4. A' ) ' t' li- I i! Is ii i i t I:-' 5 T ' ' i I PAGi2 THREE, liifilWs inte iS Ladies Black Satin Petticoats, $1.23, $1.58 and $2.23 Large lot of Ladies' flannelette Wrappers, worth $1.50, Worth 50 per cent more On Scle at 98c GREATEST BARGAINS IN SHOES EVER OFFERED , .. , . , : ir Bos Overcoats QAr - ' Mens' Undemear-Full Suits for Ladies' 35cpo Hose Z JC $2.50 to $3.00 Values JOC the price of Drawers . - . - . - . TT - - - . . . fTTf TTTTT TIME AND GASH ! Saved by my Metuod of Digln Wells No T Wood Used Gasoline Engine Saves you much time and mon- I ey. Instruction in Gaso line Engineering .. v. Call or Write O 1. 1APOT The Well Driller CEMENT WORK AH kinds of Cement and Goncrete work. CONCRETE " BUILDING BLOCKS CEMETERY WORK No contract too large or too small. Satisfaction Guaranteed P. L ROBERTS PHONE BLACK 582 Treasurer V Call for City Warrants. Notice Is hereby given that there tin now funds on hand to pay all out standing warrants Issued on general ftimU of La Grande city, upo and In truding No. 6763. endorsed March 14, 1907. . Interest on all warrants on gen ral fund from No. 76S to No. 6715, In clusive, censes from this date. There are ',n funds In the treas ury to pay all warrants Issued against th water fund of I Grande city, up In and Including No. ?7. -ndnrrd n the water fund from No. Hi: to ETunSfO Equaled . . k a .a. a j ., . a. a j. j. ... j ... .. . . fTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTI July 7, 1908. Interest on all warrants No. 7768, Inclusive, ceases from date of this catL 1 Grande, Oregon, November 190S. J. K. WRIGHT, BW?JE? and SEVERSON i La Grande, Ore. Phone Main 91 Rea Esafe and Loans, Fire and f Life Insurance. COLLECTING AGENCY N.B. Long Distance Col- lection a Specialty 1 OVER NEWUN DRUG CO. 'VALUES'! The real value of your property de- pends entirely upon : the title A properly prepared I ABSTRACT : will show ycu the exact J condition of ycur title CALL AT OUR OFFICE I AND LET US EXPLAIN WHAT l 1 1 1 U n : MEANS TO YOU I :.?. OLIVER: I La Grande National Bank I I Building I llol lilck Tumale. E. D.'Selder has added to his con fectionery department, hot chit ken ta msles. nail thos, who -tjoy t!-;--p .V llclous dnintles. will find the best ever reedy fc your order at E. D. Welder's candy store. The worst failures are those suc rrp that have come at the cost of the soul. oisehveb. ia ntAvnr, rmroo. LAST OF THE GREAT wmMs in Ml 11 Beginning next Tuesday, four com posite observation cars will be added to the equipment of the Overland Lim ited trains between Portland and Green River, giving the Portland trav ejlng public identical service with San Francisco on the through trains and Portland has onty through car, which are hooked on ankl off at Green Klver junction, an the case may be, says a Portland paper. ' Word was received from the O. R, & N. officials from the main Harriman offices In Chicago, announcing that the four handsome electrically lighted cars would leave Chicago one a day begin ning next Saturday, and be put In service at Green River as -soon as they arrive at that point. The first one will pass through La Grande Tuesday morning and will arrive in Portland on Overlnnd No. 1 next Tuesday night, and the first one will luive Portland Wpitnmiiiiv mornlnr on Overland Lim ited No. 2. The cars bear very odd names, having been christened after ct-rtuln mountain peaks In Scotland, an follows;' Bendonm, Bealder, Ben evls and Belommd, the only differ ence being the the nume constat of uut the one worn. The addition of these observation cars is made for the purpose of meet ing the class of service which the North Bank road has been giving since that line was opened, and will mean "daylight" observation cars on the O. R. & N. up and down the Co lumbia. It Is understood that the requisition for the new equipment was not made by the local officials until on the vry eve of the opening of the Hill roml and that the cars were or- dered Immediately. Hrayed. ' Tuesday. November 2, black male hunting dog i pointer) white breast; carrying black leather collar with large ring. Finder please notify E. Sebbclov. Both 'phones. 4-3t LOST Gold watch and leather fob, with charm: charm colored white and blue, containing letter "G." Finder return to this office. FOR SALK The residence property of W. F. Anderson, 1604 Adams ave nue. La Grande. For particulars see Mrs A. J. Warren, 106 M Ave. '-- ! F.dLon PIhhoctiIi and Rer rnt!.. at M:YI.1X ROOK A STA- .Ii NF-HY CO. FOUR MORE lDH(At$ Saturday, xovkhbrk m, mm LEAVE HOME In "Why Girls Leave Home," which will be seen at the Steward on M'ed nesuay, December 2, Is promised a play of exceptional merit. The story is a purely wholesome one, consistent ..... X. and coherent, and In this alone has If won its remarkable success. The story is of a wilful girl, beguiled into ques tionable pleasures by a man of the 'rosiove candy terre ft At the Steward IKxrinhcr 2. world. A hot-headed older brother, a sweetheart, a sister and mother, who do not understand the girl, take part ' and complicate the situation by mis-j understandings. There Is a great deal of emotional work as well as many ex citing scenes while the comedy inter upersed throughout the action Is of a side-splitting sort. The play is mount- j ed on an elaborate scale and an ad-; mirable cast has been selected to In terpret the several characters. Route for Hie Hoct. Washington. Nov.. 2S. Final p fa ns ' have been made by the navy depart- ' ment for the dispatch of the fleet on its homeward voyage from Manila to Hampton Roadh According to the it inerary, the bitttloships will sail from the Philippine capital next Tuesday and arrive at Colombo. Ceylon. Decem ber 14. After coaling nt Colombo, the fleet -will proceed direct to Sue, whore it Is due to arrive on January 5. The officers and men will sie nil the Christ mas and New Year holidays afloat. -but provision has bten made for a proper celebration on board all the vessels, and so far as possible, all the delicacies of the season will be provided. Owing t t:-.e climate, however. It will proba- hi)" seem little like Chiistmas to the tar. fxBlf II I I SALE epmme Pastime Theater D. R. ECCLES, Proprietor. MOTION PICTURES AND ILLUSTRATED SONGS Wrongfully Accused. "Won't Yon Come Over and Play Croquet?" V By C, T(. Ferrin. Hovr to Prosperln Business.' "All Aboard for a Good Time." B. J. E. Hiatt. " Out to Muse. ... Fortune Hunters. Specialties, by J. Lawrence White. DOORS OPEN AT 7 P. M. Ladles' souvenir matinees Wednesday, 3 . o'clock. . Children's Be maituce Satur- day, 3 o'clock. ' COUNTRY BOYS WAUTED EOR BUSINESS POSITIONS Buinuss men or Oakland and ' San Francisco, and other iare cities, want oimntrv to prepare for commercial positions. Ex- pcrlence has shown that the average boy from the farm has habits of in dustry and Integrity that make for success. '- ' j .The Polytechnic Business College of io.ikland, Cal., has made a phenome j mi I record in training and placing young men and women in business positions and the College is located as to provide homelike accommodations at very low rates. It Is said that every young man who ! has taken the complete course In bus! tiev- )i air in. i .i,ii t,ntiege has re- ! (r-.' ,n -uu.it - -.luowx.ittiil upon frt ,,. 'An lllustruted Ca:alogue will be . i sent free to anyone who will write to Prof. W. E. Gibson 306 Twelfth St., Oakland, Cal. Quick Transfer For Rapid Delivery Setvke Call Up WILLCOCK BROS. We are in position to do any kind of transferring. Give us a trial order. Calls answered day or night. 'Phones: Day. Red 761. Night. Black 1271. EK.llT PACES. " stgw rTTTf TTVT?TTTTTt?TTTtf TTT I THE LYRIC Parson A Baker, Prop. & Mgrs. H. B. PARSON. . C. W. BAKER. The Witch's Kiss.. . ' Deceiver Walker and Gray, sketch team. 'Dolly Deur.' White Cops. : "Always Me.' '". ' ." ' The Spider's Den. High-class vaudeville, and the most idealistic and Interesting t pictures ever brought to. the pity. 9 4 .Matinees on Wednesday and wis f. Saturday. , . Pictures Clutnge Monday and ; Tliursday. Prices, adults' 1C cents; chll- i. dren under of 12, S cents. Ladies' souvenir matinee Wednesdays, and children's souvenir matinee . ' i on Saturday. . , THE SCENIC S. A. GARDIXIER, Proprietor and Manager. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE and ... - '. ! ' ... ... LATEST MOVIIJG PICTURES. ' ' 4 ' KTiange of Program Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. ' The Actor's Child. Illustrated Song. The Hebrew Fugitive. Blanch Bishop, the Hot T-imale Girl. .'' Beg Pardon. Soul Kiss. Madam Hoyt, Dance. Specialty Skirt Matinee prices as usual. v Matinees: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons at 2:30 Children under It. years of age 5c at matinees. urssEY's n.cK line. '," . ' . Best of service. Day and Night Hacks famished ' for funerals and private parties." Baggage tiansferred Day and Night and Sundays. Stand at Paul's Cigar Store. 'Phone Red 241 Night 'Phone Ma'.n 25. ' ' - E. Li. BCSSEY.' Stamping done and embroidery lesson given. All materials used are the best quality. One lesson free wit" each piece. . . . I L p