalles; O. M. Rlchey,
La Grande.
McCoy Jury Returns a Verdict of
Guilty as Charged Was Out On
Hour and 45 Minutes Went to the
July at Shortly After Noon Finn
. Attorney for the Defense, Makea a
Long Argument Will Be Sentenced
at Nearby Date.
- ' After being out one. hour and
4 45 minutes, the McCoy jury re- 4
turned with a verdict of guilty
as charged. As this Is, a crime
of burglary In the night time, it
Is a serious offense, and the mln-
4 Imum sentence that can be Im-
posed is five years in the state 4
4 prison. Sentence will be read to
McCoy at a nearby date. ' - :
.t 4fr
At 1:30 this afternoon the case of
Raymond McCoy, now singly accused
of breaxlng Into a house on First
street and assaulting Mrs. Geytrup, the
half-witted woman formerly living
there with a half dozen children, in
the most deporable manner, was given
to the it men who heard the evidence.
Since yesterday McCoy has been atone,
his two alleged companions . having
been dismissed on account of lack of
All morning the attorneys argued
with, the jury. C. H. Finn went over
the testimony of the defense, pointing
out the weak spots In the chain of evi
dence presented by the state, all tend
ing, he said, to show that there was
room for doubt In the story told by
the little girl yesterday. The girl was
the principal witness for the state.
Identifying McCoy positively, but not
knowing the other Joint defendants.
For the state District Attorney Ivan
hoe addressed the Jury. The court'
Instructions were read as soon as the
afternoon session commenced, and tha
Jurors withdrew for deliberation.
In a long letter written and signed
by Secretary Cortelyou of the treas
ury department at Washington, J. M.
Berry is apprised of the fact that his
bid for site for the federal postofflee
building, has been selected. In addi
tion to a large mass of other business
details the epistle state that pnper?
making the trtrttfer of proptrlj will
be made out at tic e. Tills settles for
once and all iho rpeculatlon as to
where the postofflee building will be
The first news of(the selec-
tlon came In a telegram to Turner Ol
iver last evening from a private attor
ney at Washington, but the advance
news was today made official by the
arrival of the letter from the depart
ment. The Berry property Is located at the
angled corner of Fourth street and
Adams avenue, where there Is a street
(Continued on page 8.)