La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 24, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    , .. . I M.
' '
lVt,Mu MMlw'LAaK.VHfs..life4Hi TCKMAV, XOVEMBKK gl.itQU.
Thomas Hency of gusanvllle, Is a
land of floe visitor today. ' ,:
Tom Brasler, the Union capitalist, is
doing business hero today.
Mrs. James Nelson left this morn
ing to spend Thanksgiving with friends
In Weston.
Cashier Kaster, of the Union Na
tional bank, is a county seat visitor to-
T. O. Glbbs, formerly located here,
but now at Pendleton, is in La Grande
on business. .
E. pword of Portland, made tim
ber and stone application at the land
office this afternoon.
D. Fitzgerald, Is building a neat ad
dition to his residence, corner Fifth
and Spring avenue. '
Miss Margaret McCoy left this morn
ing to spend Thanksgiving wit1!
friends in Sumpter. , '
Mrs. J. Stiles left this morning. for
Pendleton, where she will be Thanks
giving guest of Mrs. Cliff Ballinger.
Mrs. Anna Vandermuellen left this
morning to vsilt her daughter, Mrs.
KuUey, In Walla Walla. :
A. C. MacLennan and C. W. Nibley,
jr., are out hunting in. the valley to
day. Miss Fern Mackintosh of 'Union, is
visiting her friend,' Miss Pauline New
ton, of thlt. city. ;
Remember the'V Thanksgiving bali
given by the Foresters the evening of
the 26th. A royal good time assured.
Al Andrews, S. N. Bolton find J. J.
Carr went to the. annual turkey phoot
hulnar' VipIiI at the" John Tuitle niace
near Elgin today.
Attorney and Mrs. C ,E. Cochran
and children left last evening for Hood
River to spend Thanksgiving with rel
atives. . "' '. ' . v ' ;
Ed' Davis, who undwwent an oper
ation for appendicitis ti week ago, Is
rapidly convalescing. Dr. Molitor per
formed the operation.'
Miss Meyers, who has been nursing
In the hospital tor several weeks, re
turned to her home' in Suoimerville
this morning."
The Thanksgiving day service in St.
Peter's church, will be at J0:3 a. ra.
The offering as usual, will befor the
3ood SamurUan hospital. In Portland.
Mrs. Rleh. y, mother if Postmaster
G. !. Kie1a..y, left this morning for
Michigan, where she wUJ : spend the
whiter with her son.
Mr. And Sirs. , David 3t.ndley re
turned thi 'morning t their hoie In
The Dalit lifter visiting their father,
j. , i i ad-., for a. few duys. .
Mi -. Fmtnees. Belts, who, has been
n rtttng her ate. MrSj' F. M.
: '. i ; :-: : i r Wurned to bar home hi Pen-i;-.
(, lliis morning. '
.'..- 'O. Beach, president -of the
.. i. ..Ie,ch firm, a Portland Dinting
concern, Jeft lust evening for Pendle
ton after .spending tb day here.
Tardmaster Ted E. Buehfcr. has
gone to Spokane on loudness iwtinpcted
... .. ,s ' r. t.
, ,.4... ltS J. ,V ...- w..
Is yardmaster In his J)sence.
":-Mv4 states SenaSor Levi .Ankeny
i V. i'r.-t iValla, pad La
1 Jrii't."' Iant evening n route tu Eaker
r;iy; i ierv; he has banking interests,
i '-d OibeI7"'maTier of-ttSre- Fair
. ' ' ent to L'wiine. Wallowa, coun-
. r.:. morning, to ltk after uulness
limit. 1.,... . .
The time .limit of Jae call fr bids
on permanent engineer runs' n .the
Joseph line, lexpired today . ajl the
permanent appointment will be made
vij v. ' ''.'''
Alir- Varl, Wilson of Lewiston,
M.i i is it gupst wllh -Miss Laura
fii- -- luday; ' . Srfiss .Wltaioii has been
ireutnients for rhi;iimatiDi at
I'lt Lake KRiiatorlum.
fi Agent J. E. Birch for the Pa
cific Express company, wnt ut on
the Joseph train' this mornlnjr to make
official calls on the new express offiees
being installed on ttm extension.
George S. Moat, who has be?n visit
ing the past tiro, months (n Illinois,
returned last night and left on the
morning train for his home In Sum
merville. President Campbell of the State uni
versity, passed through La Grande this
morning for Paker City, where he will
attend the teacherr convention now In
Clyde G. Scheurer Is no longer con
nected with the Pastime theater ns
moving picture machine operator, but
Is devoting his entire attention to the
"expioithtlon of the' washing machine
for which he Is agent.
The T. P. S. C. E. of the Presby
terian church will hold Its monthly
business meeting this evening at the!
home of Mrs. Marjorie Sllverthorn
corner of First and Main. All En
deavorera are reueted to be present
Dr. and Mr. F; E. Moore and Mr.
and Mrs. Jay Van Buren entertain the
Kaffee Klatch next Friday evening.
Foremen' Ball. ,
., The chief event In social circle for
Thanksgiving week Is the annual For
esters' bail, at the Elks auditorium
next Thursday evening, -Iso affair Is
esters aaooie wun Bvqieiy uui nw
year. The member are making con
certed efforts to make the affair up
to the usual high standard of their
balls. Much attention has been, at
tracted to It, and It Is evident that
the spaciousc auditorium will be
crowded on Thursday night.
dr. w. d. McMillan.
Painless Dentistry.
ExpeVt Gold Work a Specialty.
Special attention to children's' teetU.
Office: ' .
La Grande National Bank Building.
... Both Thonea.
La Grande will be Idle, com-
merclally. next Thursday after-
noon, for It is planned to close
all places of business at high
noon and to remlan closed for
the rest of the day. Merchants
and newspaper men, too, for that
matter, enjoy turkey as greatly
as anyone, pnd The Observer will
Join the rest In a holiday, f
- Seml-Montlily Pay Law.
Albany, N. Y Nov. 24. An Import
ant hearing will come before the New
York state supreme court the latter
part of this week, Involving the consti
tutionality of the semi-monthly pay
law.' Seven railways have appealed to
the court, asking for a permanent In
junction restraining General Jackson
from enforcing the statute, on tbe
ground that U constitutes a violation
of the constitution. '
Trxas nat'lojr Meet.
El Paso, Texas, Nov. 24. EI Paso
may becnine a rival of San Francisco
and Los Angeles s a winter racing
resort. It plans now being made are
successfully carried out. It IS pro
mised to hold a 0-day racing meet
here this winter, beginning December
5, and a large number of horsemen arc
expected to w&iter their strings here
in view of the abolition of race track
betting In New York and New Orleans,
it Ij expected that El Paso, will come
to ttie front ns a rating eerirer. The
mild winter climate makes this city n
drable mevca for the horsemen.
....-..' A 3rand Swves.
TSve Tibban sale at the GoWen Rule
is proving even more of a success than
wuh exnerted bv its nrometra. ' As
eaTfjr as 7:SD this nrorning tho ribbon
ers nd all -day carel'ul shoRrs were
making barain puwhases. The sale
w'lU continn-.' this evenins.
Five State Have Comprint Final
I 'on nt si lrt'idaoutlul Bai. .
Chk-Hgo. Nov. 34. The official
vount of five states in the jirowidcn-'
rial election fllows: ... ,, . ,
Indiana Taft, Bryan, 338.-
162. ' i"
LontsJann Taft,' 89S; Bryin, 63,-
5s. .,-'. .
Kansafl-Ta'n, 157,16;' Bryf.x 1L
26. South Carolina Taft, 3847; Bryan,
6i,28. . ''' ";
; Wisconsin Taft. 28.7S; ' .Bryan,
166,707. "
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office, La Grande, Ore.,'.
September II, 101.
Notice is hereby given that .
of La Grsnde, Or. gon, who, on Sep
tember 8, 1908. ' made timber and
stone sworn statement .Xo. 01S3J, for
fl'U NE4. section 18, township 2
south, range SS. E. W. M., has filed
notice of intention to make final tim
ber and stone proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
the register and receiver of the. U. 8
land office at La Grande. Oregon, on
the th day of December, 1J08.
Claimant names as witnesses: Chas
Colwfell., of Perry. Ore.: Hat-y Col
well, of Perry, Ore.: Edward Lovely
of La Grande, Ore.; W. R. King, of La
Grande, Ore.
F. C. ERAMWELL, Register.
- The Smile. ' .
"A dollar's worth for 15 cents", is
the universal verdict of all who visited
the Scenic last night. Manager Gar
dlnler has surely picked out a winning
program. Mrs. Rosa Hoyt, in her
wonderful skirt dance, was the great
card, and all who saw her are loud In
their praise of her splendid ability.
the ntwnDer enuueu -convici .no. m
la perhaps the strongest feature and
all who saw It signify their attention
of returning again this evening. The
show at the Scenic Is better than ever,
but th price Is Just the same. Adults
IS cents, and children 10.
The Lyric. , -The
Lyric continues to draw f un
sized crowds. Managers Baker and
Parsons seem to have that happy fac
ulty of discovering exactly what the
public wants and then delivering the
goods. The vaudeville team wnicn
works between acts certainly under
stands Its business and from the way
the audience bestows its applause,
there Is no lack of appreciation! The
pictures are all new and bright, and
the story they "tell give the beholder
something to think about after the
show Is over, '
, The PnKtlnm
Last night's bill was different from
anything shown on ihe picture screen
In this city before. The pictures dealt
with entirely new subjects and the
manner of hardling the various sub
jects was also new to moving picture
patrons. The songs were all new and
striking. The Pastime is fast building
a reputation for good pictures and de
lightful music
Mnrrlttge LhH'nse fHsmnl,,
County Clerk Ed Wright today is
sued a marriage license to F. N. Staf
ford of Baker county, to wed Miss
Ethel Knox of Union county.
Will cure your cough, heal
your lungs and expel the cold
from your system.
Do not take chances on a
cold ' "Kvearing away" as
pneumonia and consump
tion are the result of neg
lected colds. .
Foley's Honey and Tar
cures the most. : stubborn
coughs, the dangerous kind
that settle on the lungs arid
may develop into pneu
monia over night
, The genuine Foley's
Honey and Tar is la a
yellow package and con
tains no opiates or other
harmful drugs.; '
' Do net take chances with
seme unknown preparation
that costs you the same, but
insist upon having-Foley's
Honey and Tar. ... .
This is to certify that all
druggists are authorized to
re fund your money if Foley 's
Unn.ii on-A rVr tnmw
your cough or cold. Con
tains ho opiates. The gen
uine is in a yellow package.
Refuse substitutes.
Sold and Beeokimcndtd by
be prepared with new linens. Just arrived a new lot 'of. Irish and
German linens, napkins and sets at the lowest prices of the year.
' This makes interesting news fw the housekeepers who find
that they will have to renew their table Imens before the Thanks-
giving and Ghristmas .feasts. ' '
VWe sell' go;d linens,-linen at price -that please. Qualify that
satisfies, these are the three cardinal points that make our, linen
business grow. . .- -'..
Anticipate your wants, the linens are new. and the prices right
"The No
' If goods bought of us are not right, in price and qual
ity, don't keep. them. Return them at once in condition
recieved and get your money back. Does any store otter J
a broader guarantee than this? J
: '; .'.'. ..',' '''. -' '-,'''' ' . : .
scribed, before the register and re
Department of l.e Interior.
U. S. Land Office at La Grande.Ore
October 6, 1508.
Notice is hereby given that
r EltA E. PENDER, '
of Vancouver, Wash., -who, "on Octo
ber 5,"l0K, made timber and stone
sworn statement No. 01852, fr El
SE!i,! 'sedtlon SI,, township 4 south,
ranjro.85; and lota 1 and 2, (section 6,
towirthip S south, range 35, K. W. M.,
has .filed notice of intention to makt:
final Umber and utouo proof, to (.s
Mblidh claim to the land above de-
3rffiite, Orcgoa, on th 21st isy.of
December, 190S. '
Claimant names as witnesses: Vs.
vld C Brichoax. of La Grande. Ore.;
John O-; KlsfteJl of Vancouver, W'aah.!
John W. Maitland, of - Vanoouver.
Wah.; Baset K. Lerer, of Portland,
Ote. ' -
F. C. CItAKWKI.M Reglstei .
Ucpai tmentif the -nterior,
17. S. Land Office at Ia rande,Ore.,
. -October 5, 18 . .',..'. .
Notice is hereby jlven that
f Portland, Oregoa, wlio, on Octoh.'i
S, .1808, msdo timber and atone s'.vorr
ntntftnent No. 01S53, for Nff U NV
Boctlun 28, 8V Sll'1 section 21, an
SE'4, section 20, township '
hwuth, ran'vt 35 K. Y. M., has fll-
mufee of imntl.m t. make final lir.i -
ber and tuiK piowC t establish claim
( nho land above il'Mcrihed. before, the
rettteter and receiver of the D. S. land
offire at I-A Grande, Orenon, un the
list vlay of Ifuemler, HD8.
' Clsiiiiant names us John
O. 'lCbmoll, of Vancouver. Vh.; Chi
ter A. Pike, of Vancouver, Wash.:
John W, Maiiland, of Vancouve
Waih.; David C. Briehoux, of Is
Grande. Ore. '
V. C. BUAMWELL, Register.
Defiartmen of the Interior,
- November 2. IPO. '
Notice in hereby given that
of Portlaml. Oregon, .who, on October f
?4, l0g, made timber and stone sworn J
utatemont No. 02060, f ' E4 NEVJ,. McCoy, Chas. W. McFall, J. A. Ora
KE NW4. 8W4 NE'4 . section 16. beal. Lee Graytf.,,1 all of Lamela Or..
townfhlp 5 south, ranpe 36 EW. M..J
Favorite One Price Store
Crent Scenic Comedy Drsma
i mhy Girls :
Best Educator of one the
try nas to
- 7
Orcltstra beat. r,d O.chestra Circln. 25c; D:eis Circle. fcOc; Gallery
a 2 5c "and 50c. Sens on sals Monday morninff. ' '
has filed notice of Intention to make ' ' 3 K(TMMO.S
final timber and stonV'priinf,' 'to estabV.In the 'Circuit Court of the Ptate of
Huh claim to the lund above' dos'crbei,"f :'.'! Oregon, tor Union County,
before the register and receiver, nt Laj - E'n L. McColloch, plaintiff, vis.
(Jrande, Otegon, on the ls'th day of Jo11" u McColloch, defeiulimt. : ,
jMnaury, ;in09.. . To John U. '. McCulloch, tliu nlx.v..
Clnlmant names n iin.'.si,- rrnvi.i
Brlchoux, Aller. J. Webb
H. E
. r.iolldpe, J. T. AVilliamson, all of La
fjran(e Oiegon
. ,
; UUAMU ELL, lleglster.
notice poii. run LI CATION.
Department of the Interior.
. tT. Land Office at La Grande, Or.
i October 19, 19'iS.
j Notice ix hereby plvoit that
of Kamela, Or.xon. who, on Novem
ber 1'4, 1904, made homestead entry
No. 14A77. serial No.. 01927. for W'Vj
SE '4. section in, township 1 souih.
!ran 36 K. SV M.. him filed notl -c
of Intention to make final ct.mmuf.i-
Hand above descrtbeit. !u forM th.
inter and n ivlver. C. S. I in-i office, c
La Grande. Oregon, on th 1st day t
December, 1908
. Claimant names a wltnesnes: J. E
P. C, BP.AMWEU. Reglst ;r.
n e ti
Mgr. and Prop.
- . '
' : V '
... v
Greatest Problems our Couri-
Deal With
. namw defendant: .
In the name of the state of Oreiy.jS',
you are hereby required to appear -arid
answer the complaint fllod aBn!a-.t you
In the above entllld court and oau,
on the 101 h day of November, A. I)"
1D08. on or before .the 'expiration of '
kI consecutive weeks from tlie date of
the flixt publication of thlx siiinmons.
which is, day of November, 19.it1
and if you. fail thereof, the plaintiff
will apply to the court for the rell, f
prayed for in the complaint, to-wit:
for n decree of the court totally dis
solving the marriage relation now x-
lxti:i between the plaintiff and de
fendant and that plaintiff be awarded
an absolute divorce from the d.f-nd-ant.
and for general relief.
This siimmnnn Ik published in ti
iiKbd woniflv fl --fij.,, '-Ti' . ;j
county. Oregon, under and bv 'virtua
if nn order of the Honorable J. C.
ri.-urj, rouniy juiige of tnion count v.
Oregon, which order was made una
entered on the 11th day of November.
Attornej-a for PlaiuK.'f.