evening onsrnvEn, ea grander onncox, Wednesday, decemuer a, 1908. PAGE KEVEV.I 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 THE COOK W1I.E BE CLAD to see some of our high grade coal carried into your cellar. Didn't know there were grades In coalT Why there are almost s many as there are of eggs or butter. Let us send you the JOB PRINTING fOR BIGDAY EIGHT PAGES. rmFChrvnnhv PAIVLkkLAUI HIS term Includes everything from a visiting card to a full sheet poster aleaUeho a leather bound book. THE OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT Is equipped so thorough ly that we are able to handle "JOBS' with ease which to other offices would seem a real burden. COMMERCIAL PRINTING By this term we mean Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes and Office Stationery in general. THE OBSERVER JOB DEPART MENTIS in a position to fill OFFICE WANTS promptfy and satisfactorily. , ALL YOURS With Baker' splendid record tor having; entertained the state teachers' uroeiation In a cred'tatilo mfl.Tip.cr, it will noi be hard to make all the dole gates to the Irrigation congress, which meets here December 15. understand that the city Is to be turned over to them with a request that they auk for what they do not nee. The fact that It la an Irrigation meeting, dealing principally In water, hould make the event one easy handle, but there are those who claim that even dry farming congresses have delegates who do not follow the "dry" commandment. Whether this also ap plies to Irrigation delegates remains to be seen, and as the matter la of more or less uncertainty, Baker will make preparations so that all tastes may be satisfied and each delegate have what he 'likes. t ' Work to be done by this congress I Important, and there may be( several speakers of. national reputation pres ented stat what Is being done In other parts of the country In the way of Irrigation. It is expected that the federal government will have one or more representatives present to - en courage work along the lines of ' re claiming arid lands, and to give sug gestions as to how water may be made to do the moBt good. We have several Advertising Ideas w)iich we believe are good and will bring you results; if you care for them they are yours for the asking. Remember, good printing costs money and should be classed as an investment; poor printing is always an expense. Apply the trial order test and see in which class our work belongs. PHONE MAIN 13, TWO RINGS. J ' ; 44444 444444444444444444444444444 I Own Your Water System And Be Independent A Well WIN Solve The Problem (i -. : : ., v ... Twenty-five years' experience In the well -drilling business enables me to do your work properly and economically. I , am prepared to drill to any depth. . . . . CARDING WELLS I DRILLED IN THIS- COUNTY D M. HUNT, La Grande! .4444440 44444a4a44v4a4444a444 4 4 . : 4 4 44444444444444 4 4. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed. Send your suit to me and it , will be returned to you looking . 4 as good as when new. ladles' 4 4 wear given special and pains- 4 4 taking attention. : 4 4 L. H. WINN. t 4 4 . Over Newlin's Drug Store. . 4 4 4444444 4 444 4444 Pictures. Nice pictures not expensive at Ferguson's. With irrigation the chief topic In La Grande, it is no wondor that local business men who have been nameda delegates, will attend this convention. Others Interested fn irrigation and have not been named delegates, should make it a point to attend. President Collier -will undoubtedly provide cre dentials calling for a seat in the con vention. , V FORM GYMNASIUM CLASS. Ik D. S. Youngsters Will Hold Weekly - Gymnasium DrlllH. The young men of the I D. - S. church have banded themselves Into a gymnasium organization, and with a limited amount of paraphernalia at hand will commence a series of bene- flclaf evenings tonight. The boys will meet weekly and sometimes oftener to drill themselves along gymnastic lines, kind that will prove by the per-.. lection of the kitchen fire that our coal is different than the ordinary and decidedly better. 0. E. FOWLER . Phone Main 10 1 III Health Is More Expensive Than cold, all this sorrow, pain, anxiety ana' ' Any Cure. This country Is now filled with peo ple who migrate across the continent In all directions seeking that which gold cannot buy.. Nine-tenths of them are suffering from throat and lung trouble or chronic catarrh resulting from neglected colds, and spending fortunes vainly trying to regain lost expense could have been avoided. Chamberlain's - cough remedy Is fa mous for its cures of colds, and can always be depended upon. Use it and the more serious diseases may bo avoided. For sale by all good dealers. A Reorder. . We received this morning another health. Could every sufferer but undo shipment of the Christmas Ladletf the past and cure that first neglected Home Journal. Ferguson's. For a Tlmlior Claim . .. Call on Burger '& fcieverson, over New Iln Drug store. Thone Main 81. , 444444444444444444 44 mmoi , . .. .... - - . v.. ... There is a diff-1 erence in bread. $ Have you tried f oursyetf If you I have not, you should. You may be missing some f thing. ItHRISTMAS: v Laundry AVoik. Kaffce Klatcli. The afternoon Kaffee Klatch will meet Friday afternoon at the home of Miss Margaret Anson. 444444444444444 4 fffffff??????? fff?W?ffff ASK ME FOR PARTICULARS AND REFERENCE RE 4&4$4$$44$4S44$444$$4$4 S1EVJ ARB'S OPERA HOUSE u. n. o J C.VAKJJ, Mgr. and Prop. 4 4 I:. J. C ARPtlMTER Great Scenic Comedy Drama "Why Girls leave Home" Glean Wholesome Interesting Instructive WEDNESDAY, DEGEMBER 2nd 1 THD 2 Best Educator of one the Greatest Problems our Goun- try has to Pea! With Orchestra Seat, rd Orchestra Circle, ?5c; Dress Circlt, 60c; Gallery 4 Ks nd ROc. 5et on sala Monday morning. . Santo Clotheswasher The only Washing Machine made eji tlrely of metal. Better; than all other washing machines combined The only washing machine that sucks the dirt out of clothes. It does not rub the clothes and therefore does not wear and tear. A free demonstration at your home which will show you fn a practical man ner lust what It will do and leave you to Judge. G. C Scheurer, Agent for, Wallowa and Union County PHONE BLACK 1571 ROYAL BAKERY 44444444444444444444444444 You want your table linen and other Laundry wor k done excepionally ticc for this occasion. Send it early - - - . - - : . - f , ' -. ' WE WILL CERTAINLY I PLEASE YOU CHERRY'S NEW BOTH PHONES i 1 ..v.: 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 laundry! Done ! The Way Yon Want it done Df lie mini ihth ii ww..r vl invuif mill nuuac T. J. CRAY Prop. ( New Management) 4 Rates $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Best 25c meat in the city Beds 2Sc and 50c. All outside rooms. Board and lodge $6. per week One block from depot " 444444444 Only house in the city employing white help only 4 ' 4 4 4 TRY OUR SERVICE 4444444444444 o Your Trade dated Appr ec-l We appreciate your paironage and atfempt to show It by serving you with the best joods, the lowest prices and the most prompt delivery service. i ' : " : : ! PHONE MAIN 7 : A Trial Order Will Convince : - : A. B C. Laundry j City Grocery and Bakery, l 444444444444444 44444444444444444444444444444444 (T L POLACK, Prop PHONE MAIN 75 : 4 441