iolumjj vni. LA GRANDE, UNION OOCIOT, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 108. ! 1)2 WILL TAKE OVER TRUST; 111 ONLV TWO BANKS IX LA GRANDE IN SHOUT TIME. lulled Slates National Bank Will Ab rb anl Take Over the Eastern Oregon Trust Moans a Complete Relaxation of Ileal Efctate Business jlowy-Ccaver to Affiliate With La tirande National New Bank lo Open an Soon a Possible. Within the next 60 days the United State NaUonal bank will take over and absorb the Eastern Oregon Trust a savings bank of this city., and from J that time on there will be but two banking Institutions In this city, each a distinct Institution and entirely free ttom relationship with the other. The process of taking over the flourishing little bank will merely be for the new institution to assume as sets and pay liabilities of the dlsap- iwarln bank. The transaction w.ll follow the opening of the new bank early in Janaury the first week, if nosslble. But there is a great mass of preliminary work to do before the new bank can open its doors, and it may be that it will require a week of January to make the preparations. Drop Real Estate Business. Hereafter, or as soon as the trans fer Is made, neither bank of this city will loan money on real estate, a line of business now being profitably eon ducted by the Eastern Oregon Trust. Rational institutions are forbidden this privilege. Cloaver to Stay nere. George L. Cleaver, cashier of the bank that Is soon to become part and parcel of the new bank, will reafflllate himself with the La Grande National bank as soon as all business relative to the pen'llng transaction has been wiped out $10 M0'. Holiday T : r The Grandest Display of Christmas Goods ever in the city. VJe will not go into detail asto what ail we carry but you will find Fancy Goods, Toys, Dishes and Wearing II If By buying early you will save those worri some days iust before Christmas then you will save the pleasures of the occasion, also buying is easy when our stock is ggBSESBBkMMMVBBIBMMBtBMMMTB he ran MM U A fc-SS "DOPE" ATHLETES ONE MEMBER OP SIX-DAY RACE ALMOST KILLED. C rut-ting Six-Day Hoc? at Ninv Yurk In Nerve WracklngGlv Athletes Dope. New York, Dec. 10. The nerve- wrecking six-day bicycle race at Mad ison Square Garden has reached the stimulant" stage today, when several riders wr given powerful stlmuants to Keep them on their wheels. Seven teams are left In the race. One Is on the verge of collapse. Gordon Walker or Sydney, a member of the Austra lian team, fell from his wheel and was perhaps fatally Injured. APPEARS RUEF JURY IS UNABLE TO AGREE RUMORS OF BRIBERY FREELY f SPREAD AT COURT HOUSE Great Crowds Await Decision, of Jury In Run t n l'!oscou'.oi Expeild Quick "Guilty Decision Every Hour Aids Ruef's Chances of Di-agreem.-ct. San Francisco, Dee. 10. UnverlfleJ rumors are current this morning that the Ruef Jury slancs nine to three or ten to two, a majority favoring con viction. Ruef la pale, but confident. Ha pased the court room alt morn ing. Every hour the Jury is out is con- sldered as favorable to Ruef. The prosecution expected a quick veri!"t of guilty. When the Jury asked tiat evidence be read last night it w&j parent they were divide. Many think a disagreement will be the result '' Reports from the jury room indi cate that the deliberations are far (Continued on page S ) Apparel a t La Grande, Oregon. GREAT BLOWOUT: OF ONTARIO CAS CITIZENS ASSEMBLED IN GREAT ECSTASY OF JOY. Underground Explosion Hurls Rocks and Dirt High In the Air Well U.ui Boon Flowing With Gusa for Sev eral Days Drilling Slopped Pop ulatlon of Ontario Gathers to Wit ness Strange Freak of Nature Ex plosion 115 Feet Underground. . Baker City Dec 10. A special to the Democrat last night from Vale, says: . The strongest indications of any yet disclosed of the presence under the ground here of large quantities of oil came this afternoon in a series . of blow-outs and the resultant effects !n the well which is being driven by the Ontario Oil A Gas Co. composed of Ontario citizens, which Is operating at the south end of the town In the original -townslte. The first blow-out was heard about 5 o'clock and several others followed at lutervals of about one hour. The noise aroused the whole town and citi zens came out in large numbers. They were on the scene In time to see a veritable geyser of water and atoms and mud a distance of 110 feet above the top of the dorrlck. The explosions occurred 116 feet under the ground. Several days ago the company struck a gas flow which lasted for about 0 hours, until this morning, whea It was stopped to permit operations to con tinue.,. After- drilling-about Wet further a new and larger supply of gas was encountered, resulting In the Mow - outs. It Is believed the drill has ,.r..,..;ntered the very heart of the sup- D.v. r .- ens are Jubilant over today's do,ci'j..inenta. David R. Eccles, manager of the Pastime theator. left this morning for vaie. on ouBiiiesa iuuucib. Stock complete. If ORE ARRESTS FOLLOW A CONFESS! ' J - GR.NT LINCOLN' AND WM. RI'ILLMAN ARRESTED TODAY. Confession of diaries Roland Lend; to frosecutlon of Depot Street Tool Room Proprietor and 1U Employee Roland Arretted Wlille Drunk and Today Confesses, to Of fleers Trial Will Come With Arrest of Both Men "-Seems Clear Case. i Warrants are out for the tarrest of Grant Lincoln and William Splllman charged with selling whisky to one Charles Roland. It seems that yes terday evening Charles Roland, who resides In South La Grande, came down town and proceeded . to get "properly loaded." He was discovered In this condition by Officer Faulk, who iook him in charge and turned him over to Chief of Police Walden The chief had a quiet little talk which resulted in Roland telling where he secured the liquor and when District Attorney Ivanhoe was made acquaint ed with the facts the above mention ed warrants were Issued. The case will be heard In Justice Stewart's court and as soon as the ar rests are made the case will come to trial. Grant Lincoln la the proprietor of a soft drink establishment and ci gar store on Depot street The offi cers believe that they have a complete case;'' . : " This afternoon Constable Faulk ar rested Lincoln aad also Ralph A tkts son.' Judge Stewart issued a search warrant and placed It In the hands of Constable Faulk, who proceeded to trive the Lincoln Dlace of business a thorough looklne over. He found a iuart bottle of whisky behind the bar. He also found Ralph Atkinson tend ing bar there, and as his warrant gave him authority to arrest anyone who seemed to be In possession of the place he arrested the above mentioned bar tender. The trial will most likely be held this evening. Splllman at the time of going to press has not been ar rested. SCmilTZ AT LIBERTY. nirtrict Attorney's Office Treate For Mayor Kindly. San Francisco, Dec. 10. Former Mayor Schmitx, indicted for various felonies,, is at liberty today through the kindness of the district attorney's office. When Schmitz 'appeared In court yesterday with his attorney and former bondsman, William Dlngee, he was not prepared to offer a new bonds man. The .deputy dlFfrict attorney made no objection to a continuance until Saturday, although it Is stipu lated that Schmitz was to have a new bondsman yesterday. . IS IMPROVEMENT OF RIVERS AND IHRBORS DOUBTFUL. Affirms He Will Not Permit $100, 000,000 Bond Appropriation to Pawn, He Says. Washington, Dec. 10. Speaker Can non today threw cold water on the rivers and harbors congrees by llifrat- ening to oppose the organlxatlon plans, insisting that 'Talk is ch";.p. but action Is another thing." "'.".ere Is no hope of getting th ; ssary appropriation without IN- speaker's assistance. "I agree that the rivers and har bors should be sufficiently improved." said Cannon, "but let us be practical. If the rivers and harbor commission reports a bill providing for the issu ance of 1100.000,000 worth of bonds to meet the expense of the Improve ment of water . ays. I will not . Jte for It" DAVIS ACQUITTED FAMOUS DEATH PACT CASE COMES TO AN END. OnuUia 8orlety fe-andnl Ends In Ac quittal of Accused Took 19 BMIota First. Omaha. Dec. 10. Charles E. Davis was today acquitted of the charge of murder In connection with the famous triple death pact He was accused of killing Dr. Frederick Rustin under an agreement by which ho and Mrs, Ab bel Rice were to commit suicide as soon as Rustln was dead. It was learned today that one Juror held out for manslaughter and that 19 ballots were taken before a verdict was reach ed. Davis thanked each Juror. FULL PROGRAM OF FARMERS INSTITUTE SEVERAL UNION COUNTY MEN ON LONG PROGRAM. Frst Announcement of the Complete Program for Farmers' Institute at iHland City December IT Large Crowd AntUcpated for Instructive , Session. ' The full program for the coming Farmers' Institute at Island City De cember 17, has been announced. Por tlone of It are already before the pub lic," but today local committers having the. affair n Uiarge, - prepared the complete schedule of event. The in- stltute will prove Itself of great value to the farmers and it is believed that the attendance will be extremely large. The program is given herewith: m n m. Ouartat and chorus. "The Farmer Feeae Them All." "Horticulture Outlook in the Grande Ronde Valley." Prof. C. I. Lewis. Discussion. ' i ' Song. "Hog Industry la the Grande Ronde Valley," by R.. E. Reynolds. Discussion. , Song. " "Dry Farming." Prof. H. D. Ssud der. . -'' ,.' Recitation "Free Silver and Gold Standard," W. Roy Gekeler, ' "Chemistry of the Soil." Prof. C. E. Bradley. '. RninDaddv's Little Toss Boy Girl." Kate Gekeler. soclatlon Jasper. in Union County?" E. Evening Sewlon. D. . 7:30 K0r,g-Wlld Bird." Talk on "General Agriculture." by Dr. James Wlthycombe. Becitatlon "The Nature Fakers' Puzzle." by Etha Huffman. g0lo "Mandaley," by Alex Robert son. 1 ; An Illustrated stereoptlcoa leeture on "Breeds and Types of Livestock; the Agricultural College and Its Work." Important First: You savt money on everything purchased here, at a time when such saving is apt to be appreciated. Second: You find an unusual assortment of those qoods which make practical, sensible gifts. Third: You get quality. Whateves his, large or small, it is worthy and contains real value lor every cent of cost. Fine Perfumes, Imported and Domestic, in pack ages of all sizes and in bulk. Toilet articles, Brushes, Mirrors. Combs, etc. singly and in mbmations. Latest goods direct from the maker. Pocket Books and Purses infancy leathers especially suited for gift purposes. Better see first whether we have not what will answer best. If so you can buy yourself a gift with what you save. Newlin Drug Co. La Grande, Ore. PRESIDENT GREAT DILEMMA W ILEY-SULPHURED FRUIT INCIDENT IS INTERNATIONAL. Either Way Tliat President Roosevelt ' TurnM, He WIU Bring Down Wrath of Someone Freedom of Speech oit One Side, and Pure Food Laws en the Other French Wine Maketa Await Outcome Scientist la Deter mined to Act. Washington, Dec. 10. By his an- -nouncement that whether he Is dl missed from service, or would Ignore the president's request to refrain . from discussing the sulphured fruits until after a referee had paasM upon the merits of the question, Dr. Wiley, chief chemist of the department or agriculture, has placed President Roosevelt In the peculiar position of declaring against pure, food and free dom of speech. If the president heed the demand of western fruit men and-' nslsts that Wiley keep out of the con troversy. On the other hand, if the president does not order Wiley tot keep silent the fruit men will criticise Roosevelt for sot : giving them "square deal." Two weeks ago the French government,, through the em bassy here, Informed tie United b.'ates government, that In vlw of Wiley's statements, ' California sulphured fruits must be barred front France. France was notified that French wlats contain sulphur and that the Unite States would retaliate by barring theec whU nis .aCe sent a note apoI- oglzlng, saying the sulphured wlaes were not Injurious.. . Representative Needham of Cali fornia, will use this eorreepondeaos against Wiley. Oregon Dairymen. Salem, Ore . Dec. 10. One of .ths ' most Important Industries of the stat. is under discussion at today's meet ing of the Oregon Dairymen's associa tion, which has brought hundreds ef , delegates to this city. It Is stated tfca.v" the Tfclue of dairy products In. Orefsar last year was over 117.000,000.', . t WALLOWA BOY DEAD. McLonghlln Boy of Wallowa Died r" Ptomaine Forming. Ellensburg, WaHh., Dec. 10. Kelthf McLoughlln, aged 10, who Jived at Wallowa, Ore., died at tho home sf friends here yesterday after eating hk supper at a Chinese restaurant It la supposed to be a ease of ptomaine. poisoning. The remains; passed through La Grande this morning en route to Wal lowa, where the little boy's parents live.' -' J. A. Thronson Is In from Imbler today. He and bis family are now oc cupying their splendid new ranch home there. Holiday Facts e e' v r :