La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 28, 1908, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    ewiiy mcE.
- V AMn.rrM. 1A fcHANofc. OREGON. SATinDAY. XOVfcMBKtt 28, ItW. tmm
Ilomiht Drilling Rig
'essm. Davidson. Hutchinson ana
Eames of the Mammoth Oil company,
returned to Union Wednesday and re-
We Want Your Wants
a w ma a - ii
- - - 1 l . , i
- .. I i
The Way You Want it done
A. B . Laundry
norted the purchase . o a Standard
(trilling rig from first hand In the
east., through a Portland firm, ami u
Our Want Arf Column
Your want is p'aced before a thousand or mor want-seeker
every day Can you afford to spend one cent per word. of your
want ad whe:e result are the keynotes?
Is expected that th same will be on
the company grounds within-a month.
Tn the meantime the company will pro-
ceed with the work of completing
Jerrlck, buildings, etc.. and will have
everything In readiness when the drill
wives. Members of the company are
enthuidnetle over the outlook and are
anxious to begin drilling. Union Ke
w?Vfln. -,,;'
The La Grande Investment com
tmny repovta the following real Mtatf
transfers for the week ending Thurs
day night: , ; ; .
! 5
Santo Clothes washer
The only Washing Machine made en
tlrely of metal. Better man
all other washing machines ccmDiaeo;
ii. .. .. u;x mrhino that' .(ilt&'
t the dirt out cf clothes. It docs not
I rub the clothes and therefore pass - n
t wear and rear, A free demcnstraticU Q -u . jy
at your home uh:ch will shcucu fna practical n
I ner just ihat it will do ard tfe you to Jadge.
trai t In .Ei KW. motion 18. town
ship 4 south, range 40 K. 100J
Alice O. Allen to John Alien, NW
All Xortliwct Team.
All Northwest foothnjl team. ' ns
Mice O. Allen to John Allen, w, MmU, Blanchardf
i Vl Tv.itm0n colleee: '
in KW'W of section 16. township ,
south, range 40 E. $1. ,
C. K. llibberd to W. ' E. Amos, lot
16 of block 4, town of Inlbler. $5rt0.
AVIlliam Sillier to C, L. England, lot
20 and V,4 of lot 19. of block 133. In
Chaplin's add. to La Grande. 1700.
Ir. B. Clnner to E.lMopsett. lot
2 of bloek 3,of r.yneurson's add. to
tit r.fnride". 3.T.'0. v ' '
II. C. Uevlne to Kd B. Johnson, lot
16. of block 21. f Predmore aau. 10
La Ginnde. $350.
Hnry Kuhl to ' Henry 'Toung.' tract
in Xy '.4 of st'cllun 9, township 2 south
range s'J h,. .!
. . s i . n visor oi me n uuuw hhuwt.
La Grande Invtftinent Co. to Annaj'slf ul .
. t.,....!. ,.,and -In Whose nanus a iae v
Home Investment add. to La Grande.
G. C. Scheurer, ;
Agent for Wallowa and Union County
3, feet of lo,s 11, 1 and 13. and B 75 the P"1'-
Up-to-date Tail
or Made Suits
Net and S!lk Waists, 'infant's
Pop Com Silk Caps, Wool
Shirts and Leggins
The Latest Styles
in Cottars and Belts
MM, :
la(jfaude, Ore.
Masonic Bid?.
Whitman college
Center, CTierry. of W. S. C. '
Itight guard, Jarvis. of Wnrhlnstoti.
Left guard, Uabcuck, of Wachlng
ton. .Right tackle, Motillon, of Oregon.
Left tackle, I'inkham, of Oregon.
Right end. Savldge, of Idaho,
left md,' Grimm,' of Washington.
Quarterback, Coyle, of. Washington
fileht half. Wolf. O. A. C.. captain
Left half. Borleske, of Whitman. . ;
Fullback, Clark, of Oregon. ; i
FOR RENT Brick building. 20x50, on
Elm street. Inquire of A. C. Hunt
Ington. "
FOR RENT Office rooms; steam
heat Apply to Geo. Good, proprie
tor of he Fuley house. . ,.
n. w. iiAimis ;kts promoteu.
Haney.W. Harris, assistant super
D...B. Hendricks to Cole .Haskell. S
the work has' been for the past twd
.'. v,na Wn numed 68 acting su
vt ilin. i.e-o -
pervlsor to till the vacancy caused by
fee of lots 14. 15 and 16, of block 6o
of Hlndman's add. to Elgin. $6800.
C S. to Albert Olson, NVi NEH
and W4 S3'.i of section 10. township
3 south, range 38 E.; and WVj SE'A.
SE PE'.i of section 10; and !t.Vt
NE'.i NE4 of see.lon 15, township 6
4outh, range 39 E.
F. E. Wllhelm to J. F. Alden, NE'4
of Hection 10, and SEVi section 3,
township 4 south, range 35 E. $1.
J. M. Chapman to Julius Fisher,
lots 1 to 11, Inclusive, of block 24, of
Predmore's add, to La Grande. $875.
H. B. Rankin to Robert Stark
weather, NEU section 7, township 6
south, range 39 E. $1.
J.' G. Stevens to Emma L. Wilbur,
Harris has been in the employ of the
forest service for the past two years,
knrfws conditions thoroughly, and will
be able to administer the duties of the
r,ffie In a thoroughly eatisiaciory
manner. Wallowa Sunt
Notice is hereby given that the un
derstgned. administrator of the estate
of Zella Sherman, deceased, has filed
in the county court for Union county
state of Oregon, the final account of
such administration of such estate
nnd that Monday, the 28th day of De
cember,-1908, at the hour of 10 o'clock
in the forenoon of said day, at the
r.rtna nt the court
w. , UUlllJ J""PV -
lots 11, 12 and 13 of McDanlels 2ndj,1C(Uf,e , the cuy of La Grande, Ore-
add. to Cove. $10.
LT. S. to Charles Henry, S',4 NE
and N'A SEU section 13, township &
south, range 40 E.
U. S. to J. E. Bates, 8 NEK and
N';i SE?4, section 13, township 4
south, range 40 E.
U. S. to Iavid D. Masten, NW4
SEU, S NE4 and NE14 NEU, sec
tion 35, township 1, north, range 40
eon, has been nxeu Dy sum iu. i
the time and place of hearing objee
tlon to said report, If there be any, and
the settlement thereof.
Dated this 27th day of November,
190g 1 J. W. SHERMAN.
Administrator of the Estate of Zella
Bhnrmnn. 11-27-12-27W
A Kconlcr.
j We received this morning another
- t r.r th Christmas Ladies
Observer "Want" column for results. jrome journal, Ferguson's.
20 per cent Discount Sale
I kt- U'i. C Don i
we Have juiiito uoi- I
gains in the Winclow
I !f thrc is too much frost on the glass to be
able to sec them, come in, it will
Save you money
' of
Watches, Clocks and Jcvvclcry
This also includes my new Stock of Si verware, iianu
Painted China, Cut Class, Umbrellas etc.
Eve rything in the Store Sold at 20
per cent Discount until Tec, 1st
FOR RENT Seven-rcom house with
bath. Apply to M.-s. C. Ralston. 1409
Ninth' St. 'Phone" Black 1041.
FOR RENT--Sev. n-room house, tviih
bath Inquire at the . Zubor' resi
dence. " '
i ii j 1 i ' ' i r "
THRe'Jiraihfl f00,,' fi'UTj:h'
PhonVBlackW L " M 'T
lJkieoiag. f ftitiaiie 13(
"son aTeuue. - rnoiw ijiui-r
for ltjjiit
300 Madi-
FOR SALE Two to four acres of
suburban property, wU Improved.
'PhoneBlack 1538, or ece 5. W.
Kammerer, 2004 Adama avenue.
FOR SALE Cheap land. Inquire at
sugar factory. .
For sale ,a,tract of land totaling 560
acre. One hunctrea acres unaer cum
tivation. A $1000 restaurant and oth
er good Improvements; spring water
enough for house and barns; creek,
across one 40 all for $5000 cash. Lo
cated six miles from town on R. F. D.
Figure. It out for yourself. Write to
Indian Valley' Realty company, Elgin,
the firm that stands for a Btmaro deal.
FOR SALE Small house and a 140s
130-foot lot. Buy from owner and
save commlsslcner'e fee. Inquire of
"''J.' Eachatit,' Cherry street.
Land for Sale."
40 ares of fruit, garden," or alfalfa
land for sale cheap If taken soon, C.:
D. Huffman, R. F. D. 2, La Grande. ,
C uch wonted a n r Wt jU$1? '
.''HfaitlAbuti vs!.o. biiVs -exacting dutiea
, - Pophatn's
v ASTIDIA remedy? -
Gives prompt and positive relief " r
evry case. Sold by druggists, Price
$1.00. Trial package by mail 10 :
cents, ,';
Williams Mfg. Co., Props. '
Cleveland .
For salr by v
A. T. HILL. t)rugg!t.
Phone and we will
your wood sawing r-v
promptly, and at $ r-!
you can afford to pt y
are always ready. -
'Phone, Black
i Heacock Jewelery Store
Complete equipment for resetting and repairing
rubber buggy tires. ;, - ' V "V:
D. FITZGERA'-D, Propter
Complete Machine Shops Foundry
Wc Solicit Your Orders for
Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Mouldings,
Chain Wood
In case of ' aclr a.J ; "r vro-
ble the prop-.. menv it J'-v
late these orf r . . out Irritating
them. Orlno Lai-Vr -rult Syrup
aids digestion end su "d.v.v he liver
and bowel -wit. lout lrr'u.h,. thes
organs like pills or ordlna.v c- ir
tics. It does nrt nauseate t
and Is mild and pleawant to tak. V
r. Hill. drtlBKlirt
.ir'AS'' ''f liOUfe.'
hU cares or iu -na
Liins.vhichscr!o'uiiy tax tutir strength.
lU ' v' t - "
Favorite 17tTii.tiwi I;a provea a dwi
, ju;-Mtinz tonic ana uivigoriv
1 ir, T?w tfa 'le v ce. miion
II Hl'I t IllU 1 ii 1 1 11 1 -
E(.-nn i'fri nr, ;-""rr""- tl9,
' 11 1 . . 1 1 I7 T ..1.,.1-iT
V!-..." ... k. jn lrvril If this mrit
" " 11 1 , 1' ' , - -i
r.Av ii-ftfl ri"-
t-rvMTtirn,. The " r'avonto rresenp
tlolrtTprovlTtt great boon to expectant
mothers-by preparing me yim iu.
coming of baby, thereby rendering child
birth safe, easy, and almost painless.
Bear In mind, plrtso that Dr. Pierce'i
Favorite Prescription Is not a secret or
patent medicine, against wlilek the most
Intelligent people are quue iiniurauj
nf tha lincprtaintr as to
their comjKjsltlon and harmless character,
but la a MEDinXE OF R.-.UW wrvji-
no.t, a full ll;-.t of all Its Ingredients being
printad, in plain English, on every bottle
wrapper. An examination of this list of
r. . . .. ... 4iw.l.. Hin fnut that it U
iiiLrreiu 'lit in ..I.-.V..W..W , . .
non-alcoholic in il.i composition, chemlc-
a y pure, triinereiiueu k , T r
the place-of thoWmonly used alcohol.
!n Its maUe-t;;). In this connection it
may not be out o p ace 1 to state that the
"Favorite Prescription" of Dr. Pierce Is
the only m.-dicino put up for 'se cure "'
womanS peculiar wer.tcnesses and al
wents, and sold throuph drifftgists, all
the Ingredlmu of which have .the un
animous endorsement of all the lead g
medical writers and teachers of al Uie
several schools of practice, and that too
as remedies for tho uilmcnts for width
Favorite Proscription - is recoman ..".
A little book of these endorsements i
be sent to any address, postpaid. n
absolutely free, if yu,?V PiSrca!
postal card, or lottor, of Dr. Ii. V. Fierce,
X'. . mm, en, eon-
Lir. nerce b i ibwhh ..-- - - .
Stlpatlon. Constipation Is the caiw oj
many dlsesses. Cun the, cause andyou
cure the disease. Easy to take as candy.
Cheapest in the City. Cooi
Meals Made Where you can
See it Done
I , We are prepared to furnish anl deliver material
7 promptly.
X Call up Retail Department Phon: Malaga. ' V .
will you have for dinner today? Tou
may answer this question satisfactori
ly by dining at
The Old Standby.
Our cooking la a paragon of per
fection, our food faultless, and our
service rapid and courteous. What
more can we aay, except that our
prices are popular! We give a regu
lar dinner for 25 cnts.
Come and try It. Tou will not need
the sense of hunger to enjoy It
The Model Restaurant
Open Day w. Sen weekly C A Ef
V iiuu
The studio formerly occupied W
Miss Hunstock on Main street, no
opened by Miss Neil to do embroidery,
tooled leather work and will teach I
all those lines- Call and Inform your
self more fully. .' ,
Meal Tickets fof
llano Tuning,
n. rVarcia, v professional piano
r-jTi r Iter a. few days. Orders re-
' . J
Ib now at Sommer Hotel. Don t
fail to see him about your eyes or
glasses.' If you are having trou-
ble with them. Remember, me -j
doctor is not a stranger ana ci 1
furnish you many references.
Call and see him about your eyes.
4.Hr HH'
Bettr Than Spantlng.
Spanking does not cure children
bed-wetting. There la a constitution
at cause for this, trouble. Mrs.
Summers. Box W, Notre Dame.
will ser.d free to any mother her s- 1
cessful Instructions. end no monT ,
but write her today If your child ,
trouble In th way. Don't blft
the child, the chaacea are It
help It " Thla treatment also cm.
adulta aad aged people troublea
ijmlth'a rooming houne. urine difficulties y HUy.or Bifbt-