KTGTIT TACKS. PAGE rifJHT. TEYIVO OBfiEUVKK. IiA GHANOF ORKfiOX. WEDNESDAY. yOVEMBETt 18. 100ft. 1! i .t V ii ' : : J JiiJi, a - a f ihv&stm :: a I :: Most people think if they can invest their money safely : xWdtivei they are doing'weiKm :: think so too. This is what we are offering our patrons jj On all cash purchases we give 10 per ceet in jj premiums anil guarantee our prices to be as jj jj low or lower than usually asked for the same , . goods You run no risk on any investment you make with us ithi OPERA HOUSE BLOCK a LA GRANDE, OREGON 5 FmmMmss The value of a prescription depends upon the prompt' ness with which it reaches the sick room t'DbltNow" is the mctto which stands for much in our prescription de partment. All prescriptions are filled as soon as received and delivered as soon as filled. You know our reputation for pure drugs and careful compounding .:. .:. .:. Ve Carry Everything which Should be I Found in a Drug Store j I HILL'S DRUG JTORE LA GRANDE, OREGON ' almonds amp WALNUTS, JUST ARRIVED BLUE MOUNTAIN HOUSE T. J. CRAY Prop. ( New Management) Rates JI.OO, $1.25, $1.50 Best 25c meal in the city Beds 2Sc and 50c All outside rooms. Board and lodge $6. per week One block from depot Only house in the city employing white help only TRY OUR SERVICE New Lot of Premium Hams PICKLES W HEINZS full line of fresh pkkiedgoods. boxtied and in bulk. Our CHOW CHOW is great CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY. E.Polack, Prop. LAVUll AT HtMOH. Story of Wullowa County IVoJw lion by O. It. & X. Has Flaw. The Pendleton Tribune write edi torial about the Morning Oregonlnn story . recently as to advances ..of the O. R. & N. for a water grade to Port land: . A few days ago a local writer on the" Oregonlan Indulged In a bit of specu lation a to the purpose of Hiyrlman building the Elgin extension of the O. H. & X. to Joseph, and said It la a piece of cute work pursued only osten sibly to reach the Wallowa country, but In reality to form an opposition toj of cut-orf to Portland on a water level, route to that city and avoid the pull over the Blue mountains. But to those who are familiar with this part of Oregon the notion of the writer is lu dicrous In the extreme. He says the purpose, of Harrlman Is to build the road down the Snake river from Hunt ington to a point nearest the Joseph branch, come directly over, "that ilne Into the Grande Ronde valley and thus avoid the cllm bover the Blue moun tains. ' '. . It is also raid that "over the new road the grade will be practically level. Leaving from the point near Home stead (on the. Snake river) trains will pass Joseph and Enterprise Into' Ha Grande, thus avoiding the' unnecessary climb over the Blue mountains." ' But the -writer has evidently never been In eastern Oregon and was bun coed by some practical Joker. The fact Is the only cJImb any railroad makes over the Blue mountains is be- . J j tween La Grande and Pendleton,;and arter the tralff which is piloted by the Oregonlan writer reaches La Grande It will yet find that barrier rising to something like an altitude of 4000 feet to mount In Its "water level" route to the sea. . .. ' 1 Besides, Instead of the new . roaa "being practically level" after leaving Snake river Into the Wallowa valley, the fact Is' that Joseph Is more than 4000 feet above sea level, while the Snake Is probably less than 1000, and since it Is a comparatively short dis tance between those two points It would involve a fearfuf climb to reach the Wallowa town. ' Taking it all In all, It is not likely the Hhrtlman Interests were playing a deep game, or any other, against Hill in preparing a road from the Snake river out Into Grande Ronde valley in search of a down hill grade to Port' land, making that immense climb Up from Snake river into Wallowa valley at art elevation of 4000 feet, only to come plump up against the foot of the Blue mountains at La Grande. Evidently some fellow reporter had been giving the author of the article a "fill." Up-to-date Tail or Made Suits Net and Silk Waists, Infant's Pop Corn Silk Caps, Vool Shirts and Leggins ' v. ?.-. f 4 :: The Latest Styles in Collars and Belts THF V AN ni YN TO lilt Trill 1UJ 11 Wi v 111! : latai!e,Ore. ' IN THE . Masonic Mi DCS FLOUR THE is that made at Powder Every Sack Guaranteed North !N0R EBETTCR GRANDE R0MDE CASH CO. WOOD, Local Agents C0AI AMD FEED Santo Clothes washer VALUES The real value of your property de- pends entirely unnn the title ' Strayed. Tuesday, November 2, black male hunting dog- (pointer) white breast; carrying black leather collar with large ring. Finder please notify E. Sebbelov. Both 'phones. 4-Jt i lie uiuy vvaaiiins iTiaiiimc mauc cii T tlfely of metal. Better than all other washing machines combined t The only washing machine that sucks the dirt out of clothes. It does not - a a - - & 1 c -J & run ine uiumes diiuuieiciwi b uocs iiur , wear and tear. A free demonstration at vmir hnm uhir.hu. ill hnu vnn in a nrantir.Ai man ncr )ust what it will do and leave you to Judge. I G. C. Scheurer, : Agent for Wallowa and Union County PHONE RED 1082 A properly prepared ABSTRACT will show ycu the condition of ycur title exact ? OFFICE CALL AT OUR AND LET tS EXPLAIN WHAT. 7 ini(i MEANS TO YOU . L R. OLIVER: La Grande National ; Bank Building Cut Prices on Lumber and I Shingles for large Orders I We need the money; You'" need the material ' . Fir and Native Lumber, Gedar Shingles STODDAftD LUMBER CO. JYOXJ NEED . NOT WORRJi About seams, lining and interior details of clothes when you have a suit made by cur tai.ors, Ed. V. Price & Go. Every suit or overcoat is absolutly guarantied by us I LET US MME A SUIT FOR YOU and you willbethe best dressed man in town c. GTO Opposite La Grande National BanK. Corner Elrii and Adams Ave P E N I N N GO i 9 f 4k